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Dragon's Mate

Page 13

by Alicia Banks

  “I would.”

  “But if you did that, you’d go to prison.”

  “Shifters have different laws. If I killed him in dragon form while defending you, it would be considered primal justice, and I would not be charged for it. However, if I were to kill him in human form, that would be considered murder.”

  “Oh! What about the body?”

  “The council would take care of covering it up.”

  “Has this happened before?”

  “Has a dragon ever killed another dragon? Yes. It happens more often between two dragons fighting for the same mate.”

  “Wow, brutal.”

  “Don’t worry, nothing like that is going to happen. I know my father. He and I will have a fight. We may draw blood, but we will fight. I will prove my dominance and he will back down. Then he will take time to adjust to the new way of things. By the time our child is born, he will be accepting. I will make sure of it.”

  Chapter 20


  Alistair arrived to Sunday dinner first. He wanted to talk to his father before Sarai, Phoebe, and Teagan arrived. He found his father in his study.

  “Father! I wanted you to know I have some guests joining us for dinner. I already spoke to Mother about it.”

  “Oh, are Phoebe and her parents joining us again? How lovely.”

  The doorbell rang and a moment later his mother and Sarai enter. Sarai was dressed in a beautiful black dress with a pink sweater and pearls. She had a large arrangement of snapdragons, orchids, and lilies.

  “The flowers are just lovely. You must be the one who made the other arrangement of orchids and lilies.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “They were so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She put them on the table.

  “Mother, Father, this is Sarai. Come sit beside me. We’re still waiting on Phoebe and Teagan.”

  His father sniffed and made a disgusted face. “Why have you brought this human woman to our dinner table?”

  His mother rebuked his father almost immediately. “Be nice! You need to be polite. Forgive him Sarai, we are delighted to meet you.”

  “Sarai is here, Father, because she is my true love. I will not marry Phoebe.”

  His father slammed his fist down on the table, causing everything on it to jump and the wood beneath his hand to crack. He transformed, his teeth elongated, his eyes glowed, and his wings burst from his back. “This will not stand!” he roared.

  “Stand back!” Alistair put a protective arm in front of Sarai. She ducked behind a pillar. “Don’t worry, whatever happens next, you won’t lose me.” Alistair took off his suit coat and unbuttoned his shirt as he prepared for the fight.

  His mother tried to soothe his father. “Calm down, you’re making a fool of yourself in front of Alistair’s guest.”

  “He dares bring a human into my house!” His father roared.

  “Yes, well, our son is a rebel. Alistair, you know this is less than appropriate. Marrying and breeding with humans means that the dragon shifter line will eventually die off. The council will not like this one bit.”

  “It’s too late for all that, Mother, Sarai is pregnant.”

  His father roared again. “I will rip the baby out of her stomach myself!”

  Sarai, scared, huddled behind the pillar as Phoebe and Teagan arrived. “Run, Sarai!”

  Alistair’s father, now in full dragon form, flew toward her as she dashed out from behind the pillar, headed for the door. He blocked her path.

  His dragon was bigger than Alistair’s dragon, a big fiery red dragon. He lunged for her as Alistair’s emerald-green dragon form tackled him. The red dragon turned on the green dragon, and they collided. They bit and clawed each other, rolling around on the floor.

  Teagan and Phoebe grabbed Sarai, running outside with her. Once they were outside the three of them stopped to catch their breath.

  “I’m Phoebe, this is Teagan. I just want you to know I was never in love with Alistair. It was completely an arrangement that neither of us agreed to. I’m in love with Teagan. I always have been. The day you and Alistair broke up, it was a complete misunderstanding. I was there to break it off with him. I’m glad you two are back together, you make him happy.”

  Suddenly the two dragons burst through the wall of the house, both covered in blood. They continued to fight.

  “Is he going to kill him?”

  Teagan tried to console Sarai. “Only if he has to.”

  “Sarai, it would be better if he did. Alistair’s father is never going to accept this. Stop!” Phoebe shrieked at the two massive dragons.

  Both dragons stopped mid battle. “I am not in love with Alistair. I never have been. I will not be part of this insane ploy to keep the race going. There will always be dragons, maybe not as many, but there will always be some. We shouldn’t have to live in seclusion, mating only amongst each other and being miserable. We should be able to live our lives and be free.”

  Alistair’s father growled and stalked toward her. “You will do as you’re told.” Then he struck her, sending her human form sailing across the yard. She fell to the ground knocked out. Sarai and Teagan run to her. Teagan took wolf form and stood over her girlfriend, snarling at the red dragon.

  Alistair’s father charged after them. Alistair swooped in again, grabbing his father with his talons and tossing him in the opposite direction. The red dragon landed hard on the ground and for a moment Sarai thought it might be over, but he got back up. Alistair charged him.

  The fight continued with fire and fury, until Alistair at last got the best of his father and knocked him wounded to the ground. He went to strike the killing blow and hesitated.

  “Do it!” his father urged. “You’ve won. Kill me and put me out of my misery.”

  “I can’t. You are still my father and I love you. I have won. I have proven myself. You will allow me, Sarai, and our child to live in peace, or the next time we go head to head, I will best you and I will kill you.” Alistair then shifted out, and, still naked, he ran to Phoebe, Teagan, and Sarai. Phoebe came to as he reached them. “Are you alright?”

  “I will be. We all will be, thanks to you. I better heal first, then it’s my turn to tell my parents.”

  “You’re not the heir, they won’t be as harsh. I’ll be there to protect you, to take the brunt, if he gets angry like that.”

  “My hero!” She kissed his cheek and then moaned from the pain. Alistair and Sarai helped Teagan get her to the car. “Rain check on dinner?”

  “Sure, when you’re feeling better.” They got her in the car, and watched as it pulled away.

  Still standing stark naked, Alistair took Sarai into his arms and kissed her. They could hear his mother yelling at his father. “Wait here, I’ll go get my clothes.”

  “Are you injured?” she asked when he returned.

  He saw the pain in her eyes, “Dragons have healing abilities. You don’t need to worry, just relax. I’ll survive.” He kissed her again.

  “That was terrifying.”

  “I know, but I made my point clear, and he will let us be, or I will kill him.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t kill him tonight.”

  “Me too. No son would want to kill his father. I still love him.” He had mixed feelings of love and pain, he never wanted to fight his dad no matter how mean he was. But he also knew that it was mandatory to make his father understand that everyone has the right to love and chose his/her mate.

  “My family dinner will be much better. I promise.”

  “I look forward to it. Let’s grab some dinner. All that fighting has given me quite the appetite.”

  “Yes, let’s go. Your baby is hungry too.” Sarai said with the broad smile on her face.


  The following weekend, Sarai took Alistair to meet her moms. They both were so warm. There were hugs, laughter, and good food all around.

  After dinner, while one mom slept and the other one di
d the dishes, Sarai and Alistair took Dixon for a walk. “I wish my family was like yours. Your mother is in a terrible condition and yet she finds joy in her life. I admire her greatly.”

  “I guess I got lucky with my parents.”

  “What about your biological parents? Ever been curious about them?”

  “No, not really. I haven’t had any reason to be curious.”

  “You know, I was thinking about something.”


  “You could be a shifter and not even know it.”


  “See, shifters have to be taught to shift, that’s why it happens when the child is older. If you were never taught, you would never know you were a shifter.”

  “So, how do you teach someone to shift?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe my mother could help you, once she and Father have calmed down. I expect, by the time the baby comes, they will have settled. At least Mother. I can’t promise any warm feelings from my father toward you or the baby. Unless he or she is a dragon shifter, that would make him warm up to the baby.”

  “Your father smelled the air when I walked in. If I was a shifter, wouldn’t he have been able to smell it?”

  “No, because you haven’t shifted yet, so you’re still human until you shift.”

  “Wouldn’t it be something if all this time, I was a dragon too?”

  “Nah, my money is on pixy.” He grinned. “I mean come on, that hair, that screams pixy to me.”

  “Wait, pixy, as in fairy?”


  “They’re real?”

  “As real as you and I.”

  “Oh my gosh!”

  “They are rarer than even elite dragon shifters, but there are still some out there.”

  “What can a pixy shifter do?”

  “That, I have no idea.” He laughed. She blushed.


  Seven months later, Sarai brought a baby boy into the world. He had his father’s hair and his mother’s eyes. Phoebe and Teagan were there for the birth, along with Sarai’s mothers and even Alistair’s mother but his father didn’t appear.

  Alistair was so happy when he took the new born in his arms. “Was dad this happy like I am today, when I was born?” Alistair asked his mother.

  His mom nodded, “Yes my son.”

  “I wish he was here…” Everyone could tell Alistair missed his father.

  “So, what is the name of little Alistair?” One of Sarai’s mothers asked.

  “Christened Lee Harold Quentin.” Alistair and Sarai blurted together and everyone laughed at that.

  “So, when should we begin planning the wedding?” Alistair's mother asked.

  “Mom, give us time to adjust to life with Lee first,” Alistair insisted. “There will be time for the wedding, we’re both young and we’re in love. There is no rush.”

  “Two years from now sounds good,” Sarai said.

  “Two years from now. I’ll begin the plans. Maybe by then your father will have warmed to the idea. Miracles can happen, you know.”

  Sarai and Alistair smiled at each other. They did not want to get married without Alistair’s father’s presence at the wedding and they knew it will take time.


  Two Years Later…

  (The Wedding day)

  Sarai was fussing with her bridal bouquet. “Sarai! Hurry up you have to get ready,” Mickey said. “The bouquet looks fine.”

  “Knock, knock!”

  “Hi Phoebe, hi Teagan, come on in. Let me see your dresses. Oh my gosh! You both look so beautiful. Did I tell you how grateful I am that you both agreed to be my bridesmaids?”

  “Yes, and you’re welcome.” Phoebe smiled. “Now you have to get going, you’re going to be late.”

  Lee was the ring bearer and he looked precious, dressed in a tuxedo, and he went to his mother for a hug while she was getting her hair done. Diamond pins were being put in her sophisticated braided bun. She looked radiant and gorgeous.

  Two years were enough to melt Alistair’s dad’s heart. And the first time he had seen Lee, all the big words like elites, traditions, pure blood had automatically erased from his dictionary. Alistair and Sarai had seen him secretly playing with Lee many times.

  The ladies helped her into her gown. It was the most breathtaking thing she had ever seen. A gorgeous Dutch satin ballgown with a diamond encrusted bodice. The skirt split down the middle with more diamonds on the organza trim. The train was royal length and had more diamonds that crisscrossed on ribbons across her back, and then down her skirt, and scattered across her train. The veil was long and matched the length of the train. She wore a diamond tiara, and in the center of it was Alistair's emerald. It was very heavy, but it made her look and feel like a princess.

  The grandparents had settled down, and were delighted with the news that she was once again two months pregnant.

  The wedding was in the backyard of the Quentin Estate. It was a grand and beautiful affair with flowers everywhere- courtesy of Mickey and Sarai’s hard work.

  One of Sarai's mothers walked her down the aisle. The flower girls threw petals in front of her as she walked. It all felt like a dream. Alistair stood beneath a floral arch, dressed in a handsome tuxedo that matched his son, and his hair hung above his shoulders. Tiberius served as his best man and the shifters from the poker game were his groomsmen. He smiled widely when she appeared and didn’t stop smiling the whole time. He lifted her veil when she reached him. He gasped. “You look so beautiful, like a queen.” He kissed her hand.

  They held hands as they exchanged their vows. Their son toddled down the aisle to them with a pillow with the wedding rings tied on it. He trotted along and then saw his parents and ran for them. Alistair scooped him up, kissing his head while Tiberius untied the rings from the pillow. Lee wouldn’t let go of it. There were awwws from the audience. Alistair’s mother came to grab him from Alistair so they could finish the ceremony. They exchanged the rings and then the old dragon shifter who presided over the wedding told them they may kiss. Alistair took her into his arms and kissed her as everyone cheered.

  At the reception, the food was served, the best man and maid of honor gave a toast and then the bride and groom shared their first dance as husband and wife, till Lee wanted to join them. So Alistair held their son while they danced. There were more awwws from the guests, and a photographer snapped a bunch of pictures. At last the party was winding down, so Sarai did the bouquet toss. She tossed it from the balcony and Mickey caught it. “Yeah right.” She tossed it to Phoebe who turned and kissed her girlfriend.

  Sarai and Alistair got changed and came back out for their send off. Alistair was taking her to Paris for a week, then they would pick up Lee and go to Orlando, Florida, for a family vacation. In the meantime, Lee would be staying with his grandparents.

  They got in the car and headed for the airport. Sarai was so thankful for Alistair and the love they shared, and was so ready to continue with their future together. The happy couple waved as they pulled around the big circular driveway to the gate. As Mickey waved goodbye, David walked over.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m David.”


  “Nice to meet you, Mickey.”

  Sarai and Alistair catch the exchange in the rear-view mirror and laugh. “And she thought she wouldn’t be next,” Alistair teased. He stopped just outside the gate to kiss her one more time. “I love you, Mrs. Quentin.”

  “I love you too, Mr. Quentin.” Then they drove away as the night sky lit up with fireworks.



  Thank you much for buying this book. This is my Second Paranormal Romance Story. I hope you liked it. Attaching sample of my first book. On next page. Please have a look.


  Human Alpha Protector: Wolf Shifters of Wakerlin


  He is an Alpha wolf shifter, and I am a human. He was always there to protect
me. He’s been following me since my childhood and I had no idea.

  Brandon Scott has been all I need since I saw him naked, the very first day we met.

  After seeing his tanned body, with those bulging muscles, I want him so badly.

  He makes me crazy and an getting obsessed.

  His eyes can melt any woman’s heart.

  I’ve never felt like this in my entire life.

  Now I have to share a cabin with him.

  And I don’t know if I can trust myself with him.

  I know he is not a human. He says he is my father’s assistant.

  He says he can not fall in love with a human. It is against the rules of his pack.

  Who cares? I am stubborn.

  I can’t resist this sexy creature roaming around me.

  My body craves his touch. I need him.

  I want him to do all the naughty things to me.

  Lust is taking over my mind.

  How long can I keep control?

  How long can I fight my hormones?

  Now as I am addicted to him, My heart is breaking.

  All my plans with Brandon are shattering.

  He already has a mate and he never told me anything about her.

  Now I am hurt and I want to run from here.

  Maybe moving to Italy will help me forget him.

  There he is, again standing in front of me.

  There is not even a single second when I don’t miss him. Why he can’t be mine?


  Chapter 1

  Allison rolled out of bed lazily when she heard a loud knocking on the large oak door of her bedroom. Yawning, she took her silk robe from the wooden rack at the left side of her bed. She took a quick glimpse at the digital clock on her computer table, which read fifteen past four in the morning.

  Rubbing her eyes, she approached the door and made a loose knot on her robes before opening it, thinking whoever woke her up better have a proper reason.

  “Alli,” called a familiar hoarse baritone.

  A large figure emerged in her blurry vision when the door swung open. The hallways were dark, and if wasn’t for the light of the moon, she wouldn’t be able to recognize her father. He stood six feet and two inches, making her feel like a dwarf with her five feet and seven inches. He had thick, long dark wavy locks that were tied into a ponytail and stunning gray eyes. His shoulders were broad and looked strong despite his age. But what caught her attention was the change of her father’s looks. It was as if he had suddenly aged.


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