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Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Rebecca Joyce

  & Ms. Charlotte Anne Brooks

  Date: December 31, 2012

  Time: 11:00pm

  Place: Treasure Cove Presbyterian Church

  The Commencement Ceremony will take place exactly at midnight. Black and White attire requested. Food and refreshments will follow the ceremony.

  P.S. Get off your sulking ass and show up to my damn wedding, asshole! - C.

  “Violet, pack our things. We will leave within the hour,” he ordered, placing the invitation on the glass table.

  “Yes, Master.”

  * * * *

  The flight had taken longer than he expected, with a detour in Denver due to a recent snowstorm. Relieved, Gabriel was finally home. Leaving the bags for Violet to handle, Gabriel walked into the Pleasure Cave. He was immediately assaulted by the resident dungeon master, Matthias, as the seven-foot-tall black man stormed straight for him. For the first time since he had known the Matthias, Gabriel took a few steps back.

  “Where in the fuck have you been? Do you know what I’ve had to put up with around here? This isn’t what I signed up for, Gabe. I mean it, buddy. I ain’t your personal bitch boy!” Matthias yelled.

  “Good evening, Matthias. Now, pray tell, what has your knickers in a twist?” Gabriel asked calmly, but the trickle of unease permeated the air. Something was wrong. He could feel it. His once-serene oasis contorted. Something had invaded his space and was wreaking havoc.

  “Don’t you start that fancy British talk with me, asshole. I did not agree to run this club for you. Do you understand that! I am the dungeon master, not a fucking businessman. Never wanted to be one, thank you very much. I have had to deal with shit that goes beyond the scope of what you hired me for. I’m done! As of right now, I am on vacation. Call me when the club’s fixed.” Matthias said angrily, walking away. “Oh and it’s a paid vacation! Consider it repayment for what I’ve had to deal with for the last three months!”

  Leaving, Matthias slammed the side door after grabbing his overnight bag. That was when Gabriel saw the in-house residents smiling at him, shaking their heads.

  What the hell? he thought to himself.

  * * * *

  Leaning his head against his desk, Gabriel felt like banging it until this nightmare was over. His cool, smooth-running club was in utter chaos. Disorganized books, the vendors were constantly calling, the in-house residents were about to kill him, and his club was in the black! In debt!

  “I left for three months!” He cursed, moving away from his desk, walking over to the tinted-glass window overlooking the vast mountain escape. He loved this view. It was the main reason he built this club in this very spot. He wanted to look at those breathtaking mountains as much as possible and enjoy what serenity they held. Right now, they did nothing for him, for off in the distance stood a solitary house.

  Her house.

  He wondered if she was there, right at this very minute, laughing and enjoying herself. He prayed she was. Though he knew deep down she was not there, he liked to imagine she was. Happy and carefree.

  Quickly turning his attention back to the task at hand, he knew he could not dwell on her for very long. The pain was still too intense. Looking at his desk, he silently shook his head in disbelief. He had a lot of work cut out for him. He knew he would not be able to rest until the club was back in order.

  Gone too long, he left too much responsibility behind. He had only himself to blame, and he was the only one who could fix it. Sulking and laying blame was not going to fix the problem, so he returned to his desk and tried to make sense of the chaos before him.

  As the hours drew on, he looked at the clock and sighed. It read three in the morning, and he had barely made a dent in what needed to be fixed. Turning off the lamp, he closed his ledger and walked down the long hallway toward his main living quarters.

  Designed to his precise specifications, the complete fifth floor of the Pleasure Cave was for his office and private quarters. The large penthouse was over seven thousand square feet and boasted seven bedrooms, a game room, media room, weight room, a dining room that could seat twenty, and the largest chef’s kitchen imaginable. One of his secret pleasures, Gabriel loved to cook. He could spend hours in that kitchen creating delectable meals, which only he would eat, never inviting others to share in his delights. It wasn’t that he did not have friends that would enjoy a good meal. He just did not want anyone to know that he enjoyed the simple pleasure.

  He was greeted by his butler, Hawkins, as he walked toward his master bedroom. The old man, in his sixties with salty hair and vivid blue eyes, smiled at him. Hawkins followed him from England when he decided to make the United States his home. Hawkins has been with him since birth, and he always thought of Hawkins as a second father, even after he went to live with his grandfather after his parents’ deaths. If it were not for his old friend, his days with his grandfather would have been much worse.

  “Good morning, Master Gabriel. Shall I bring you a light snack before you turn in?” The elderly man asked kindly.

  “No, thank you, Hawkins. I’ll just turn in.”

  “As you wish, Your Grace.”

  “Hawkins.” Gabriel turned and regarded the elderly man with exasperation.

  Gabriel had tried so many times to forget his past, but the old fellow would never let him forget. It wasn’t something he wanted known, and that was one of the main reasons he never invited his friends up to his personal penthouse. It was unfortunate enough his friends knew he came from money, but if they ever found out about his title, well, the jokes and ramifications would never end. Oh he knew that they would not care, but he wanted that part of his life hidden, and mostly he wanted it forgotten.

  “My apologies, Master Gabriel.” He bowed, walking away.

  Retiring to his room, fatigue quickly grabbed a hold of him. Traveling these last months had finally taken its toll, and he knew that he would have to stop and finally face what had been plaguing him.

  He thanked God that she would not be at the wedding. He wasn’t ready to see her just yet, and thanks to her studying abroad, he knew the possibility of her being there was unlikely. That was the main reason he returned—that, and he needed to stop hiding. Time had come for him to return to the land of the living. There was nothing he could do about the past, but his future needed him.

  As he slipped between the sheets of his bed, exhausted, her smiling face returned. Her cries of pleasure assaulted his mind as he remembered her writhing beneath him as he devoured her sensual body. It was only at night that he allowed what he had done come to fruition, and it was only then that he chastised himself for what he had done.

  Gabriel could not believe he could have been so stupid! He knew better. Hell, he prided himself on his ability to think rationally in all situations. He trained all the Doms that he employed to live up to his standards of excellence, and yet he was the one who had fucked up.

  It was one thing to go willingly into a night of passion, but not to think of the circumstances was something inconceivable to him. He felt like tearing at the decorative walls with his bare hands because he knew he was to blame.

  If he wanted to get technical, it was their fault! Those idiot cowboys!

  If they had just let him leave like he wanted, then nothing would have happened, but no, he allowed them to talk him into staying longer. Then the idiots placed a pink drink in his hand, toasting something he could not remember. What he did remember he quickly threw from his mind because there was no way in hell he would have slept with her. Ever! It was suicide!

  Her brothers… Oh God help him.

  If they ever found out what he had done, they would castrate him and feed his balls to the pigs! As for her, well, he could not rightly blame her. She was as much the victim as him, but damn it, she should not have even been there!

  What a fucking mess. Hell, that whole night was a clusterfuck. The moment he walked in the McDaniels’ front door and saw that pig, he should have just turned around and left, but no, he
stayed. After a couple of beers, he started to loosen up and began to enjoy himself. Though he had better things to do than hang out and watch drunken people humiliate themselves, he stayed out of courtesy for his friends. That was until he saw someone who shouldn’t have been there. After that, he spent the next hour trying to find the flighty woman, and when he did, everything that he had planned to say to her flew out the window. What happened after that was what kept him from sleeping at night, even invading his daydreams.

  * * * *

  Her laughter was what alerted him to her whereabouts. Walking down the hall, he stepped into the large bathroom to find her naked, stepping into a large hot tub. Her creamy body was more exquisite that he ever imagined. Her long, sultry legs gave way to the rounded valley of her hips, her slender waist taut and firm. Her sweetheart-shaped ass was smooth as it accentuated her flawless back. He watched as she turned and moaned, slowly lowering her body into the hot waters, which hardened the sexiest set of breasts he had ever seen. Her pink areolas gave way to tight perky nipples. Her breasts were more than a handful, and Gabriel swallowed a groan as he watched her sink into the waters, leaning her head back as the bubbles tickled her curvy figure.

  Her most expressive features were closed, but he knew her eyes shimmered liked the brightest emeralds. Her rosy cheeks and pink lips looked sexy as hell as a soft moan escaped her lips. He couldn’t move from his spot even if a wrecking ball were coming at him. Nothing in his life mattered but this one woman, and she held him captive with her sinful body. He knew he should leave her in peace and return to the party, but he could not move.

  “If you’re just going to stand there, you could at least close the door so no one else can see?” she whispered, never opening her eyes.

  Gabriel smiled, stepping into the room and locking the door behind him. “You shouldn’t be here, little bird. What would your brothers say?”

  “Oh, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Besides, I’m twenty-five years old. Don’t you think it’s time I’m allowed to do as I please?”

  “That depends on what you please, little bird.”

  Her laughter was instant, filling the room with a wondrous sound, sending sparks directly to his cock.

  “If I have to explain to you what I want, we’re going to be here for an exceedingly long time. Can’t you just get naked and make it easy on me? It would save a lot of time,” she said, turning her head and looking directly at him with her expressive, sexy emerald eyes.

  Gabriel’s heart stopped. This young vibrant, beautiful woman had just asked him to do the unthinkable. He should have said no and walked out, but when she slowly stood, his breath hitched and stopped altogether.

  As she stood before him, water glistened off every curve. Alluring and seductive, she raised her hand, beckoning him with her little finger. “Come to me, Gabriel,” she whispered. Before he knew what he was doing, she was in his arms, and he was kissing her.

  Time stood still.

  Nothing mattered, only her and this exact moment in time.

  “Make love to me, Gabriel,” she asked as her fingers slowly began removing his shirt. Her gentle touch scorched him as her fingers grazed his body. Her sultry smile entranced him as she lowered herself, removing his belt and unbuttoning his pants.

  He was unable to form a coherent thought. She captured him. He was hers to do with as she pleased, for he was too afraid if he were to blink she would be gone. For as long as he could remember he had been in love with her, and now in this moment in time, she was with him, and only him, and she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Gone was the reason why he should not. Left was the need to fulfill his greatest desire.

  As he stood before her naked, she took a hold of his hand and guided him into the hot bubbling water as she pushed him to sit. Smiling down at him, she lowered herself, kneeling before him. “Tell me what you need, Gabriel,” she asked.

  Before he could stop himself, he took a hold of her face and brought her mouth to his. “You. I’ve only ever wanted you,” he said as he kissed her. His lips crushed hers as he inhaled her scent. He tasted her sweetness, craving her desire. His tongue dueled with hers as she gave herself over to him willingly. She aroused him like no other.

  Leaning her back, he kissed his way down her supple body, licking and nipping along the way. He lifted her hips closer to his wanting mouth, inhaling her heavenly scent. Intoxicating, he lowered his mouth to her glistening pussy and, so very slowly, took his first taste of her.


  Sweet oblivion swept him away. Her cries spurred him on as he suckled her tiny pink clit, licking her juices. His tongue delved deep into her heat, fucking her as his hard cock wanted to. Her hips began grinding against his face as he quickly brought her to a fast climax, for he could wait no longer.

  He wanted her, needed her writhing over him. As she came back to earth, he softly said, “Come to me, little bird. I want to feel you in my arms.”

  Grinning, she complied as he leaned back, and she moved atop of him. Gabriel could feel the warmth of her pussy before she touched him. She was hotter than the water as her passion seared him, making contact with his hard cock. Unable to stop himself, he slid his cock into hot sticky wetness as her pussy clamped his shaft, sucking it deep within her.

  “Sweet merciful heavens.” He moaned as he stilled himself within her, adjusting to her heat. He could feel her engorged clit rubbing against him as he placed his hands on her hips to help still her.

  He was half breathing, half moaning, and utterly shaking as she slid her pussy back and forth. He watched in awe as she moved her hands to her breasts, gently kneading her puffy nipples, throwing her head back as she increased her pace.

  Gabriel, lost within her trance, could do no more than watch as she took what she needed. She was stunning, and she was all his.

  “Come closer, little bird,” he whispered, pulling her to him. He needed to touch her, kiss her, make her his, even if it was just for one night.

  Bringing his hand up her sides, he pulled her down on top of him forcefully, eliciting a sigh from her. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Gabriel could feel the rapid beating of her generous heart. Gabriel put both of his hands on her head and pulled her face to his. Their lips were mere inches from each other, their breath mingling. He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “Show me how to love,” he asked as he pressed his mouth to hers. Instantly something erotic in her came alive. She started breathing heavily as she rolled her hips, pressing her pelvis harder onto his cock.

  “Are you ready for me?” she asked sweetly.

  “Please, be gentle.” He grinned.

  Gabriel watched as she began to bear down on his cock. He knew her pussy stretched around his hard shaft as she slowly moved it within her. She let out a loud moan and kept pushing back. She was hot, wet, and extremely tight as her pussy enveloped him inch by inch.

  “You feel amazing.” She moaned as she slowly rolled her hips, taking him deeper.

  As she controlled the pace, Gabriel leaned forward, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking as he massaged the other. She tasted of sin and sex, everything he’d ever imagined. Her temptation was too much for him. He began to crave her, wanting, needing more.

  “Oh God.” Gabriel groaned as he felt her pussy quivering on his shaft as she continued to grind on him, taking all of him deep within her.

  Her movements became frantic as he felt the orgasm overtake her. Her pussy pulsed and quivered, spasming in waves around his hardened shaft. She was still shaking softly as he tilted his hips, slowly taking over. The need to fuck her, brand her, make her his overwhelmed him.

  Water splashed as his movements became erratic, lustful, and powerful. He could hear her soft cries as his cock impaled itself deep within her womb. Gabriel lifted his head and captured her mouth as he thrust his tongue, mimicking the hard pounding of his cock. Her nails raked his back as she ground her pelvis, trying to consume him deeper.

  He could feel her pussy quivering as she rode out another orgasm. Swallowing her cries with his mouth, Gabriel thrust deeper into her hot pussy.

  He quickly stood with her still wrapped around him, and he sat her on the edge of the hot tub and lowered her back. Hooking his arm under her knee, he lifted her leg as he thrust into her. Gone was the slow, innocent loving he began with. What remained was an animal, primal need to claim.

  “Mine,” he growled as he shoved harder into her pussy. Thrusting faster with shallow strokes, he held her hips tightly when she began lifting her ass off the base of the hot tub, trying to get every inch of him.

  “Don’t move.” He growled again as he soon lost all control, giving her full-length strokes, bouncing his cockhead off her cervix. Slamming into her at a frantic pace, harder, faster than ever before, he groaned as she met him thrust for thrust. Throwing his head back as he felt the familiar tingling all over his body, he bucked furiously against her.

  “Antoinette!” He shouted her name reverently as she grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him hard against her. His whole body stiffened as he let go deep inside her, shooting his hot cum deep. She screamed out her last orgasm as her pussy suctioned every last drop of him.

  His body shaking, he dared not move. He could hear her heavy breathing, and it was only then that he looked down at her.

  Her smile was more than he could take. Slowly taking his still hardened cock from her, he helped her to sit in the hot water. He wanted so much to sit with her, wrap his arms around her, and to hold her, to show her what she actually meant to him, but the moment he looked at her beautiful smiling face, he knew he could not give her what she needed.

  He had promised, and in one lustful moment, he broke his word.

  His word was everything to him, and he threw it away for a moment of pleasure. Reaching for a towel, he stepped out of the hot tub and quickly dried himself off.


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