Book Read Free

Connection Terminated

Page 16

by Edward Hancock II

  Shaking his head, Josh said, “No, there’s one other in Louisiana from a couple years ago. Janet and Cade are going back over the files once more to make sure we didn’t miss another.”

  “So, what does this mean, Cap?” Reggie asked.

  Growling, Alex flipped the file closed, rubbed his face. Pursing his lips, he spoke the words he couldn’t believe he was speaking.

  “I think we need to have a conversation with Pastor Highland.”

  Chapter 33

  Monday, October 17

  10:38 a.m.

  Alex was almost in tears. Watching Kellan limp into the lobby was, to him at least, akin to Lazarus leaving the tomb alive. Bittersweet as it was – Alex couldn’t help but wish this site involved Danny – Alex couldn’t have been happier in that moment if he’d tried.

  Resisting the urge to pat his brother in blue on the back, Alex walked just behind him, a tad to Kellan’s right, urging joyous onlookers out of the way.

  As they rounded the corner, passing Danny’s office, Alex could see the tired in Kellan’s eyes. Tired or pain. Perhaps both.

  “Step into my office, Amigo.” Alex said, opening his office door.

  “Nah, I got this.” Kellan grunted, gritting his teeth.

  “Son, don’t you know an order from your captain when you hear it?” Alex said, half joking, motioning toward the open door.

  Twisting awkwardly on the metal forearm crutches, Kellan waddled through the door.

  “Anything you say, Boss.” Kellan smirked.

  Following behind him, a uniformed officer placed a pillow in one of the office chairs, on the direction of Kellan.

  Sitting, Kellan let out a wince. Adjusted, grunted and finally sighed as he sat forward, leaning his crutches against Alex’s desk.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” Kellan asked.

  “Of course not, Bro. How you feeling? Really? I mean, I know I just witnessed a Christmas miracle, but how are you holding up? I’m thinking you’re not gonna be here long today are you?”

  “I’ll be here at least four hours, Alex.” Kellan said, growling as his leg trembled. “My ride won’t be available till then.”

  “Well, there’s a couch in the kitchen. No hero garbage, you hear me? You get tired, you go lay down. If you can’t lay on your back, lay on your stomach. Whatever. I don’t care if you lock the door and turn off the light. You do what you gotta do, Buddy.”

  “Don’t start treating me like a baby, Alex.” Kellan said, a little too angry.

  “I’m not Kellan. I’m treating you like the second man to take a bullet for me recently. I owe you a major debt, man.”

  “Alex, you are stupid. You know that?”

  Stunned, Alex didn’t know what to say.

  “You think I am a hero? Son, that guy shot me on the way down. It was an accident. I didn’t dive in front of a bullet or hop on a grenade or anything else. I got shot in the butt when Wayne and the others wrestled that fool to the ground. Same as you, it was a freak shot. I am not a hero. So, for the love of everything that is holy, please stop acting like it.”

  Still facing Kellan, Alex let his eyes drift away. He labored for a response, but could not find one. He was right. Guilt was easy for Alex. He’d left a legacy of guilty feelings in his wake.

  “For what it’s worth, Kel, I wish it—“

  “Don’t start that garbage either!” Kellan shouted, causing Alex to lurch back in his chair. “It’s not your fault I got shot. It’s not your fault Danny got shot. Contrary to popular opinion, the world doesn’t conspire to anger, hurt or destroy Alex Mendez.”

  Chuckling, Alex looked down, fidgeted, uncomfortable. Opening a side draw in his desk, Alex whispered, “I’ll say one thing. Getting shot agrees with you, Kellan.”

  “Laugh it up, Chuckle Head.”

  Reaching for his crutches, Kellan attempted to stand.

  “Before you watch too long,” he said, “I’m going to need your assistance getting up. These chairs aren’t made for gunshot victims.”

  Without a word, Alex rose to his feet.

  “I really do need to talk to you,” Alex said, assisting Kellan to his feet. “We have a bit of a situation on our hands. Frankly, I need your input.”

  “Name it,” Kellan grunted, trying to stabilize himself.

  “We need to question Pastor Highland about these murders.”

  “You are an idiot!” Kellan said, his face filled with disbelief.

  “I’m not joking, Kellan.” Alex said, leaning in. “Highland was there!”

  Chapter 34

  Monday, October 17

  10:45 a.m.

  Surrounded by Josh, Kellan, Reggie and Escalante, Alex felt less like a Police Captain and more like lead singer in a boy band. A well-armed, specifically-trained to kill boy band 20 years past its prime, but a boy band nevertheless.

  “Okay, fellas,” Alex said, sitting down on the edge of his desk. “I want this guy found, or I want him out of my jurisdiction. But I would prefer found. Pushing the problem off on another group of cops is not how we are trained.”

  “Alex, I’m concerned about Pastor Highland. Approaching him might spook him. You know what I mean? If he really is the guy behind all this, or if he knows who is, we confront him with this weak evidence and he bolts. You know it and I know it.”

  “You’re probably right, Kel. But I want a tail on him ASAP. Escalante, you’re up. Whatever you do, don’t get caught. He’s a chaplain, but he’s a police officer. He’ll know a tail when he sees it. Get me two other cops you can work with. Get an experienced uniform and a detective you trust. Coordinate with them. A police car will make it harder for him to spot an actual tail. That’ll make it harder for him to make you.”

  Escalante nodded.

  “Got anyone in mind?”

  “First thought, Janet.”

  Alex shook his head.

  “No go. I’ve got another assignment for Janet.”

  A knock at the door drew everyone’s attention.


  Janet opened the door, entered, followed by Alyson.

  “Hey, Janet. Perfect timing, but what are you doing here?”

  Alyson closed the door, walked next to Josh, who matched her smile.

  “We have news.”


  “Turns out your killer is a master of disguise.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Went to talk to Alyson’s boss. Alyson was on duty. She and another person were in chats under assumed profiles. Both talking to the same guy. Phantom something. Alyson has the chat logs.” She directed Alyson, who reached into her purse and pulled out a stack of folded papers, handed them to Alex.

  “There was also a photograph,” Alyson said. “Gave us each a photograph.” She handed them to Alex.

  “Notice anything?” Janet asked.

  “Well, one is light brown hair. The other is dark brown. This one has thicker eyebrows. Looks older even. You can see a deeply furrowed brow. Are you certain it’s the same guy?”

  “Same guy or a relative. Look at the eyes.” Janet said.

  Alex handed the photos to Kellan.

  “One thing’s for sure, Alex. This is not Pastor Highland.”

  Alex grumbled.

  “I hate it when you’re right, Kellan.”

  “Doesn’t mean he’s not involved,” Josh asserted.

  “He’s in the file of at least four of these cases and none of them in the same state. This is not a coincidence.” Alex agreed. “But, Josh, you’ve had these files for some time. The Bureau has anyway. Why haven’t you questioned him?”

  “Alex, I don’t know what to tell you. We missed it. I missed it. Yeah, I can say I was handed this case mid-game, but I missed it. I’m not gonna waste anyone’s time kicking myself in the rear. We – everyone in this room that is – all owe it to the victims to take this fool down.”

  Alex felt the blood leave his face.

  “What’s wrong, Alex?” Janet aske

  “Janet, I want you and Alyson to do me a favor. I think it’s time we flex our investigation muscle. But, to pull this off, we’re going to need outside help. And I want you and Alyson to bring ‘er in.”

  “Who, Alex?”

  “Bella Winters.” Looking back at the photos of the supposed killer, a focused confusion filled Alex. “The eyes. I’ve seen those eyes somewhere.”

  Chapter 35

  Monday, October 17

  11:26 a.m.

  “Okay, this is what I want to do.” Alex said, leaning forward in his chair, placing his hands on his desk. “Regardless of who this guy is, we can trap him. Escalante, you’re still gonna follow Pastor Highland. If it’s going to be him we take down, at least we’ll have warning. The rest of us are going to set up an old fashioned sting.”

  “What exactly do you have in mind, Alex?” Kellan asked.

  “Kellan, no offense, but I’m gonna need you here keeping the fort down. It’s not just because of your injury. It’s because I’m going to need Janet with me and you’re senior. You and Cade coordinate with the feds from here. That’s your part. As for the rest of us, Reggie, I have a part for you to play if you are up for it.”

  “I’m ready, Cap.”

  “I mean it, Reg. You can’t hesitate. You can’t freak out and shoot an innocent man. You have to be ready. You can’t think you’re ready. You have to be ready. You screw this up, lives are lost, Reg.”

  “With all due respect, Cap, I’m ready. Trust me.”

  “You know how many babies are born on ‘trust me’, Reg?”

  A slight snicker waved around the room. Alex raised a hand silencing everybody.

  “Okay, so what do you need from us, Alex?” Josh asked.

  Josh, we’re going to need your electronics equipment. When the girls get back, I’m going to get Bella Winters to give Janet and Alyson a crash course in how to be a prostitute. How to think, act, walk, talk like one.”

  “Wait. Alyson?” Josh asked. “Alex, you can’t. She’s not a cop.”

  “No, she’s not. That’s why I’m sending Janet and Reggie in with her. And we will be in very close proximity. Alyson’s talked with this guy online. She can think quick on her feet because she’ll be able to recall conversations. We need someone with experience and knowledge of this guy.”

  “Alex, if we’re going to do this, I want to go in with them.”

  “No,” Alex whispered.

  “Alex, I’m a federal officer. Don’t make me pull rank here. I’ve done you a favor by taking a back seat but I can take over any time I wish.”

  “Look, Josh, You’re right. You’re a ranking federal officer. I get that. But you’ve also been seen by the Highlands. They know you. You can’t go in because you’ll blow the whole operation wide open. You’ll endanger Alyson and everyone else in that room, not to mention you’ll endanger countless women who are counting on us to end this once and for all.”

  Turning away, Josh sighed. Even from behind, Alex could see a slight flushing crawl its way into Josh’s ears. Josh took a couple of deep breaths. Without turning around, Josh acquiesced.

  “You’re right. Okay we do this your way. But I have operational command on this. Period. That’s not up for discussion. If Alyson’s in danger, I’m going to be the one with the power to give the orders here, whether it’s abort or take him down.”

  Alex hesitated, if only for a second, causing Josh to turn back toward him.

  “Nope. Josh, you know that’s not right. Putting you in charge of an op involving Alyson? That’s asking you to overreact and you know it.”

  “And what about you? You wouldn’t over react if Alyson was in trouble?”

  “Honestly, no.” Alex declared.

  “So you’re okay answering to Lisa if you get her cousin killed? You’re just going to sit there and tell me you’re Captain Cool in all this? Alex you’re kidding yourself.”

  “No, I’m not kidding myself and I’m not kidding you. This is a plan I know will work. I’m trusting Reggie to get my cousin out of there. Reggie is asking me to trust him so I’m trusting him. You and I both know you can’t do that. You don’t know Reggie. You haven’t seen him studying at his desk, researching online how to be a better cop. You haven’t been with him these last several weeks, showing him the ropes. You haven’t watched him develop from a scared kid, fighting a raging case of dry mouth to a confident investigator fighting to be sure of his own abilities.”

  Smiling, Reggie said, “Thanks, Cap.”

  “Don’t thank me, Reg. You asked me to trust you so I’m trusting you. But this is what I’m talking about. I’m trusting you with someone I love. Someone Josh loves. Someone my wife practically raised. I’m trusting you to get her out alive. Not to mention an innocent, Bella Winters and your fellow officer, Janet Busby. If this thing fails, you will have to look me in the eye, look Josh in the eye. You’ll have to tell Janet’s husband why his wife is not coming home. You will have to do that, Reg. Nothing can prepare you for that. So, you tell me you’re ready and I’ll give you that chance. But, now, ask yourself, are you ready? If you’re not, I want to know now. I’ll get somebody else. You can follow Highland and I can get Escalante to take this assignment.”

  “Maybe that’s a good idea, Alex,” Escalante said.

  Passing a brief glance to Escalante, Alex continued, “Well, Reg. Is it a good idea or isn’t it? If you’re not ready, I want you to tell me now. Nobody but the people in this room will know. And nobody in here will fault you for wanting to be sure. But if you fail, everybody in this room will have a reason to beat the snot out of you. Say the word and you switch detail with Escalante.”

  “Well if you’re going to put it that way,” Reggie Brooks began before pausing. He looked down at his hands. Even with them half hidden, Alex could see them trembling. “Captain, Josh, I promise, I won’t let you down.”

  “Okay then,” Alex said, feigning relief. “Let’s break for some lunch. I’ll call the girls and we’ll meet back here about 1:00. Sound good?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “1:00 it is then.”

  As everyone walked out, Reggie Brooks looked back.

  “You coming, Cap?”

  “In a second. I have some calls to make first. Go eat something good. You can leave my side for a bit. I give you permission.” Alex winked when Reggie stood there, unsure how to respond.

  Reggie smiled and gave a lazy salute before closing the door.

  Sighing, Alex folded his hands. Rubbing them together, he fought to remove the chill that was radiating from his soul toward his, now, trembling extremities. Shaking them off, he folded them together. Bowing his head, Alex made the one call that mattered.

  “God, be with us. Give us the strength and courage for what we are about to do.”

  Chapter 36

  Monday, October 17

  1:08 p.m.

  Alex’s office was too small for the group, and Captain Steelman was holding a briefing with the Mayor and city officials in the briefing room, so they’d commandeered Interrogation One. It smelled. The trash bin was full of paper and at least one pair of rubber gloves. The camera light was off indicating what Alex already knew; that they were unobserved.

  There were only 4 chairs available, which meant Kellan could sit down. Chivalry dictated that the other three chairs belonged to Alyson, Bella and Janet. While Janet took a seat by Kellan, Alyson stood by Josh. Slightly off to the side, looking about as uncomfortable as he’d ever seen a person look, Bella hugged herself. Alex couldn’t be certain she was trembling, but she was a fish desperately seeking deep waters.

  Trying not to make a huge deal of it, Alex made eye contact with Alyson, motioned with his eyes. Winking at Alex, Alyson approached Bella Winters and struck up a short chat. Reluctance seemed hard-pressed to let go of her. Of course, she was in a roomful of police officers.

  “Okay, everybody. I need your attention.”

  What little conversation was happening cea
sed with Alex’s instruction.

  “Thanks,” he continued. “Now, I sent Escalante to case the Highland’s house. Janet, assuming you and Alyson don’t have clothes suitable for this, go wherever you have to go and charge it to the station. But don’t go overboard. Got it?”

  “Girls’ day!” Alyson cheered, nudging Bella.

  Giggling and trading winks with Janet, they nodded.

  Rolling his eyes, Alex continued.

  “Josh, were you able to get the equipment I asked about?”

  “Yep, it’s on its way. Should be here within a couple hours. You’re not planning on doing this before tonight right?”

  “At the earliest. That’s fine. Okay, And Reggie, I’m going to need you to accompany the women shopping. First, to make sure they don’t go overboard. Second, to get yourself some, um, appropriate pimp garb. I don’t want you to look fake, but I want you to stand out like a sore thumb in that room, you hear?”

  Reggie nodded.

  “Janet, you and Reggie will go in armed tonight. So, I suggest buying something that will allow you to hide your sidearm.”

  “What do I do Alex? When we get back, I mean.” Alyson asked.

  “You get in touch with this guy under a new name and make a date. For tonight if possible. And tell your boss, Jason, to do his best to monitor chats for screen name activity we haven’t seen. I’ve looked through the files. Nothing suggests an internet connection prior to now. I’m gonna hedge my bets this guy might just change his name to cover tracks.”

  She nodded.

  “Even if he changes his name,” she said, “We’ll be able to log his ISP. We’ll be able to tell if it’s the same guy.”

  “Highland is a cop. If he’s really the guy we’re after, surely he’ll be smart enough to cover those tracks.” Kellan interjected.

  “Well, he is a cop,” Alex agreed, “But he’s a tad older. Let’s face it, Kel. You and I are technological dinosaurs and we do this every day. Highland just might be the same.”


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