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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

Page 16

by Amy Davies

  Cupping her jaw to make her look at me, I lean in and kiss her lips again, before licking her bottom one. She moans, and I swear I can hear Rookie moaning too.

  “Does it bother you that we’ve shared women before?” I say against her throat, as I move my lips away from her mouth.

  She smells like vanilla, so I breathe deep, taking in her scent until she answers me. Her body goes soft beneath my fingertips, but her skin is heating up. She’s turned on. I suck gently on the skin just below her ear, and her knees go weak.

  “She didn’t answer you, brother. I think she’s thinking about letting me come and have a taste,” comes Rookie’s voice. I lift my head to look at him, and he winks at me.

  Farrah’s breathing has picked up, her chest heaving with every breath, her tits pushing against the material of her top as she looks into my eyes with a darkened gaze that’s filled with desire and need. The corner of my mouth tips up, and I ask her again.

  “Does it bother you that I’ve fucked women with Rookie?” My own voice is now thick with desire. Deeper, just like I like to be inside her.

  “No, it doesn’t bother me. It turns me on.” She licks her lips after she answers, then her eyes drift over her shoulder to Rookie, who steps up behind her.

  Her body tenses for a fraction of a second as his hands touch her waist and he moves his fingers under the material of her cami. My gaze drifts from hers to see Rookie smiling at me as he lowers his head and almost kisses Farrah’s bare shoulder, causing her to shudder and release a soft moan as his breath hits her skin.

  “You’d like that, baby? Another man kissing you, making you feel good while your man watches?” She answers with a nod, her eyes closing as I kiss her throat.

  “Timing is shit, brother, but fuck me I would love to share her with you,” Rookie says, keeping his hands on Farrah’s waist, his voice thick with regret. But he understands that this is how we are. I know what he means, he knows I love Farrah, but I also know he wants something to happen with the young blond he met at Coffee Cove.

  “Maybe when you get your woman all soft and moaning, we can have a little private party of our own,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

  “Hell fucking yes, mate.” He chuckles. Then I look down at Farrah wedged between us, and her eyes have gone impossibly darker.

  Holy shit, does she find that sexy—me fucking her in the same room Rookie is fucking his woman? I quirk an eyebrow at her, and she licks her lips then looks down to the floor. Oh, hell no, she’s telling me while looking me in the eyes. Using my forefinger, I lift her chin up so I can see her eyes.

  There isn’t much that Rookie and I haven’t done together. We’ve fucked many women together—fucked multiple women in one night. What can I say, I like to fuck, and Farrah will learn that. But I know I don’t have to worry about that because my woman likes to fuck me as much as I like to fuck her.

  “Does it turn you on—me fucking you at the same time my brother is fucking his woman?”

  My eyes bounce between hers, trying to decipher her thoughts through her now dark blue eyes. Her cheeks are slightly flushed because she’s turned on. Her breathing is still rapid, like she’s just had marathon sex with me. She is way beyond turned on by the thoughts of the four of us.

  “Does is make me a slut for wanting to do that?” she asks, uncertainty flashing in her eyes.

  What the fuck? I pull back and look down into her eyes, making sure she hears what I have to say.

  “Hell mothering fucking no, baby. No one should ever feel bad or ashamed for their sexual desires. You want it, take it; fuck it, lick it, spank the fucking thing. Hell, even stuff a butt plug up there. You do whatever the fuck you want. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck off over a very short cliff,” I tell her, smiling.

  A beautiful, lusty smile graces her face, and she leans in and kisses me while her hands drop to my ass. She squeezes my butt cheeks, effectively pulling me closer to her.

  “Are you telling me that I can stick a butt plug in this fine ass?” she asks with another butt squeeze.

  My asshole tightens, and my ass cheeks flex. My mouth drops open and my eyes widen in shock.

  “Hell motherfucking no. Nope, hell no, nope. Not happening. That hole is permanently shut down. Like, never to be opened again; padlocked with an MI6 security system in place. Never going to happen,” I state adamantly.

  “We’ll see.” She chuckles and steps away from us, just as the front door swings open and tiny footsteps come rushing into the room.

  Before I can say anything more, a very loud five-year-old comes charging into the room. Farrah winks at me, then goes to greet her daughter. And just like that, my hard-on vanishes.

  Oh, she will get hers soon, and so will I.

  “Moooom. Where’s you at?” She comes to a stop when she sees the three of us in the kitchen. Her smile widens, and then she bolts for Farrah.

  “Did you have fun with Daddy?” Farrah asks her. I notice that Rookie has slipped his shirt on, and he’s looking at Chris.

  “Hey, man. Rook, this is Chris, Posey’s dad. Chris, this is Rookie, my brother.”

  “Rookie likes Miss Della like Mommy likes Slide and Daddy likes Melinda.” Posey giggles, and we all laugh.

  “Jesus,” Chris mutters.

  “Nice to meet ya, mate,” Rookie greets Chris, holding his hand out for him to shake, which he does.

  “You too,” Chris replies. “She’s hyped up this morning. She’s been bouncing since she opened her eyes.”

  We all chuckle as Posey wriggles in Farrah’s arms, indicating she wants to be put down. Once her little feet hit the floor, she bounds over to Rookie and lifts her arms up for him to pick her up, which he does.

  “You do like Miss Della, don’t you, Rookie?” she asks out of the blue while cupping his face with her hands. His eyes go completely soft as he smiles at her and kisses her cheek.

  “I do, but guess what?”

  “What?” she asks.

  “I like you too, cupcake. Oh, you smell good enough to eat,” Rookie jokes, before pretending to take a bite out of her. She giggles loudly, screaming that he can’t eat her; she’s a little girl not a yummy cupcake.

  We all laugh and sit around and talk for a few. Posey sits happily on Rookie’s lap, tracing the tattoos that cover his arm. I smile at the act because she does the same with mine. She loves the trees on my wrist.

  My gaze lands on Farrah as she sits there listening to Posey jabber on to Rookie and Chris about a new panda toy she saw and the cartoons she watched. Farrah’s smile brightens up her face, her eyes crinkle with happiness, and that happiness makes me beyond fucking happy.

  Making these two girls smile and laugh is my ultimate mission in life, and I plan on doing just that. Farrah must feel my gaze, because she looks at me, her smile widening when she sees that I’m looking at her.

  “You okay?” she asks, and I nod.

  “Yeah, babe. Just thinking how beautiful you are, and that I’m a lucky son of a bitch that you gave me a chance.”

  “You being soppy with me, Ryan Stern?” she replies. I take her hand in mine and bring it to my mouth, my lips brushing against the back of her hand.

  “I will be everything with you, Farrah Daniels.”

  The smile she’s wearing gets bigger, and my heart fucking melts, I tell you. This woman can do anything with me, and I will bow at her feet. Call me pussy whipped all you want; I don’t give a shit. She is my fucking everything, my dibs for life.



  Stepping out of the shower, I dry off and put my hand over my stomach as a bout of nausea hits. Maybe I had the water too hot; the effects make me dizzy and nauseated sometimes. I shrug it off, go into my room, and dress in a simple baby blue strapless maxi dress. Then I tie my hair up in a messy bun so it’s off my neck.

  It’s Sunday, so I have no work, therefore today is beach day and maybe some shopping. I can hear giggles coming from the kitchen, and I smile, knowin
g that Posey is in there, cooking with Slide. I am not looking forward to seeing the mess.

  It’s been a few days since we had the private sex party conversation with Rookie, and it has played over and over in my head. The thought of having Slide taking me while Rookie is with Della makes me hot and bothered. My pussy tingles at the thought.

  The night before last, I slept on my own because Slide had club business to sort out, so when Posey went to bed, and I had cleaned up and showered, I went to bed and pulled up some porn that relates to what we will do, and holy cow it was hot.

  I’m not sure I could have Rookie touch me with Della in the room. I’m not sure she’s the type of person to want that, and I wouldn’t want to do anything that would hurt her.

  Knowing that Della is younger than us makes me question if I should be thinking such naughty things, but as Slide said, people should not be ashamed of their sexual desires, not if it’s consented and legal.

  Shaking off my lustful thoughts, I walk to the kitchen to join my two favorite people. I smile when they come into view. Posey is sitting on the counter, using a plastic knife to cut up a banana, while Slide is mixing what I assume is pancake batter.

  “Morning,” I say, as I lean in to kiss the top of Posey’s head while my hand moves across Slide’s bare back. He looks over his shoulder at me and leans in for a kiss of his own.

  “Morning, baby. We’re making a buffet breakfast,” he informs me, and I smile, looking over at the dining table to see an array of foods, both vegan and non-vegan.

  “Wow, haven’t you two been busy.” I steal a piece of banana and pop it into my mouth, and Posey giggles.

  “You have to wait, Mommy. I have been a big girl and helped Ryan cut up the foods,” she says proudly.

  “Hell yeah she has. She’s a top chef this morning, aren’t ya, sweetheart?”


  “Sit, babe. Do you want some juice?” he asks.

  “Yes please.” I sit and watch as he goes about making breakfast with my daughter. After he brings me a glass of cold orange juice, we smile and joke. The way he is with Posey makes me love him more.

  Posey comes to sit next to me, and we dive into our breakfast; me with my vegan pancakes and fruit, while Posey eats pancakes and bacon, with syrup and fruit. My child eats some weird things at times.

  The smell of the bacon makes my mouth water. It looks amazing with the golden syrup glistening over it. I lick my lips and reach for a piece, then a thought hits me, and I freeze. My body goes ice cold, and my heart skips a beat.

  No way. Surely it can’t be.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? You’ve gone as white as a ghost.” Slide comes to kneel at my feet, cupping my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. His eyes are filled with worry as he looks at me for an answer.

  I look over at Posey, who is now licking the syrup off her plate. I shake my head at him and tap Posey’s arm.

  “Posey pie, can you go and wash up, then go and pick out a bathing suit you want to wear today?”

  “Yeah, Mama.” Slide helps her off the chair, and she darts to her room to clean up and get her things.

  My gaze finds Slide’s. He’s frowning, his forehead crinkled with concern. I bring my hand up and bite my nails, thinking of what to say to him. This is one topic we never talked about since we started our relationship. We haven’t been together very long.

  “Baby, talk to me. We don’t have much time before the little miss comes back in here.”

  He pulls my hands away from my mouth, kissing each fingertip, trying to soothe me, and it works to some degree. His lips are soft, and his three-day-old stubble tickles each pad of my fingers.


  “I think I’m pregnant,” I burst out.

  I sit and watch as the color drains from his face and he falls back on his ass with a thump. His bent legs give out and flatten against the floor.

  My breath catches in my throat as I take in his reaction. I’m scared that if it is true, then he will run. To some, being a part of a child’s life is different than being a father.

  I craved bacon when I was pregnant with Posey. I never actually ate any, but the smell was like a drug to me. I would cook the stuff just to smell it. It was the same with other meats, like beef and chicken, which I did eat.

  My hand goes to my mouth as a wave of nausea hits my stomach, and it all clicks into place as I dart to the bathroom and puke my breakfast back up. I cough and splutter as I fill the toilet, my heart racing, my body now covered in a sheen of sweat.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I sit back against the wall, just as Slide joins me. Our gazes connect, and he drops down to my level before sitting next to me and pulling me into his lap.

  “Posey,” he calls out. My head snaps in his direction, and he gives me a sweet smile.

  “S’up, Ryan.” I chuckle at the state of her. She’s wearing a panda cami with green and black leopard cotton shorts, her panda tutu over them. I can only assume that she’s wearing her bathing suit under it.

  “Change of plan for today, baby. I’m sorry. We can go to the beach another day, okay. I need to do something with Mommy. Do you want to go and visit with Tucker today, see everyone at the club?”

  “Oh yes. I loves Tuck and I wanna see Sarge,” Posey cheers, before jumping on my lap and trying to wrap her arms around my neck and Slide’s. I giggle and bury my face in her hair, breathing in her scent, knowing that her baby smell will fade soon.

  “I think Tuck and Sarge will wanna see you too, baby. Are you going dressed like that?” Slide asks her, and she nods.


  “Okay. How about I send a text and see if Edge and Opal can set up the pool for you guys. How does that sound?”

  “Yes! Let me get a towel,” she screams, and runs off again.

  Cupping my jaw and bringing my face up so he can see my eyes, he leans close and kisses my forehead. When he pulls back, we stay locked in a stare for a few more seconds before I climb off his lap and move to the sink to brush my teeth.

  Nothing has been said between the both of us, and to be honest, my stomach isn’t sure it can take the rejection from him. But surely he wouldn’t want to take Posey and myself to the club just to tell me he can’t be a dad.

  Maybe he just wants someone there to keep an eye on Posey, so when he dumps me, there will be someone to watch her while I freak out or fight with him. Wiping my mouth, I turn to see Slide now leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking like he belongs in some fashion magazine. His hair looks like he’s run his fingers through it a hundred times.

  “We don’t need to go to the clubhouse, Slide. I would prefer it if we stayed here.” I’m proud that I kept my voice steady, but it makes Slide’s frown deepen.

  “Why? The guys can watch Posey while we go to the pharmacy and get a test—or ten.” He shrugs, tucking his hands deep in the front pocket of his jeans, pushing the waist down, showing me the perfectly formed ‘V’ muscle that make women around the world drool.

  I sigh. “Slide, your face and silence says it all. You aren’t ready for this.” I grip the vanity unit behind me as I watch his handsome face go from concerned to pissed off in a flash.

  “How can you say I’m not ready? That little girl out there is like a daughter to me. I may not be her biological father, but I still see her as a part of me. Do you know why?” I shake my head, unable to push any words past the huge lump in my throat.

  “Because she’s a part of you, and I love every part of you. Every smile, every laugh, every tear that you shed when you watch a chick flick that makes you cry. Every orgasm, every little moan and whimper belongs to me because it’s a part of you,” he says, and moves closer, caging me against the unit.

  “If you are pregnant, then our family grows. Am I freaking the fuck out? Hell yes. Baby, I never thought I would be in a serious relationship, let alone have a baby on the way and a panda for a step-daughter.”

  I can’t help but chuckle
at that, and so does Posey as she steps into the room. But soon there’s a frown on her baby face as she looks between us.

  “Why you crying, Mama? Ryan, did you make my mama cry?” Her little hands go to her hips.

  “Slide didn’t make me cry, baby. These are happy tears. Why don’t we get to the club, and then we can tell you, then you can play in the pool with the other kids, okay?”

  “Okay, Mama, but you need your bitini too.” She giggles. I dry my eyes and look at Slide. He leans in and kisses my lips, softly at first, but then he deepens it. It ends all too quickly.

  “Go and get your bikini. The princess panda has spoken. Plus, I like seeing you wet.” He whispers the last part. Posey laughs louder and takes a hold of Slide’s hand, pulling him from the bathroom. He winks at me over his shoulder and lets Posey drag him from the room, leaving me alone.

  I wash my face and apply some make-up, then re-tie my hair before going to find my baby girl and my man. They’re both sitting on the sofa, whispering too quietly for me to hear.

  “Okay, you two troublemakers, let’s go. We have a pool waiting for us,” I say, to get their attention.

  Posey jumps off the sofa with her panda bag half hooked over her shoulder. She trips over her feet as she rushes toward me, and I laugh at her attempt to act like she didn’t just almost fall.

  “I’m ready, you’re ready and Ryan is ready. Let’s go,” she exclaims, bouncing on the spot. I smile down at her and drop down to her height, readjusting the clip in the side of her hair.

  “Okay, miss bouncy pants, let’s go.”

  “Yay!” she cries, and runs to the front door, but stops short of opening it. Even at five, she knows she must not open the door unless she has an adult with her.

  Slide takes my hand and leads me out of the house. I pick up my purse on the way, then lock the door behind me. While I lock up, Slide puts Posey in her car seat and straps her in before waiting for me at my car door.


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