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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

Page 3

by Jacob Spears

After 20 minutes of talking, they closed down the rec yard. Everyone had to return to their cells for count time and then lunch.

  Chapter 5

  After waking up and showering, Smooth dressed in some fresh Diesel jeans, a tight-fitted black shirt, and brand new Nikes. And the new addition to his attire: a .40 Glock. Heading downstairs in the elevator, his cell phone rang

  “Hello,” he answered.

  “Hey boy, what ya doing?” Roxy asked.

  “Going to handle some business, then I’ll be coming by to get you and GaGa so we can head up to Ocala.”

  “Alright, pick us up at the restaurant so you can check it out, okay?”

  “I’ll be there at 1:00 p.m.”

  “See ya then,” Roxy said, as she disconnected.

  Stepping off the elevator, Smooth headed to his Audi A4. Damn, he missed his BMW, but it was too flash and he really didn’t need the attention. Plus, the A4 was a really nice car. After starting it up, he headed toward Amanda’s to meet with her and Banga. Smooth walked up the steps, headed to the last door on the right, and knocked. A few seconds later, the door was opened by Banga.

  “Come on in, B.”

  Smooth followed him to the kitchen where Amanda was at the stove making lunch.

  “Hey Smooth, would you like an egg sandwich?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

  Looking at all the work cooked and bagged up, Smooth said, “Damn, that’s a lot of product. Maybe we should have just did one key.”

  “Well, we got it now, so let’s work it, nigga. Bobby and Neko are waiting for us,” Banga said.

  “Alright let’s head out,” Smooth said, putting all the work in the big duffle bag.

  “See ya later, baby,” Banga said, as he grabbed a sandwich and gave Amanda a kiss.

  Once at the corner of the block, they saw that Banga’s uncle Ronny was talking to Bobby and Neko. It was good that everyone was together.

  Grabbing the duffle bag from the car, Smooth and Banga stepped out of the car and joined Bobby, Neko, and Ronny.

  “What’s up, lil’ nigga?” Ronny asked.

  “Not much. Got the work here now. We gotta find a spot.”

  “Alright. Look, I got a duplex out on N.E. Patrician Street. We can use it as a trap house,” Ronny said.

  “Cool! Let’s head over there,” Banga replied.

  Smooth, Ronny, Banga, Neko, and Bobby all climbed in the A4.

  “Damn, nigga, you need a bigger car,” Ronny joked.

  “Nah, you need to get your own,” Smooth joked back.

  Two minutes later, Ronny said, “Right there, to the right . . . the white one.”

  “Who lives here?” Smooth asked.

  “I live on the left, and the right is for rent.”

  “So how we gonna do this?” Smooth asked.

  “Keep half the product here. Split the other half in two. Send two niggas to hold down the old block and two to hold down this one,” Ronny said.

  “Where can we find two more niggas we can trust?” Bobby asked.

  “Let me handle that,” Neko answered.

  “Alright! Well look, I gotta leave in a little, and I’ll be out of town ‘til Sunday night. Y’all hold it down.”

  “Tell China we all miss her crazy ass,” Banga told Smooth, as he got in his car.

  * * *

  Deciding to start moving weight, Smooth called one of his old customers.

  “Yeah?” a voice said on the phone.

  “I need to speak to Stone!”

  He was called Stone because he was always stoned.

  “Hang on,” the voice answered.

  “Yeah, who dis be?”

  “It’s me . . . Smooth.”

  “Dot be a miracle. Me waz just tinkin’ ‘bout ya.”

  “Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to do business again ‘cause I’m back in the game.”

  “Yeah, me’d like dat. Can I get five birds?” Stoned asked.

  “Yeah, I can get you five. Same deal and price as last time. Meet me at the same gas station on Monday at 3:00 p.m. Okay?”

  “I’s be der!”

  “Alright, later.”

  * * *

  Pulling up to the restaurant, Smooth saw a big sign over the door that read: Roxy’s. Roxy met him at the door and greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Stepping into the restaurant and looking around, Smooth was impressed.

  “Damn, girl, this is nice. I love it!” Smooth said.


  GaGa came out from the back and shouted, “Hey Smooth!” as she hugged him.

  “So when you gonna open, Roxy?”

  “All the food and drinks will be delivered Monday and Tuesday, so I plan on opening on Wednesday.”

  “Well, ya all ready to go?” Smooth asked.

  “Yeah, we are ready,” GaGa replied.

  “So how you been, GaGa?” Smooth asked.

  “I’ve been good. Just working a lot, trying to stay busy. With China locked away and Roxy at her restaurant all the time, I got a lot of free time. So I work overtime to save up and I spend the rest of my free time helping Roxy. What you been up to?”

  “Well, I recently bought an apartment building out on N.W. 77th. Trying to go legal, but it’s hard, GaGa!”

  “Boy, you can do it if you actually put your heart into it. You’s a smart boy.”

  “Thanks GaGa.”

  * * *

  “Alright ladies, it’s 20 minutes ‘til lockdown,” the guard yelled.

  “Damn, I hoped they let us finish this movie ‘cause it’s good,” Rebecca said.

  “Yeah, right!” China replied.

  Once the commercial was over, both girls went back to watching Maid in Manhattan,” starring Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes.

  A few minutes later during the next commercial break, Rebecca said, “I’m gonna go get us hot water before lockdown.”

  “Nah, let me do it. You did it last night,” China replied.

  After grabbing two of their cups, China headed to the water fountain to get water. There were three other people already there.

  “Hey, China, you gonna sign up for the volleyball game tomorrow?” Angie asked China from behind.

  “I’ll probably have a visit; but if not, yeah, I’ll play.”

  As China got her water, the guard yelled, “Alright ladies, its lockdown! To your cells . . . NOW!”

  China finished getting hot water and then returned to her cell.

  “Hot! Hot! Hot!” China said, as the cups were full of boiling water.

  “Here, let me get them,” Rebecca said.


  “So what are we gonna eat tonight?” Rebecca questioned.

  “Hmmmm, how ‘bout burritos?”

  “Sounds good.”

  China went to her locker where she kept food. She pulled out a bag of Bushy Creek chili, two ramen noodle chili packets, one pack of saltines, two cheese squeezes, and tortilla shells with a bag of Doritos. After cooking the soups and mixing the chili and crackers together, China laid out six shells, put the mix and cheese on them, and then sprinkled them with crushed-up Doritos. Then she folded them and pushed three toward Rebecca. After taking a bite, Rebecca exclaimed, “Damn, girl, these good. Taste like Taco Bell chili cheese burritos.”

  “They are good, aren’t they?”

  Finished early and putting the trash together in the corner, Rebecca said, “Take off your clothes. It’s time for my dessert.”

  Watching China undress always got Rebecca horny. When China was finally naked, Rebecca told her to lie down on the bed. Rebecca lay on top and started kissing her. Then she started kissing her neck, moving down to her breasts, kissing and sucking on each nipple until they were hard enough to cut diamonds. She continued to kiss her lower, until she reached China’s soaking-wet pussy. Rebecca spread her pussy lips open and started licking all over, and then finally slid her tongue into her pussy. She probed with her tongue, as her thumb slowly circled around on h
er clit.

  “Uhhhh, that feels so good,” China moaned.

  After tongue-fucking China, Rebecca started sucking on her clit while finger fucking her. China moaned like crazy until she finally reached orgasm, cumming all over Rebecca’s hand.

  After catching her breath, China told Rebecca, “My turn.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want to eat your pussy now,” China said.

  “I’ve never had anyone eat my pussy before.”

  “Well, I’ve never eaten pussy before, but I want to try it.”

  “Okay,” Rebecca agreed, as she took off her clothes and lay on the bed.

  Shit, this girl is beautiful, China thought.

  China got on top of Rebecca, kissing her all the way down to Rebecca’s pussy. Once China reached it, she was surprised to find Rebecca’s pussy was shaved bald. Not sure how to start, China licked up and down, and then she spread open her pussy lips and slid in her tongue.

  Damn, this pussy tastes good. Sweet and salty at the same time, China thought. After tongue-fucking her, China started to slide two fingers into her. Rebecca gasped loudly. Shit, I can barely get two fingers in; it’s so tight! I bet Smooth would love this pussy.

  As China finger-fucked Rebecca and sucked on her clit, she imagined her, Rebecca, and Smooth in a threesome. Rebecca’s started to breathe heavy, her body started to tremble and her pussy started to spasm as she climaxed and came all over China’s face.

  “Damn, that was good!” China said.

  “It wa . . . was . . . amaz . . . amazing!” Rebecca gasped, still trying to catch her breath.

  * * *

  On the corner of N.W. 77th Street, Neko and Banga were talking while the new kid, Mark, was dealing with a customer. Banga saw two Puerto Ricans walking up with their hands in their jackets. Automatically, Banga sensed something was wrong with this picture.

  “Hey Neko! Two Spanish dudes are trying to creep up on us.”

  Neko looked back and saw them. Both Neko and Banga got ready to pull out their guns. Banga had the big boy .357, while Neko had a Glock 21 chambered with 13 .45 shells. As soon as one of the guys pulled out his gun, Banga drew his gun and shot. The .357 158-grain Winchester Hollow Point tore into the dude killing him instantly. Hearing the shot, Mark turned and drew his gun, at the same time as three bullets ripped into him. The driver of the car burned rubber attempting to get away from the gunplay as fast as he could. Banga’s last shot tore half of the Spanish dude’s head off. Neko fired into the dead man, emptying his clip.

  “Damn, nigga, we gotta get the hell away from here,” Banga said.

  “Let’s split up. We will meet back at the trap in two hours,” Neko said.

  “Sounds good,” Banga replied, as they took off in different directions.

  * * *

  Knocking on the door, Banga wished his uncle would hurry up and open the door, so he could get off the street. Finally, Ronny open the door.

  “Damn, boy, what’s all the banging for?”

  “Unc, I just had to murk two niggas.”

  “What? What happened?” his uncle asked.

  “Me, Neko, and Mark were on the corner. While Mark was serving a customer, two Spanish dudes tried to creep on us. Luckily, I was on point. Me and Neko got out okay, but they killed Mark.”

  “Shit, I told you all about the violence and the turf wars. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon. Was there any witnesses?” Ronny asked.

  “Nah, nobody seen shit!”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well, I didn’t see anybody.”

  “What about the nigga that Mark was serving? He had to see something.”

  “Shit. I didn’t think to look for witnesses.”

  “It’s alright; you just gotta lay low for a week or so and see what happens.”

  “What do you mean lay low?” Banga asked.

  “Why don’t you go visit your aunt in Stuart for a week?”

  “You really think I should?”

  “Yeah, and in the meantime, we need to find more guys and more muscle.”

  * * *

  “Preston . . . you have a visit. China Preston . . . you have a visit,” the guard screamed over the intercom.

  “Oh, damn! Oh, damn! Oh, damn!” China exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Rebecca asked.

  “I’m a wreck and my people are here to see me. My hair is a wreck and my nails aren’t done, and I’m wearing this crappy blue uniform.”

  “Just chill out. It’s okay. Your family knows ain’t no beauty shop up in here,” Rebecca laughed.

  “Yeah, I’m just tripping. See you when I get back.”

  China headed outside and walked toward to the visiting park. Once there, China was to be searched.

  “Alright, take off all your clothes,” the female guard instructed.

  After stripping, China was told to open her mouth and run her finger around her gum lines.

  “Lean forward and run your fingers through your hair. Good, now turn around. Show me the bottom of your left foot . . . now your right foot. Bend at the waist, spread your ass cheeks, and cough. Okay, you can get dressed now.”

  After dressing, China went into the visiting area. Right away, she saw Roxy and GaGa, but not Smooth. She ran over to hug her mom and Roxy.

  “God, I miss you both so much. Where’s Smooth?” China asked.

  “He’s over there getting us something to eat and drink,” GaGa answered.

  “So have you dropped the soap yet?” Smooth asked, as he walked up to her with the food in his hand. After laying all the food onto the table, Smooth pulled China into his arms and kissed her.

  China’s mind was racing: Damn, does he know about Rebecca? Should I tell him? How will he react?

  All the while, Smooth was battling his own demons: Does she know I’m back in the game? Should I tell her? How will she take it?

  “So how’s the restaurant coming, Roxy?” China asked.

  “It’s good,” she replied. “Should be opening the doors on Wednesday. Just wish you could be there.”

  At the end of the visit, GaGa said, “Alright you two lovebirds, me and Roxy gonna give you all a few minutes. She and Roxy hugged China, told her they loved her, and left Smooth and China alone.

  “Babe, I’ve got something I gotta tell you,” China said.

  “Well, same here. I got something I gotta tell you. You go first,” Smooth prodded.

  “Okay, you know my roommate, Rebecca?”

  “Yeah, you’ve told me about her.”

  “Well, she’s more than a roommate. See, me and her are kind of lovers!”

  “What? What do you mean?” Smooth asked with a confusing look.

  “She ate my pussy and I ate hers. I’m sorry, baby. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “So what does this mean for us?” Smooth asked.

  “I’m still yours, and I want us to stay the same except now we can have some threesomes when I get out.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. Listen, I’ll be here for three years and we both have physical needs. So if you sleep with someone, I won’t be mad. Just don’t fall in love with anyone else.”

  “This is all too much. I gotta think on this and what it means.”

  “Okay, now what did you have to tell me?”

  “I’m back in the game.”

  “What do you mean?” China inquired.

  “I’m back to dealing with El Jefe, but on a bigger scale.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m dead serious. But now I have Banga, Neko, Bobby, and a few others working with me.”

  “I can’t believe you’re back into all that shit after what we’ve been through.”

  “Alright ladies, say your goodbyes. Visit’s over,” a guard announced.

  “Baby, I love you and will be back next week,” Smooth told China, as he hugged and kissed her.

  “I love you, too, boy,” China responded.

  * * *

  After dropping off Roxy and GaGa, Smooth headed home. Entering the building and then the elevator, Smooth couldn’t get China’s words out of his head: Not only is she sleeping with someone else, but also she tells him he can sleep around if he wants. Should I be mad?

  Smooth decided to visit Miranda to pick up Zorro and maybe talk to her. Stepping off the elevator, Smooth headed for Miranda’s door and knocked. Miranda answered the door after the second knock, wearing a pair of boy shorts and a wife beater.

  “Sorry, I’m in the middle of a workout. Come on in.”

  If you want, I can come back later,” Smooth suggests.

  Zorro ran up trying to get attention. Smooth bent down and began to pet Zorro.

  “Were you a good boy?” Smooth asked the dog.

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Yeah, Captain and Coke,” Smooth replied, figuring it will relax him.

  “Come in and get comfortable.”

  Smooth sat on the couch with Zorro at his feet.

  “Here’s your drink,” Miranda said.

  “Thanks,” Smooth answered, downing it in three gulps.

  Looking at Miranda, he can’t help but notice that she was all sweaty and her nipples were showing through the wife beater.

  “Damn, boy, you want another one?”

  “Yeah, if ya don’t mind.”

  He watched her fat ass jiggle as she walked toward the kitchen. Damn, she was fine. His dick was hard just watching her. Gotta get a grip on myself, he thought.

  “Here ya go!” she said, handing him another drink.

  “So what’s got you stressed out?” Miranda asked.


  “What about China?”

  “I went to visit her today. She told me that she’s been having sex with her roommate. She also gave me permission to sleep with other people.”

  “So basically an open relationship? A lot of people actually have relationships like that.”

  “I don’t know how to feel about it. And I can’t get it out of my head.”

  Miranda walked up to Smooth, stood right in front of him, looked him in the eyes, and said, “I bet I can get it off your mind.”

  “Oh yeah! How?”

  Without saying a word, she pulled off the wife beater, stepped out of her boy shorts, and got on her knees. She reached out and grabbed his zipper, and then reached in and pulled out his dick from his pants and boxers.


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