Book Read Free

Galaxy Spies

Page 10

by Philip R Benge

Chapter Four

  The Church of the Universe

  On New Terra a large starship was landing at the space port, emblazoned on its side were the words ‘The Church of the Universe’. On board were Bishop Nicholas Collingswood and a team of specialists who would seem to be more suited to being members of the space marines than to the church, for they were members of a particular group of priests called the ‘Soldiers of Christ’. Collingswood and his team had come to New Terra after repeated requests from the local vicars who needed help in quelling the rampant corruption that existed on the planet, and his team fresh from a successful mission back on Earth were just the people to do it. An armoured transporter rolled down the ship`s ramp and took the Bishop away to visit the city`s Chief of Police, Gregory Marlin, a much surprised man who was at that moment talking to Tom Parkinson. On being told that he had a visitor, and just whom it was, Tom looked across at Greg Marlin.

  “Your problems could well be coming to an end, outside your door is a very powerful man who belongs to just about the most powerful church in the galaxy, and he will stop the corruption on New Terra.”

  “You had better send him in Roberts.” Marlin told his assistant.

  Bishop Nicholas Collingswood was a short man being only five feet seven inches tall, but he more than made up for his lack of inches with a dynamic personality and a conviction that come what may his way was the best.

  “Good afternoon Bishop Collingswood. I am Police Chief Marlin and this is Director Tom Parkinson of the Interstellar Intelligence Bureau. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

  “Good afternoon Chief Marlin, good afternoon Tom, I hope that you are still well?” They had been working hard together over the last twelve months on a secret mission known only to a select few, and they were both surprised to see one another here on New Terra. Bishop Collingswood didn`t wait for Tom Parkinson to reply but went straight on.

  “I am here as I have been informed by the vicars of this world that New Terra is a hotbed of sin and iniquity, almost akin to the infamous Sodom and Gomorrah of biblical times, and I intend to clean it up. What I want to know Chief Marlin is this, are you going to help me clean up this world or are you going to fight me?” Collingswood was looking almost directly at Police Chief Marlin while he said this but half an eye was kept on Tom Parkinson as well to watch for his reaction. As Collingswood saw, both men were delighted to have him here on New Terra.

  “I have been attempting to clean this world up for a while now, and with some success I might say, but as I was saying to Director Parkinson, I need the help of Earth to fully succeed, and with the help that you are offering me I know that we will succeed.” Marlin said to a quietly smiling Collingswood.

  “And you Tom, why are you here on New Terra?” Collingswood asked, having turned to face Tom Parkinson. Parkinson was tall and slim but with some muscular development showing through his well-tailored clothes. He had blond hair and blue eyes.

  “One of my agents was here on New Terra following up a lead that was taking him directly towards Lyre when he went missing; I believe that some of the criminal elements on New Terra are responsible for his disappearance. Hearing only good things about Police Chief Marlin I came here to enlist his help in my search for my missing agent.”

  “Then we are all interested in cleaning out this world to bring it back to the light and to the ways of God.” Collingswood stated smiling. “Let me outline my plans to you both. Although this planet is not a new world colony planet, many of its population are followers of the one true faith. The Church of New Terra is going to request on behalf of its people that the status of a new colony world of the Church of the Universe be bestowed upon it belatedly. This means that all the charters that accompany such a world will also apply here. The leading criminal element will be gaoled for contravening the charter, the council members and police officials who are known to be allies of these men will be relieved of their posts and threatened with imprisonment if they do not sign a confession and agree to atone for their sins. The officials who regulate in local matters will also be treated in this same manner, although some leniency may be shown if they confess immediately.”

  Police Chief Marlin first looked shocked and then delighted at the bishop`s plans, but Tom Parkinson while delighted when any major criminal was brought down, was also a little worried at the legality of such measures but he knew Bishop Collingswood was a good man who he personally trusted.

  “Surely to do as you suggest is illegal, even if what you plan to do is pleasing to my heart, I still cannot believe that it can be legal.”

  “Oh it is legal Tom, just not widely known about. A law back in the beginning of the twenty fourth century gave the founders of a new colony world of the Church of the Universe, or any other major religion, the right to gaol all lawbreakers temporarily whom the local Bishop knows to be guilty of a crime. This applies even if the said Bishop does not have enough evidence because of fear amongst his flock for their individual safety, should they come forward before the criminals are gaoled. And as we will be issuing a new world colony charter to the people of New Terra, belatedly of course, we will henceforth be known as the founders of this colony planet as well as its saviours.”

  Tom Parkinson was saved from worrying about this law, for he received a call on his satellite phone system from his office back on Earth. However, he was rather concerned that such power should be in the hands of any large powerful Quasi-governmental organisation as powerful as the Churches now were.

  “Sorry to bother you sir but we have a freighter captain on the subspace radio who says that he needs to talk to you immediately regarding the planet Lyre`s activities on New Terra. As you are currently operating from that planet in connection with Lyre, I thought that you might like to speak to him, shall I redirect his call to you sir?” His communications officer explained.

  “Yes and thank you, please do connect me to the freighter captain?” Tom Parkinson ordered.

  “Tom Parkinson here, who am I speaking with?” He demanded to know.

  “My name is Ray Connors; I am with Jean Summers who has come to New Terra in search of her brother. While assisting her to do this we ran afoul of one the major criminals of that planet who in turn led us to a Dylithium mine ran by him for the sole use of the Lyre Federation, it is the Lyre Federation who now hold her brother prisoner on their home world.”

  “I am on New Terra now Captain, where are you at this moment, because I would very much like to talk to you about your recent entanglements? I am here with Bishop Collingswood of the Church of the Universe whose sole reason for being here is to clean out the criminal element of this world, so you see we would both like to talk with you about our respective problems.”

  “I am on my freighter and I can land at the space port of New Terra within thirty minutes, can you send some of your people to meet me so that my safety, and that of the other two people here with me, is guaranteed?” Ray asked.

  “Don`t worry Captain, I will come in person, and for company I will bring along some space marines.” Tom Parkinson replied.

  “Yes they will do nicely.” Ray said smiling.

  Tom Parkinson arrived at the spaceport in exactly twenty minutes, and along with the marines led by Colonel Michaels were Police Chief Marlin and Bishop Collingswood, Collingswood thought it best to carry out the initial debriefing, as the bishop called it, aboard his own large starship. It was more secure there, away from any spying eyes and ears, and any sort of assassination attempt, for the starship`s armour was very impressive and its sensors which would instantly detect any more serious threats and turn on the ships defence shields, should the need arise.

  The Jeanette was contacted as it approached the space port which was unusual in itself for New Terra, and instructed to land alongside the starship belonging to the church, so as to make their journey between the two ships as brief as possible. Tom Parkinson was at the door of the Jeanette as Ray Connors opened it.

  “Hallo, I am
Tom Parkinson; you I guess are Captain Connors?” He said greeting them.

  “Yes, and it was good of you to meet us, this is my partner Harry Proctor and this lady here is Jean Summers.” Ray said introducing the other two people on his ship.

  “Mr Parkinson, it is good to meet you at last, I have left countless messages for you.” Jean said a little frostily.

  “I will explain aboard the starship behind me, it offers far more security than this spot in front of Captain Connors` ship.”

  Ray looked at the name emblazoned along the fuselage of the starship and then looked back quizzically at Tom Parkinson who smiled and explained.

  “No Captain this is not my ship, it is being used currently by Bishop Collingswood, who as I said before, is here on New Terra to clean out the lawless element on this planet. My own team consists of a squad of space marines spread around the spaceport to stop anyone getting too interested in you or us, and I am here partly to do with my job and mostly to do with my missing agent. Now shall we board this ship?”

  Once aboard the starship they were led forward to a large room that resembled the main room of some Victorian gentlemen`s club, for apart from a dozen armchairs spread around the room there were only a few coffee tables to be seen in the room. The walls of the room were in imitation mahogany and the wall lights looked to be replicas of the same period in time.

  To Ray, Harry, and Jean it looked impressive but in fact the Church had ensured that it had cost little, for they had many other calls on their money. Bishop Collingswood stood up from one of the armchairs over in the far corner of the room and greeted them. The only other people in the room were Police Chief Marlin and Colonel Michaels of the space marine corps. Michaels had dark brown hair cut short in the style favoured by all of the marines, a ramrod stance that emphasised his six feet tall figure, and seemingly electric blue eyes that were filled with latent power.

  “I am glad to meet you; I hope that what you have to tell us will help all of us in our chosen missions.” Collingswood said before he introduced Marlin.

  “Over here is Police Chief Marlin who has been attempting to get the lawless element of New Terra under some sort of control, I am here to see that he succeeds. But please be seated and then we can talk.”

  Ray showed Jean to a seat in keeping with the décor of the room, accept for the fact that in a genuine club a woman would never have been allowed within its hallowed rooms, before he and Harry sat down nearby.

  “Maybe you would tell us your story Captain?” Tom Parkinson suggested.

  “To keep it brief I will tell you the relevant facts of our recent difficulties. The Lyre import export office here is run by the Lyre Federation to acquire Dylithium for export back to their planet, they use a large freighter for this, one that almost certainly has Phaser weapons concealed within its sleek fuselage. They used a local gangster, the late Karl Terrier, to run the mine and to keep their secret, a secret. Whilst doing this he arranged to kidnap your agent, Jean`s brother, Peter Summers, and he was then handed over to the Lyrens who took him back to their planet as a prisoner. Karl Terrier`s men also kidnapped Jean and then handed her over to the Lyrens for transport back to Lyre so that they could use her as a lever to get your agent to cooperate with them, and they might have succeeded if I hadn`t rescued her. Two of Terrier`s men almost killed Harry, and Terrier tried to kill me before he went to meet his maker.”

  “Karl Terrier is dead you say, how did that happen?” Marlin asked.

  “He was supposed to be taking me to where he was keeping Jean a prisoner, but instead it was a trap and when he sprung it he had a sword in his hand so I was forced to stop him in the only way possible, I threw a knife at him and killed him.” Ray said looking at each of the four men there, apart from Harry that is, to see what effect his bold statement had on them. From what he could tell from their expressions they didn`t appear to be too shocked over the death of the gangland boss.

  “Do you know the identity of the two men who kidnapped Ms Summers and attacked Mr Proctor?” Marlin then asked in the hope of legally gaoling two more of the criminal fraternity. Jean answered his question.

  “One is called Gorilla, probably because he resembled one and the other one is called George, it was George who was the most loathsome of the two, for he took a real pleasure in hurting me, and I think he would have been happy to kill me if he didn`t have to take me to the Lyren starship.” Jean said, entering into the discussion, a look of pain appearing on her face as she recalled the events that had been so recent.

  “Yes I know the two men that you speak of Ms Summers, and I will also take great pleasure myself in incarcerating them both in our lovely gaol. They will not go unpunished.” Marlin replied to Jean with a look of relish upon his face.

  “Tell me Captain, how on earth did you rescue Ms Summers from the Lyren space craft?” Tom Parkinson asked.

  “After creating a diversion I was able to steal aboard the ship and free Jean, unfortunately the ship had taken off by then so we were forced to temporarily disable their craft and then borrow one of their shuttle craft to make our escape.”

  “Captain if you ever need a job contact me, I need resourceful men such as you.” Tom Parkinson said with a look of admiration.

  “I was going to anyway because Jean is dead set on travelling to Lyre and somehow freeing her brother.” Ray replied with a look of admiration when he glanced across at Jean.

  “You are not serious Captain, you intend to walk into the heart of the Lyre Federation and then free Peter Summers and walk back out?” Tom Parkinson said in bewilderment. “It is just not possible.”

  “Oh I don`t know Director, I think with a little help from your informants on Lyre and also if a couple of space marines were to go along as protection it could be attempted with a good chance that it would succeed.” Colonel Michaels said interrupting the conversation.

  Colonel Michaels had been seconded to this mission on New Terra as it was thought that the publicity generated by this mission would help his political aspirations. The Church of the Universe were backing him for the next election that was due in less than a year, for the post of the Vice President of Earth and all its colony planets, and the Church`s views held sway over a large section of the voting public. He was running with Jeffery Clarkson who was a senior man in the current Presidency and who was running for the post of President as the current incumbent, President Blocker, was retiring due to ill health.

  Colonel Michaels hoped that this war would catapult him further forward into the political arena, and to take part in a successful escapade such as this could help him do just that.

  “You mean that you would be willing to go along with them on this mad enterprise Colonel?” Tom Parkinson said, still in bewilderment. He knew that Michaels had aspirations, but he never realised how far the man would go to see them realised. Tom Parkinson then turned back to Ray Connors.

  “Captain Connors just how would you expect to get to Lyre, and when you do get there how will you be able to get around when you don`t know the language?” Tom Parkinson demanded to know, he was fast finding the conversation ludicrous in the extreme.

  “My father traded with the Lyre Federation for some twenty years and he always took my mother and me along with him, he insisted that I learn their language to ensure that we were not tricked by them, for even then they were a gruesome bunch. I learnt their language almost at the same time as I learnt English. I intended to go to Lyre this time as a blockade-runner, I would then trade with the people who until the present difficulties arose I had been trading with before. Then using a faulty engine as a reason for not leaving Lyre immediately, use the time to locate Peter Summers. That is if you would provide us with some leads to follow up, it might make things less risky, otherwise it might be a little difficult for us, but I know enough of the people to maybe find out where he is being held, and may be get him out.”

  “You haven`t said anything yet on the subject Mr Proctor, what are your feelings on
the matter?” Collingswood wanted to know, as the subject of the conversation had gripped his interest.

  “If Ray thinks it is possible to get in and out again, and with a better than even chance of doing so with our skins still intact, then I will go along with him. You and Mr Parkinson don`t know Ray, but he is a very handy man to have about you when there is any risk to your future health, as Jean found out recently.”

  Jean had been quiet for she knew that Ray would be endangering his life and that of Harry`s because of her, which she also knew must mean that he had strong feelings for her, something that was not disagreeable to her, for she was beginning to have feelings for him also. She felt though that she ought to say something about the subject of finding her brother.

  “Mr Parkinson I am only here because you wouldn`t answer my calls. Now I am here I intend to carry on until I find my brother. We have always been close and with the death of my parents, well he is the only family that I have left to me and I do not intend to let him go just yet. I would do this alone however foolish that may be, except Ray and Harry would never allow it, something I am so very grateful to them for, for I know that it would be far more difficult, if not impossible, to find my brother let alone free him if I were alone.” Jean said with a look of strength now showing on her youthful face, a look that those who knew her had never seen before, for up until recently she had never needed it.”

  “You are right in censoring me Ms Summers, and I offer my rather belated apologises and assure you that I had decided to look into your brother`s disappearance before today. The reason that I had held back before was that I didn`t want to expose him as one of my agents to the authorities on New Terra, not when I was unsure whether he was in any danger at that particular moment. I was also unsure of their loyalties, fears that as far as Police Chief Marlin is concerned were unnecessary, for it is plain for all to see that he is fighting on the side of law and order. I don`t think that Captain Connors fully appreciates the current situation on Lyre, but if you are all hell bent on this foolhardy rescue attempt then I will of course give you all the help and advice that I can, to make it a better than even bet, as Mr Proctor puts it.”

  Just then, Police Chief Marlin interrupted the conversation. “For my part I am thankful to Captain Connors for the assistance he has given us and the first thing I shall do when I return to my office is order the arrest of Gorilla and George Bushnell for the kidnapping of Ms Summers and the attack on Mr Proctor. Bishop Collingswood, maybe after this other business is finished we can make a plan of action as to how to coordinate these two arrests with a far greater plan of campaign?” Police Chief Marlin was eager to get on with his chosen mission and away from the one favoured at this precise moment by Tom Parkinson and the three foolhardy people in search of the missing brother.

  “Maybe the three of you wouldn`t mind writing out a statement each, then I can proceed with arrests of the two gangsters and also of the people at the Lyre import export offices.”

  Ray Connors immediately agreed to do this and after paper and pens were supplied, their statements were written, signed, and witnessed, Bishop Collingswood and Police Chief Marlin left the others to continue their discussion concerning Peter Summers and his freedom, while they spoke further about the level of corruption on New Terra.

  Tom Parkinson looked at the four people before him and couldn`t help but admire them.

  “I will need an hour to think matters over before I finally decide to what level I will assist you three foolhardy people, and you too Colonel Michaels.”

  Tom Parkinson had been sitting in his chair ignoring all the others while he mulled over in his mind the best way to help not only the four people with him but also the war effort. He finally he looked up, for he was now ready to speak to them.

  “I have decided that we should proceed with the plan that I am about to outline to you. It will help you, it may also endanger you, but it means that the admirals in command of the war with Lyre will not stop you from going ahead, as they could do by simply accusing you of trading with the enemy. You don`t know it yet but the war is soon going to enter its deciding phase, and you can either be part of it or return home.” Tom Parkinson looked at the others seated around him, and Jean who was sitting directly opposite him was the only one to speak.

  “Go ahead Mr Parkinson, tell us what we have to do to get my brother home.” She said, her voice held a trace of fear, for she was new to all of this, but determined.

  “Right, well as you are to be recruited as agents of the Interstellar Intelligence Bureau my name is Tom, ok Jean, Ray, Harry, Ron. The danger that my agents face means that we are all on a first name basis, and the danger that you will face is even more so than my other agents normally face.” Tom stopped here for a moment as he looked into the serious faces around him before continuing.

  “I could of course supply you with the names of my contacts on Lyre, but to do so would put their lives in danger if any of you were to be interrogated by the Neo Nazi thugs of their intelligence services. I will ask them to initiate the contact, but only when they feel that it is safe to do so, that way this additional danger to their wellbeing will be smaller than if it was left to you to initiate contact. I will also provide you with some of the contraband that Lyre is seeking to acquire, as we have recently captured a couple of blockade runners and are holding the ships and their cargoes at the Enterprise space station in the nearby Cardinal planetary system.” Tom said to the delighted Jean.

  “It is of a low value as far as contraband goes but it would be foolish if you were to turn up there with a load of Dylithium, for they would ask too many questions. The confiscated load will have to be mixed with some other items in case some inquisitive fellow realises that you are carrying the same goods that we confiscated from another blockade runner not so long ago, that could all too soon end your mission.” Tom said, and then he turned to Ray.

  “Captain you will have to enter the area of space controlled by them from the direction of Apraxia, which as you might know is unaligned with any other planets or Federations, and makes quite a profit by keeping it that way. They are not interested in the morality of the situation; they are only interested in getting the best possible price for their goods with as little fuss as possible.”

  Tom Parkinson then turned to the marine. “Colonel perhaps you would explain why you want to join in on this dangerous mission?” Tom Parkinson asked.

  “Life has been very dull lately, minding various people such as yourself Director, and I could do with a little excitement for a change, if we succeed it will be worth the effort.” Tom Parkinson realised that Colonel Michaels was being economical with the truth, but he let it pass.

  “You said a couple of marines, bearing in mind it would have to be a volunteer, who else would you take along with you, assuming that he volunteers?”

  “Lieutenant Bragg is also getting bored with the lack of action at the moment; I believe he would welcome the chance to come along.”

  “Ok then, as well as taking the contraband along to Lyre I will also need you to take along a large consignment of arms and gold for the freedom movement on Lyre, as they call themselves, this will ensure that you are contacted, as all my contacts on Lyre are members of the movement. The freedom movement is made up of Lyren nationals only; some of them are politicians, they could be local or national, some of them are in the military and they could be state police or part of the Lyren armed forces, yet others are just ordinary workers. Apart from the members of the freedom movement, the Lyren people may seem to be just like you or I. However, many of them are fiercely patriotic, and even those who are simply members of the public should not be trusted, for you can bet your last credit that they could still turn you in should you give them a reason to distrust you more than they will a stranger anyway. Now you will probably have to travel to find Peter and so I will have the freedom movement provide you with the necessary documents, Ray tell me just how good your grasp of the Lyren language is?”
/>   “If you are asking whether I could pass for a local then yes I could quite easily.” Ray answered, he didn`t have to wait long for an explanation.

  “Good because my plan calls for you to be one of two low ranking officers in the state police, the other will be Ron who can also speak the language well enough to pass muster. I will have my agents on Lyre arrange for you to escort a small group of farm workers to a distant part of Lyre. Farm workers are normally people from the enslaved planets and so they are the lowest form of life on Lyre. However, any of your party who are not travelling under the guise of a state police officer will be amongst the luckiest of slaves, as they will have transport in a form of a truck. Our state policemen will have a staff car.” Tom stopped here for a moment to collect his thoughts, and to allow what he had said to sink in. Smiling, he then continued.

  “You must always be careful not to annoy anyone, slave or Lyren they can all turn on you and you do not want to attract any attention. Jean you will be made up to look a lot older, a little tired and nowhere near as attractive as you are, your looks will attract too much attention from both the men and the women, slave or Lyren, please do remember this it could be vital to the success of your part of the mission. Now I do not imagine that any of you speak the different languages of the farm workers, so Jean you personally will have a problem that you will have to overcome, and when you do talk always mumble it quietly so that you cannot be overheard. A Lyren will only talk to our two state policemen who can make you understand him either by using force, a favourite way amongst the state police or by sign language or whatever other way he can think to use. Oh, I will try to arrange for two members of the freedom movement to go along with you; they will be your drivers. Normally only groups of twenty or more are moved about, so you will be among such a group. The drivers can use this opportunity to contact members of the freedom movement that are further afield. We will provide them with sufficient gold to bribe the officials that will allow your little group to travel around Lyre with the necessary paperwork. The freedom movement will be able to pass on messages to other members of the movement, they will also be able to supply them with some of the arms and gold that you will be transporting to Lyre. This unfortunately could also increase the dangers to you if any member of the movement makes a mistake during this time. Oh in case you wondered, the officials taking the bribes are nominally against the ruling party, but they require a little gold to make their fears subside while they cooperate with the freedom movement.” Once again, Tom allowed all this to sink in before finishing off.

  “Well Jean do you have any second thoughts?”

  “I admit that it is very scary, and probably any sane person would quit now, but as I said I need to get my brother back, so I will even endure the unendurable to do this.”

  “I don`t know what to say Jean except that I don`t have a sister, but if I did I would hope that she was someone like you.” Tom said with a feeling of admiration for her.

  “Colonel, I will expect you to take real good care of these three people here, and I hope that you get whatever it is that you are after out of this venture.”

  When told about the operation Lieutenant Charles Bragg volunteered immediately because he had not joined the Space Marine Corps to baby sit one important person after another, he had joined for the excitement, in the future he may well hanker after the quiet life but not just now.

  Tom Parkinson said goodbye to the brave group and returned to the office of Police Chief Marlin, while later that same day the Jeanette took off with Jean Summers, Colonel Ronald Michaels and Lieutenant Charles Bragg. It was rather crowded in the small galley as they journeyed the thankfully short distance across to the Cardinal system and the space station Enterprise, it was here that the confiscated freighters Barnaby and Goliath awaited them. There the station`s crew followed out Tom Parkinson`s orders, quickly and without any questions regarding their next port of call. It took them only four hours to reload the contraband cargo onto the Jeanette plus a further thirty minutes to take on the arms and gold destined for the freedom movement on Lyre. It took another two hours to construct a false wall and door to hide the arms and gold from the eyes of the Lyren officials. Coded messages went back and forth between the office of Police Chief Marlin, where Tom Parkinson had taken up temporary residence, and the Lyre freedom movement until finally all was set for the go.

  The Jeanette finally departed the space station, and the Cardinal system, and started off on its long journey that took it into the area of space controlled by Apraxia, but the Jeanette did not stop off here, instead it turned sharply towards the Lyre Federation and the planet Lyre. Inside of the starship the team were feeling tense and Jean, well she was just a little scared. Her parents would go ape, if they had still been alive, and her brother would probably have screamed at her for being so stupid, but stupid or not she was not going to back out now, she was determined to find her brother, there were no other options that she cared to think about. The blue green planet that was Lyre appeared on the ship`s view screen and soon filled it.

  They had been escorted to Lyre from the planetary system`s farthest edges by a lightly armed war ship, but one powerful enough to ensure that they went where they were supposed to go. After speaking to the Spaceport, Ray was given permission to land on its outermost edges. This was almost exactly in the same location as his last trip to this planet, only this time he came as her enemy and not as a simple trader.


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