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The Alpha's Virgin Witch

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t want to go out with Caleb.”

  “Then why did you agree?”

  “You like Guy, right?” she asked, seeing her friend blush at the question.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t have to worry about the answer.”

  Bianca frowned. “I don’t know what I feel.”

  “Try, I won’t laugh, and I won’t judge. This is you being able to do and say what you like.”

  She heard her friend sigh.

  “I don’t know. Thinking about him now, it scares me that I’m going to be with him tonight. When I’m with him, something seems to shift inside me, and I don’t know what to do with myself. My body, it comes alive. I can’t control it, and I want to be with him. Does that make any sense?”

  “It does.” Lucy thought about Caleb like that. Today when he was touching her, he was setting her body aflame, but she wasn’t afraid. She missed that, she really did.

  Biting her lip, she stared down at her hands. Being around Caleb was going to be a kind of torture in itself. She did find him attractive, and the fact he knew that didn’t help. He made her nervous, excited, and thrilled to be with him.

  “What about Caleb? Why do you want to date him?”

  “He asked me.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Yeah. It’s not like anything can happen between Caleb and me. We’re completely different.”

  “Opposites sometimes attract.”

  “A witch and a wolf? I doubt it. He’s probably dating me as a favor to his dad or something. This has nothing to do with me.” Even as she said the words, it cut deep. She wanted someone to love her, to adore her, and to fall for her. Lucy wanted want her own parents had. Her own life confused her. She had two sets of parents. The first pair she didn’t know, but the second was Adele and Kyle. They were her mom and dad.

  “It could happen. There’s no rule to state that he’s got to mate to another wolf.”

  She laughed. “Look at the pack, Bianca. There’s only wolf mating with wolf. It’s okay, really. In time, I’ll go and find my own guy from my own kind.”

  Someone knocked on the door, and she got to her feet to answer it, happy to be doing something. The more she sat and thought about how alone she was, the harder it was for her to not cry. For too long she’d been by herself, and she didn’t want to be anymore.

  Opening the door she saw Caleb and Guy dressed in jeans and plain white shirts. They both filled them out well, but her gaze was on Caleb.

  “Are you going to invite us in?” Caleb asked.

  “She is. Don’t be rude, Lucy,” Adele said.

  “Sorry, Mom.” She made sure there was enough room for them to come inside. Bianca had entered the room, and Lucy watched as Guy went straight to her. The mystical aura was between them again, and she couldn’t help but watch. The power was unlike anything she’d seen. Their energy pulled toward each other, and tilting her head to the side, she watched both as they wrapped around each other. Their wolves were trying to grab each other, and Lucy couldn’t help but smile.

  A hand waved in front of her face, and she blinked away the image.

  “Are you okay?” Caleb asked.

  “Yes, I’m okay.” She couldn’t tell him what she’d seen. The powers that had been dormant inside her were growing fast, and she was terrified. No one in the pack understood what she was going through, and she didn’t know who to turn to. There was no one in the pack with powers.

  “Hey.” Caleb caught her face in his hands, and the fear building within her stopped. “That’s it, look at me, and take it easy. Nothing is going to hurt you. You’re with me now. You’re safe.”

  “I’m safe.”

  Seconds passed. She didn’t know how much time actually passed, only that it did. With each second, she grew just a little calmer, and staring at him helped.

  “Are you okay?”


  “I’ll take good care of her,” Caleb said, smiling at both of her parents.

  She looked up to see they were both staring at her with concern. “It’s nothing.”

  “You’re sure?” her dad asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Okay, have fun, and enjoy the night.”

  They followed Bianca and Guy out of the door. She saw Caleb’s car at the end of her long driveway.

  “Where are we going tonight?” Lucy asked.

  “We thought going to the human town would put you both at ease,” Caleb said.

  She glanced over at him as he moved toward the main passenger side. Guy was already letting Bianca into the backseat. Caleb had picked the human town for Bianca. If they had taken their date at Wolf Valley, they’d encounter no end of Guy’s conquests. She’d spend the night as a bodyguard to her friend.

  “Okay. I can sit in the back with Bianca.”

  “No. You’re sitting next to me.” Caleb opened the door. “Get in.”

  “You’re being a little rude.”

  “I’ve got to be. It’s the only way you’ll learn.”

  She chuckled even though what he said was rather insulting. Buckling up her seatbelt, she flicked down the visor, and checked on her friend in the back. Bianca was looking out of the window, and Guy was looking at Bianca as if she was his entire world.

  I want that, and I can’t have it.

  Caleb broke through her trance by grabbing her hand, locking their fingers together.

  She tried to pull her hand away from him, but he wouldn’t let her go.

  “This is all part of being on a date.”

  “Holding hands?”

  “Yes, I’m the expert. You are not.”

  “Exactly how many women have you dated?”

  “Does that matter?”

  “Of course it does.”

  He smirked.

  “Come on, wise ass, how many women have you dated, and that doesn’t include women you’ve screwed.”

  “And what do you allow for an actual date?” he asked.

  “There has to have been dinner, talking, and maybe even dancing.” She rested her head against the chair. “That goes for you as well, Guy.”


  “How many women have you dated? No lying.”

  The car went silent, and she saw Bianca was no longer staring out of the window.

  “Well, I don’t hear you answering,” Lucy said.

  “Fine, we’ve not dated, okay?”

  Lucy chuckled. “Don’t try to tell me that you know more than I do. You’re a virgin here just like me.”

  “Yeah, but I’m only a virgin on the whole dating thing. I’ve got everything else covered.”

  Her cheeks heated as he pressed a kiss to her hand. What was it about this guy that was calling to her? She didn’t know.

  The rest of the drive went by without any event or meaning. They all talked about the latest television series they’d been watching. She loved watching Bianca come out of her shell as they all talked. There might in fact be a chance for her friend and Guy. She would still kick his ass if he hurt her. Lucy didn’t like the thought of anything happening to her friend. She loved Bianca like a sister.

  Caleb parked toward the back of the lot so no one would have the chance of caging them in. Climbing out of the car, she waited for Bianca to get out when Caleb took hold of her arm.

  “The point of this being a double date is you’re with me. I’m not dating Guy. I’m here for you.”

  “And I thought you and Guy were a beautiful couple.” She rested her head against his shoulder, loving the sound of his laugh.

  “You know you shouldn’t hide who you are.”

  Lucy tensed up, pulling away. “What do you mean?”

  “This playful side of you. I like her, and I’m more than happy to play with her.” He gripped her chin, turning her to face him. “Don’t hide from me.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “Then it’s another good thing that we’re dating. During dates, we get to k

now each other.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes. Like, what is your favorite time of the year?” he asked.

  She frowned. “It’s Christmas, why?”

  “I love summer. I don’t have to wear as many clothes.”

  Unable to contain her laughter, she hugged him a little tighter. “You’re interesting, Caleb. You shouldn’t hide that.”

  “From you, I won’t.”


  Finding the booth in the bar hadn’t been a problem. Caleb had been to the bar many times as he loved their fried chicken and hot wings. What he didn’t like was how many people were actually in the bar. His wolf was pushing forward, and every protective instinct was coming out. He didn’t want his woman put in danger, and right now, he couldn’t guarantee her safety.

  “You okay?” Guy asked.

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Placing his arm across the back of Lucy’s chair, he listened as she and Bianca talked over the menu.

  “I can recommend the wings and the fried chicken,” he said.

  “Is that all you eat when you come here?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “It’s all he eats anywhere we go,” Guy said.

  “I’d like the chicken Cobb salad. Do we go to the bar, or does a waitress come here?” Bianca asked.

  “The waitress comes to the table, takes our order.” Guy leaned over Bianca’s shoulder, reading from her menu.

  “What do you want?” Caleb asked.

  “I don’t know. I like the sound of meatballs and spaghetti, or the chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes.” Lucy licked her lips, and he couldn’t help but imagine what those lips would feel like around his dick, which thickened at the thought. He wanted to be inside her. He wanted to fuck her, to take possession of her pussy, and surround her with his scent.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I don’t need to look at the menu to know what I want.”

  “And what exactly do you want?”

  “I want my fried chicken.” He stroked a finger down her arm, knowing he wanted damned more. She was firing his blood, making him crave stuff he’d never craved before.

  They were interrupted by the waitress.

  After they gave their order, Guy took his signal to take Bianca away from the table. The couple went to the dance-floor.

  “They’re destined to be together,” Lucy said.

  Her arms were folded as she looked toward the dance-floor. “You really do care about her, don’t you?”

  “Of course. She was the only one who was willing to be friends with me. She didn’t care that I was human, and later on, she didn’t care that I was a witch.” Lucy shrugged. “We’re together forever.”

  “If you leave, she will try to follow, and it will torture her wolf.”

  “I’m not going to.”

  “She loves you as well. It will hurt her for you to leave.”

  “Are you trying to get me to stay?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?” she asked.

  “Is it working?”

  She released a sigh, and Caleb looked toward the dance-floor. Guy had gotten Bianca into his arms, and the couple looked sweet together. Bianca was tense, but his friend was showing a great deal of restraint, which surprised him.

  “It is. I can’t let her leave. If you could see their aura, it’s magical.”

  Turning back to Lucy, he saw the wonderment dancing within her eyes, and truly wished he saw what she did. “You can see the power that binds them together?”

  She nodded.

  He looked at Lucy, wishing he knew what she was thinking. Reaching out, he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers, touching her. He couldn’t stop. For so long he’d been watching her from afar, always wondering what it would be like to be close to her. Now he knew, and there was no turning back.

  “Are you having fun?” he asked.

  “I’m a little bored, but Bianca’s having a good time.”

  He wasn’t about to have Guy win this. Leaning close to her, he captured her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, putting her hand on his chest, and pulling away. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re kissing.” He licked his lips. “It’s all part of the dating process.”

  “You know you’re strange, right.”

  “I’m a little strange? You can see auras. What does my aura say?”

  “You’re an ass.”

  He laughed. “And you want this ass.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Pressing his nose against her neck, he took a deep inhale. “You’re protesting too much. You forget that I’m a wolf. I can scent how much you want me. Your pussy is completely wet, and you smell so good.” Touching her thigh, he stroked up and down. The scent of her arousal grew thicker, and his mouth watered for a taste. “You wanted to date, Lucy. I’m starting to think you want to fuck as well.”

  “Dating is the precursor to fucking, Caleb.”

  His cock was going to burst through his jeans. She was so hot, and listening to her say “fucking” was a fantasy come true. He wanted to fuck her and take her so damn hard. She was a virgin, and their first time he’d take his time, letting her virgin cunt get used to his dick. Once he’d take that little bit of flesh, he’d show her what real fucking was all about. He wanted to screw her so damn bad.

  “Are you teasing me, Lucy?”

  “Tell me, Caleb, what are you doing with me? You fuck nearly every girl within the pack. What makes me so different?”

  “I actually like spending time with you, babe. The other women, they don’t mean anything.”

  She chuckled. “You really think I’m going to believe you? You’re known for fucking around. I’m a witch, and I don’t see me winning against any of those pack females. I’m completely different from them.”

  Stroking his finger down her neck, he grazed the top of her breast. “You’re right. You’re nothing like the pack females.”

  Lucy grabbed his finger. “What are you doing?”

  “You want to experience what none of the other pack males will give you. What if I tell you I’d be willing to give you everything you desire?” he asked.

  She licked her lips, and he saw her cheeks were already flushed. “You’re taunting me?”

  “No. How about upping the stakes?” he asked. He couldn’t spend the next couple of weeks or months being near her without trying to fuck her. She was in his head, and he wanted inside her body.

  “How?” she asked.

  “You’re a twenty-three year old virgin. How about I show you exactly how good it can be to have a real man between those thighs, and you stay in town indefinitely.”

  She groaned. “Why are you determined to keep me in town?”

  “Why are you so determined to leave town?”

  “It’s not my home.”

  “That’s rather insulting. It’s your home, your family, and you’re loved.”

  He listened as she sat back, giving herself some space. Caleb didn’t like it. He wanted to invade that very space that she was trying to create.

  “Think about it, Lucy.”

  Bianca and Guy came back to the table at the same time the waitress placed their food down. They started to eat, and he saw his friend was completely smitten with Bianca. Guy really needed to claim her before his wolf went feral and took the decision out of his hands. Lucy had settled for the hot wings with all the trimmings including cheese fries, slaw, and some pickles.

  She grabbed a wing and bit into it. He couldn’t look away as she licked her lips, and when she turned toward him, he saw her cheeks flame even more.

  “Stop that!”

  Caleb frowned, glancing around the room. Guy and Bianca were talking to each other, and when he turned to Lucy, he saw she looked as confused as him.

  “Did you just speak to me?” He thought the words, and Lucy’s eyes grew wide. She looked panicked, and he didn’t want to freak he
r out. “You want to talk to me, talk.”

  “Stop it. This is crazy.”

  “I’ve heard pack mates can do this.”

  “Caleb, I’m not part of the pack, nor are we mates.”

  He stopped the thought from manifesting, but he couldn’t help but picture himself in his wolf form as Lucy stood naked beside him. The image was so clear as if it was his future. “Did you see that?”

  “See what?”

  So she could talk to him, and hear him, but she couldn’t exactly see what he was thinking.

  “Nothing. So, are you going to let me fuck you?”

  “You’re being a pig.”

  “I’m being blunt. Do we have a deal?”

  She picked up another hot wing, and he watched her eat it while also eating his own fried chicken. He wanted to know what she’d decide. Would she run away? Would she try to fight what was between them?

  “No one can know.”


  “You can’t be with anyone else.”

  “If I wanted someone else, I wouldn’t be here, baby.”

  “You break those rules, I leave, and I don’t wait around.”

  “Fine.” He had no intention of giving her a chance to leave. There were witches and warlocks out there who’d sacrifice her. Caleb would die to keep her safe. He couldn’t live in a world without her. It was plain and simple to him.

  He’d give her everything she wanted, and in return, he’d get what he wanted as well. It was a no-brainer.

  Chapter Five

  Once they finished their meal, Guy took Bianca back onto the dance-floor, and Caleb continued to stare at her. Lucy’s heart was racing, and her body was on fire.

  “Do we have a deal?” he asked.


  She gasped as he got to his feet and pulled her out of the booth.


  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We’re going onto the dance-floor.” The song was a slow one. He wrapped his arm around her, tugging her close.

  His cock pressed against her stomach, and Lucy found herself looking around the bar to see if anyone was watching.

  “That’s what you do to me, babe.”

  “I bet you say that to all the women you’ve been with.”


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