Book Read Free

Galaxy Spies

Page 35

by Philip R Benge

Chapter Twelve

  Keeping a Low Profile Again

  Octavius closed the door behind them as the five men entered into his house and greeted his wife and daughter with the news that only the two men were now to be burned at the stake. This was something that their new Lyren friends had accomplished, and he then introduced Jonas and Claude to his wife and daughter. They added their own thanks for their new friends` hard work; for they had believed that there was no one amongst the Lyren people who cared for the lot of the enslaved peoples.

  “To know that there are Lyrens, who think of us other than slaves is as surprising to us as it is wonderful Jonas, for we have only encountered contempt and hardship since we were brought to your planet. Now we know that a better life is possible for the slaves on this world.” Harmony said. Harmony was the wife of Octavius.

  “I have always hoped so; it is what I have been working towards, unfortunately with only minor success.”

  “Were you not both responsible for helping our friends from Earth, which is a large step for all of our people?” Isabella said smiling at the two brothers.

  Jean was surprised to see Jonas and Claude as was Jonas to see Jean without any of her disguise on and turning to Ray Connors said; “Now I understand my friend, why you risk your life”. Ray smiled across to his two Lyren friends.

  “It is good to see you both Jonas, Claude; once again we could sure do with a little of your help.” Ray replied.

  “We will do all that we can to assist you in the hope that the prisoners can be freed.” Jonas said. He had purposely not said slaves as he didn`t know if his using this term might upset his new friends. Jonas was in fact gripped by a fierce depression, and now having got over the joy of meeting up with his friends it returned with double the intensity. Ray could see his mood change, and so asked him if there was anything troubling him.

  “My brother and I created the freedom movement because we thought it was wrong to go to other worlds and enslave their people, now that Earth and Lyre are at war in earnest my movement will be branded as a group of traitors.” Jonas wept. “Am I a traitor to my people Ray for even speaking to you, never mind planning even more actions against my people while Lyrens are being killed on other planets?”

  “You followed your own feelings regarding what is right and what is wrong. The enslaving and abuse, even murder, it is very wrong Jonas, and future generations on Lyre will praise the names of all of you for standing up against the current brutal system operating here on Lyre, of that I am positive, for yours is a truly Christian act of goodness Jonas.” Ray Connors said this with such feeling that his sad friend knew that Ray meant exactly what he had said. The others from Earth also agreed with these words, and even Octavius and his family felt for the man who was assisting enemies of his world at a time when some of his own people were dying.

  Jean was feeling just a little tired after the excitement of the day, and so she went into the room that the she and her brother and friends were sleeping in. Lying down upon the one bed in the room, she closed her eyes. She could hear whatever was said by the others as the internal walls were very thin, and anyway the door was open. The room was the third and smallest room of the house where Octavius and his family lived; the other rooms were the main living room of the house used for cooking and eating in, and a main bedroom, outside there was a communal shower block. The bedroom that she was in now was normally used by Isabella, who now used the living room.

  Ray decided to enjoy a moment alone with Jean, so he followed her in, sat down on a chair next to the bed, and held her hand. Jean was pondering on something that she couldn`t find an answer to.

  “Ray I can understand why Charles is here, he is young and after some excitement, he probably also sees the chances of advancement in the space marine if all goes well. But I am not sure why the Colonel chose to come along?”

  “The vice presidency and later if his running mate doesn`t watch out he probably hopes to take his office too.” Ray said, and when Jean looked questioningly at him, he then added. “He is after the Presidency of Earth and all of its colonies, Jean.”

  “Oh” Jean said now understanding the Colonels reasons for coming to Lyre. Colonel Michaels came to the door and interrupted this moment alone.

  “Ray we are going to discuss the plan for tonight, we could do with your input.”

  “Ok Colonel, coming.” With that, Ray had to forego his moment and went back into the main room of the house to join the others.

  “First Jonas do you have any news for us?” Colonel Michaels asked.

  “Since Lyre retreated back to its home world and its two colony worlds I wasn`t able to communicate with Tom Parkinson, that is until yesterday evening when a squadron of space cruisers from the space fleet of Earth exited hyperspace above Lyre. In just a short time, they took out many of the orbiting Phaser weapons and they sent a message down to my computer via one of our own communications satellites. They are all still in operation at the moment, probably because Earth can make use of them to make contact with the people of Lyre, I had been keeping my digital diary up to date and the cruiser accessed this via the same satellite, as Tom Parkinson has my password. They then disappeared back into hyperspace before the authorities here on Lyre even knew what was happening. I only knew that they had been in orbit above Lyre when a message flashed up on my computer to notify me that I had mail. Tom Parkinson informed me of this latest attack by the space fleet of Earth, and that the Government of Earth regretted having to take the lives of Lyren soldiers, but some deaths were inevitable, such as those lost when the two space fleets met. He did assure me that many of the soldiers who were based on the six recently freed enslaved planets were taken prisoner by the soldiers of Earth`s. However, many of the overseers were killed by the native population immediately the attack from space commenced, as too were some of the civilian administrators on the planet. I suppose that these deaths were inevitable, following the harsh treatment of the enslaved people by the authorities and the overseers.”

  The fleet from Earth contained a new class of starship, a destroyer; one that Earth had been waiting for before commencing hostilities with Lyre. It is small and stocky and its main attribute is that it possessed a very strong defence shield, one that would take the punishment thrown at it by the many heavy Phaser weapons in orbit around Lyre. It also had double the Phaser capacity of the normal space cruisers; four of these reduced the defences of Lyre to atoms.

  “Today I received another message, delivered in the same way following an attack that took out most of the remaining orbiting Phaser weapons, as well as the ones on our moon. Tom Parkinson tells me that the public on Earth and the colony planets were excited to hear of your groups exploits. The risk you took to enter the local state police headquarters to rescue a young girl, of the rescue of yet a second girl from the hands of a local male also in Henin. They will soon learn of the release of Jean`s brother from the Wallachia Fortress while the new garrison of the same fortress was in the process of entering it. Regarding the destruction of the local headquarters building of the state police, he said that if you, Colonel Michaels, can tag it, he will arrange for its destruction as a cover. In any case he will also send a ship down to collect the five of you and also the freed slaves, I too have been asked to accompany you so that he and I can talk over plans for the future, from that statement I assume that he is running more than just the intelligence bureau at the moment.” Jonas looked at the faces around him and saw a mixture of emotions ranging from relief to excitement. “That is all I have to tell you, now the rest is up to you.” Jonas now fell silent.

  “We asked for the space cruiser to launch its attack at four o`clock tomorrow morning, so there is no need to place the tag until three o`clock, that will mean that we don`t run the added risk of being spotted earlier on and exposing our plan to the authorities. We shouldn`t run into anyone that early in the day, but with an hour to spare it will mean that we can case the joint and so not run into any unwelcome surprises
.” Colonel Michaels said. “So I suggest that we all get some rest after we have eaten so as to be ready and able. Jonas, Claude can you stay with us or will someone realise that you are both missing?”

  “We will not be missed Colonel, our families are on their way to Apraxia, and no one knows where we are on Lyre at this moment, the people at my office think that I have taken a few days leave because of personal problems, the people in Claude`s office think he is also away for similar reasons. Thankfully the state police are not yet on our trail, but how long that will last for I do not know.” Jonas said still feeling a bit low.

  “Soon you will both be back amongst your families Jonas, and then you will feel better.” Ray Connors assured him.

  Dinner, if that was what you could call it, as Octavius and his family only had so much food, and seven extra dinner guests stretched their limited resources to the extreme. It was not filling but at least it drove the hunger pains away for the moment. More importantly, it was a time that they forgot about the dangers around them and they spoke of easier times, of family and friends, of the best meal they had enjoyed, of their favourite pastime.

  Lieutenant Charles Bragg`s favourite pastime was reading. “I read anything and everything as long as it is well written; mainly about other places, other worlds, other people and their cultures. They say that travel will broaden the mind well so does reading about them.”

  Ray Connors then spoke of his travels. “I have experienced many different cultures and found many similarities in them, even on troubled Lyre we find a group of people interested in helping strangers who come from many different worlds. Be it Jonas, Claude, Strauss, Octavius and his family, Iliad or Cassandra near the fortress, they are good solid people who know right from wrong, good from bad, I hope that I never come across a planet whose people are totally devoid of this spark, for then I will know that I have truly found hell.”

  It was now Jean`s turn to speak to her friends. “I haven`t travelled much, being still a young woman, but I too like to read about other places. But while I have everyone’s attention what I really want to say, and I hope that you will forgive for following on in Ray`s vein. Before I left my secure home I constantly read in the news the constant complaint that the world had lost its spark, how self-interest ruled. Well I would like to go on record and say that I will never find a group of people that are less self-centred than the people that I have met since I left my home to come on this quest. When I return to more easier times I will write a book about you all, and hopefully being part of this team will generate enough publicity for the book to thank you all properly, just as you all deserve to be.”

  Peter Summers now asked if he could say a few words. “I must agree with those words my friends, for when we return to our normal lives I want to invite you all to the best restaurant that I can find so that we can celebrate our good fortune, and although the meal may surpass this one for taste, it will never equal this one for its host and his family, or its guests.” Peter Summers said. “I thank you all for being here and for helping me escape my dark damp dungeon.” Jean reached across and squeezed her brother’s hand, happy in the knowledge that they would all be returning home soon.

  “My friends there is nothing left to say, so I for one am retiring to our small room to try to sleep for half of the few hours that we have left on this planet.” Colonel Michaels said, and the others decided that they too needed some sleep, with only Jean getting the single hard cot to rest her tired body on, the rest having to make do with the hard floor.

  The few hours soon passed, even on their hard sleeping surfaces that they had to rest their weary bones on, and it was now time to move out. Octavius appeared and said he had to speak to them before they moved off.

  “Colonel Michaels, you told me that I would probably have to join you on the escape shuttle, for to try and return here would probably end up with my being caught, well in that case I must insist that we also take my wife and daughter together with my brother, whose family are hopefully back on our home world.” Colonel Michaels was taken by surprise for once.

  “Yes of course they must join us Octavius, are they ready to go, as we should set off at once.” Michaels replied, only too happy to comply with his friend`s request.

  “Yes my friend they are ready.” Octavius called quietly for his family and then taking the lead, he set out in the pale moonlight that lit their way, but also made them more visible to any insomniac who happened to be out for a nocturnal walk on this freezing cold winter`s morning.

  Their first port of call was to be the local headquarters of the state police where they had to leave an electronic tag to allow the Earth space cruiser to lock on to it and destroy the building as a diversion. They thought that it was highly unlikely that many of the members of the state police would actually be there, and in any case, they were not looking to kill any one unless it was necessary. The ground was hard now with the snow washed away by the heavy rainstorm of yesterday and then refrozen during the icy cold of the day, this made travel all the easier and they were soon at the building.

  “Lieutenant, will you slip over the wall and place the tag against the wall of the building.” Colonel Michaels said.

  They were back at the exact spot that they had been on their last visit to the headquarters. Luckily, the moon had slipped back behind a cloud and Lieutenant Charles Bragg was able to scramble over the wall unseen to place the electronic tag against the wall of the building and then return to his comrades.

  “It is done Colonel.”

  “Ok then Octavius, let`s head off towards the gaol and the waiting prisoners.” Colonel Michaels said in a whisper to the tall local who was their new comrade in arms.

  They slipped quietly away from the state police headquarters and made their way through the now pitch black countryside of Lyre, past the unsuspecting Lyrens who were all tucked up warmly in their beds and enjoying their night`s sleep, and on towards the gaol when the quiet of the night was broken by the voice of a Lyren soldier. Unknown to the group, the commanding officer of a small column of military vehicles had arrived in Henin late, and so their commanding officer had decided to rest up there for the night, the column having arrived shortly after Colonel Michaels had looked over the lay of the land around the gaol earlier in the night.

  “Where on Earth did they spring up from Colonel?” Ray Connors asked, worried by this new development.

  “I don`t know Ray, but they may not get in our way, we will just have to see. Lieutenant, will you move ahead with Octavius and take up point to ensure that we don`t stumble over any sleeping Lyren guards.” Colonel Michaels said to the young officer. “Jonas why don`t you go along with them to act as translator, for one is sure to be required.”

  “Sure thing Colonel, Octavius would you like to join me?” Lieutenant Charles Bragg said to their friend, beckoning him on so that he understood what was required of him although Jonas had already said as much to Octavius.

  Lieutenant Charles Bragg, Jonas and Octavius moved slowly ahead of their other eight friends towards the old town gaol, their eyes and ears straining to catch so much as a yawn or see a flash of light that would denote the presence of an enemy soldier somewhere in the close proximity of the narrow track. None of the three men spoke again until they came near to the old gaol along the middle of the three tracks to minimise the chance of discovery. Once again they saw the warm glow of light coming through the single window of its main room, they were now only fifty feet away from the main road that ran through Henin, and what they also saw might have frozen the blood in their veins, if the cold of the early morning hadn`t almost done it already. There before them were the tents of some of the soldiers, they were set up only twenty feet from the only entrance into the gaol and continued down to the main road.

  “This is going to make things a little trickier than we had thought Jonas, getting ourselves and the twelve prisoners out without a sound being made, and then away to the waiting ship, but then things hardly ever go eas
ier than planned?”

  “No my friend you are correct, but god has often tested the courage and resolve of those he has chosen to do his work, and I am sure that Octavius here would agree with these words.” When asked Octavius nodded his head in agreement of Jonas`s words.

  Charles Bragg had not realised that Jonas was a Christian up until now, and he took a moment to look again at his friend before turning his attention once more to the Lyren soldiers before them.

  The temporary encampment was quite small and stretched past a line of heavy mobile Phasers to the other side of the road where more tents were set up. Lieutenant Charles Bragg counted just four sentries to watch over them.

  “Jonas, why don`t you skedaddle back to the Colonel and tell him about the soldiers while I keep a close watch on the surroundings?”

  Jonas didn`t reply, he simply returned back along the track until he met up with his friends who were coming along the rough track towards him, he then told them of the added problem. They all crept quietly along Indian style until they neared the lieutenant`s location and then just Colonel Michaels, Ray Connors and Jonas carried on to look at their problem, with the rest hanging back so as not to be seen by any keen eyed sentry.

  “Never look at a problem as a problem gentleman.” Colonel Michaels said to his friends. “Always use it to your advantage, I have another dozen electronic tags in my back pack, and placing them on the mobile Phasers will add to the confusion amongst these troops when we most want it.”

  “I will definitely vote for you Colonel, you sure know how to look for the positive in any given situation.” Ray Connors said quietly.

  “The soldiers’ presence might even work out for the better, as long as we can slip the prisoners out unnoticed.” Peter Summers said. He and Jean had just come up to have a look at the new problem they faced. Behind these brave words there hid a large dose of uncertainty, for Peter Summers was more than a little worried by what he saw ahead of them.

  “I have been watching these soldiers Colonel, there are only four of them, and when two of them meet up they stop and chat for three or four minutes. They do that at the four points of the compass giving us adequate time to make our moves. We only need to take out the ones on this side to give us the necessary time to get the prisoners out and away, if we then signal the space cruiser to open fire with their diversion we should be able to get far enough away to escape detection.” Lieutenant Charles Bragg said in a matter of fact way, for he thought that his idea would fit the bill, and his Colonel agreed.

  “Ok the first thing to do is for us to enter the gaol and take care of the guards inside. We can then free the prisoners and await the next break that the sentries take. We then take out the sentries on this side and move the Octavius`s friends away from the building. Peter I would like you to be the one to plant the tags on the mobile Phaser canons, you should be ready to plant them as soon as the sentries on this side have been neutralised. As you speak the language it would be safer for you to do it rather than Lieutenant Bragg, as should any unforeseen problem crop up, you can at least understand what the soldiers are saying and act accordingly.” Colonel Michaels then turned to Jonas.

  “Don`t worry about your people we will only knock them out, we are not looking to kill anyone if we can help it, are you ok with our plans?”

  Jonas had been feeling more and more like a traitor as the Colonel had outlined his plans, but his final words to him had helped calm his conscience a little, as he too wanted the prisoners freed. His conscience would have suffered much more had he been forced to watch some of them being burnt at the stake, and then others flogged.

  “Your plans are fine with me Colonel; as long as no blood is spilt by us, I am only too happy to help free those poor wretches in the gaol and stop my people from committing such a terrible act.” Jonas happily replied.

  “You had better stay here Jonas as the sentries will recognise you if you were to enter the gaol, and that will put the authorities on to you if they are not already, and anyway you may want to come back to Lyre after your talk with Tom Parkinson.”

  “Colonel, all of the sentries are chatting at ninety degrees to us and so out of sight of the entrance to the gaol as long as we keep very low.” Lieutenant Charles Bragg said in a very low voice.

  “Ok Peter you move into position on the near side of that row of vehicles, here are the electronic tags you simply flick this switch up to activate each one, just wait for us to take out the sentries nearest to the gaol before moving.” Colonel Michaels said handing over the tags. “Jean you wait out of sight with the others, because none of you look like a space marine and it might spoil the allusion that we are attempting to make.” Jean looked crestfallen at the Colonel and then said smiling up at him.

  “No! I thought that I looked just like you and the lieutenant. Ok we will all keep out of sight”

  Jean looked at Ray and tried to raise a smile. “Look after yourself Ray, and bring my brother back with you.” She quickly kissed him and then turned and slipped back to the others.

  Colonel Michaels led Charles Bragg, Ray and Octavius towards the entrance of the gaol ensuring that they all kept low and so out of sight of the four sentries; soon they were inside of the old gaol, and with their Phasers set on stun they confronted the three stunned guards who sat rigidly on their chairs with their mouths wide open.

  “We are space marines from Earth, if you keep quiet and do as you are told you will live, if not you will die, do you understand?” Colonel Michaels said in a low menacing voice. Three men simply nodded, stunned at their sudden appearance. He then took out some plastic ties that had once upon a time been used as cable ties for computers, he then ordered Octavius and Jonas to bind the men`s hands behind their backs.

  “You just slip the plastic around their two hands and then slip the tongue through the loop and pull it tight Octavius, it will then be impossible for them to get loose without assistance.” Lieutenant Charles Bragg said when he saw the baffled look on Octavius` face. When the guards were all secured Colonel Michaels then moved forward and gagged them with some rags that also came out of his backpack, Harmony had given them to him when he had asked her if she had such a thing.

  “Ok let`s move in to the cells gentlemen.” Colonel Michaels ordered, pushing the men towards the door at the rear of the room.

  Inside the room was one large cell where two very sad families sat, either on the floor or one of the three cots set against the back wall. As Colonel Michaels entered with his three prisoners and his four friends, the prisoners within the cell looked up without much of a show of interest, until they noticed that their erstwhile gaolers were now bound, then they began to realise that something of real interest was occurring.

  “You three, where are the keys?” Colonel Michaels asked impatiently of the three gagged men who could only just make mumbling noises as a reply.

  “They are there on the wall behind you.” The voice came from one of the men inside the prison cell.”

  Ray Connors turned, and seeing the keys took them from their hook and walking to the cell door opened it.

  “Come on out friends, but please stay in this room for the moment.” Octavius said from behind Colonel Michaels, the prisoners on seeing him recognised him immediately.

  “Octavius what is going on?” One of the freed slaves asked Octavius.

  “These men are part of a large squad of space marines; they have travelled all the way from Earth to free you and take you off this awful world to safety, all of our planets are free of Lyrens, they belong to us again.” Octavius said, in the language of Lyre. “But you must stay in this room until you are told to leave.” The erstwhile prisoners were soon milling around in the room while their three gaolers were having their legs tied up with more of the cable ties, and then the door to the cell was locked up.

  “We will be leaving soon but you must keep absolutely silent as there is a regiment of Lyren troops camped just outside of the gaol, and we must get by them to reach o
ur transport ship. Ladies I see that you have a couple of very young babies, I don`t care how you do it but please try to keep them from crying while we are in close proximity to the soldiers.” Colonel Michaels told the freed prisoners who immediately quietened down; such was the training that had been instilled into them, even in the short time that they had been on Lyre, by their masters.

  “They are asleep just now and we will try to keep the cold night air from them, but should they awaken then it will likely be because they are hungry so we will feed them, should it become necessary, but maybe we should leave sooner rather than later, just in case they do wake up hungry.” One of the mothers said; she stood out against the other slaves with her flaxen hair and blue eyes, she was extremely pretty for one living the hard life of a slave, she had been one of the women accosted by the Lyren youths. Lieutenant Charles Bragg had taken up his post by the outer door and he now came back to speak to his Colonel.

  “Colonel the two sentries are back here and deep in conversation, I reckon that as you and Ray are dressed in the uniforms of their state police you should be able to approach the two men without any problem.”

  “Good thinking Lieutenant, please make sure that everyone stays inside of this inner room until we are ready to move out.” Colonel Michaels said smiling at the young officer.

  “Come on Ray we`re on, follow my lead.”

  Colonel Michaels and Ray went out through the door, however, the Colonel stopped after just a few steps and beckoned the two sentries with his hand. The sentries seeing only the uniforms of the state police immediately crossed over to the two men, who then walked back inside of the old gaol with Ray holding the door open. The two sentries walked by Ray and into the outer room of the gaol to look questioningly at the two officers, who for some reason had taken their Phaser pistols out and aimed them at the two soldiers.

  “Please be quiet and no harm will come to you or your comrades outside, the rest of my squad of space marines plus a second squad is outside and if you raise the alarm then many of your comrades will be dead before they even realise that they are under attack. Now put your hands above your head and carefully lean against the wall, quickly for we are only here to free the prisoners.”

  The two sentries were to say the least a little stunned by the turn of events, to be under the guns of two members of the fearsome space marines of Earth meant to them immediate obedience, and raising their hands they leant against the wall. Colonel Michaels turned to Ray.

  “Shoot them if either of them resists Lieutenant.” Then he moved forward and taking out what looked like a blackjack struck the first soldier on the back of the head knocking him out. The second one seeing what had happened to his comrade half turned towards Colonel Michaels but Ray had come up behind him and Ray forced him back against the wall while Colonel Michaels stuck him too, both men were now unconscious on the floor of the gaol and the next part of the plan could now proceed. Colonel Michaels moved across to the rear cell and opening the door said.

  “Listen everyone we are moving out now, we`re going to meet a starship which is going to take us all home, now move quickly but very quietly, you will meet more of our comrades outside. Lieutenant you lead the way.” It was only a moment later when the room was empty of its former occupants.

  “Ray let`s drag these two through to the cells and then we too can leave.” The two men pulled the two unconscious men through to the rear room of the gaol, they then turned and left to join the others who were already disappearing into night, and away from the soldiers and towards freedom.

  Peter Summers had already laid a number of the tags before he saw the two sentries disappearing into the old gaol it took only a few more seconds to lay the remainder and he was back near the gaol at the same instant that Ray and Colonel Michaels were exiting the building.

  “You laid them all then Peter?” Colonel Michaels said.

  “Yes no problem, when does the space cruiser start the fireworks display.

  It was at this moment that the officer of the watch decided to check on his sentries, but what he saw were Colonel Michaels and the Ray Connors leaving the gaol and he also saw the last of the freed slaves slipping away from the encampment. Jumping to the conclusion that the infamous space marines of Earth had decided to free the slaves he sounded the alarm.

  “To arms; we are under attack from Earth, the space marines have freed the slaves, quickly men they are escaping back to their ship.”

  The howling from the officer brought the other two sentries rushing towards the old gaol, it also caused the troops to roll out of their sleeping bags and crawl out of their tents grasping their Phasers, once there they all looked groggily around the encampment for the enemy.

  “They went this way, follow me.” The officer howled.

  Looking behind him Colonel Michaels swore and promptly stunned the officer with a swift Phaser shot while Ray took out the sentry nearest to them, this caused his comrade to hang back until he got extra help, but by then other officers had begun to arrive and they now ordered their troops to open fire. The quiet of the night was broken as it was filled with the high-pitched whistling sound of Phaser fire as bolts of energy streamed by the three earthmen as they ran for the cover of the night with at least fifty soldiers in pursuit of them.

  “They start just about now.” Colonel Michaels said answering Peter Summers question while taking out a small transmitter.

  “Colonel Michaels calling any Earth space cruiser who can hear me, we have laid thirteen electronic tags but we are now under attack from at least fifty Lyren soldiers, please take them out first and then the items that we have tagged.”

  Only moments passed, for the Indomitable was ready for action, it had sent down an attack craft belonging to the space marines to assist in the attack, it now relayed infra-red images of the pursuing soldiers to the Indomitable which in turn fired a batch of light Phaser bolts designed to hit a wide area of ground. Ray and his two friends heard the high-pitched whistling noise that came along with the powerful bolts of energy and sprinted all the quicker, the energy bolts fell behind them amongst their pursuers and stunned the majority of the Lyren soldiers. The idea was to ensure that Ray and the others escaped, not to kill the Lyren soldiers, it worked for it made the other soldiers run for cover. With the danger to their friends minimised the Indomitable located each of the electronic tags and sent down more bolts of energy from its main Phasers. These more powerful bolts of energy streaked down from the sky, causing a much louder whistling noise that filled the air and almost deafened those near to the gaol. The energy bolts hit the mobile heavy Phaser canons destroying them in a massive explosion that lit up the whole area almost as bright as day, then the local headquarters building of the state police force was hit again and again until there was nothing left of it. The enlarged group of friends only heard the bolts of energy as they whistled overhead, but heard the explosions, signalling so much destruction. Ray heard a loud humming noise coming from above him, and looking up he saw a large shape overhead as it flew by them, only to come to a sudden halt. It was the small attack craft from the Indomitable, it was now ordered to defend the larger transport ship that was already landing nearby in a large field of winter wheat. The attack craft was once again relaying infrared images of another squad of attacking soldiers who had regrouped under a brave young officer. These images were again sent up to the Indomitable which again targeted them with its lighter Phasers, once again it began to send more energy bolts down, once again spread over a wide area, and thereby saving the lives of men, women and children who hoped to leave the evil planet of Lyre far behind them. The rear door of the transport flew open and there was Harry Proctor calling to them.

  “Ray over here quickly, we have got to get out of here now, because I think that they are plenty annoyed with you.”

  Jean saw Harry first and called out his name, before harrying the mass of people now in her charge towards the Jeanette and the safety it promised. Soon all were on board and Ha
rry turned to Ray as he arrived breathlessly.

  “You can drive Ray I`m feeling a little tired after spending the last week fretting about you lot.”

  “Ok Harry, you take it easy for the moment, I will drive.” Ray said smiling at his old friend, and with that Ray turned and rushed up to the little bridge while Harry turned around and made for the engine room, which for the moment was under the control of two engineers on loan from the space fleet of Earth.

  “Ok guys I`m back now so don`t worry anymore.”

  “Harry we could operate this lump of antique garbage with one hand tied behind our backs, we grew up on it, what amazes us is that you have been able to keep it flying.”

  Harry was not listening though, he was smiling, and Ray and Jean were back in one piece. He felt the ship lifting off from the ground and he felt the acceleration as they hurtled off into space and the safety of the Indomitable, which along with its consorts was already turning around and readying to leave the planetary system and leap into hyperspace.


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