Book Read Free

Made with Love

Page 13

by Tricia Goyer

  Noah paused and the sparkle in his eyes faded. “Unless.” He gulped. “Unless you’ve come to tell me your dad said no.”

  She covered her mouth with her hands, and her shoulders trembled as she tried to hold in her tears. Mose, Gerald, and Atlee looked at each other and then at Noah. Worry was clear on their faces.

  Lovina lowered her hand. “No, that’s not it. That’s not why I’m crying. He actually said yes.” More tears came and she wished she could hold them in. She took a step closer to the counter.

  Gerald scratched his head, causing his dark hair to stick up even more. “Well, if he said yes why are you crying?”

  “I’m crying because I’ve been dreaming about this for so long.”

  “So it’s a yes?” Noah asked, wanting to make sure he’d heard her right.

  She nodded.

  “A yes that you can buy the property, or a yes with us helping with the remodel?”

  Lovina nodded again and then mouthed the word. “Both.”

  Noah jumped and punched his fist in the air. “Yes!” He looked to the teens, who were still busy eating their dinner. They’d moved past their hot dogs and were now digging into chocolate whoopie pies—probably ones they’d picked up from Yoder’s.

  Noah crossed his arms over his chest. “Boys, it looks like we have the job.”

  “The job?” Atlee asked.

  “Yes, the perfect job for us…right out our back door.”

  Lovina brushed at her tears and then discretely wiped her moist hands on her skirt. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward. She pictured the counter covered with flour and rolling pins. She ran her hand down its surface and then turned to Noah. She patted her temple. “Everything—all my dreams—have been up here for so long. And now I feel like I’m seeing them come to life.”

  “And it’s just a start, Lovina.” His gaze followed the paved driveway that ran along the side of his uncle Roy’s fence, following it to the parking lot and then to the warehouse beyond. “I have so many more ideas. I can’t wait to get started.”

  She continued to run her hand down the counter, noticing the nicks and worn spots.

  “It’s a perfect counter. Just looking at it I can picture meals cooked. I can see the worn spots where crusts have been rolled out.” Her hand paused on one spot where the Formica was no longer cream but white. “Wherever did you find it?”

  “We were pulling some stuff from an old house that was going to be remodeled. I saw this, and I knew it was for you.”

  She dared to look up into his face, knowing she’d have a hard time not feeling her heart cinching one notch closer to his. Lovina had spent the day on a beautiful beach with a handsome bachelor. Thomas had said all the right things and had done all the right things, and yet there had been nothing truly memorable about their time together. Yet standing here with Noah, with her hands on this old, worn countertop and the smell of hot dogs in the air, Lovina’s heart swelled. This was the most romantic moment of her life.

  Noah knew her. Noah believed in her dream. And he not only believed…he was backing her up. Lovina looked at the warehouse again, picturing it open and ready for business. Not only because she believed it could happen, but because the man working alongside her would make certain of it.

  Chocolate Whoopie Pies


  1½ cups shortening

  3 cups sugar

  3 egg yolks, beaten

  3 teaspoons vanilla

  1½ cups buttermilk (or sour milk)

  3 teaspoons baking soda

  2 teaspoons salt

  1½ cups hot water

  1½ cups unsweetened cocoa powder

  6 cups flour


  1½ cups shortening (not butter flavored)

  5 tablespoons milk

  3 cups powdered sugar

  1 tablespoon vanilla

  3 egg whites, beaten stiff

  For pies, preheat oven to 350°. Cream together shortening and sugar. Add egg yolks and vanilla. Stir in buttermilk. Add baking soda, salt, hot water, cocoa, and flour. Beat well. Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie sheet and bake 12 minutes.

  For filling, cream shortening and milk. Add powdered sugar and vanilla; mix well. Beat in egg whites until filling is fluffy.

  To assemble pies, spread a heaping spoonful of filling on flat side of half of the cookies. Top with remaining cookies. Makes approximately 40 whoopie pies.


  If at first you succeed, try not to look astonished.


  When Jason Schlabach had told Lovina that things could move quickly with the purchase of the warehouse, she hadn’t quite understood what he’d meant. It had been less than two weeks since she’d first seen the warehouse. It had been only a week and a half since they’d made their first offer. And now Jason held the escrow papers in his hand.

  Lovina had been up early and dressed. She’d read her Bible and had cleaned the kitchen. When she still had time before their meeting, she decided to walk to the bank instead of riding her bike.

  At the park she’d taken in the sight of Mrs. Beiler sitting on an overturned five-gallon bucket, fishing. At the school, she’d paused and watched the children practicing for a Columbus Day program, performing on the lawn. She walked with slow steps past the bookstore and then across Kaufman Avenue to the bank.

  She wasn’t surprised to see Noah standing and waiting there, with her dat by his side. And even though it was expected, the sight of Noah made her heart flutter. Ever since Dat and Noah had met to discuss the warehouse and go over more details of the plan, the two men had become constant companions. Noah had come to the house, mostly because Dat hadn’t been feeling well. Her sisters enjoyed talking to him, and were always offering him whatever they were cooking up. But Mem was a different story.

  Mem hardly said anything worthwhile to Noah—mostly just small talk. When he showed up she usually made an excuse to visit one of their neighbors. Lovina tried to pretend it didn’t bother her, but it had. For Mem not only ignored Noah, but she also refused to discuss anything about the pie shop. It was almost as if Mem believed that if they didn’t talk about it, it wouldn’t happen.

  And while Lovina enjoyed having Noah over so often, she rarely got any of his attention. She knew that Dat and Noah mostly discussed construction, but there were many days she felt left out. Was Noah becoming the son Dat had never had? She liked the thought of that, but what would happen after the pie shop was open? Would Noah stick around—if not for her, then for Dat?

  She reached the bank door and Noah opened it for her. She walked in and the two men followed.

  Jason was waiting in the lobby. “Lovina, gentlemen. I have everything ready on my desk.”

  Lovina settled into one of the chairs across from Jason and her dat sat in the other.

  “Should I leave while you sign your paperwork?” Noah asked. He glanced between her and her father, as if suddenly worried he’d overstepped his bounds.

  Dat stroked his beard. “Not at all, son. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be able to do this at all.” Dat turned to Jason. “Do you think we can get a chair for my friend?”

  “We already have one coming.” Jason stepped aside as another man brought in a chair for Noah.

  “Okay, friends.” Jason sat. “I have three stacks of paperwork. One for each of you.” Jason turned to her. “If you don’t mind, Lovina, I’ll do Noah and your dat’s paperwork first, because it’s less complicated than yours.”

  “Noah’s paperwork? Dat’s?” her brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.” She looked from Jason to her father. And then back to Jason again. “Last time we talked the sale was going to be in my name. Dat simply was going to provide the funding and…” She let her voice trail off. She didn’t even know what to say about Noah.

  Dat looked at her. “I’ve been thinking about it, and that’s a great burden of responsibility for you to carry. I’ve decided to change things.” Dat cleared this throa
t. “The amount for the building will be covered, but I’m going to give you money for the remodel too. Noah is going to be a signer on that portion of the paperwork, so he can have access to the money and buy supplies as needed. For example, we’ll need to make sure the kitchen is up to code…and I don’t want you to have to worry about that.”

  Lovina’s mouth dropped open, and tears filled her eyes. “Dat, no. I can’t accept all that.”

  He placed his hand on hers, halting her words. “You can, because it’s my choice what to do with my money. Mem and I still have enough to live on. I wouldn’t do anything that would hinder that. Besides, it’ll make things easier for Noah. He won’t have to bother you for every little thing he needs to buy. That’ll leave you time to focus on the baking part, and in hiring the right help. There is a lot of setup that needs to be done, a lot of figuring to make your dreams come to life. I want you to focus on that.”

  Thankfulness flowed from her heart, and she wondered what she’d ever done to deserve it. She didn’t feel worthy to receive such a gift, and for a moment she felt like insisting that her father not be so generous. But then, as she looked into his eyes, a peace settled in her heart. He was doing this—giving so much—because he loved her. Dat was offering it not because she’d been good or she’d worked to deserve it. Instead, simply because she was his child. Tears rimmed the corners of her eyes at that thought.

  She nodded, wiping her eyes, and then she glanced at Noah. He had a worried look on his face, as if concerned that she was angry that she wasn’t going to be in control of every aspect. She offered a slight smile, hoping to ease his worries.

  They signed a few papers, and then Lovina listened as Jason explained. “In addition to the financial papers there is also liability paperwork.” Jason passed a paper across the desk to Dat. “John, by signing this you’re saying that you understand there is no insurance if anything happens to the property during construction or after. Even though we are a Mennonite bank, the state requires liability insurance for all bank loans.”

  Dat scanned the paperwork as Jason continued.

  “These papers state that you alone will cover all the cost if there is any type of damage, injury, or problems during the construction and renovation.”

  Lovina’s gut tightened as she heard those words.

  “Dat?” She searched his eyes again, understanding the cost.

  He smiled at her. “Lovina. All you have to say is thank you. And you have to sign these papers too. It’s not that it’s costing you nothing. All your money will be invested in this. Two years’ worth of income from teaching school, and everything else you’ve managed to save up from pie sales here and there.”

  “I know, Dat. I know what I’m giving, but I’m…well, I’m overwhelmed by what you’re giving too.” Lovina’s fingers folded together. “And…does Mem know?”

  “Your mem has never asked about finances. She has always trusted my judgment. I’m not hiding anything from her, but I feel no need to explain everything either. I told her I will make sure you’re taken care of, and she was grateful for that.”

  Lovina nodded, but she didn’t know if grateful was the right word. Mem seemed out of sorts lately. This pie shop wasn’t Mem’s dream for her, she knew.

  Jason continued to explain the papers set in front of them, and with each stroke of her father’s pen a heavy sensation came over Lovina. Yes, there was joy and excitement that her dream would soon be coming true, but there was a heavy burden too. She had to make this work now. There was no choice. All the money she’d saved was at stake, yes, but now her dream would forever affect her parents too.

  When Jason moved to Noah’s paperwork, the tears were hard to hold back. He was giving so much with no guarantee he’d make any money at all. What if the items in the warehouse weren’t worth as much as he thought? They’d be working for so little. Noah too was giving to her at great cost to himself.

  Lovina’s fingers trembled on her lip, and she wiped away a tear. She knew how Noah cared for those boys, and they were dependent on her now as well.

  As she sat there it was as if the weight of everything hit. The community, her neighbors, and her future employees. Why, they’d all be looking at her, counting on her.

  It took everything in Lovina not to stand and bolt out the door. She even thought about Thomas Chupp’s mention of a schoolteacher position that would be opening up. He’d made his intentions toward her clear. Would it be too bad to let her heart journey that direction? She could follow him back to Pennsylvania. She could teach school and spend more time with him. She could get to know those in the community. She could start over with a new life—a life that was expected of every Amish woman. And she was sure he’d be a fine husband. Just like her dat had always been. Wasn’t that gut enough?

  Lovina had almost convinced herself to go down the path to Pennsylvania—and Thomas—when Jason turned his attention to her. “All right, Lovina. Your turn to sign.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she couldn’t do it. There was too much at stake. She was too worried to hurt those she cared for.

  Then she saw Noah from the corner of her eye. He was handing her the pen. She reached for it and noticed something in his eyes. Trust…and protection. He was going to stand by her. Noah Yoder wasn’t going to make her do this alone. Seeing the care in his gaze reminded her that God wasn’t going to leave her alone either. Hadn’t He first placed this dream on her heart?

  “Come, daughter. You can sign the papers quicker than that. My stomach is telling me it’s lunchtime.” Dat sniffed the air. “I know I must be imagining it, but I am certain I can smell Yoder’s chicken stuffing casserole and fried chicken from here.”

  She took the pen and turned to Jason. “Okay.” She breathed out slowly. “Okay.”

  She’d carried the dream for so long, and now she had these men who would help her to see it through.

  She sniffed the air too, but she didn’t smell chicken casserole. Instead, Lovina smelled the scent of rain from the open window. And something else too…the beautiful aroma of God’s goodness. And of good things to come.

  Yoder’s Restaurant Chicken Stuffing Casserole

  1 large potato, cubed

  2 carrots, diced

  8 ounces crumbled cornbread

  ½ cup butter, melted

  3 cups cooked chicken

  1 can cream of celery soup

  1 cup chicken broth

  Preheat oven to 350°. Simmer potatoes and carrots in salted water until nearly done. In medium bowl, toss cornbread and butter. Spread half in a buttered 13×9-inch pan. Top with chicken. Combine soup, broth, and vegetables and spread evenly over chicken. Add remaining cornbread on top. Bake uncovered 45-60 minutes.


  Children are living messages we send to a world we will not see.


  After enjoying lunch at Yoder’s, Lovina was eager to get to the warehouse. She’d been in it only one other time with Jason, but Dat hadn’t seen the inside. Noah, too, hadn’t been inside since that first day when he’d walked in and offered his services.

  Lovina held her breath as they walked up to the building. But the closer they got the more her dat’s steps slowed. She looked at the warehouse from Dat’s eyes, and Lovina’s heart fell.

  The sun was bright overhead, spotlighting the building. The two times she’d been inside the soft light from the early morning and the mist of rain had hidden some of the building’s shortfalls.

  The large gray structure had a metal roof, but the siding needed a coat of paint. Peeling paint around the window frames gave it a shaggy appearance.

  Jason waited by the door with the key. He had chosen to eat lunch at home with his family. He approached Dat with a smile and shook his hand. Dat greeted him, but he didn’t make small talk. Instead, he pointed to the door. “Go ahead and open it up. I’d like to take a look inside.”

  Jason swung open the door, stepping inside. The odors of oil and dust greete
d Lovina as she entered.

  Once she got inside Jason held the key out to her. “This is yours now, Lovina.”

  Dat walked ahead of all of them. He eyed the ceiling. He looked at the walls. He didn’t seem as interested in all the stuff that filled the warehouse.

  Lovina took a few steps to follow him. Jason reached out and touched her arm. Lovina stopped, understanding. Dat had just invested a lot of money in this place, and she needed to give him time to sort his thoughts.

  Then Jason turned to Noah. “Was this some type of a shop before?”

  Lovina crossed her arms over her chest, wishing she could read Dat’s thoughts. Worried he felt he’d made a mistake investing so heavily in her. Doubts wiggled in to her mind too. What if they couldn’t get this place fixed up like she thought? What if they didn’t get the response from the community that she thought they would?

  “Ja. It did used to be an old shop. I asked my uncle about this place,” Noah said. “The man who owns it—used to own it—worked on automobiles, but business wasn’t good.” Noah chuckled. “I wonder why, though? Maybe it wasn’t that wise setting up an auto shop on the edge of an Amish village.”

  Noah looped his thumbs through his suspenders. “Then he was going to turn it into a theater. He put in those big windows where the automotive entrance door use to be. He got the idea for a theater after seeing the Blue Gate up in Shipshewana. He bought out the contents of an old theater a few years ago and then moved those things here. My uncle says that owner must have passed away because the man who sold it to Lovina was his younger brother.”

  Those words brought a heaviness that Lovina hadn’t expected. “It’s sad. The former owner must have had so many dreams and plans…” Seeing the changes in Dat’s health had made her realize that life was fragile, and you could work your whole life for something just to have it slip away—just as he’d seen with his farm. It had made her think long and hard about what she wanted to invest herself in.


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