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The Sacrifices of Life (The Working Girls Book 3)

Page 17

by K. L. Humphreys

  She sighs. “I don’t know, Katy. I don’t know if it’ll help. The house is too big for just me.”

  “Mol and I are looking to rent somewhere. Mum and Dad are back together and I think I should give them some space to fully reconnect.” I pull off my leggings and quickly tug the denim shorts up.

  I hear applause, and my eyes dart to Bailey. She looks like a bloody seal. She’s jumping up and down on the spot clapping. “Oh my gosh. I should have thought of it sooner. Katy, you and Molly should come and live with me. It’s the perfect solution!”

  I open my mouth in shock. “Bailey, you can’t be serious?”

  She waves her hands, telling me to listen. “I’m deadly serious. Talk with Molly and Owen. I’m not looking for an answer now. Think about it okay?”

  “I will, I’ll talk to Molly, and we’ll think about it,” I promise her as I take a seat at the mirrors and start putting my make up on.

  “Even if you decide to move in with Owen, Molly can still move in with me.”

  I think I forget how to breathe.

  “Umm, Katy are you okay?” She walks over to me and places her hand on my shoulder. “Katy?”

  I frown. “Why would I decide to move in with Owen?”

  She laughs in my face. “Oh, you’re priceless, Katy. You’re in a relationship, that’s what couples do. I bet if I was to say something to Owen, he’d say he would want you to move in.”

  “Don’t you dare. You’re not saying a word to anyone,” I warn her. “Seriously Bay, don’t say a word.”

  She holds her hands up in surrender. “I won’t say a thing. I’m not getting involved in a lovers’ spat. No way. Anyway, I’d better get a move on. Think about it and let me know,” she says, shoving her bag into her locker.

  “I will,” I tell her as she walks out the room, and I immediately call Molly. “Okay so, I was talking to Bailey just now, and she’s said that you and I should move in with her,” I tell her as soon as she answers the phone.

  “Hello to you too, and what the hell, are you serious?” she asks with disbelief.

  “No, I just thought I’d call you and tell you a lie.” I roll my eyes. What an idiot.

  “Funny, what did you say to her? Katy, is she for real? I mean that’s a big step, she’s just lost her mum.” Yeah, that’s my thoughts on it too. It may be too soon to make any drastic changes.

  “I told her I’d talk to you. We don‘t need to decide now, just think about it. Maybe let her think about it too. She’s literally just said it, and I don’t think she’s fully thought about it.”

  I hear her hum down the phone, and I take that as she’s agreeing with me.

  “Okay, think about it and I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay Katy. How are you doing today?” I should have known that she wouldn’t have forgotten Mickey’s birthday.

  “It was hard, I’m just glad I’m at work,” I tell her honestly.

  “Keeping busy is good. I’ve got to go, I’ve to get ready for work. Someone’s called in sick again. I’ll ring you tomorrow. Want to do breakfast and some shopping?” I’ve been neglecting her these past few weeks.

  “Definitely, message me later and we’ll sort out the details. Bye, Mol.” I wait for her to say goodbye before hanging up.

  I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow, something to be excited about instead of all the sorrow and arguments I’ve been having lately. I swear I should be on a Jeremy Kyle show with the amount of shit I’ve dealt with lately. I’ve had enough crap thrown at me to last me a lifetime. I can’t take anymore or I’d lose the last bit of sanity I have.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Standing in this massive foyer, I feel out of place. It’s my birthday and Owen’s gone all out. He bought me this amazing dress, one that must have cost him a fortune. It’s lemon coloured and fits me like a glove, moulds to my body but flares at the hips, falling to just above my knees. He also bought me shoes to match, wedged heels. The man knows me well. He knows how much I hate wearing normal heels, and I’m better at walking in wedges.

  He brought me to this fancy restaurant; I’ve walked past this place so many times and never really took much notice. In the foyer, there’s a receptionist. Owen gave her his name, and she looked at her computer before smiling and telling us we can go through the double doors, but I’m left here waiting because as per usual Owen forgot to use the loo before leaving the flat. He does it every time we go anywhere. I swear he’s worse than a child.

  “You look gorgeous.” I freeze. What the hell is Molly doing here? Spinning around, I’m shocked to see not only Molly standing there but Tyra and Bailey too. “Katy, you look absolutely stunning.” Molly coughs, and I’m shocked. She is all choked up.

  “What are you doing here?” I really can’t believe it, I didn’t think the girls would be here.

  “Did you really think that he could keep my best friend from me on her birthday?” She pulls me into her arms and hugs me tightly. “You really do look amazing. You look happy too.” She pulls away and smiles at me, giving me a once over.

  It’s weird. It’s been three weeks since Mickey’s birthday, and I do feel happier, but then I always feel happier when I’m with Owen. “Thank you. How are you?”

  She’s been in a funk lately. That guy from Manchester still hasn’t stopped messaging her, and she’s getting more and more frustrated with him. She’s told him numerous times to leave her alone, but he doesn’t listen.

  “I’m doing good.” She smiles at me, and I can see that she’s doing well. Her eyes light up when she smiles. It’s something I’ve not seen her do in a while. “I’ve met someone.”

  I’m once again shocked. “Who? And where did you meet him?” I ask a bit too loud as Tyra and Bailey both lean in to see what Molly has to say.

  She bites her lip. “You all know him,” she says shyly.

  “Well don’t leave us in suspense. Who is it?” I’m so happy for her. She seems cheerful, and to me that’s the main thing. I’m dying to know who it is that we all know.

  “It’s Kieran.”

  I gasp.

  “He really is sweet. We met a while ago, and I didn’t realise he worked at Pleasure Palace.” She shrugs. “He’s such a flirt.” Then she laughs, and we all join in.

  “Oh, that’s why he’s quieted down. I’ve just realised that he hasn’t hit on anyone in a while. Oh, wow Mol, you tamed him.” Bailey says and she’s right, usually he’d make some lame attempts at hitting on the girls but recently nothing.

  “Don’t. He’s really nice, I like him.” She’s acting so shy. This isn’t Molly. She really must like him.

  “Oh Mol, all three of us like him too. He’s really sweet when he’s not acting like a twat.” She blushes. “I’m happy for you Mol.”

  “Who’s a twat?” I glance to my left and see Owen standing there smirking at us, I wonder how long has he been standing there?

  “You are,” Molly says quickly, and I giggle when I see Owen’s shocked face, “I’m joking, just some guy I’m seeing.”

  “Yeah, Kieran can be a twat sometimes. But he’s been on his best behaviour lately.”

  I go still at his words, my eyes narrowing at him.

  “What?” he asks, looking a bit wary.

  “You knew, and you never told me?” I cross my arms over my chest; my foot tapping. I’m not mad that Mol kept it a secret because of the shit that happened in Manchester. She’s finding her feet and just enjoying it, but for Owen to know and not tell me, that’s a bit shitty.

  He sighs. “I really didn’t think about it. I only found out last night.” He looks to his left and shifts on his feet. “Um, so I organised a dinner party for your birthday.” He looks worried about something.

  “Owen…” I sigh and walk over to him. I place my hand on his chest loving the feeling of his beating heart against my palm. “This is amazing. You didn’t have to do this.”

  He shifts again. “I invited your mum for dinner too,” he says quietly. />
  So that’s why he’s been weird. He thinks I’m going to be mad he invited Mum.

  “Is she coming?” I ask hoping she will. Even though I’m mad at her, I miss her.

  He nods. “Yeah, Cher, she’s coming and so is your dad.”

  I groan. “Of course he is.”

  “Cher, he’s your dad and it’s your birthday. He wants to celebrate it with you. You told me that you had forgiven him.”

  “I’m trying. I really am. I guess I’m still a little hurt. It doesn’t matter, we’re going to have a great time.” I smile up at him. Our evening shouldn’t be ruined because my dad’s coming. We should focus on those who are here and why we’re celebrating.

  He leans down and gives me a peck on the lips. “Okay.” He smiles back at me. “And once I get you home, I can show you a good time. You look fucking amazing in that dress, Cher.”

  Heat rises in my cheeks as I blush.

  “Oh, what are you two talking about?” Molly calls out.

  I blush harder. She’s such a little shit, I turn to face her and stick out my tongue.

  “Very classy, Katy.”

  I raise my brow. “What would you know about classy?”

  She purses her lips and seems to give the question some consideration. “Absolutely nothing.”

  We both laugh; there’s nothing classy about the two of us.

  “You two really should move in with me. I’ll teach you how to be classy,” Bailey tells us, and I watch as Owen starts to grind his teeth. I told him that night that Molly and I were looking to rent somewhere, and that Bay had offered us to move in with her. He never said anything, but he started to grind his teeth, his mood changed, and the atmosphere was a weird one. I’m not a mind reader, but I’m guessing that he doesn’t want me to move in with the girls. He hasn’t asked me to move in with him, though, which I would do in a heartbeat.

  “Wait, how come they get to move in? What about me?” Tyra asks sounding a bit offended. These past few months we’ve all grown closer. The four of us are really good friends. We hang out a lot while not at work. Every Tuesday and Wednesday morning are my girl mornings. I still do swimming, and afterwards, I meet the girls and we have breakfast, do some shopping and have lunch. On Wednesdays we go to the cinema and just chill and have fun.

  Bailey looks surprised, but she’s all smiles. “Of course you can. It’s a four-bedroom house. All of you can move in, it will be so much fun.” She starts clapping and jumping up and down.

  “Bay, you’re acting like a seal.” Molly snorts. “I’m in! A house full of hormonal women is better than a house with my mum. When can I move in?”

  “Katy’s not moving in with you because she’s living with me,” Owen says right before he walks away, leaving the four of us stunned.

  “Oh wow…” Molly says, her mouth hanging open, she’s just as stunned as I am. Where the hell did that come from?

  “Okay, well that’s sorted. It’ll just be Tyra and Molly moving in with me,” Bailey announces, and I can hear the laughter in her voice.

  Molly turns to Bailey with a sly look on her face, and I know whatever she’s about to say is going to wind me up.

  “We can turn the spare bedroom into a walk-in wardrobe. It’ll be better than having Katy live with us.”

  “Cheeky cow, I’d be a better housemate than you would be. You’re a pig. I’ve seen your bedroom.” I’m still kind of reeling from Owen’s announcement.

  “Katy, you ready?” Owen calls in a husky voice, and I turn around to see him standing at the door to the restaurant waiting for us. Mum and Dad are standing beside him, Mum wringing her hands together and Dad staring hard at the floor.

  “Yes,” I say as I walk over to him.

  His hand is raised and his palm open as he waits for me to take it.

  “Thank you for organising this,” I say, leaning up on my tiptoes and pressing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I love you so much.”

  “You’re not mad?” A small furrow grows along his brow.

  “Oh, because you went a little caveman-ish on me? Why didn’t you just ask me?” I smile at him. He doesn’t do things in halves, bless him. I find it sweet that he wants to live with me.

  He shrugs. “Come on, let’s go in and sit down. I’m starving.” He places his hand at the base of my back and leads me through the double doors.

  I turn and give both Mum and Dad a smile. Everyone reacts differently, I wish my dad would have realised that he hurt me in the process. Mum returns my smile and blows me a kiss. My dad nods his head, a tiny smile gracing his lips. That’s good enough for me.

  “Surprise.” I jump at the shouts and I turn in shock and I’m so surprised to see a heavily pregnant Jess, Hunter, and her brothers Simon and Anthony along with her daughter Emme, whom I met only yesterday. That little girl stole a piece of my heart; she’s the sweetest ever. No wonder Saffron and Stef had been telling me that I’d fall in love with her as soon as I met her. They were right.

  Stef and James are here too; Stef is Jess’ best friend. I met her at Saffron’s hen party, and James is her boyfriend. They met via an escort agency where Stef was an employee. Stef looks amazing for only having Carter a few weeks ago. She waves at me, a bright smile lighting up her face. After my having a breakdown when I met Stef, I thought for sure that she’d hate me, but Jess and I had lunch a few days after Saff’s hen, and Stef was there. We got along really well and have been friends since. Damien and Saff are here too, and Natalie is here. She’s a friend of Stef’s, and she’s really nice. I’ve met her a few times, she’s around my age.

  “Oh, my God.” I can’t believe that they’re all here. I turn to Owen and find him staring at me intently. “This is amazing. Thank you.”

  “You deserve it baby. Everyone here loves you and wants to celebrate your birthday,” he says huskily, his eyes on my lips.

  I lick them and watch the heat enter his gaze.

  “Cher, not now, we’re in a room full of people.”

  I blush at his words. “Owen, you promised you wouldn’t do that again.” He keeps saying things around others that make me hot and bothered.

  He just smiles at me and kisses my lips before lifting his head and talking to everyone. “Please take a seat, look through the menus. The waitresses will be here soon to take our orders.”

  Everyone moves towards the massive table and that’s when it hits me. “You hired out the entire restaurant?” I gasp, my eyes widening. Where the hell did he get the money to do this? The waitresses enter the room with bottles of champagne and begin filling everyone’s glasses.

  He just smirks at me, and I swear it’s the most irritating thing when he does that in answer to something I ask. He waits until the waitresses leave before answering my question. “It helps when you know the person who owns the establishment.” Like that makes any sense to me right now.

  “I told you it’s only because of who your girlfriend is,” Damien says as I approach the table, and it clicks. I should have known; Damien owns this place. “Happy Birthday, Katy.” He raises his glass and everyone else follows suit, wishing me a happy birthday.

  “Thank you,” I say shyly, “Thank you all for coming. Who knew I had so many friends?”

  Molly laughs, “We’re here for the free food.”

  I shake my head, “Well either way, thank you. It means a lot that you’re all here with me.” I look to the end of the table and see an empty seat between Mum and Dad. It’s the seat where Mickey should be sitting. “It’s been a difficult six months, and I honestly couldn’t have gotten through it without you all. Each of you has helped me, and I don’t know how to thank you. I love you all. Thank you for celebrating today with me.” I raise my glass and take a seat, embarrassment running through me. I hate public speaking.

  “Molly may be here for the food but I ain’t,” Damien says, and I laugh. He hasn’t really taken to her. Then again, he doesn’t really take to anyone. Other than Saff, Jess, and me, he doesn’t talk to any of the gi
rls. Molly, being the child that she is, sticks her tongue out at him, eliciting a laugh from Saffron.

  Owen’s phone vibrates, and he frowns before getting up and leaving.

  Everyone is chatting amongst themselves, but my mind is on Owen. He’s been gone for about ten minutes now. Getting up from the table, I quickly excuse myself and follow in the direction where Owen disappeared. As soon as I get to the foyer, I hear raised voices coming from outside. I don’t know why, but I follow them, and madness takes over when I see Owen standing and arguing with not only Harley but also Mills.

  “I just want to talk to Katy,” Harley says, and I’m taken aback by his anger.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what you want to do. Every time you talk to her, you upset her,” Owen says through clenched teeth; his hands are balled into fists. He’s mad, and I’m confused why both Harley and Mills are here. Why are they together?

  “Owen, let us talk to her,” Mills says, getting into Owen’s face.

  “Mills you need to back the fuck off, I’m not letting you anywhere near her.” Owen doesn’t back down, he gets right into Mills’s face. “Don’t you think she’s been through enough?”

  “Owen, you’re my brother, and she’s your girl. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. I have information about her brother’s death.” Mills’s words makes my breath catch. They have news about Mickey?

  “Of all days?” Owen sighs, and I step out onto the street. “Katy…”

  I shake my head. “What did you find out?” I ask, and I begin to tremble. Owen’s immediately by my side, his hand on my back giving me a bit of strength, which I need because right now I’m petrified.

  “Katy, Owen told me what happened with your brother and that both you and the NDZ thought it was a member of my crew. I’ve been looking into this. I’ve spoken to each and every member of the Bluds. None of them had anything to do with his death. As much as the NDZ think we did this, we didn’t. If any of my crew did this I would know, and they would be finished.” I swallow harshly at Mills’s words. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so frightening before.


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