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Deacon's Touch

Page 3

by Callie Croix

  Jessica studied him for a moment, as if she were trying to decide whether the offer was genuine, then glanced toward the gate. “I'm fine, really. And I don't want to keep you from your plans."

  He bit back a sigh and tried to soften his tone. “I don't have any set plans, so you might as well sit in here where it's comfortable and do what you have to do.” Must have been a hell of an important job she was finishing if it warranted walking almost a mile in this heat.

  "All right,” she finally said. “Thanks. It won't take long."

  He nodded and left the engine idling so they could take advantage of the AC. Her face brightened when she checked her phone. “It's working."

  "I'm glad for you, sugar.” He couldn't help the sardonic edge to his voice.

  Tossing him a wry grin, she dialed a number. He eased back into his seat and listened to her chat with someone back in Seattle. He liked the sound of her voice, and the confidence she displayed in her work. She was a dedicated employee, he'd give her that, and obviously smart. With brisk efficiency she got her laptop up and running as she discussed certain trades and files, then dug into her briefcase to run through some paperwork. “Say that last one again. Pete?"

  A frown suddenly marred her brow as she reviewed some figures. “Hello?” Her expression became distressed, and she came out of her seat, almost crawling up onto the dash with her phone still attached to her ear. “Hello?” She checked the display and set the phone down. “Damn. Lost him.” She dialed a couple more times, but to no avail. When she finally hung up, she looked at him with such disappointment that he almost laughed.

  Well, he wasn't going to drive the damn truck back and forth in the driveway just to keep the signal for her. “Tell you what. Come into town with me, and I'll find you a coffee shop to sit and work.” He'd drive past a Starbucks sooner or later, and there were worse things in life than spending time with a sexy woman, even if she was more interested in her paperwork than talking to him.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “You'd do that?"

  "Yeah.” He was sitting in his truck at the end of the driveway for her, wasn't he?

  She lowered her gaze. “It's just that you don't seem to like me much, so..."

  Like her? “Sugar, I like you fine.” She was sweet, and for damn sure he was attracted to her. He'd like to do a lot more than sit in his truck and talk with her, but she'd never go for that. Besides, she was a guest, and company policy dictated he and his brothers had to keep their hands off. Yet the thought of stroking those firm curves made him tempted to break the rules.

  Pushing the thought aside, he turned out of the gates and headed for Bandera.

  Her quiet statement about him not liking her made him feel like an asshole. He hadn't always been so gruff. At one time, he'd been fun loving and smooth as butter with the ladies. The accident had changed all that. The low grade pain he suffered on a daily basis wore on him, but somewhere along the way he'd developed a habit of growling at people and didn't even realize it. Then his divorce had soured him on the whole idea of a long term relationship. If he wanted a woman, he went after her, but only for a night or two. Not with a woman like Jessica though. Even if company policy allowed that kind of thing, he doubted she'd be into that sort of arrangement.

  Though he had to admit, he was damned curious about what she'd be like in bed. Her shy and introverted nature clashed with the interested glint in her eyes when she looked at him. And then there was that lacy push-up bra she'd worn last night that he couldn't stop thinking about. He wondered if she wore something as sexy today. Would she be shy or aggressive during sex? He imagined letting her on top to ride him while her pert breasts bobbed and her dark curls flowed down her back, but that didn't feel right.

  He'd much rather pin her to the bed and make her eyes flare with the realization she was trapped beneath him. The faintest hint of uncertainty to mix with the heat as she realized she was helpless and at his mercy. And when her body finally trembled, then melted in acknowledgement of his command over her, he'd give her the pleasure she needed. The thought made his cock swell in his jeans.

  With effort, he yanked his mind out of the gutter. “So, Jessica. How come you're not spending more time with the girls this weekend?"

  She folded her arms under her delectable breasts in an almost defensive gesture. “I've spent lots of time with them today, and now I need to finish up a few things."

  "But you're not really having fun now, are you?"

  "I am.” She fidgeted in her seat. “I mean, I'm not exactly a live wire, but I like the ranch and the girls are nice. Your brothers, too."

  He hid a grin. “But not me?"

  She flushed. “Of course, you too. It's just that I kind of got roped into this whole thing at the last second."

  The mention of the word rope made him think of her bound and helpless while he had his wicked way with her. Would she ever relinquish that much control? She didn't seem the submissive type, but it made for an awesome fantasy. He shifted in his seat, cursing his suddenly too-tight jeans. “So what do you like to do for fun then?"

  She looked away. “I like to read, go for walks, see movies. Dinner with friends.” She shrugged. “I'm not much of a party animal."

  He'd noticed. Truth be told, he kind of found it a refreshing change from the women he'd been with lately.

  "Anyway, what about you?"

  He flipped up the sun visor. “What about me?"

  "What are you into?"

  That was a loaded question. And if he answered it honestly, he'd shock her to the tips of her pink-painted toenails. He chuckled at the thought of how bright she'd blush.


  "Nothing. I'm into typical guy stuff, I guess.” Except for his sexual preferences. He might not be fully into the BDSM scene and want submission outside of the sexual relationship like some Doms did from their partners, but he had a dominant streak a mile wide and it definitely translated into the bedroom.

  Another image popped into his head of tying Jessica to his bed while she gazed up at him with those wide golden-brown eyes. They'd be full of apprehension at first, but later they'd smolder with pure lust as he peeled back all the civilized layers she'd wrapped herself in and revealed the true hunger simmering within. He was willing to bet there was a highly sensual woman in there somewhere.

  The thought didn't help the fit of his jeans, so he switched the subject. “I was going to head into San Antonio, but Bandera's got a coffee shop you might like."

  Her smile was genuine and full of pleasure, and he liked being the one to put it there. “Sounds great."

  He drove her into town and went into the shop with her while she finished up her work, then sat and drank the coffee she'd insisted on buying him. As much as her neurotic need to work during her vacation perplexed him, he admired her for it, too.

  "Your man ever get jealous of your laptop?” he asked her once she'd finished.

  She swallowed a sip of coffee and set her cup down. “What? No, I'm single."

  Good to know. Not that it mattered because she wasn't his type, and vice versa. “Not dating anyone?"

  She looked down at her cup and shook her head. “No. You?"


  "Oh, I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. It's for the best."

  She lifted her gaze to his and smiled. “I know what you mean. It's a long story, but I was engaged until a few months ago."

  He frowned. “The piece of shit cheat on you?"

  "No, nothing like that.” She toyed with her cup. “I just didn't feel like we were in love anymore, so after counselling didn't seem to help I called it off.” When she tilted her head, her gaze was sincere and full of empathy. “Why? Did your ex...cheat on you?"

  He nodded, and she winced. “It was more than that, though. At first things were rocky because she couldn't handle me being away for long stretches."

  Jessica tilted her head, giving him her full attention. Like she was truly interested in what he had to say. “And tha
t's it?"

  "No. Then I buggered up my back real bad, and she found someone else while I was laid up in the hospital."

  Her eyes narrowed in outrage. “She cheated on you while you were in the hospital?"

  "Yep. During my rehab stint at Walter Reed."

  She made a sound of disgust, then quickly smoothed out her features. “I'm sorry. That must have been really hard."

  "I'm better off."

  "Yes, you are.” The fierce note in her voice took him off guard, and he grinned. She definitely had passion in her. He'd love to find out firsthand how much.

  She shrugged. “Loyalty's a big deal to me."

  Her words made him think while he walked her around the rows of shops in Bandera later, and on the way back to the ranch afterward. Loyalty was a big deal to him, too. In the end, that's why he'd agreed to the divorce. His ex's affair had shown a fundamental lack of respect on her part, and he'd known even before all the counselling that the marriage was over.

  That small glimpse of fire beneath Jessica's reserved exterior intrigued him. She chatted away during the drive and had him laughing a few times with her sharp wit. Funny how she was so confident with her job, yet seemed shy and slow to warm up with him. When he parked in front of the ranch house, he was actually sorry to see her go. It was dark out, and no one was around. None of the cabin windows were lit either. “Looks like we missed the bonfire."

  "I'm not sorry. I had a good time."

  "Me, too.” Imagine that. When was the last time he'd spent a platonic evening with a woman and enjoyed it? He shook his head. “You know what? I've never met him, but your ex is an idiot."

  Her low laugh made him want to lean forward and nibble at the tender spot beneath her ear, turn that sound into a moan. “Yours, too.” She glanced back at him when she opened her door, the dome light making her hair and eyes shine. “Thanks again, for everything. I appreciate it."


  She started to slide out of the truck.

  Before he realized what he was doing, he grabbed her arm to stop her and crowded in close. She froze in the seat, staring up at him with wide amber eyes when he leaned into her. He slid a hand into her thick curls and lowered his mouth to hers, absorbing her quick intake of breath. Holding her in place while he fought the need eating at him, he nibbled at her lips. Coaxing. Seducing.

  Let me in.

  He was starving for that. To feel her open and allow him inside to taste her warmth. To let him get lost in the feel of her, let him bring her pleasure for a little while.

  Jessica's hands went to his shoulders, resting there lightly while he kissed her, moving his lips gently, learning the feel and the shape of her mouth. She was hesitant at first, but then he felt the tremulous give of her mouth under his. The tiny surrender made him want to growl in satisfaction.

  He angled his head for a better fit, and when she started to kiss him back, he firmed his grip in her hair and slid his tongue over her lower lip, wanting inside her mouth. Her lips parted, trembling beneath his, stoking the dominant fire inside him. The way she gasped when he licked into her mouth was so sexy. The bite of her fingers as she curled them into his shoulders made him want to smile. She was so soft and warm, so willing and eager. He could strip her right here and enjoy all that smooth skin he'd been wanting to touch.

  Deepening the kiss, he pulled her close enough that her breasts brushed against his chest. She pressed closer, rubbing against him like a hungry little kitten as her tongue twined with his. The sweet taste, the feel of her filled his senses. Her soft moan of arousal sent the blood rushing to his swelling cock and set off warning bells in his head.

  Fuck. She was a guest. He never should have touched her. If he didn't stop right now, he'd end up taking her here against the leather seats, and he knew she'd let him.

  Cursing himself, he released her and sat back. She dropped her hands from his shoulders and stared at him in the thickening silence, her eyes a little dazed. A lot aroused. Her lips were swollen and shiny from his kisses. He wanted to do it some more. Hell, he wanted to get her naked and spread out under him. Wanted to hear her sob his name and feel her nails in his back while he took her slow, then hard.

  His hands clenched into fists on his thighs. Damn, he'd never meant to let things get so far out of hand. “I'm s—"

  "Don't.” She raised a hand and broke eye contact. Her dreamy expression evaporated as she fished out the purse she'd dropped in the foot well. “I don't want an apology."

  He felt like shit. She deserved an explanation. “I shouldn't have done that.” His voice was harsher than he'd intended, fraught with frustration. When her eyes flinched, he wanted to kick his own ass for hurting her. She was a sweetheart, not to mention off limits. Jesus, what the hell was wrong with him? This was his fault, not hers. “Jess—"

  "It's all right.” She climbed out. “Have a good night."

  The door slammed in his face before he could respond.

  Without looking back at him, she hurried to the path. Deke dragged a hand through his hair. He could have gone after her, but he'd done enough damage for one night. Watching her from the truck until she reached her empty cabin, he wrestled with leaving her alone here. The ranch was perfectly safe, but he hated the thought of her sleeping alone in the cabin while everyone else was still out. His gaze strayed to the small stone building next to the corral.

  Ah, screw it. He'd sleep on the cot at the back of the tack room, close enough to her cabin to reassure himself she was safe, but far enough away that he wouldn't be tempted to go to her. The uncomfortable cot would make his back kill in the morning, but at least he'd be able to get some sleep that way. If he could stop thinking about her long enough to fall into oblivion.

  Sexual need continued to pound through his body as he started the truck. He'd probably wind up finishing himself off first by fantasizing about her luscious mouth wrapped around his aching cock.

  Blowing out a deep breath, he drove to the corral, feeling truly alone for the first time in months.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  The earthy-sweet scent of horses reached Jessie before she could even see the corral. The smell instantly triggered memories of when she'd ridden at the stable as a little girl. The thought made her smile. She was on a dude ranch after all. What better way to spend the morning than with a trail ride? It'd been years since she'd been on horseback, and after the little sleep she'd gotten last night, a relaxing ride was just what she needed.

  Maybe that would make her stop thinking about the way Deke had kissed her, the incredible feel of his hard body against hers. With luck it might even distract her from the empty ache between her thighs for a little while. But how could he kiss her like he was dying to get inside her one moment and then suddenly slam a wall up between them the next?

  Bridgette traipsed along behind her, chattering excitedly to her and Shannon, Bridgette's cousin. “I can't wait for this. The closest I've ever been to a horse was a pony at the petting zoo when I took my nephew."

  Jessie liked her enthusiasm. “It'll be fun. Just make sure you stay calm, and don't let the horse sense you're nervous."


  They rounded the corner of the stone building, and Jessie drew up short. Bent over inspecting a stirrup hanging off one of the saddled horses, Deacon raised his head and looked at her from beneath the brim of his black Stetson. His blue eyes held her captive for a moment, sending a tingling rush of heat to her breasts.

  Oh God, he was mouth-watering. Muscles flexed across his back and shoulders as he hunkered next to the horse, a bead of sweat trickling down to his jaw. He wiped it away with the shoulder of his blue plaid button-down, still watching her. Her hormones spiked despite the lingering hurt and awkwardness leftover from last night.

  "Mornin',” he drawled.

  The heated look in his eyes made her nipples peak. “Morning,” she replied and quickly looked away. Damned if she'd let him know how self-conscious
she felt now.

  He strode across the corral leading a tall, dun-colored horse, and handed the reins to someone waiting there. Jessie belatedly realized Dustin had been standing there all along, and waved a greeting.

  Dustin waved back. “Where's Charissa?"

  "She's, ah...indisposed,” Shannon answered.

  "With your eldest brother, we're hoping,” Bridgette supplied helpfully, grinning from ear to ear.

  Dustin's eyes widened. “Okay, then. The rest of y'all ready for your ride?” He spoke to all of them, but he was staring at Shannon.

  "Yes, but I need something gentle,” Bridgette answered, apparently oblivious to the sparks flying between him and Shannon. “I'm a riding virgin."

  He grinned and patted the dun's neck. “This is Diesel, and he's a sweetheart. You'll have no trouble with him."

  "What about you?” Deacon asked Jessie.

  She looked over at him, trying to pretend she wasn't still thinking about those seductive kisses or the feel of his hand fisting in her hair as he'd licked at her lower lip and into her mouth. That hard wall of muscle pressed against her breasts. The inner walls of her pussy clenched at the memory. “I've ridden some, but it's been a while."

  He considered her a moment before choosing a bay and leading it over. “This is Lightning. He's fast, but as long as you keep him in line he'll...behave himself."

  Behave himself. Like the sexy cowboy holding its reins obviously wished he'd done last night? “Don't worry, I'll keep him in line."

  Deke's lips twitched at her barbed words. “Good."

  The horse watched her with curious brown eyes as she approached and stroked his nose. “Hi, Lightning. You going to be a good boy for me?"

  "Need any help mounting?"

  Was he saying suggestive things on purpose, or was she just thinking about sex because she'd been awake half the night fantasizing about burning up the sheets with him?

  With a scathing glare aimed at herself as much as him, she brushed past him, put her left foot in the stirrup, grabbed the horn, and swung up. The leather creaked as she settled into the saddle and took hold of the reins.


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