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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

Page 8

by Amy Davies

  Going up onto my knees, I move toward her. Her body stiffens ever so fucking slightly, but I see it. Her breathing has also picked up, so I know I still affect her. My legs are straddling hers; my ass is sitting lightly on her legs. Leaning forward, I rest my hands in the sand at her hips. I hear her suck in a breath, and then she licks her lips, making my dick twitch in my shorts. Something that I don’t really want to happen in a public place with the club kids and Posey here.

  “Don’t like being ignored, baby. It’s rude as fuck, and one thing you will learn about me is that I don’t like rudeness. Another thing you will learn about me is that I get what I want. Always.” I wink at her then remove her shades.

  Her eyes are wide with want, and I grin at her and sweep in for a kiss, not giving her a chance to stop me or pull away. Using the little gasp that she lets out, I slide my tongue into her mouth and taste her.

  Her mouth is perfection, soft and warm, but she adds a little dominance to the kiss before ripping her face away and looking down at the water.

  “Move,” she tells me, trying to sound pissed, but I can hear the tremor in her voice. I kiss her cheek and move off her but keep close.

  I drop my gaze down her body, and I can see her nipples are hard under the material of her top. I smile to myself.

  “Will you let me explain why I didn’t turn up for our date?” I ask, rubbing my hands over her calves. I can feel her body start to melt, letting me know I have her.

  “Okay. Go for it,” she answers with another shrug, sounding indifferent.

  I tell her everything that happened with Edge and Joel. From waiting at the bar and wishing time would hurry up to getting called into church and getting the order to get to the hospital. She nods like she’s understanding and accepting it, but she doesn’t give an inch on letting me back in.

  “I heard about Edge having a concussion. I’m glad he’s okay,” is all she says at first. With her gaze locked on the water, she’s watching Posey and the other kids splash and play in the waves. To be fair, it looks fucking amazing considering how much my skin is burning in this heat.

  “Thanks, I’ll pass that on. Now how about you actually tell me what has you pissed so we can go in the water and enjoy the day with Posey pie.”

  “You really think it’s that easy, Ryan?” My body shivers when she uses my birth name, and my dick takes notice. Needy bastard.

  “I do actually. You open that delectable mouth of yours and tell me what I did to piss you off besides the date issue, because I can tell there’s more stewing in your eyes, sunshine.”

  She looks away from me, takes a deep breath, and licks her lips. I reach out and grip her chin lightly with my thumb and forefinger, moving her head so she’s looking at me. I cock an eyebrow at her, wanting her to come clean as to why she’s this pissed off at me. Once we sort this shit out, we can move on and enjoy our day—and night if I’m lucky.

  “I saw you the day after,” she tells me quietly so only I can hear her.

  I look around the group and see that no one is watching us. They’re eating, drinking, and having a good time, just like I want to be doing. I rattle my brain as to what she’s talking about and nothing comes to mind. What was I doing the day after our failed date?

  “Oh shit. You saw the kiss,” I state, and her body goes tight, telling me I’m right. I chuckle, because now I know that I can fix this mess up.

  “It’s nothing to laugh about, Ryan. Fucking hell, you ditched me with no contact, then I see you the next morning kissing some other chick. That was a shitty thing to do, but fool me once, as they say.”

  She rushes to her feet and makes her way toward the water, thinking she just ended our conversation. But she couldn’t be farther from the truth. I chuckle and climb to my feet, watching her strut away.

  “Don’t do it, Slide.” I hear Jodie behind me. I look over my shoulder at her and wink before running toward Farrah.

  The kids start screaming at her to run, and she looks over her shoulder and sees me sprinting toward her. With a loud yelp, she runs for the water, but I reach her before she hits the water’s edge.

  I wrap my arms around her waist and hoist her up, maneuvering her over my shoulder before running into the water and launching her into the air. She hits the water with a big splash, and the kids go wild, including Posey.

  We’re waist deep in the water, and Farrah comes to the surface spluttering. Her hair is hanging in her face, and she’s huffing and puffing. Her eyes are blazing behind the strands of hair that are loose and sticking to her face. I chuckle and move toward her, then reach up and move the hair behind her ear. Farrah isn’t impressed whatsoever, but everyone else thinks it’s funny as hell. She stares at me, and my dick responds to the glare in her eyes. Farrah brings her hands up to rest on my chest, her fingertips adding pressure on my pecs. She’s looking at me like she wants to lick me, and who can blame her. I am a tasty morsel.

  With a hefty shove, Farrah pushes me away from her and I tumble backwards, falling under the water. I surface and can hear everyone laughing, again the kids being the loudest, but what I do notice is Farrah is smirking at me with a sexy quirk of her lips.

  She pounces again. Her body lines up with mine, her tits in my face as she puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes me under the water again. I come up and wipe the water from my face so I can see Farrah standing in front of me. She licks her lips as I close the small gap between us.

  I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her snug against me. With one hand, I cup her jaw and lean down for a kiss. It’s soft, sensual as sin, and makes everything around us fade away. I hear the little intake of breath from her, and that’s my signal to go deeper, because she wants this as much as me.

  Her wet body against mine is enough to drive my body, mind and soul fucking crazy. My balls are screaming to be emptied inside of her. Yeah, they’re a dirty pair, but fuck me, they haven’t failed me yet.

  Yeah, I have to explain the shit that went down with Nadia, but damn, at the moment, this kiss is taking up all of my brain space. The blood that should be making my brain tick over is currently racing toward my cock and making him work overtime.

  With her hands trailing from my shoulders to my chest, she shoves me away, but I don’t let her go. She scowls at me, and I grin back at her, before taking another kiss.

  Water clings to her eyelashes, her hair, and some travels down her face, over her jaw, and down onto her neck, making me groan. She looks like she belongs in a swimsuit edition of Playboy or some other pervy magazine.

  “Listen to me, please.” She stops squirming but doesn’t say anything. “I helped Nadia move because of some shit with her roommate. When we loaded up the last of the boxes, she kissed me. I pushed her away, because of you, and it felt wrong as fuck. When I was standing at the back of the truck, I knew that something was off. My stomach was full of dread and now I know that you were there seeing that, especially after me not turning up for the date. I know it looked bad, baby, but I swear it, she kissed me and I pushed her off. I’m not one to cheat. When I’m with a woman, I’m with her only.”

  We stand in the ocean in a stare off, and I’m hoping to fuck that she believes me, because what I told her is the absolute truth. I don’t cheat—I fucking hate that shit.

  She still hasn’t spoken, so I make a joke to lighten the air around us.

  “Did I kiss you senseless?” I offer her a smile. Her eyes are bouncing between mine, like she’s trying to find the lie there, but she won’t. I say what I mean and mean what I say, it’s that simple with me.

  I have always been about the club, the vodka, and the pussy. Every woman I touch knows what they’re getting out of me, or should I say, they know what I’m getting off them. No promises are made to them, but with Farrah, I can already tell that I will promise her the fucking world, her and her daughter.

  Call me a pussy, but when you have a woman in your life that makes your cock come alive with a smile and your heart skip a beat with
just the mention of her name, then, men, hold the fuck on because this will be your biggest and bumpiest but best fucking ride of your life.

  “You’re the first guy to ever hold my attention when I’m not with you, Slide. What you did that night was shitty. I know you explained about Edge and the prospect and I’m sorry that happened to them, but I also know that it takes ten seconds to send a text. That was all I was looking for, and you failed. Not to compare you to anyone, but Posey’s father is in the Army and even he manages to send a text now and then from the desert,” she explains, and I have to say that with the mention of Posey’s dad, my muscles tense up.

  “Is he in the picture?” Her eyes widen at my question, and my stomach tightens. Not once did she mention Posey’s dad, or whether they were together. Fuck, why the hell would she agree to go on a date with me when she’s with someone?

  Now it’s my turn to pull away, but like I did with her, Farrah doesn’t let me go far. She quickly wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. My cock goes into hyperdrive at the action.

  She takes a deep breath, her eyes moving between mine.

  “I am not with Posey’s father. Not in that sense. Chris is very active in our daughter’s life when he’s home. We were together for a few years during our college years before he joined the Army. I was proud as chips of him, and we tried to make it work, but every time he would come home, things got more and more awkward between us, like we weren’t a couple anymore.”

  “But you got pregnant, so there was obviously something there, babe,” I say. She nods and continues her story.

  “Yeah. When he was home one time, we were with friends and got a little drunk. We were still a couple, but the distance was growing, so letting loose with friends seemed like a great idea, but we ended up not using protection that one time and I got pregnant with Posey. Neither of us regret it. She’s the air we both breathe.”

  “I get it, and as she should be.” I smile at her. My parents are fucking amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better set to be fair.

  “Yeah, exactly. I’m so grateful for Chris; Posey and even me are a high priority in his life. We are still great friends and always will be.”

  She looks me dead in the eye when she says this. Farrah is letting me know that if we start anything, I need to know that Posey’s father will always be in their lives in a big way.

  Not wanting to use words anymore, I lean in and take her lips in a kiss that I have no doubt will leave us both breathless. Our tongues duel inside of her mouth, and I let her have her fun before I take over and dominate the kiss. Sliding my hand back to her body and cupping the back of her neck, I slant my head to make the kiss deeper than ones we’ve had before.

  I have kissed plenty of women over the years, but none have ever made me feel the way that Farrah Daniels does right now. It’s fucking crazy that a simple act, such as a kiss from a woman, can brand you for life. I break the kiss and look her in the eye, showing her I mean what I’m about to say.

  “You are mine, Farrah. I will kiss you whenever I want, I will eventually take you to bed, and I will worship this,” I drop my gaze to her chest as that is all that’s above the water, “body for hours. Making you scream my name in octaves you never knew were there.”

  Farrah cocks an eyebrow and then her lips turn up into a very sexy smirk that I swear to God has my cock leaking for all eternity.

  “What about me worshiping this body,” she adds, running a hand over my chest, “and making you growl out my name in tones that you never thought you could hit as I make you come?”

  “Oh, baby, we will both be screaming like we have never screamed before, because it will be off the motherfucking charts when we fuck.”

  I add a cheeky wink, and Farrah laughs, pushing me away from her. I stand there and watch her walk up the beach like a swimwear model, her ass looking beyond delicious. Adjusting my dick in my shorts, I chuckle to myself and make my way out of the water, only to be splashed by a darling little girl.

  “Got you,” she giggles, and jumps over a wave.

  Smiling, I pick her up, and she giggles, making me laugh along with her.



  The kids have been called out of the water to have some food and drink. The feast they have is amazing, and they’re digging in with gusto. Popping a grape into my mouth, I smile when I see Posey trying to feed Slide some of her roasted chickpeas that she loves. She’s sitting on his lap in front of me. The other men in the club are laughing at him as he is being overdramatic for Posey’s benefit.

  “Stop feeding me healthy food, you evil child. I need me some junk foods. Give me that donut, Risk,” Slide cries to Risky.

  At the mention of a donut, Posey’s head snaps in the direction of Risky, who is carrying over a box with donuts in. I see Posey’s eyes widen when she sees all the pretty, decorated treats.

  “Yeah, now you want junk food, don’t ya, little Miss?” Slide tickles Posey. Her giggles fill the air, and my heart swells for this man, who is being simply amazing with my daughter.

  “Mommy, can I?” Posey asks when she turns to look up at me.

  I move to my knees and make my way over to where her and Slide are sitting. Slide moans when I settle next to him, my breasts touching his bicep, as I slide a hand across his shoulder. Yeah, now you know how I feel when you touch me.

  “They aren’t vegan, Farrah,” Risky informs me, and I smile up at her.

  “That’s okay, Kara, Posey isn’t vegan, only I am. You can have one,” I say, looking at Posey, who smiles and dives into the box, picking up a donut that is covered in white royal icing and black sprinkles.

  “It looks like a panda, Mama,” Posey says excitedly, showing me and then Slide.

  “That it does, baby.” I smile at her, and her smile beams back.

  “I like the look of that donut, Posey,” Slide says, licking his lips wildly. Posey’s eye narrow and she moves the donut further away from him. I can hear people snicker, so I look over and see Magnum is fighting to hold back his laughter. Rookie winks at me.

  “Hey, I saw that, fucker,” Slide cries out, making Posey gasp. Slide drops his gaze to Posey, and I see regret in his eyes at swearing in front of her. I go to tell him that it’s okay, but Posey beats me to it.

  “You owe me five bucks, Mister. You wanted my donut and you saided a badded word,” Posey tells Slide, with a serious look on her face.

  I bury my head in Slide’s shoulder, trying to hold my laughter in. Posey is not one to be messed with when it comes to her desserts. That’s why she loves coming to work with me at Coffee Cove.

  The feel of his soft, heated skin beneath my lips sends shivers down my body and has my pussy clenching for his touch. To add to his torment, I kiss his shoulder, adding a little nip, then licking it. His body stiffens, and he turns his head slightly to look at me, his eyes suddenly hooded with desire. It makes my need for him spark.

  We stare at each other for what feels like hours, the lust passing between us. I can feel my nipples tighten beneath the material of my bikini top, but thankfully, my chest is pressed against Slide’s body.

  The electric current that passes between us is something I have never felt before, and I just know that when we are in bed together, it will be off the charts, as they say.

  “Slide… Hellooo,” comes a sweet, annoyed voice that belongs to my daughter, breaking our connection. Slide looks away from me and down at Posey.

  “Yeah, Posey pie?” he replies, and her frown deepens.

  “Men,” she huffs. “You owe me five bucks.” This time, she climbs to her feet, almost toppling over when most of her focus stays on making sure her donut doesn’t end up on the sand.

  Slide helps her to balance herself, before she turns her glare back at him again. He brings one of his hands to his chest and rests his other hand over mine. I don’t miss the smiles the other women are giving us, nor some of the men smirking at the situation.

  The girl
s have told me the type of man Slide is—hell, even Kenny warned me. But when he explained things to me while in the water, I couldn’t help but believe him, because he sounded so genuine.

  “And why is that exactly?” He turns and winks at me, knowing he’s riling her up. Huffing again, she points a finger at him.

  “You wanted my donut, and no one takes my donuts, Mister. And you said a badded word. So, pay up.”

  This time, no one can hold in the laughter anymore. Their laughs sound around us. Posey jerks at the sudden loud noise, but Slide pulls her to him and sits her in his lap, her back to his chest. Her tiny hand grips his forearm; her baby skin looks soft and supple against his hairy, tatted up arm.

  “I got you, baby girl. The noise is just these bunch of beasts. I’m sure a strong panda like yourself wouldn’t be scared of these guys,” he tells her, lowering his head until they’re cheek to cheek.

  “I’m not scared, Ryan. I will go Kung Poo Panda on their butts,” she pronounces proudly to him, and everyone laughs harder.

  “It’s Kung Foo Panda, baby, not Kung Poo Panda,” I explain.

  She looks at me, her nose scrunching.

  “Dhat’s what I said, Mama.”

  “Oh, okay, then. Eat up, before…” I tell her, and point to Slide, who is moving closer to the donut she’s holding slightly away from her body.

  She squeals and jumps off his lap, then runs toward Sarge, which stuns me. The big, broody man picks her up and sets her on his lap. Sarge doesn’t say much, but I have heard a few things being said about him and Estelle.

  “Protect me, Sarge,” Posey cries, but the little firecracker is grinning at Slide with a satisfied smile on her face that screams ‘You can’t get me now’.

  “I got you, cupcake. Big old meany Slide won’t steal your donut,” Sarge promises her.

  “Yeeeeeah. You are a meany, Ryan,” Posey responds, and everyone cracks up again.


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