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The Allotter:The Threads of Destiny

Page 10

by Kimberlie L. Faye

  “You needed time with them. I did not belong there, so I left.” the last said with a shrug of his massive shoulders, muscles straining the thin fabric of his cream colored dress shirt. He shoved his hands into his pockets, a very human reaction she thought to herself.

  “I wanted you there and I don’t know why. Why do I feel that way? Did we have a relationship at another time?” she questioned, needing to understand where she stood with everyone.

  “Yes. I will admit to admiring you from afar for some time and eventually, we became lovers.” He stared down into the bustling city streets. “My allegiance and responsibilities to Zeus never permitted time for me to pursue anyone, let alone you.” he continued, his back strained, showing how difficult the admission was for him. He chuckled. “I was defiant. I couldn’t stay away. You were something to behold, so graceful but formidable when necessary.” his voice distant, obvious memories spurring him on.

  Evie was suddenly awkward and warm all over. She couldn‘t handle the curious feelings surging through her. “Did I look like I do now?” she asked in fascination while she walked towards him, curious to know more. She stopped next to him, their close proximity causing her thighs to clench involuntarily as her skin heated. Tugging the constrictive t-shirt away from her suddenly overly sensitive nipples, she observed his profile and marveled at his perfection.

  “Yes, the three of you chose to look as you did when you were immortal. You look the same.”

  His admission quiet as he tried to avoid eye contact.

  She chewed her bottom lip, “You sound disappointed. Are you?” Hesitant to hear his answer.

  His eyes narrowed, he turned to her, surprised at her question. “No. I’m not disappointed at all. I’m disappointed at myself for succumbing to you. I underestimated how alluring you would be as a mortal woman. As a goddess, it was nearly impossible. ” His fathomless blue eyes glittered in the glass window as they trailed down her body and back up again as he spoke, finally settling on the lip she chewed. With ease, he pulled her lip away from her teeth, rubbing his thumb across the sensitive pillow. She held her breath, eyes dropping to his lips. Would he kiss her? His body leaned into hers as she swayed in his direction, as if invisible threads drew them to each other. Her clothes felt hot and tight against her over sensitive skin. He licked his full lips and she dropped her yogurt. Again.

  Abruptly she stepped back, breaking their heated connection. “I gotta stop doing that. It’s really wasteful and I‘m pretty hungry.” She bent over, picked up the yogurt and walked away from him. Placing it on the counter, Evie asked, “Do you have a computer I could use?” she wiped her sweaty and shaky hands on her pants, waiting for his answer.

  He gestured to the door next to the room she awakened in earlier in the day. “May I use it?” she asked as she made her way across the room. His eyes followed her, burning a sensual caress into her body as she walked away. She smiled nervously as she opened the door to the room and walked in, mumbling thank you as the door clicked shut.

  Leaning against the door, she let out an unsteady breath, and squirmed against the door. He made her so needy and confused! She felt like she had just run a marathon without any water for hydration. Her hands itched to open the door and go back to him so she could press her body against him, caress his golden skin. She refused to give in like she had in her daydream. She swiped the beads of sweat that had gathered behind her neck and flipped the light on.

  The room was a dark orange color, three walls with floor to ceiling book shelves, of course, filled with books. The empty wall housed a beautiful cherry wood desk, recliner rolling chair and a computer. The geometric shapes on the screen saver silently bounced from side to side on the monitor while the modem hummed next to it. She flipped the light on and walked over to the inviting chair, ungracefully plopping into it. Rolling the wireless mouse around on the grey mouse pad, a search engine popped up. Evie stared for a few minutes at it. Leaning forward in her chair, she typed in Lachesis and hit enter.

  Chapter 14

  Sitting back in the plush chair, Evie scratched her head and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes were burning and she was exhausted. Her mind reeled at everything she read in the past couple of hours. She could hardly believe it! Her mother was Themis. The Greek Titan of law and order. Her parents, if everything was unbelievably true, were Greek gods. Only, why did she not wield any sort of power? Did she really want to? She blew out a frustrated breath fluttering her bangs as she spun her chair around, facing the doorway. She thought of Kratos, a winged enforcer is what she read. She stared at the door.

  She quietly spoke, somehow knowing he would hear her, “I know you are there.” She waited, as the door opened, his imposing form blocking the light behind him. He leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms across his chest. His face in shadow, she could not read his expression but knew it was intense.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” he spoke into the darkness, his words laced with an almost imperceptible accent, the words sharp and blunt on his tongue. He was frustrated in some way.

  She gripped the arms of her chair, her knuckles white with pressure. “I think so. I don’t know. I’m confused and overwhelmed with everything. I don’t know what I’m doing or what I want right now.” she was mildly distraught and shrugged her dismay, feeling a sudden thrill sweep through her. Apart of her wanted him against her, in her.

  In her? Where had that come from? She shook her head, brows furrowed with concern. What was her problem?

  Stepping forward, he kicked the door closed with his foot. “You may be confused about your identity and you may be overwhelmed, but one thing you do know without a doubt is what you want right now.” He stepped between her legs, as she looked up at him, her breaths suddenly ragged. Crouching down in front of her, his hands caressed up her thighs, around her hips, and settled for a moment on the waistband of her yoga pants.

  “You want answers. You want distraction. I can give you both, one right now. I don‘t think I can hold back anymore.” Their eyes locked on each other for a moment before he hooked his fingers in the elastic band, pulling her pants and underwear down to her ankles, her naked butt skidding on the leather of the chair.

  “Wait! This is probably not a good idea.” her plea weak and hollow as she attempted to put him away from her. She failed.

  With one hand he pulled her hands off of his chest, placing them flat on the chair then spread her legs wide. Hooking her legs over his shoulders, his palms sensuously skated up her inner thighs. His eyes half-lidded, he pressed his lips to each thigh with reverence.

  Dropping her head back against the cool leather chair, she closed her eyes. “This is such a good idea.” her earlier opinion shattered by his warm touch.

  “How I’ve missed you.” His sensual whisper caused a flicker of familiarity to pass through her memory as his thumbs followed his nibbling lips as they skated up her inner thighs with excruciating ease before his fingers discovered her wetness and gently spread her where she needed him most. Her stuttered sigh and undulated hips proved she was already wet, his nostrils flared at the discovery. Her cheeks flushed with mixed feelings of need and embarrassment. She felt hollow, as if she would die any moment if he didn’t fill her. Now.

  A mixture of desire and panic wreaked sudden havoc on her senses as shame pooled in her gut from her behavior. Again attempting to push his shoulders away, Evie’s weak defiance was immediately conquered when without a word, he dipped his head and tongued her, thrusting his tongue deep as his thumbs pressed her wide. She sucked in a breath, her back arching off of the seat as the burning pleasure made her want to squirm away from him and into him simultaneously, even if his hands would not allow it. With a low chuckle against her skin he licked and sucked until she pulled his dark head hard, pushing him away, as her legs contradicted her good sense as they locked around his neck.

  Suddenly, Evie felt daring and empowered. Her logical self whispered that her behavior was insanity. Something or som
eone else spurred her naughty behavior on. Her skin tingled, as her head buzzed making her feel as if she weren’t quite herself at this very moment. Abruptly, she sat forward, pushing him away from her. His eyes widened in surprise at the force of her blow as he fell backward, landing on his forearms, his abdominal muscles contracting under his shirt. Breathing labored and irregular, Evie felt on fire as she pulled her shirt over her head, her nipples throbbing as they pressed against her bra. Her blood roared in her ears as she dropped forward onto her hands and knees and crawled up his supine body, ripping his shirt up the middle in the process. Buttons scattered, a few hitting the wall. Straddling him, she rubbed herself against the exposed skin just above his jeans. His bulge scraped painfully against his pants, as she undulated against him, the friction and intensity from the movement catapulted her into an orgasm, her control shattering as her rational self seemed pushed back into her subconscious.

  Dropping forward against his chest, Evie traced his lips with the tip of her tongue, his mouth opening on a groan as her hand frantically unbuttoned his jeans, his hands reaching behind her and unhooking her bra. She shimmied his pants down his hips, their mouths never breaking contact as their tongues dipped and tasted each other. Gripping his hard cock, she felt a bead of moisture form at his soft tip. She leaned slightly to the side as she guided him into her dripping sheath. As she bit his bottom lip, she ground herself onto him, embedding him completely. An open-mouthed moan charged the air as he surged up and thrust his tongue into her mouth on a savage kiss; the very tip of him causing a tickling burn low in her belly.

  She bit her lip, a feeling of relief overwhelming her sensitive skin and emotions. “I’ve wanted to do this since this afternoon.” Her mumble ending on a moan as her eyelids slid shut. With infinite sensuality, her fingers skimmed her nipples, the sensation causing her thighs to clench his hips. Opening her eyes, she gazed into his, as his gaze illuminated from within, her lips parting in awe as his skin began to shimmer a soft golden hue.

  For a moment, a memory surfaced of their coupling and their bodies glimmering in the throws of passion. It wasn’t just sex; it was a deeper bond of something more.

  “Kratos.“ She moaned. She knew this, this moment. She remembered him. They didn’t move as their uneven breaths consumed the silence. His beautiful, ethereal blues stared into her eyes, as he sat up. His palms cupped her face with intensity.

  He searched her face, his thumbs gently tracing her eyebrows, down her cheekbones, and settling on her lips. With gentle precision, he kissed her lips, the feather-light caress jolting her heart as a feeling of rightness in this moment overcame her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he slowly moved her hips up and down, while skating his lips gently across her jaw, down the column of her throat, and back again. He kissed her breastbone, his lips grazing across the swells of her breasts, as she shivered with sensation. She closed her eyes to savor the feel of him inside of her, and upon opening them found his savage beauty alarming as he whispered softly into her ear, “Mine.” His restraint finally breaking, he flipped her onto her back on the plush carpeting, their heated joining uninterrupted by their sudden movement.

  “You make me feel…so out of control. I could stay inside of you forever.” He said with each thrust, kissing her with deep plunges of his tongue.

  “I would like that. A lot.” she whispered as she pulled her knees up, instigating another orgasm, as he frantically pumped into her Straining his head back, his neck muscles bunched as small beads of sweat gathered at the hollow at his throat. His skin shimmered, the light caramel color almost iridescent as he seemed to illuminate from deep within his very soul. Evie thought he was most beautiful at this moment, like a God should look as his skin shimmered in the semi-darkness of the room. She marveled at his perfection, realizing the hollow at his throat was her favorite part of his body. Leaning up as he pumped into her she licked it, wanting to know the taste of him. He bucked into her so hard that she sucked in a breath as the unexpected orgasm ripped through her again as he came hard and fast within her.

  Rolling to his back, he pulled her next to him. As they laid side by side in the darkness of the room, their recovering breaths were the only sound. As the cool air in the room brought a chill to her sweat dampened skin, she pressed a trembling hand to her brow as her heightened awareness of him turned to dread and apprehension. She wanted him, yes, but she never would have acted in such a brazen way. She only knew that she was meant to be with him, and the knowledge scared the hell out of her.

  “I don’t know who I am.” She whispered into the quiet stillness of the room. Rolling to his side, he cupped her face, as he searched her eyes, his warmth diffusing the spark of panic that had begun to surface.

  He stared into her eyes in the darkness, his keen vision seeing everything. “You are who you want to be. It is ultimately, your decision. You are making it more difficult than it has to be, Evie. You need to come to terms with what is happening and embrace it, embrace her.” He ran his finger along her jaw to her ear, his thumb gently brushing across the eye lid of her molten silver eye.

  “I don’t even know her and I resent her. I feel like she is stealing my life, that I’m slowly disappearing as she reemerges. I’m scared and freaked out.” She covered her face, unable to look him in the eye.

  Gently, he pealed her hand away. His gaze was intense. “You will always be you, you won’t forget or lose who you are because you are irrevocably linked to her and to this reality. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head, and gave him a wobbly smile. Kissing each eye, and then gently on the lips, he stood as he pulled her up along with him. She shivered from a sudden chill as the cool air assaulted her back, and was immediately clothed in a warm, pink fleece bathrobe as it materialized upon her body. “Thanks.” she said, as she chuckled at his abilities, tightening the belt around her waist.

  Nodding his head, he smiled as her stomach growled. “Let’s find you some food. Your stomach is becoming a bit obnoxious.”

  Turning to open the door, she tugged on his hand, “Wait. I have a question. Why do I not have any powers? I mean, if I’m such a powerful immortal, why can’t I do anything. Why am I so helpless?”

  Placing his hands on his hips, low slung jeans materialized on him. “I’m not sure why. Zeus and Themis spoke of it. We surmised that it is because you are in a human form and currently separated from your sisters. When you are reunited with them, it is believed and hoped that it will change and that your prophetic vision will be sparked into reemergence.” Eyeing the floor, he nodded his head, as if assuring himself that his explanation was valid.

  “None of you know what will happen, do you?” Her shoulders sagged, the reality of the unknown settling heavily upon her.

  Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he hugged her body to his. Words of affirmation died on his tongue. Silence would have to do for now.

  Placing her away from him a bit, he suggested, “Come, let’s find you something to eat.” Nodding her head, he took her hand, turned and opened the door, walking straight into the most horrifying creature Evie had ever seen or thought could possibly exist.

  “Lachesis, you look so…..mortal.” it said, it‘s voice a raspy purr as Evie screamed in blood curdling terror.

  Chapter 15

  “You’re… you…you’re…” Evie cleared her throat as the creature in front of her cocked its head unnaturally to the side. It blinked in response to Evie’s stuttered attempt to speak. Blinking its large orbed eyes, their depths blood red, it patiently waited. Evie tried again.

  Searching her mind for the newly acquired information courtesy of the internet, Evie responded, “You’re one of the Erinyes, right?” Her observation caused the creature to smile, revealing sharp, jagged teeth. Evie inadvertently shuddered and stepped back, gripping Kratos’s arm.

  “You could have given her a warning, Alecto.” His irritation directed at the horrifying being before her. Alecto waved him off as she walked around Evie and
him once and then the apartment, investigating everything with rapt fascination.

  Evie was fascinated by its horrid beauty. Slightly smaller than herself, the bat-like creature strolled about the apartment with surprising grace. Realizing it was a female, Evie observed that her body was an inky black, a glossy sheen encasing her. Small bat-like wings protruded from her upper back, occasionally fluttering, as if they had a mind of their own. She was nude, her nipples a deep blood red, like her oversized eyes. Thick hanks of inky black hair undulated and moved fluidly about her head, as if they had a mind of their own. She stopped just in front of Evie, blinked and than smiled at her. Evie winced as she attempted a smile back at the creature.

  Evie explained, gesturing in Alecto’s direction, not quite meeting its eyes. “I had not expected to see anyone, let alone someone that looked quite like you do.” Alecto laughed, her exotically soothing voice contradicting the horrifying vision she presented.

  “It is of no concern. I am what I am. I have no shame of it.” She smiled and turned to Kratos.

  “Tyche has found another. She is in California. You must move quickly, she has dispatched Deimos to retrieve her. If it is Clothos, well, she is quite timid. We could have a serious tragedy on our hands. Deimos can be quite terrifying.” Evie thought to her, don’t I know it as Alecto walked over to the window.

  Evie wondered at Alecto’s reasons for providing information. As if hearing her thoughts, Alecto walked back over to her, causing Evie to inadvertently step away from her. Again.

  “What Tyche is attempting to do is wrong. It is patricide, and for that she could and should be punished. There is a code, laws that must be followed. Others may be swayed. I am not.” With that she walked back toward the windows.

  “I thought Deimos was dead.” Evie blurted, her momentary shock at hearing that he wasn’t dead creating chaos and panic in her mind. Kratos squeezed her hand with reassurance.


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