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The Sacrifices of Life (The Working Girls Book 3)

Page 13

by K. L. Humphreys

  He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him and he starts walking us to the bedroom; we don’t stop kissing the whole time. As we enter the room, he lays me onto the bed, not wasting any time in lifting my dress up, I sit up so he can pull it over my head. I kick off my shoes and pull off my knickers as Owen takes off his jeans and boxers. Excitement bursts through me as he reaches for a condom. It’s been a few years since I had sex, I’ve only had sex with one person, and that was more of a friendship basis. He was sweet, but I wasn’t in love with him, it was just to see what all the fuss was about, and to be honest it wasn’t that great. It was an awkward fumble.

  “Cher, you sure you want this?” Lust thickens his voice. His eyes never leave mine.

  I smile up at him. “So sure.”

  He enters me in one swift movement, and all the pain that I’ve felt recently disappears as I’m taken over by pleasure. I whimper as he pulls out slowly before slamming back into me, stealing my breath. His hands go to my hips, and he lifts them and begins to pump harder inside of me. Pleasure starts to take over me in waves, tingles running throughout my body. Owen’s hips start to move faster, almost punishing, but it feels so good, making my stomach quiver. His eyes fill with pure lust.

  “Owen…” I beg, I’m not sure what I’m begging for, but Owen seems to know.

  His fingers go to my clit, pinching hard once and I detonate, his name on my lips as I come. “Katy…” He growls my name as he pushes into me one final time.

  He lifts off me, disappearing into the bathroom for a second, before coming back to lie down beside me, both of us breathing hard. I can’t keep the smile off my face as I turn to face him, and I realise that he didn’t take his top off and my bra is still on which makes me giggle. An actual giggle.

  He chuckles, and I point between us, realising we are still half dressed. The humour leaves his as an intense expression takes over his face. “You good?”

  My stomach tightens at the look in his eyes, full of heat mixed with something more that I can’t dare to believe yet. I smile. “So good.”

  “You think that was good, give me an hour and we’ll go again. I’ll show you what good is.” He smirks.

  Tingles run through me. It’s my turn to laugh. “An hour? I need time to recover.” I revel in the feeling of how deliciously sore my body is.


  I roll my eyes.

  “Another time, where I worship you.” Shit, his voice is full of lust again.

  “Owen…” My eyes widen. He says the sweetest things. He always says things to make me feel special.

  “Katy, why are you so unsure of yourself? You’re fucking amazing, and you really need to see that. I’m so confused how you don’t see how beautiful you are,” He tells me, and I can tell that he’s being deadly serious.

  I shrug. “I’ve never really thought about it before. I don’t see beauty. To me beauty is what’s underneath. I don’t judge people based on looks, they’re irrelevant to me.”

  He smiles. “That’s what I’m saying. You’re amazing.”

  I roll my eyes. “Shut up. Did you have a good time with your family?”

  His eyes light up. “Yes, Jess told me that she’s pregnant. I’m going to be an uncle again.”

  I try to act surprised; Jess announced that she was pregnant at Saffron’s hen party. “Congratulations.”

  He looks at me weirdly but doesn’t say anything about it. “Are you hungry?”

  I turn my nose up. “Not really. Are you?” I thought he ate before I got here.

  “No, but I don’t have anything in the house. I need to go shopping.” He groans, he must be like most men, they hate shopping unless they absolutely need to, and they’ll do anything to avoid it.

  I jump off the bed and grab my knickers and dress. “I’ll come with you,” I tell him as I run into the bathroom to clean up.

  Twenty minutes later and I’m dressed and standing in his kitchen having a glass of Coke. Owen walks in smirking. He too is fully dressed. “Ready?” he asks, this man is way too happy with himself.

  “If you are, where’s your list?” I ask him, his hands empty.

  He looks at me as though I’m crazy. “I don’t do lists.”

  I gasp. “What? But how do you know what you need?” Who doesn’t have a list when shopping?

  “Cher, I walk around the shop and throw in what I want. Are you ready?” He’s making fun of me, I can tell by the stupid tone in his voice; he’s mocking me.

  I take another sip of coke and walk over to him. “Ready.” I’m actually horrified about how this shopping trip is going to turn out.

  He laughs at me. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” He takes my hand and leads me out of his flat. “We’ll go to Asda. It’s closer.”

  I inwardly groan; he’s only going to one shop? I can’t do that, I have to shop about, get the cheapest things possible; we don’t live in luxury. I think I’m going to get a rash just watching him. He locks the front door and we walk down the stairs. He’s still holding my hand, and even though I’m not totally looking forward to this shopping trip, a part of me is, as I get to spend more time with him.

  “What’s your favourite film?” I ask. After all, he knows mine, but I don’t know his.

  He frowns. “I don’t really have a favourite. I have a few that I’ll rewatch.”

  I look at him as though he’s crazy. “If you rewatch them, that means they’re your favourites.” I can’t help the sarcastic tone that slips out.

  “Yes, smart arse, I know what it means. I just meant I don’t have one that is my favourite. Lethal Weapon all four of them, Rush Hour all three, all the Fast and Furious movies… think that’s about it.”

  My mind begins to think about presents I can get him for Christmas, even though we’re in March. It’s never too early to start Christmas shopping, especially this time of year. You’ll get the best bargains, everything will be cheaper, you may even have some discontinued stuff that is really cheap.

  “When’s your birthday?” he asks as we walk into Asda.

  “July thirteenth. Yours?” I tilt my head to the side when he goes quiet. “Owen?”

  “Today,” he confesses as he lets go of my hand and grabs a basket.

  “I’m sorry, today? Why didn’t you tell me? I would have gotten you a present.” I feel awful. What kind of girlfriend am I? Am I even his girlfriend? We’ve not really spoken about what it is we have.

  “You did.” He winks. Of course he’d say that. “Honestly Cher, having you spend an hour with me is a great present. We’ve only been together a month. I didn’t expect you to get me anything.” He takes my hand again and starts walking down the aisles, throwing anything and everything into his basket.

  “I feel bad. I wish you had told me.”

  He lets go of my hand and places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. “Katy, don’t feel bad. How were you supposed to know? I never told you.”

  Shrugging against him, I say, “I guess.” I still feel bad, I hate that I’ve not got him anything for his birthday. If it were the other way around, I’d be slightly upset.

  “Trust me Katy, it’s fine.” He kisses me on the lips and goes back to filling his basket. I walk beside him watching in horror as he just places everything into it. After about ten minutes he turns to me. “That’s it, we’re done.” He’s in a hurry to get out of here.

  I look into his basket. “Owen, you have no bread, vegetables, or fruit.” Let alone any pasta or rice, all that’s in his basket is ready meals, sweets, crisps, and fizzy drinks.

  “Shit,” he curses, and pulls me back around the shop to grab bread, carrots, potatoes, and swede. “That’ll do,” he says, and this time he leads me to the checkout.

  I look down at my phone and see that it’s almost five o’clock. “I’ll meet you outside. I just want to call Bailey and check on her.” I’ve been with Owen for more than four hours, but it honestly doesn’t seem that long. That guilt that I’ve been feeling
hits me ten times harder when I realise the time. I should have called her a while ago. I should have made sure she’s okay.

  “Okay Cher, I won’t be long.” He leans down and kisses me.

  I give him a tight smile before leaving the shop, my phone to my ear as I call Bailey.

  “Katy?” She answers after a few rings, her voice laced with sleep.

  “Shit, did I wake you?”

  I hear her yawn. “Yeah, but it’s okay. I need to get something to eat. I’ve not eaten yet.” I know when she says ‘yet,’ she means all day.

  “I’m sorry, I just wanted to check on you,” I say softly, kind of glad that I woke her so she can eat, yet mad that I woke her because I know how hard it’s been for her to find sleep recently.

  “Don’t be sorry, honestly.” She sounds tearful. “I’m doing okay, Katy. I was going to text you when I got home, I felt bad for sending you away.”

  “Oh hon, don’t feel bad. I understand why you did it. You need some time alone. Tomorrow, if you’re up for it, we’ll have dinner?” I’m off tomorrow as well as today, so if she’s up for dinner, we’d have the whole night to do something.

  “That sounds good. I’ll text you tomorrow and let you know. Thanks for checking up on me Katy. I’m lucky to have you in my life.” The tears are definitely falling; I can hear them when she talks.

  “I’m here for you whenever you need me. Get something to eat and have some rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.” We say our goodbyes, and I turn just in time to see Owen coming out of the shop.

  “Bailey okay?” He sounds worried, and I think it’s sweet that he cares.

  “I woke her up, so at least she was sleeping. She said she’s going to get some food and hopefully she can sleep again…” My phone begins to ring again, and I instantly answer it presuming it’s Bailey. “Everything okay?”

  “Um, I could be asking you the same thing. You were meant to call me.” Shit, it’s Molly, I forgot that I was supposed to call her too. “Hello? Are you there? He hasn’t kidnapped you for all eternity?”

  I snort. “Hardly.”

  “Then why haven’t you called?” She’s mad. The party must not be going well.

  Warmth rushes to my face. “Because I’m still with him.”

  “Oh my God, right, when you’ve finished being a dirty stop out and you’re on your way home call me. Bye.” She hangs up on me leaving me red faced and looking at a smirking Owen.

  “Who was that?” he questions, that damn smirk still etched on his face.

  “Molly. She wants me to call her when I’m on my way home.” I’m starving, and Mum will probably be wondering where I am.

  “You’re going home?” He sounds miserable and I nod, he tries to hide his disappointment.

  As much as I hate the thought of going especially after what happened between us, I need to get home, I need to collect my thoughts and call Molly. I walk up to him and plant a kiss on his lips, “Are you busy tomorrow?”

  He leans down giving me a kiss. “Never for you. I’ll walk you to the tube station.” He’s still trying to hide his disappointment, and I hate that I’ve made him feel this way.

  The walk to the station is silent. Although he’s holding my hand, we haven’t said anything to each other. Today has been a mixed bag. This morning started out shit, then spending time with Owen was amazing but right now, it feels like anything but.

  “Text me when you get home okay?” He kisses me on the lips then pulls me closer as the kiss deepens. He eases away, his eyes dark with lust, and I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave him. “Text me.”

  “I will,” I promise as I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Bye,” I call out as I walk into the station.

  “You slept with him?” Molly screams over the line, and I’m grateful that she’s left the party and is on her way over to my flat.

  “Yes,” I tell her as I enter the estate. “Where are you?”

  “I’ll be at your place in the next five minutes.” She sounds so excited, no doubt wanting to get all the gossip.

  I don’t get to answer her because Harley’s standing at the entrance, no doubt waiting for me since none of his members live here. “Harley?” My heart starts to race, does he have any information?

  “You’ve disrespected me too many times to let it pass. I’ve been nothing but respectful to you. This time you’ve gone too far.” The anger is pouring off him as he goes off on me.

  “Harley, what are you talking about?” Fear is gripping me by the throat, I’ve always known that Harley was dangerous, but I never saw that side to him. Until now.

  He walks up to me, getting in my face. “I’m talking about you. ‘Oh, Harley I don’t want to be in that life. I can’t be with a gang member or around drugs.’”

  I take a step backwards. “I don’t want to be in that life,” I tell him, confused as to why we’re even having this conversation.

  He lets out a bitter laugh. “Then why the hell are you shacking up with a member of the Blud Cripz?”

  I freeze. “I’m not.”

  His eyes widen before a full belly laugh escapes him. “Oh this is priceless, Katy. Owen Hughes is a member of the Blud Cripz. He’s not long been released for dealing. You’re sleeping with the enemy.”

  “I’m not. I think you’re mistaken. Owen isn’t a member.” He can’t be, there’s no possible way. Jess would have told me. There’s no way either her or Saffron would have let me get close to Owen if he was. Harley’s mistaken.

  His face drastically changes. Gone is the anger and in its place is sympathy. “Honestly Katy, he is. Check his chest, each member of the Bluds has a tattoo with the crew name on it. He’ll have it.”

  I’m shaking my head. “He doesn’t.”

  He huffs at me. “Believe what you want. I know the truth, and so does Mickey,” he says, looking skywards. “At least now we know that you don’t give a shit about him. If you did you wouldn’t be sleeping with the enemy.”

  “Back the fuck off Harley, and leave her alone. You’ve said your piece, now go,” Molly’s angry voice calls out, and I turn to see her descending on us.

  Harley holds his hands up. “I’m going.” He walks past me, muttering, “Traitor.”

  I’m in Molly’s arms in seconds. “Katy, I heard everything he said. You never hung up.”

  “Mol, he’s lying, right?” I ask, dread hitting me in the pit of my stomach.

  “Only one way to find out. Text him,” she tells me, her eyes filled with tears. She’s hoping the same as I am, that this is a joke and Harley’s lying.

  My phone’s still in my hands, and I type out a text.

  Me: Are you a member of the Blud Cripz?

  I pray with everything I am that this is a lie, that the man I love isn’t a member of that heinous gang. That Harley’s lying and trying to hurt me.

  But deep down, something tells me that he’s not lying.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Twenty minutes have gone past, and I’ve not had a text or a phone call from him. Why the hell hasn’t he messaged me back? I mean this is serious. Mum’s looking at me as though I’ve gone mad. I’ve not said a word since Molly practically dragged me into the flat, my phone glued to my hand as I wait for him to tell me it’s a lie.

  My mind is racing, thinking back to when we were together. How he didn’t take his shirt off. I stand and start pacing. I need to move, sitting down is working me up, and right now I need a clear head. I need to think about this logically. I mean surely if what Harley said is true then Owen would have told me, if he was in prison, he should have told me, that is a huge thing to keep a secret. That’s something you tell someone before you even ask them out on a date.

  “Katy, what’s wrong?” Mum is worried; I’m never like this. I don’t usually get upset about things. If someone does or says something to me, I don’t dwell on it. I either forget about it or don’t talk to them anymore. There’s no need for petty shit. I have no patience in dealing with it also, so for me
to be this visibly upset, Mum’s worried.

  “Katy has a boyfriend,” Molly says in a sing song voice.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I snap at her, mad that she’s finding this amusing.

  “Katy!” Mum gasps. “What on earth has gotten into you?”

  “Just tired.” I plaster on a fake smile and reach for Molly’s arm, digging my nails into her skin and pulling her into my bedroom.

  “Ouch, Katy, what the hell?” She yanks her arm out of my reach.

  “Why would you say I have a boyfriend?” Tears are stinging my eyes.

  “Shit, I’m sorry Katy.” Her eyes soften as she pulls me into a hug, “Do you really think he may be a member of the Blud Cripz?”

  I shrug, “I don’t know. He never said anything. I texted him, and he’s not responded.” I swallow past the lump in my throat while repeating I will not cry in my head over and over again. And I won’t cry because of him. If it’s true, he doesn’t deserve my tears.

  “Don’t you think you would have known if he was in prison? Surely dealing drugs is a felony? He wouldn’t have gotten a job, would he?” Molly asks all the questions that are running through my mind.

  “God Mol, what am I going to do? Why hasn’t he texted me back?” My bottom lip begins to tremble. “Mol, I slept with him,” I whisper

  Molly’s mouth opens and makes an ‘O’ shape as a gasp sounds from behind me. Shit, how much has my mother heard? I didn’t want her to know any of this. She’s been through enough, and this could send her spiralling if Owen really is a member of the Blud Cripz.

  “Katy…” Mum’s voice is soft, and I turn to find her with her arms open for me. I don’t waste any time but walk straight into them. “Baby, it’s okay.”

  “No, Mum, it isn’t. I think I love him,” I say hoarsely. I’m so stupid. I knew that I was falling fast, way too fast. I’m mad at myself for feeling things that I have no right feeling.

  “How did you find out? You said that he hasn’t said anything. How did you find out?” Mum gently smooths my hair trying to comfort me. I’m grateful she’s not angry.


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