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Beauty's War (Gods Reborn Book 1)

Page 11

by Anna Edwards

  The tears in her eyes start to dry up, and a small smile spreads across her face.

  “No, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t the funniest time. She went out on a date with this guy, a blind date, and the guy actually brought his mum with him. I laughed so hard my stomach ached when she told me.”

  I look at the wall, and I notice the blackness has receded. The whitewash of the wall is back and sparkling in newness. It looks like she’s just decorated the room.

  I pull her hand from the wall and lead her across to the glass as she starts another story.

  “We tried dog sitting once. This crazy lady had four poodles. We took them out for a walk, and it was just chaos. By the time we got back, I’m not sure who was covered in more mud, the dogs or us. Needless to say, we didn’t walk any more dogs.”

  I place Vicky’s hand on the glass, and instantly, the marring on it starts to disappear. She gasps.

  “It’s fixed.”

  “Emotions, happiness in your heart caused it to revert back to its beauty. You have to remember the good times, not the sadness.”

  She looks around the room and notices a vase of flowers past their best.

  “I pick flowers once a week from the garden. I love all the different colors out there. The garden was already designed when I moved in. The people who lived here before preferred gardening to the house. I try to maintain it as best as I can.”

  She reaches out and touches the flowers, which are drooping and hang forlornly in the vase. Nothing happens at first, but gradually, the petals brighten in color and flutter back to a glorious state.

  “I did it,” she stutters breathlessly. “I didn’t kill a plant. I brought it back to life.”

  “You brought it back to beauty.” I bring her into my arms and kiss the top of her head.

  “I can be this goddess, can’t I?” she utters into my chest.

  “You’ve been her all along. You just needed to unlock your belief.”

  She steps up onto her tiptoes and kisses my lips. My cock instantly goes hard. I’ve always been insatiable when it comes to sex, but around Vicky, my Venus, I want inside her twenty- four seven.

  “Why don’t we look at packing some of your belongings and taking them back to Tuscany, and then we can work on some more of your powers. What do you say?”

  She bites her lip. “I think maybe we should have a little fun in my bed first. I need happier memories.” She winks at me and drops her hand. I take it and follow her to the bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty


  Humming to myself softly, I stretch under the warmth of the afternoon sun. Around me, I can hear the sounds of the birds. Nestled between two rows of vines and not far from the house, I’m hidden from prying eyes. Handy when you want to sunbathe topless.

  Seven days since my traumatic experience and the loss of Susan, and I’ve found a slither of peace.

  Mars and I have settled into an easy flow. Mornings are spent lazing around in bed, having sex. Even that has evolved. It’s not all wild desperation, now. Our passion changes like the wind. Sometimes it’s hard and rough, other times tender and gentle. He’s a man who can easily make me beg and other times have me crying with laughter.

  We have lunch in the villages around Tuscany. He’s so keen to show me his country and so passionate about his culture.

  Some afternoons I spend drawing in the studio, which he arranged to have put together for me while we were collecting my things from England. The surprise reduced me to tears.

  With Mars' encouragement and enthusiasm, I started sketching a scene from the vineyard, that same day. I hadn’t realized how much I needed it until my pencil touched the paper, and I immersed myself in creativity. When things had clicked into place, I’d been lost in my own little world. Watching the scenery take form in the sketch book had lifted my spirits.

  With everything Pluto and Mario took from me, they hadn’t stolen this.

  The only darkness to overshadow the last few days was Susan's funeral. Somehow Mars was able to cut through the red tape and have her body transported home. Her parents had been devastated already hearing the news from the Italian authorities. The questions had been endless. I'd only been able to tell them a thin layer of the truth. If I'd spoken of Gods and Goddesses, they would have thought me mad. Mars had been at my side the entire time. His support had meant everything to me as I'd broken down in tears and anguish. Saying goodbye to my best friend as they'd lowered her into the ground had been the hardest thing I've ever done.

  Scooping up my bikini top, I slip it back on to cover my breasts. Even I know the dangers of the Italian sun. Skin as pale as mine can burn easily. Small doses, as I’ve been doing every day, and I’m already gaining a tan. It’ll never be the golden brown of Mars’ Mediterranean heritage, but at least, I look more like I fit in.

  Rising from the sunbed, the dry earth is hot beneath my bare soles.

  Glancing towards the house, I know it’s empty.

  Mars isn’t back yet. I don’t know how I know, but it’s becoming easier to sense his presence whenever he’s near. I guess it’s part of my goddess powers, or maybe it’s our connection?

  The longer I’m around him, the more I feel a bond. As if we’re meant to be together. As if this time with each other is meant to be.

  “Have you seen Mars?”

  The question startles me, sending my heart leaping up into my throat. Apart from Luigi, we haven’t seen anyone else.

  Turning, I find a woman, her dark eyes watching me with dislike. I know who she is straight away. Bellona, the mother of Mars’ son.

  We might not have met, but I’ve heard her description from both the males in her life. What they have told me pales in comparison. She’s more than beautiful. Just like Mars, she’s blessed with the allure and sensuality of Mediterranean features. Tall, slender, I could see her easily gracing a catwalk in Paris or Milan.

  “No, he was checking things up at the main building,” I inform her, lacing the fingers of both hands together in front of my bikini clad body. “His manager had papers for him to fill out, and he had a meeting, but he said he wouldn’t be long.”

  I’m fully aware of her critical, sweeping gaze. It’s a little catty and made to make me feel less in comparison. I’ve been on the receiving end of looks like that before.

  “I’ll come back to the house and wait for him there, then,” Bellona replies stiffly.

  Biting my tongue, I hold in my defensive response. “Sure, I was just going back for something cool to drink. I’d be happy for you to join me.”

  A jerk of her head in agreement, and she moves off without me toward the waiting building.

  Trailing after her, I take my time.

  I can’t blame her for not liking me. Before I arrived, she and Mars still had a thing. A relationship, which I know, from what he told me, he ended the moment he met me. Even if she did take it well as he claimed, she obviously didn’t show him the pain it caused. It’s there in the depths of her lovely eyes. Bitterness at being discarded.

  That has to be so much worse as an immortal. I’m not talking about a matter of years. For them, it’s centuries. How many emotions build for someone over such a long period of time?

  I’m sure it doesn’t help Luigi seems to be spending all his spare time with us, too. The boy has taken to constantly being at my side. I have no idea if Mars asked him to keep an eye on me. Maybe, like his father, he feels responsible for the woman staying on their land.

  A frown creases my brow as I realize I haven’t seen him today.

  “Is it something I could help you with?” I offer as we reach the sanctuary of the shade, stepping into the cool exterior of the house. Thank god, Mars has air conditioning. Some of the days become unbearably hot.

  Bellona glances around the room.

  I know she’s taking in the changes. Many of my belongings and artwork have been spread around my temporary new home. Strangely, they look right among Mars’ possessions. Something
he commented on the other night. It surprised me he sounded so happy about it.

  “No.” The one word is clipped and sharp.

  Taking two glasses down from a cupboard, I pull open the fridge and grab a bottle of natural still water. It’s deliciously cold within my hand. Licking my dry lips, it makes me realize just how thirsty sunbathing has made me.

  Sliding onto the chair next to the wooden kitchen table, Bellona accepts the glass I offer her.

  “Where’s Luigi today?” I ask, hoping conversation about her son might ease some of the animosity.

  Pouring my own drink, I screw the bottle shut and slip it back onto its shelf in the fridge.

  “With his tutor.”

  “He’s a very bright and clever boy. You should be proud of him.”

  Lifting the glass, she sips at the contents, observing me over the rim with distrust and something else I can’t quite put my finger on.

  Nervously tucking loose strands of my blonde hair behind my ears, I take the seat opposite her.

  I hope Mars won’t be long. This isn’t how I imagined meeting the woman he shares a child with. In fact, I’ve been dreading it. Doing it alone makes it a hundred times worse.

  Gulping down some water, I avoid her stare.

  “I would do anything for my son.” Her quiet voice breaks the awkward silence that’s been stretching between us. “Whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy. Remove any threat if necessary. You understand?”

  “I’m not a threat, Bellona. I’d never do anything to harm Luigi or his Father.”

  “You already have.”

  I frown at the accusation, an unseen chill creeping through my body. “What do you mean?”

  Raking a hand through her long mane of black hair, she turns her head to stare at the view beyond the window. “Tuscany has always been a safe place for me and my family, away from Rome and the others there. You’ve brought attention to this place. It’s only a matter of time before they come for you.”

  The thought of Luigi in danger makes my heart twist. Unlike his parents, he’s only beginning to understand his powers. In a way, we’re alike in that respect. Both still growing. If Pluto came for me, would he take the boy, too? His agenda is so corrupt. Wouldn’t taking Mars’ son be the perfect revenge? Turning the boy against him?

  “But they haven’t found me, so far. I have to believe eventually they’ll give up looking for me. With so many forgotten gods and goddesses to find, why just focus on me forever?” I tell her, hoping I sound more convincing than I feel.

  Mars is so adamant this place is safe, but with all the powers these gods and goddesses possess, it’s hard to believe they don’t have the ability to track me down.

  A smile flits across Bellona’s lips. “You sound like Mars.”

  “I think all his positivity is rubbing off on me. To be honest, after what happened, I really need it.” Staring down into my empty glass, sadness dances around the edges of my good mood. “He’s shown me if I let what happened rule me, then it means Pluto and Mario have won, and I give them exactly what they want. With the things I can do as the Goddess of Love, I can’t afford to let that happen. The thought of hurting others makes me feel sick. I want to use what I can do for good. Bring love to the world.”

  “You’re a brave woman, and I am sorry for everything you have been through. Even though I doubt we’ll ever be friends, I want you to know that.”

  Meeting her watchful eyes, I reach over the table to touch her hand. “I’m sorry for taking Mars away from you.”

  I don’t want to be the cause of pain. Love turned sour is something I can sense churning inside her. Mars may not have loved her, but that didn’t stop her falling for the God of War.

  Her fingers squeeze mine in acceptance. “Men are blind fools, and I was stupid to think things between us were more than physical even when I birthed Luigi. I gave him a son, and he still didn’t want me as I wanted him.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “It was destined he’d find his opposite. I was never meant to be that woman.”

  Her words give me a little rush of hope. Mars and I still haven’t spoken about feelings. Sex doesn’t always involve them. I learned that in my past. But the way we fuck, there’s more than just something carnal behind it, and of that, I am now certain.

  “But that doesn’t mean you won’t find the man who’s meant to love you,” I encourage, my voice soft.

  “Have you told him how you feel?” she asks, slipping her hand from mine and withdrawing from the comfort.

  Heat warms my cheeks. Am I really that obvious? “No, I haven’t told Mars I love him.”

  In one quick move, Bellona drains the contents of her glass. “It’s probably for the best.”

  The swift hardness in her voice confuses me.

  Before I can blink, she’s behind me. A forearm presses against my windpipe, choking me. The other snatches one of my arms up and pins it painfully up my back.

  “What are you doing?” I manage to gasp as I am dragged up off my chair.

  “What needs to be done. I told you, Vicky, when it comes to my family, I’ll go to any lengths to protect them.”

  My struggles are overpowered, and it’s terrifying–the strength I can feel flowing through her tall slender body.

  Goosebumps ripple over my skin as energy builds around us. It’s something I’m still getting used to. In a flash, she teleports us.

  Blinking rapidly, my eyes adjust to the change. Gone is the peace and harmony of Mars’ Tuscan home. Around us now is an office. Stylish, chic, there’s an air of coldness and clinical cleanliness that screams of something unnatural.

  Shoved forward, I all but stumble. My knees connect with a sofa, stopping me from tumbling to the floor.

  “There,” Bellona growls behind me. “I’ve given you what you want. Now, you return my son to me.”

  Head jerking up, my shocked expression morphs into terror.

  There, sitting on the ledge of a desk, one long leg crossed over the other, is Pluto. Evil smirk pinned over his face, his sinister dark eyes bore into mine.

  “Nice of you to join me, Vicky. When we last met, our time together was too short. A mistake I intend to make sure is corrected on this occasion. We’ll get to know each other so much better, and perhaps, we’ll explore your growing powers as well as other things we didn’t get to enjoy.”

  I’ve lost my voice. Seeing him up close again, so soon, sends a primitive panic through my system. He’s evil. Love doesn’t exist in his being. That’s something I can see clearly, now. Darkness is all I sense. No hint of light. Nothing softer.

  His attention rakes over my half naked form. The skin he can see on display from my barely-there bikini.

  I want to run, scream or curl into a protective ball, but instead, I remain frozen, and rooted to the spot.

  “Pluto. Where is my boy?” Bellona screeches. In three swift steps, she’s across the room, a hostile whirlwind of anger and rage.

  Tilting his head, the God of the Underworld regards the female with a look of dismissal. “You’ll get him back all in good time. For now, I need you to distract Mars.”

  “That wasn’t the deal we made when you snatched Luigi.”

  “Things change, Bellona. You should know that.” He grins. His taunt meant to hurt. “Now go before he gets back and figures things out.”

  Her eyes narrow. “You’ve already proven I can’t trust you.”

  “The child is still breathing. You should be grateful, and if you wish him to continue doing so, you’ll do as you’re told.”

  Bellona flashes me a look of defeat and regret.

  I can’t hate her. Even though she’s betrayed me, she was doing it to save Luigi. She loves her child with all her heart.

  She vanishes, leaving me alone with a male I prayed never to meet again.

  Rising from his position, Pluto strolls toward me, bridging the distance between us with a menace that sends my heart racing harder.

; “Who do you think Mars will choose when it comes down to you or his son?”

  “Luigi,” I answer him with certainty.

  Mars is fiercely protective of him. I’ve seen his pride shining through. I’d never expect him to sacrifice his child over me.

  “I beg to differ. He’ll agonize over the choice he’ll have to make. Something, which will haunt him for the rest of his existence and make him even darker. Perhaps unhinged? I do hope so. I want war unleashed and unhindered on the world.”

  Backing up, I keep my attention on him until a wall prevents me from escaping any farther.

  Why haven’t I gained my teleportation powers yet? It’s something, which would’ve helped, right now.

  Pluto’s expression is knowing. He’s enjoying seeing how frightened he makes me feel. Revels in it as though it’s his choice of drug.

  Coming to a stop, Pluto barely leaves any space between us.

  I flinch as he reaches out, coiling a strand of my blonde hair around one thick long finger before tugging on it painfully. “I’ve been looking forward to this. You may have escaped me before, but this time, you won’t be so lucky. Now, let’s see how destructive the power of love can really be.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “We’ve been far too lenient on him in the past. Pluto’s running rings around us. He’s risking exposure on a daily basis, and it draws more and more people down into his world. We need to put a stop to it.” I bang my fist on the desk in front of me, and my father raises a questioning eyebrow at me.

  “Is this your brain or your heart speaking?” he replies, and Apollo chuckles. I turn and give my brother a glare so forceful he instantly silences.

  “Both,” I bite out and snap my attention back to my father. “I’m sick of being one step behind him. Mario was a sick man, and Pluto allowed him to flourish under his authority. I spent ages looking through the files of evidence. It’s forever scarred into my brain. Are we just going to sit around and wait for the next Mario to present himself to Pluto, or are we going to do something about the God of the Underworld?”


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