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Crimson Heat: 4 (Vampira)

Page 6

by Springer, Jan

  As she climaxed, Tristan sank three fingers into her vagina and began a mad thrust. He took his time with her. He kept her wrapped inside the gorgeous orgasm. It went on forever and sweet ever.

  She shuddered, cried out and breathed her way through the exquisite torture.

  The other males’ hands left her breasts and smoothed over her skin. She trembled with excitement as they touched her belly, her inner legs and her arms. Their strokes caressed her senses until she was a mindless vampire, growling and moaning like a wanton, her fangs unleashing in a fury, desperate to feed on them.

  “That’s our female,” Tristan cooed as Lisbeth’s shudders slowly ebbed. He removed his fingers from her vagina. The other two males let go of her nipples and moved away.

  She lay there gasping, unashamed at being naked and fully exposed to them as all three of them peered down at her, their perceptive gazes heated with lust. She closed her eyes and cursed herself for being so weak.

  She desired their mouths all over her. She wanted them kissing her. Craved their fangs slicing through her skin, feeding on her. She needed their cocks sliding into her. Penetrating her. Just like the old days.

  Oh sweet vampires! How could she allow herself to climax so easily? She should have been strong and defiant like the females of Vampira always vowed to be. Yet these males’ touches turned her into a mindless vessel of yearning.

  These males meant to return her to slavery. Her behavior, her reaction to them, was so inappropriate. Resentment, at herself, at them, shred through her.

  “Let me go,” she hissed, her fangs lengthening more in warning and with wanting.

  The males’ eyes widened and instead of being frightened at the lethal size of her fangs, their daggers stretched out in response. Their gazes were appreciative at her reaction, their eyelids heavy and their eyes lusty.

  Damn them! She’d been away from them far too long, forgetting that her fury turned them on.

  “You will stay with us, until the Crimson Moon has passed,” Jaymes said softly.

  Staying with them during the Crimson Moon would be her downfall. Already she ached to have him thrusting his thick cock into her while he sank those sharp fangs deep into her veins. She fought the need to beg them to fuck her. She had to stay calm. Hard to do with three intense males ogling her naked body.

  When she’d climaxed, she’d realized the left leg restraint was a bit slack. Maybe, if she got lucky, she could keep them distracted with questions and figure out a way to escape.

  “How were you able to stand the sunlight?” she asked as she pulled gently on the loose restraint. If she could just get one leg free…

  A strong hand clamped over her ankle. Luca glared down at her, shaking his head slowly.


  “You appear to be trying to free yourself, amore.” His fangs sheathed as disappointment slipped across his features.

  Jaymes frowned. “She didn’t appreciate her orgasm, Tristan.”

  Tristan’s blue gaze sparkled with humor.

  “She’s just being naughty so she can have another one, aren’t you, our flower?”

  He reached out and caressed her right nipple. It beaded immediately.

  Damn him! Damn her for reacting so easily.

  “You haven’t answered my question,” she breathed.

  “Which is?” Luca asked as he tightened the restraint.

  “How are you able to exist in the sunshine? Our breed burns in it. Why don’t you?”

  “Same reason as why you don’t. We took something,” Jaymes replied.

  “Exactly what did you take?” She needed to find out if the Queen now had access to her clan walking in daylight. Having such a drug in her hands would make it twice as dangerous for the members of Vampira. Technology like that was best kept away from an evil, powerful queen’s hands.

  “Why do you scrunch up your beautiful brows with such worry?” Tristan asked as he soothed a fingertip over her forehead. His touch made her flesh tingle and yearn for more touches from him.

  “Does the Queen now have this capability?” she prodded.

  Luca shook his head, his frown deepening. “This is what troubles you? That the Queen would now have such power?”

  “She’s already too powerful.”

  “If you must know, we were able to mesmerize a friend of yours…Zeena, I believe her name is?” Tristan said.

  Lisbeth tensed at the mention of her young friend’s name.

  “If you’ve hurt her, I will kill each of you.”

  Surprise at her outburst crashed over their faces.

  “Ah, yes, she was very protective of you too,” Tristan replied. “But before she got her mind shield in place we managed to retrieve a bit of information such as to how the females of Vampira can stand the sunlight. We were able to get a couple of members of Vampira’s names out of her mind before she shut us out. After discreetly visiting their homes, some bottles of those pills were acquired.”

  Damn it!

  “Don’t be alarmed.” Tristan grinned. “We won’t let the pills fall into the wrong hands. Of course, we will keep them so Luca can analyze them and come up with his own brand. It should prove to be very lucrative to other clans, that is, if the Queen kicks us out.”

  “No, you cannot duplicate them. It can’t happen.”

  “And who is going to stop us? You, luscious slave? You’re sweetly tied up and at our mercy.” He nodded to the other two males, who moved so quickly yet again. Their hot hands cupped her breasts and two mouths melted over her tender nipples. Such fast vamps!

  “Oh,” she gasped as wicked shivers of pleasure cascaded through her.

  “You still seem too tense, Satin. We’ll take care of that for you,” Tristan said.

  Lisbeth moaned as Tristan climbed between her widespread legs. She twisted against her bonds as his hands held her thighs apart and his head lowered to the juncture at her thighs.

  His tongue playfully lapped against her tender clit until erotic pleasures wrapped around her, making her breathe heavily and gasp with delight. Then his mouth sucked at her drenched pussy, making her cry out at the shocking shudders twisting through her. His sharp fangs whispered teasingly over her outer labia and then his tongue thrust into her vagina.

  Convulsive shudders rocked her and she fought the restraints as he mouth-fucked her like a male obsessed. The other two males were just as out of control. Their tongues lapped her sensitive nipples, and then they sucked on them like lollipops before erotically scraping their fangs over her breasts.

  She bucked beneath the erotic attack. Her hips gyrated beneath the wrenching sensations. Her body tightened so hard it hurt, yet she cried out for more.

  Wanted more. Needed it. Couldn’t understand how she’d lived without sex for so long.

  She keened as he slipped a couple of fingers into her vagina and began a fast-paced plunging rhythm. At the same time, his tongue teased and caressed her clit until she screamed and exploded, her pussy clenching tightly around his fingers. Instantaneously pleasure-pain shot through her as three sets of fangs pierced her skin. Her breasts were on fire as Jaymes and Luca furiously sucked her blood. Her pussy throbbed with agony and ecstasy as Tristan’s fangs sank into her flesh and he fed.

  As eager mouths sucked, shivers and spasms crashed over her in tumultuous waves. Her thoughts spiraled into pure bliss and she continued to shudder as they drank from her. Her self-protective shields were gone. She lay beneath them exposed. Ruined and tattered. Just like her chances with Vampira.

  Vampira’s rules of no sex with males meant absolutely no sex. No males touching. No males loving her. Here she was enjoying pleasure from three of them! Three she still loved!

  But she didn’t care anymore as she vanished within the incredible desires. She loved the mind-numbing release and enjoyed the pleasure after enduring too many years of sexual solitude.

  She was wonderfully and lovingly lost.

  * * * * *

  “Release her,” Luca orde
red as he moved away from Satin’s swollen breast and gazed down at the female trembling softly in the afterglow of her orgasm. He wanted to take her so bad his cock hurt. He was as hard as a spike, and he couldn’t wait to fuck her, but he also noticed she was confused regarding her reaction to what had just happened. Nourishment would help her to assimilate her thoughts.

  The other two males quickly untied her binds and watched as she slowly climbed out of bed. Her torn clothes fell off her body, dropping to the floor. She didn’t say a word as she grabbed a nearby robe and slipped it on.

  It had always been like this. After sex, she would be weak and starved. From the little he was able to read into Satin’s friend Zeena’s mind, he knew Satin would most likely not feed from them right now. Vampira didn’t allow it. She needed to get her thoughts around what had just happened. She needed to accept that she belonged to the three of them once again.

  Now that she’d had sex, she would come to grips with reality. She would no longer be welcome in Vampira. She would no longer need to nourish herself on synthetic blood. They would feed off each other.

  “We saw synthetic blood in your fridge,” Luca said as he followed her out of the bedroom. “That won’t get you far. Not with the Crimson Moon approaching tonight.”

  “There won’t be any more sex, Luca,” she said coldly as she descended the stairs. She was upset. That was understandable. He and the other males hadn’t been sympathetic to her predicament.

  It was the Crimson Moon that made them crazy and needy. The pull of the moon had been ingrained in their genes for many centuries. The Crimson Moon affected their hormones, made them think with their cocks and not their brains. That is, at that time of the month, more than at other times.

  Jaymes and Tristan followed close behind them, but he nodded to them to remain behind, which they did with questioning expressions.

  There would be sex and plenty of it, if he and the males got their way. They would have her fully and soon. Her reactions to their touches proved she wanted them.

  He didn’t say anything as he shadowed her into the luxurious kitchen. Everything a human would want was presented in the room. A huge stainless steel refrigerator, matching microwave and oven lined one wall amidst an array of honey-colored wood cabinets and a mellow yellow granite counter.

  She pulled open the fridge door and grabbed a large bottle of synthetic blood. He noted her hands were trembling as she unscrewed the cap. The sex had weakened her and the approaching Crimson Moon tonight was having an effect on her as well.

  For a split second he gave in to his urge to allow her to feed on him, knowing full well she would reject him. He offered her his wrist. As he expected she shook her head.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not? You’ve just had sex with males. You won’t be welcome in Vampira anymore.”

  She glared at him. “And you knew it too, didn’t you? You knew you would blow my world apart and you didn’t care what would happen to me.”

  The hurt in her voice ripped into his very soul. But he would remain strong. He wanted her. She wanted them. It was time for her to admit it.

  “You belong to us, Satin.”

  “My name is Lisbeth, Luca. I belong to no male and I am slave to no one.” Fury made her eyes sparkle so sexily he almost reached out and grabbed her by her shoulders. He wanted to push her against the fridge and slide his engorged cock into her sweet pussy and remind her they did indeed belong to each other. In the past, that’s exactly what he would have done. But the defiance in her made him back off.

  “As you wish, I shall call you Lisbeth. But you are a slave. To Vampira. They dictate to you what you can and cannot do.”

  She shook her head and waved him away. “I don’t wish to hear this.”

  She strolled to the next room and to the nearby patio doors. She slid the glass door aside before stalking to the area where they’d taken her down earlier with the poisoned dart.

  At the edge of the deck, she lifted the bottle of synthetic blood to her quivering lips and he watched her drink greedily, desperately, as if searching for the energy she would need to fend off the Crimson Moon mating.

  He moved beside her. Thankfully, she didn’t step away. He took that as a good sign.

  “You hide behind that secret coven of Vampira,” he continued. He needed for her to see the situation she was in. Needed her willing and fully accepting of what was going to happen during the Crimson Moon.

  “You are their slave. You seek freedom, but you never have it, do you, Lisbeth?”

  Her new name rolled off his tongue like a velvet whisper. He almost preferred it over her slave name of Satin.

  She said nothing and continued to drink quickly, desperately. If she believed the weak concoction would give her the strength to fight them off, she would be in for a shock.

  Luca loved the way her long, slender throat moved as she swallowed. Craved to sink his teeth into her flesh and feed off her again. The taste of her blood was still fresh in his mouth. It had been hot and sweet and slid like silk down his throat. It had been momentary bliss drinking from her, and it had taken all his self-control to not drink his fill. He wanted to feed more on her. The urge was so great he had to wrap his hands over the railing of the deck to keep from following his instincts.

  When she finished her drink, she wiped a tiny streak of blood from the left side of her plump lips. The gesture just about broke him into reaching out to her. To force her to feed from him. It would be easy to do. All he’d have to do was rip open a vein in his wrist for her.

  She was so hungry for pure blood, the smell of it and her instincts would take over and she would drink from him. He wanted to see his blood on her lips. Wanted to feel her fangs pierce his flesh and have her gain strength from his offering. But she’d been forced enough. He wanted her to come to them of her free will.

  “You hide in the human world,” he continued. “Cloister yourself behind your many computers to run your empire of condoms.”

  She threw daggers with her gaze. “What would you know of my life?”

  “Your friend, Zeena. Yes, she was able to conceal your whereabouts with her mind shield but before it kicked in, we learned enough about you to know you are a virtual recluse, hiding in fear and waiting for bounty hunters to locate you.”

  “And how did you find me?” she snapped.

  Her gaze flashed with fury and curiosity. Her cheeks blossomed faintly with pink as the synthetic blood rushed through her and gave her some much-needed sustenance.

  “Your last conversation with Zeena. She had no idea we were nearby or that Tristan is a full-blood. He can do many things we can’t, such as catching air waves of information and dragging us along for a wicked ride.”

  He caught the tips of her lips curling upward ever so slightly into a tiny smile. She nodded. She remembered.

  “Headaches after the ride. The drawbacks of being rogues,” she said.

  She placed the empty bottle on the nearby railing and he followed her gaze as she peered past the twisted pine trees to the moonlit ocean below. Tendrils of fog curled along the rocky shores and whispered over the gentle waves.

  “Fantastic scenery,” he admitted. “I can see why you’d like it here.”

  She remained silent.

  He stared toward the east. Several islands loomed there, but everywhere else there was just the ocean. Serene and quiet. A good place to come when one wished to reflect.

  Above, the moon had begun to turn a soft shade of red. Only Crimson vampires and some rogues could see the moon in its truest form and feel its effects, just as he was doing. The need to have sex with her grew with every minute and it pulsed through him like an untamed animal.

  Her scent was deepening too. Sweetening and more succulent. Addictive.

  His mouth watered with anticipation and his fangs stirred, ready to unleash. He held them in check.

  “Who tipped off the Queen as to my whereabouts?” she asked without looking at him.

nbsp; “Our dungeon guard was at that fashion show. He caught your scent while ogling the humans beneath their clothing.”

  Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “I knew I’d smelled something rotten, but I had hoped I was wrong.”

  “No worries, the Queen killed him after he delivered the information of finding you.”

  Relief spun over her face.

  The guard was a sadist. All of them had endured pain under his watch. Luca had been grateful to hear of his demise.

  “Why did you leave us the way you did, Satin?” Tristan’s cool voice slipped out of the darkness from behind them.

  Satin tensed and Luca shook his head in disappointment at Jaymes and Tristan, who stood a few feet away. He hadn’t scented them or heard them approaching. That meant they had just materialized from inside the building.

  He should have known the males would be impatient for an answer as to her being with them again, and they were also responding to the mating lure of the moon. The need to mate flared heavily in their eyes. The blue in Tristan’s gaze had deepened and Jaymes’ was glowing a deep red.

  “Did you not have feelings for us?” Jaymes asked.

  Luca’s gut twisted at the grief in Jaymes’ voice. The sadness seared through his body like an impaling sword. They needed answers before they went any further with the mating. Her shoulders slumped and she shook her head.

  Devastation rocked Luca. Her answer was not what he had expected. She did not want them. He knew now that they would need to make sure she was in a safe place and then they would leave her. He’d never been so shattered in his entire life. He allowed his fangs to unsheathe as anger grabbed hold.

  * * * * *

  Lisbeth sensed the vibes of desolation whipping through the air from the three males. They’d assumed with her shaking her head that she’d meant no. But she’d been shaking her head because she was mad at herself for wanting to tell them she loved them, needed them, craved them.


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