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Brief Peeks Beyond

Page 24

by Bernardo Kastrup

  143 Aczel (2014).

  144 Sheils (2011).

  145 See, for instance: Economist (2014).

  146 See, for instance: Breggin (2007).

  147 See, for instance: Leeming (2010).

  148 See, for instance, the academic philosophers featured in the 2010 documentary film Being in the World, directed by Tao Ruspoli.

  149 Mack (1999), p. 6.

  150 See, for instance: Jung and Segal (1998).

  151 Prescott (2012).

  152 Bunzel (2014).

  153 Kuhn (1996).

  154 See, for instance: Kelly and Kelly (2009), Nagel (2012) and Kastrup (2014), chapters 1, 2 and 3.

  155 Gladwell (2002).

  156 Bucke (2009).

  157 Huxley (2009).

  158 See, for instance: Strassman et al. (2008).

  159 This is a more strict definition of NDE than that used by researchers like Pim van Lommel (Lommel 2011, p. 7).

  160. As cited in Lommel (2011), pp. 11-12.

  161 Alexander (2012).

  162 Harris (2012a).

  163 Tononi (2004).

  164 Dresler et al. (2011).

  165 As quoted in: Harris (2012a).

  166 Harris (2012b).

  167 Ibid.

  168 Ibid.

  169 See, for instance: Treffert (n.d.) and Piore (2013).

  170 Urgesi et al. (2010).

  171 Kastrup (2014), Chapter 2.

  172 Jung (1979).

  173 Vallée (1990), p. 105.

  174 Crick (1981).

  175 Lucas (1961).

  176 Tallis (2010).

  177 Jung (1991).

  178 Franz (2001).

  179 Jung (1972), p. 169.

  180 See, for instance: Vergano (2006).

  181 Thomas et al. (2000), p. 344.

  182 See, for instance: Silberman (2009).

  183 See, for instance: Okasha (2002), Chapter 4.

  184 See, for instance: Davies and Alexander (2005).

  185 Keats (1899), p. 277. The italics are mine.

  186 See, for instance, the short documentary film Farm to Fridge – The Truth Behind Meat Production, widely available for free online viewing on the Internet.

  187 Martel (2015), p. xx.

  188 See, for instance: Marsh and Onof (2008).

  189 See, for instance: Bonabeau (1999).


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