Book Read Free

Wild Cards

Page 17

by Katalina Leon

  A man got out of the RV who was easily recognizable.

  She squinted. “Dad?”

  Aldan waved. “Roy called. We were circling the block. There’s no goddamn curbside parking in this town.”

  Kai ran up to her with open arms. “Are you all right?” He took hold of her and lifted her off the hedge. Gathering her close, he smoothed her hair with his palm. “I was trying so hard to make a wave I gave myself performance anxiety. I’m so sorry it took so long.”

  She snuggled against him, her body feeling bruised but privileged to be next to him. “It’s okay. You did great,” her voice rasped.

  He whispered near her ear. “We have to leave.”

  She brushed her hand across his chest. “Why?”

  “We can’t be questioned by Vegas PD. It wouldn’t be helpful. Roy will say a water main broke.”

  Several police cruisers drove onto the pavement, surrounding the scene. The officers leaped out of their vehicles with weapons drawn.

  “What about Lupe and Yuri?”

  “It looks like they’ll go to the hospital, handcuffed to their gurneys, and then prison. If they talk, they’ll sound like crazy-ass cuckoo birds.”

  Her apprehension rose. “You know they’re going to talk. They’ll try to drag everyone in.”

  “You’re probably right, but we’ll worry about that another day.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, she saw her father talking to a police officer. “I need to say hello to my parents. Why would Roy call them?”

  “I’ll bet Roy asked them to stay close. I’m sure they know what’s going on. We can check in later.”

  Kai scooped her into his arms and carried her inside the hotel through a service entrance. Once they were safely behind a locked door, he eased her to the floor. Their clothing dripped water onto the carpet as he cupped her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. “When Lupe was drowning you, I was so scared. I could feel my future slipping away from me. I hate her, but I’m grateful too. Something woke in me.”


  He looked at her with love shimmering in his eyes. “You’re my match.”

  Her face heated. “Kai, what if this is the drama of the day talking? We’ve been through a lot in less than twenty-four hours. What if this burns out?”

  He placed her hand on his heart. “I don’t think it will. Some fires are meant to burn steady.”

  Chapter Ten

  Three months later. San Buena, California.

  Adara woke in the beautiful bed-and-breakfast overlooking the Pacific, surrounded by four ornately carved bedposts, Kai’s heavy arm wrapped around her. A cool breeze blew through the transom and ruffled the sheer ivory curtains.

  Kai’s breathing was soft and his lashes fluttered in REM sleep. She propped her weight on her elbow to study his peaceful face. Unable to resist, she kissed his forehead and he opened his eyes.

  He smiled and pulled her closer. “How long have you been awake?” His voice was still gritty from sleep.

  “Just a few minutes. I heard pans clattering in the kitchen. We should get breakfast before we start the drive.”

  “Come here.” He pressed a slow and sweeping kiss to her mouth. His fingers tangled in her hair as the kiss deepened. The moment was so tender and sensual it took her breath. Drawing back, he looked into her eyes. “I dreamed about you.”

  “Tell me.”

  “This feels right. I want to be with you all the time,” he whispered. Holding tight, he kissed the gentle slope of her shoulder before giving the flesh a playful nip. “You’re so luscious.” He brushed a kiss to her lips as he gathered her into his arms. “I think you belong in my bed every day.”

  Her chest tightened. Hearing him say it would never get old. “That’s a good idea.”

  A brilliant smile lit his face. He rolled her beneath him and drew her arms above her head, pinning her wrists to the mattress. “I can’t be this close and not be tempted.”

  She parted her lips. The moment he swept his tongue across hers, beautiful warmth spread through her, leaving her longing for more. Every inch of her tingled, on high alert. The blood rushed between her thighs, and the desire to wrap her legs around him and feel him moving inside her became unbearable.

  Kai lifted the edge of her tee shirt and glided his hand beneath. At the first touch of bare skin, her nipples pushed the lightweight fabric to points. He cupped her breasts and gently kissed each before choosing one. His thumb circled her nipple, rolling it between his fingertips and tugging it in a slow, subtle rhythm until heat built between her thighs.

  “Beautiful Adara.” His gaze was fiery as he parted her thighs with his knee.

  The expression of rapture on his face left her breathless. She arched her back in a gesture of surrender. How many times had she fantasized or wished Kai had been her first? For certain, he would be her last.

  With a wet kiss, Kai drew a nipple between his lips, followed by the swirl of his tongue. Her skin glistened in his wake. The combined sensations of cool air and hot kisses teased the tip to a firm peak. He tugged the sensitive bud into the warmth of his mouth and sucked, making soft sounds. It felt so good she thought she might melt.

  He moved leisurely between her breasts and seemed content to spend his passions there, but she was dying. “Please tell me you’ve got a condom.”

  Glancing up, Kai’s eyes twinkled. “I’ve got a new box.”

  “Thank God.” She sighed.

  He stroked the flare of her hips. His commanding touch was as soothing as it was passionate. A crooked smile that made him look adorable softened his features. “You look absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  Sinking between her thighs, he took hold of her ankle and draped it over his shoulder. She wriggled beneath him, finding a comfy spot. He brushed the tip of his nose against her auburn curls, drawing in her scent. Reaching over her head, he grabbed a pillow and slid it under her hips. “I want you to be comfortable.”

  With her pelvis thrust high, her body was on full display. The devilish expression on his face as he went down on her turned her on. The first sweep of his tongue against her clit was so sweet she ached.

  Caressing her with the flat of his tongue, he bathed her in slick kisses. Teasing her clit to a tender peak, he thrilled her with a soft nip. The sharper sensation made her gasp with pleasure.

  “More,” she pleaded. She pressed her hips in his face, demanding he play rougher, but his touch remained gentle to the point of torture.

  She knotted her fingers together beneath a pillow as he rocked his face from side to side. The stubble on his jaw tickled her thighs. His actions remained unhurried. Hushed sounds like a growling wolf rattled low in his throat. The exquisite sensations of him sucking her clit became almost unbearable.

  He seemed lost in his own world, primal sounds rumbling deep in his chest. Gripping her thighs, he circled his tongue against her, flicking a sensuous rhythm with the tip. Intense pleasure shot through her and left the soles of her feet tingling. Her belly clenched so tightly she curled.

  A climax that couldn’t be quenched overcame her. Surprised by its magnitude, she held her breath as ripple after ripple carried her into bliss. An intense moment of free-floating detachment lingered. After she was finished, he didn’t pull away. Instead, he coaxed her through a soft landing with languid strokes of his tongue.

  With his hand on her thigh, he sat back on his heels. His erection strained against his boxers.

  “Adara, can you reach the nightstand?”

  She rolled onto her side and pulled the drawer open.

  Bunching his tee shirt in his fists, he yanked it over his head. Kai’s chest was a lean, coppery V. “Blue box in the corner.”

  Picking up the box of condoms, she gave the package a gentle shake then tossed it to him. “Put one of these bad boys on and get down to business.”

  He pulled a wrapped square from the box and tore it open with his teeth. Bits of blue foil fluttered onto the mattr
ess. He tugged his boxers down his lean hips and kicked them aside, freeing a thick cock with a glossy head.

  Running the tip of her tongue across her lips, she mumbled, “Nice.”

  A sly smile lit his face. “Just nice? I should spank you for that.”

  “Promise?” She sat and held out her hand. “May I worship you properly?”

  Kai passed the condom to her. Excitement paired with something indefinable glimmered in his eyes.

  With her gaze locked on his, she brought her fingertip to her lips and sucked it until it was slick before delivering the wet kiss to the head of his cock. She swirled the pad of her finger across the slippery indentation at the tip in lazy circles.

  “I can’t wait.”

  “You don’t have to.” Stretching the latex over the crown, she used both fists to work it down the shaft, giving lots of firm caresses as she went. When she was finished, she took hold of his hand and lay back on the mattress, pulling him on top of her.

  He glided over her, settling his weight on his elbows. His hands framed her face. Bending lower, he kissed her mouth.

  She returned his embrace, skimming her fingers across the breadth of his shoulders.

  “Put me inside you,” he murmured.

  Grasping the shaft, she guided him between her thighs. Pausing to stroke the crown against her clit, she teased herself. Still sensitive from the last climax, the sensations were volatile. She pressed him against her and he slid inside with an easy stretch.

  He pressed deeper then stilled. With a sigh, he nuzzled his face into her hair. The powerful muscles of his back coiled. “Hold me.” His voice was strained, as if a flood of emotion were close behind.

  She twined her legs around him and held tight, wishing she could see his face. Kai’s sleek body pressing her to the mattress was a thrill beyond compare. Her hands glided to his waist, finally resting on his gorgeous ass. She gave his solid butt a firm squeeze. “Move with me.”

  The first strokes were slow, her body gripping him tightly. She luxuriated in his leisurely withdrawal followed by a slow, steady thrust. The shaft was slick and the friction delicate.

  He rose on his elbows. The labored sounds of his breath near her ear pebbled her skin. With a gentle gesture that made her feel cherished, his hands sought hers, and their fingers tangled and locked.

  Once she was captured, his motions sped. The true depth of his passion was unleashed. She arched off the mattress with eyes closed and surrendered. A second climax hovered close, threatening to break over her like a cloudburst. The pressure was exquisite. Rolling her hips, she moaned, “Fuck me!” The orgasm that claimed her left her toes curled.

  His back muscles bunched, and his skin became slick with a sheen of sweat. He pushed deep and released a ragged moan as his climax arrived with trembling limbs.

  For several quiet moments, he hugged her, making gentle sounds but saying nothing. Finally, she felt him relax.

  Kai smoothed her hair and looked into her eyes. “Adara.”

  Morning sex with Kai was so sweet. How had she lived without it? “Now, can we get some coffee?” She giggled.

  * * * *

  The twisting Pacific Coast Highway clung to the side of a cliff and snaked a path across the golden green hillsides. Adara sat beside Kai in the cherry-red Jeep, dazzled by the breathtaking views revealed by every hairpin turn.

  She had a hard time deciding which view was more spectacular—the rocky coastline kissed by teal-blue surf, or Kai’s rugged profile topped by a wild head of wavy hair blowing in the breeze. “You’re beautiful.”

  With one hand on the steering wheel, he propped his elbow on the open window frame. He looked at her with a sly, know-it-all grin. “Men aren’t beautiful.”

  “But you are.” The past months with Kai had been exciting and educational. Loving a water elemental had advantages. Shared showers were thrilling, not-to-be-missed events. Brooding and passionate by nature, he was also generous with his affection and care. They were so different as far as life experience went, but also quite alike in other ways. Both wanted to be useful and serve a larger community. They each had been alone too long and deeply appreciated the companionship of the other. For the first time in her life, she’d been able to completely let her guard down with a man and learn to trust.

  She grasped his free hand and gave it a quick squeeze before he had to shift gears again.

  Despite the splendor of the day, her thoughts drifted to an uneasy topic. “Did Roy tell you that Lupe Castaneda was transferred to a penitentiary in Arizona?”

  He nodded. “I heard.”

  “She’s wanted on a laundry list of felonies there. Hopefully, they’ll keep her.”

  “When’s her trial?”

  “Who knows? It’s months away. What’s going to happen when we get called to testify?”

  Reaching for her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed her fingertips. “We tell the truth as far as we can, and stick to the physical facts.” Looking from the road to her, he smiled. “Rumor has it the judge assigned to the case is one of us.”

  “One of us, us?”

  “Justice Rhadamanthus.” He winked. “Son of Zeus and Europa. With two contentious parents like that, dude had to go into law.”

  “So, we’re okay?”

  “Short of a jailbreak on Lupe’s part, we should be fine.”

  The narrow road forced them to slow and pull aside so faster traffic could pass. Steep cliffs with crumbling rock leaned onto the road. Cove after cove of blue surf revealed itself. The sight was stunning and she wondered why the hell they weren’t stopping at each of the pristine beaches they’d driven past to swim. “Where are we going?”

  “One of my favorite places in the world.” He pointed to his temple as he turned off the main road. “I think you already know where we’re headed.”

  She laughed. Her empathetic skills had returned to normal once she’d been cleansed of Lupe’s skinwalker curse. “You know I can’t read your thoughts. Your mental privacy is perfectly safe from me.”

  “I meant did you read the road sign? We’re going to Anacapa State Beach.”

  She squinted against the sun. “I must have missed that sign.”

  They drove to a parking area and got out of the Jeep, each dressed in a dark shirt, khaki shorts, and sneakers. “We look like cliché tourists.”

  He nodded. “Isn’t it great to be just like everybody else?” A mischievous I’ve-got-a-secret expression curled his lips. “You’re going to like this.”

  She slipped a daypack over her shoulder and followed Kai down a gravel path lined with wind-stunted Monterey pines that opened onto a crescent shaped beach. The sand was pale tan, and the many starfish-filled tide pools shimmered turquoise.

  “It’s gorgeous here.” She took her phone out and clicked a few photos. Turning the camera on herself, she snuggled close to Kai. “Let’s get a good picture of us.”

  Pressing his cheek to hers, he beamed. “You’ll want a couple pictures. Today’s special.”

  Her heart filled to the brim. “It is! I’m really enjoying myself.”

  Kai took her hand and led her across the beach to a jetty of mossy boulders thrusting into the surf. He pointed to a hollow in the stone. “See that area? Keep an eye on it. It’s a blowhole. In rough surf, it shoots spray high into the air.”

  “Then I shouldn’t stand right next to it holding my phone, should I?”

  “Over here.” He led her further along a jumbled stack of rocks and faced the sea.

  She wrinkled her nose. “This isn’t Odine’s beach, is it?”

  He laughed. “God, no.”

  They stood atop the rocks watching the waves roll ashore. “I hope my friends are here.” His eyes lit with joy as he cupped his hands around his mouth and released a high-pitched chattering screech.

  She covered her ears. “What was that?”

  “My dolphin call. If they’re in the bay, they’ll come.”

  “You can summon dolphins?�

  “In theory. I’m pretty rusty. We’ll find out soon enough if I can or not.” He cupped his hands and made a second high-pitched call.

  “Who taught you that?”

  “My uncles tried to teach me when I was a teen. Back then, I was a complete failure at it. I wasn’t paying attention as closely as I should have.”

  “Maybe the timing wasn’t right then, but it is now?” She looked over her shoulder to make sure they were alone then aimed her fingers at a wet rock. “Watch.” A burst of orange flame shot from her fingertips that ended with a cascade of red sparks. The rock steamed. “Did you see that?” she squealed. “I never used to be able to do anything like that at will, but now I can! It’s not up to firebrand standards, but I could cook a hot dog or start a campfire.”

  “There they are!” He drew her attention to the center of the bay. For a moment, it appeared the ocean was coming to a boil. Then dozens of bottle-nosed dolphins broke the surface and darted along the cresting waves, chattering and breaching out of the water.

  “Oh!” She clicked away on her smartphone. “Amazing.” The dolphins leaped in arcs of three and four, squeaking and calling to each other. “You did it, Kai. They came when you whistled.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Everything’s possible since I met you.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  Kai reached into his pocket and pulled out a slender gold chain. Once it was fully displayed, she saw it was the crystal heart necklace Giselle had given her. “Remember this?”

  Memories of their first night flooded back. She reached for the necklace. “I thought we left it in the penthouse. How did you get it?”

  “I went back for it the next day.”


  “I thought it might be important some day. Do you remember that you were afraid what was happening between us was a Fae illusion?”

  She winced. “I remember.”

  “Do you still feel we were tricked into falling in love?”

  “No. What we have feels right.”

  He knelt at her feet. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Kai took a small jewelry box shaped like an oyster shell from his pocket and opened it. A delicate gold band set with a square-cut aquamarine shimmered in the sunlight. “Make me happy. Marry me.”


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