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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned

Page 3

by Marita A. Hansen

  I headed up to the front entrance, nodding at the doorman. “Hello, Giuseppe,” I said to the heavyset man, “I will be visiting the slave cells today.”

  “Would you like a guard to escort you?”

  “Not today.”

  The man stepped aside, allowing me free entry. Normally it cost to set foot inside the House of Whores, but not for me. I had been given free access to Jagger whenever I wanted, and right now I wanted him very badly.

  I headed down the left staircase, ignoring the floor of puttane. The naked women that lay on the beds did nothing but stare up at the ceiling as men grunted on top of them, filling them with middleclass cum. I had never used them; instead I preferred the bottom floor where the men were kept, although today I was going to visit the female cells, which held Jagger, Mario, and Sasha. The Donatelli had placed them there to slight the men, basically calling them women, although as far as I knew Mario was the only one of the three not being used in that manner, his father banning it, but still insisting that his son be taught a lesson for slighting his famiglia.

  I stopped outside Jagger’s cell. Another guard was standing a few feet away, this one older and much heavier than Giuseppe, someone who had been with the Donatelli famiglia for a very long time. “Jagger’s not in there,” Enzo said, “he’s been taken to the fourth floor to be cleaned and patched up. It’s the room with Augusto guarding it.”

  I frowned. “How bad is he?”

  “He was bleeding between his legs, but the Padre said he’ll heal. He’s been given the weekend off for it.”

  I gritted my teeth, furious that the sick priest was still taking things to the extreme. I’d told the bastardo that I wanted to make love to Jagger today, which made me wonder whether the Padre had purposely hurt Jagger so I couldn’t use him.

  I turned to go up the staircase, but stopped as a voice caught my attention.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a strong American accent said.

  I turned around, finding Matteo coming out of one of the cells with the redheaded slave who had once belonged to Mario. Without looking away from me, Matteo shoved the naked woman toward the guard, saying: “Lock her up.” I grimaced at the prick. Although he was fucking gorgeous, he had turned into a jealous asshole after I had cast him aside for Jagger, the man not taking rejection well.

  Matteo flicked his tongue out at me suggestively, looking like he was going to cause me no end of trouble. He was wearing tight black leather pants and a white button-down shirt, which was left open, displaying a sun-kissed six-pack. But other than the beautiful view, he was a ticking time bomb, far too violent and controlling for my taste. Plus, I was never sure whether he would bite or suck my cock, the blond prick having done the former after I had left him waiting for too long.

  Matteo walked up to me, shamelessly running a hand over my cock in front of the guard, who had just finished locking up the redhead. I hit his hand away, because I did have shame, and in abundance, my bigoted father having ground that into me.

  The arrogant prick smiled at me, his blue eyes twinkling. He probably saw what I did as a challenge. Unlike me, he wasn’t the type of man to be turned down; instead he was someone who people chased after.

  Not interested in playing his games, I turned to the staircase. I felt a hand brush my ass. “Vaffanculo, Matteo,” I said, telling him to fuck off.

  He laughed, then grabbed my ass harder. This time I ignored him, just wanting to get to Jagger. I headed up the staircase, then the next one, which lead to the higher priced whores. Matteo’s footsteps followed me, making me feel like telling him to fuck off again, but the man only listened to his father and grandfather—no one else.

  I entered the passage that led to Jagger, yelling out as Matteo rammed into me from behind, bashing me into the wall. I pushed off the wall and knocked him back, aching to punch him, but instead I held back, knowing it was a bad idea to attack the grandson of the Donatelli don.

  Grinning wide, Matteo steadied himself, looking as though he was having fun.

  “What the fuck was that about?” I snapped.

  “Foreplay.” He walked up to me, reaching for my cock. I shoved him back. He did it again. I shoved him again, really wanting to punch him this time, but again holding back, although fuck it was hard.

  “Back off, Matteo!” I growled, “I’m not in the mood for your games.”

  “If I want to play then you will play with me.” Leering, he placed a hand on his bulge, the blond cunt getting off on roughing me up, and worse, he knew he could take me too. Like his wife, he was adept at martial arts. I was a good boxer, and a tough fighter, but I was no match for his speed and agility, his kicks and elbows, and all the other shit he’d thrown at me in the past beyond impressive.

  I pointed a finger at him. “I told you what would happen when I got Jagger, so go fuck your wife.”

  “Her pussy is nasty, and I had to think of you to get hard.”

  “I don’t care who you thought of, just stay the hell away from me. You know the deal; I’m the head of my household now, not your bitch.”

  “You top me, so I’m your bitch.”

  “You top from the bottom and you know it.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “If you’re not going to give me some fuck time, then maybe I’ll kick your ass out of here and go enjoy Jagger’s beautiful body.”

  I barged up to him, stopping a breath away. “You touch him and you’re dead.”

  “Not a very nice thing to say to your lover.”

  “You are NOT my lover anymore!”

  “You don’t get to make that decision, I do, and I say I am. And the only way you’ll get me off your back for today is to fuck me,” he said, running his hand over my crotch again.

  I smacked his hand away. “Fuck yourself!”

  “My cock doesn’t bend that way,” he said, smiling. “I’ve tried.”

  “I came here to see Jagger, not you.”

  “Well, he isn’t up for much; my uncle used him a bit hard today, I watched, it was fun.”

  I raised a finger. “You lot are sick.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I told you I just watched, so it’s not incest, and really, you’re one to speak with your obsession over your cousin.”

  “That’s not incest.”

  “Yes, it is. And I’m prettier than Jagger, so I don’t see why you would choose him over me.”

  “You’re not prettier, you arrogant figlio di putanna.”

  “No, I’m a puttano di madre.”

  “A whore of a mother? That doesn’t make sense. Fuck, your Italian is shit.”

  He laughed. “I know, but it amused me, and you’re going to come to the room at the end of the passage after you’ve finished getting some Jagger time, then you will fuck me until I come.”

  “As I said before: go fuck yourself.”

  Matteo grabbed my arm. I yanked it out of his grip and headed for the room with the guard.

  “Raise your gun, Augusto,” he said.

  The guard pointed his gun at me. I turned to Matteo. “Tell him to lower it or I will be going to your grandfather and telling him everything you’re doing!”

  He shrugged. “You can do that or you can just agree to keep fucking me once a week, then I will back off.”

  “I have Jagger now…”

  “…which means you don’t need my ass any more. How nice.” He sneered. “But you, Alberto, are playing by my family’s rules now and if you want Jagger to go untouched by my hand I require payment. And I want it in cum.” He smiled. “Up my ass.”

  “You’re vile; I don’t even know why I fucked you.”

  “Because I’m hot and you’re not…well to others, but you’re hot as hell to me. So, I will see you in exactly thirty minutes.”

  “That’s not enough time to—”

  “It is unless you want to cause Jagger an internal injury, that is, if he hasn’t already got one, because your boy was bleeding badly. My uncle didn’t just stick his c
ock up there.”

  I gritted my teeth.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said. “You want to kill my dearest uncle, which is not going to happen. So, how about this: I work on my uncle, making sure he goes lighter on your boy in exchange for you fucking me without complaint. Give me your answer in thirty minutes. I’ll be ready and waiting.” He headed for the end room, stopping at the door. “And if you don’t show up,” he shouted, “I will damage Jagger worse than my uncle could ever do.” He disappeared inside the room.

  Furious, I turned to the guard, who was smirking at me. I took a step toward him. He raised his gun and shook his head. He unlocked Jagger’s door and indicated with his gun for me to go inside. I gritted my teeth and entered the room, finding Jagger lying on the bed next to the FBI slave, both of them naked and asleep, with their arms resting on each other.

  Even more furious, I turned to the guard as he went to close the door, the man stopping. “Stay put, I might need your help,” I gritted out, then headed for Frano’s rapist, the bitch still fast asleep. I yanked her off the bed. The woman fell to the floor with a startled yell. I climbed on top of her as she tried to push up, looking half-asleep and probably not knowing what the hell was going on. I grabbed her head and bashed it against the floor, the woman going still a second later. A yell came from the bed. I looked up just as Jagger launched himself at me, knocking me off the slave. The guard shouted at him to get off me, threatening to shoot.

  “Don’t shoot!” I hollered, taking a hit to my face from Jagger. I punched him back, then lunged forward, grabbing him in a crushing grip. I rolled him over the slave, the woman still unconscious—or hopefully dead.

  “Point the gun at the slave’s head!” I shouted at the guard, the man’s footsteps telling me he was doing it. I gripped onto Jagger tighter as my cousin continued to struggle, the curse words coming from his mouth damning me to Hell. “Stop now!” I yelled at him. “Or the bitch will be shot!”

  He stopped struggling, although his body still twitched under me. He was breathing heavy and his eyes were glazed over in pain, reminding me he was injured.

  I pushed off him. “Up, Jagger.”

  Ignoring me, he stayed on the floor, spread out in all his glory, his slim, but muscular physique bare for me—

  —and that face of his, so beautiful even in pain, filling my cock with need and cum.

  “Up,” I croaked out.

  “Vaffanculo!” he yelled. His hands moved to his swollen nipples, the movement born from pain, but erotic nonetheless.

  “I’m not here to hurt you,” I said, wanting to kiss them better.

  “That’s all you ever fucking do to me!”

  Sighing, I gestured for him to get up. He glared at me for a few seconds, then pushed to his feet, looking as if it pained him.

  “Lie down on the bed,” I said, “I want to check what the Padre did to you.”

  “So you can gloat?”

  “No, I want to make sure he hasn’t caused you an internal injury.”

  “NO! You’re a liar! You’ll try to fuck me.”

  I exhaled loudly. “Always with the shouting. Really, Jagger, I treat you better than the Padre, so you should at least show me some gratitude.”

  “Gratitude? Gratitude! You raped me!” He took a threatening step toward me.

  I pointed at the female slave. “Get on the bed or she’s dead.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “No, I will fuck you if you don’t do as you’re told!” I advanced on him, making him scamper over the bed, his bravado gone in an instant. I ran around to the other side, blocking him from getting past me.

  He stepped back into the wall, his expression now worried. “You can’t fuck me, I’m in pain,” he started babbling. “The Padre is sick; he sticks things inside of me, things that cause me to bleed. Please, I beg of you, don’t rape me.”

  I exhaled loudly, knowing this was going badly. “I won’t, all I want is for you to get on the bed so I can check you.”

  “I don’t need to be checked.” He looked across the bed at the slave, who was still lying unconscious—or dead, on the floor. “But she does.”

  “Check her,” I said to the guard.

  He bent down and felt her neck. “She’s alive,” he said.

  I looked back at Jagger and pointed at the bed. “Get on there now if you want her to stay that way.”

  He remained still for a moment, then climbed onto the bed. He lay down, looking ready to attack, the man a beautiful, but wild animal.

  I turned my attention to the guard, not wanting him to witness what I was about to do. “Take the slave into the bathroom,” I said. “Keep her in there until I’m finished.”

  He nodded and put his gun back into its holster, then picked up the woman and carried her to the bathroom, stopping in the doorway at my voice.

  “Kill her if Jagger attacks me,” I said.

  He nodded, then closed the door behind him and the slave, finally leaving me alone with Jagger. I turned back to my cousin and starting undoing the buttons on my shirt. Jagger closed his eyes, knowing he couldn’t do shit without his Sophia lookalike getting a head full of lead. I threw my shirt onto the cabinet behind me, then unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants and underwear down. I took them off and placed them next to my shirt, then climbed onto the bed. Jagger opened his eyes, looking ready to bolt, his muscles twitching all over the place.

  “I promise I just want to hug and kiss you today, no sex,” I said.

  “Why the hell would you want to do that to me? I’m a man!”

  “Which I prefer, and if you haven’t figured it out already I love you.”

  “Don’t make me laugh!”

  “This isn’t a comedy, Jagger, this is your life, and if you need me to take things slower—”

  “You don’t know the meaning of slow. You raped me when I was drugged, and the Padre told me you fucked me when I was unconscious the other day, and yesterday you held me down, fucking me while I was in agony.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “I was screaming!”

  I exhaled loudly. “I didn’t realize you were in pain, I just thought you were objecting to the sex. And I’m sorry I hurt you, I got carried away. You are just so beautiful.” I reached out, brushing his hair aside.

  He jerked his head away.

  I clenched my hand, willing myself not to react, then held my arm up for him to move closer. “Come here.”

  He shook his head.

  “Come here now, Jagger, or I will have the slave killed.”

  He glanced at the bathroom door, then closed his eyes and shifted closer, flinching as I draped an arm over him. I pulled him in even closer, a thrill going through my body, making me want to break my promise about not fucking him, which by the tightness of his muscles he knew.

  Willing myself under control, I kissed Jagger’s forehead. “Pull back so I can kiss your mouth,” I mumbled against his flesh.

  He remained still.


  He did as instructed, but his eyes still remained shut. I pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him, my hand going to his cock, which was soft. He yelped.

  I let go of it. “You alright?”

  He shook his head, but kept his eyes shut. “The Padre fucked my cock with a spike.”

  I swore. That so-called priest was beyond insane. I placed my mouth next to Jagger’s ear. “If you’re a good boy and a patient one,” I whispered, “I will get rid of him for you, so it can just be me and you back at home.”

  He opened his eyes. “Frano won’t allow you to fuck me.”

  “Frano is not the don anymore, I am.”

  He blinked. “Did they kill him?” he said, looking worried.

  “No, though the Padre tried to rape him, just lucky your kickass slave stopped him. She beat the shit out of the nasty cunt for even trying.”

  “That’s why he looked beat up.”


  He stared at me,
now voiceless. I climbed onto him, Jagger finding his voice again, his pained ouch! causing me to back off. The Padre was definitely getting an earful, because if the bastardo continued hurting Jagger, I would move The Black Russian plan forward one week.

  I lay down next to Jagger and grabbed his head, kissing him passionately. He remained still, not reciprocating at all. Annoyed, I pulled back. “Return what I give or you know the consequences.” He nodded, although it came with a glare. I started kissing him again happy as Jagger opened his mouth for me, the man no doubt having worse things than my tongue shoved in there. I started rubbing my cock against his hip. He yelped. I pulled back again. “Don’t give me that bullshit,” I snapped, “you have no bruises there, so stop trying to play me.”

  He opened his eyes. “Your touch hurts me.”

  “You’ll learn to love it.”

  “That will never happen, I HATE you!”

  My hand whipped out, slapping him across the cheek, his words angering me beyond belief. “You will love me!” I spat. “You will!”

  “No I won’t! I fucking hate you!”

  I grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Jagger tried to pull away. I pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him, no longer caring as he yelled out in pain, because the bastardo was going to do what the fuck he was told. I continued to kiss him, holding his arms down. Jagger screamed into my mouth, his pain finally getting through to me. I pulled back and looked down at him, now feeling guilty. His face was contorted while his eyes were squeezed shut as he panted out the pain I was causing him. I lifted my hands and looked down at his arms, realizing I’d been pushing on his bruises.

  “Mi dispiace,” I apologized, “You just make me lose control.”

  “Get off me,” he ground out.

  I looked down at his swollen groin then back at his face. “You will learn to love me no matter what you say.” I got off him and reached for my clothes. “And if you don’t return my affection, I will take your brother and make him pay for your disobedience.”


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