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Deacon's Touch

Page 7

by Callie Croix

  She looked up into his shadowed face. He was so composed, and she felt shaky as hell. She struggled to clamp down on the shivers coursing through her.

  He rubbed her shoulder. “You're cold."

  She shook her head. “N-no. Honestly, I d-don't kn-know what's w-wrong with me.” Her breaths were coming in gasps, and her heart raced. Usually she was stronger than this, and it embarrassed her to come unglued when he wasn't affected at all by what had happened.

  "It's all right. Hey, c'mere.” He brought her in close and wrapped her in his arms.

  Locked in his strong embrace, she allowed herself to soften and let the shivers roll through her.

  "It's just adrenaline,” he murmured against her hair, keeping her pressed firmly against his hard chest. “It'll be over soon.” She nodded and closed her eyes, grateful for his body heat and the protective way he held her. He made her feel safe.

  When her body had calmed, she wound her arms around his back and hugged him. “Thanks. I needed that."

  "Anytime. I like holding you.” He tipped her chin up with his hand and kissed her once, igniting a warm glow in her lower belly. “Let's get you into the truck and warmed up."


  He looked down at her expectantly.

  "In the Air Force. Were you a medic or something?” Because he'd been totally composed, and he knew a hell of a lot more than basic first aid.

  "Yeah, a PJ."


  He smiled at her confused expression. “Pararescue Jumper. A Special Ops trained medic. We work with the SEALs and Rangers and the Delta boys on various missions, and we go in to rescue friendly air crew shot down behind enemy lines."

  Holy crap. He really was a hero. No wonder he'd taken charge of everything so easily and had all the special equipment.

  "That's all over now, though.” His expression closed up as he looked away.

  She snagged his hand and squeezed it. “Maybe, but look what you just did. The paramedics didn't have to do anything but load her into the ambulance when they got here."

  His shrug was tight, almost belligerent. “I didn't do anything fancy."

  "It was fancy to me.” She couldn't stop the sappy smile spreading over her face. Damn, she felt like crying all of a sudden. “I'm totally impressed."

  He grinned and lost his defensive posture. “Yeah?"

  "Yeah,” she said huskily.

  "Damn, then I should have told you on Thursday night on the way from the airport.” He settled her in her seat and draped his leather jacket over her. “I've got to make a quick call."

  "Did you get the plate number for the police?"

  "Yep. They're running a search.” He bent forward into the cab for a moment, running his gaze over her face. “I'm just going across the road where you were before."

  She waved a hand. “Sure, go.” He was probably worried she was going to fall apart on him or something.

  He walked out into the middle of the road, dialing someone on his cell. A Pararescueman, she thought in admiration, imagining the missions he'd carried out and the gruelling training he must have completed. It suited him. And it partly explained the edge to his confident demeanor.

  Deke talked on the phone for a moment, but then in the beam of the truck's headlights she saw his expression tighten. Her muscles tensed in response. Even at this distance she could see his jaw flex.

  He ended the call and came back to the truck.

  "What's wrong?” She asked as he settled behind the wheel.

  "That was Dillon."

  His eldest brother. “Something about the accident?” Oh God, had he found out the woman had died on the way to the hospital?

  Deke met her eyes, and the hard look on his face chilled her before he masked it. “Everything's fine. Let's get you warmed up and back to the ranch."

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  Chapter Six

  Jessica's cabin was still dark when he parked in front of it. “I'll stay until everyone else comes back,” he told her. “Or you can crash at my place for the night. Either way, I don't want you to be alone right now."

  "I'm fine, Deke."

  "I'm not leaving you.” That wasn't up for discussion.

  Huddled under his coat in the passenger seat, her golden eyes searched his for a moment. “Have you got enough room for me?"

  Hell, yeah. His bed was plenty big enough for the both of them. “Yes."

  She chewed her lip. “Then I'd rather go with you."

  Some of the tension bled out of his shoulders. He was glad, because he wanted her all to himself for the night. “Then go grab what you need, and I'll drive you back.” He got out and opened the cabin for her, waited while she got her things together, then drove her out to his place a few miles from the guest house.

  He had to give her credit. People didn't usually surprise him, but she'd done it twice tonight. First with her unexpected reaction in the bar, and then at the accident scene. He believed putting someone in a crisis situation showed what kind of person they truly were. Jessica was a hell of a lot stronger than anyone would guess from looking at her. Without a word, she'd come running after him to help and had held it together despite the near miss with the truck and the blood covering the victim. Then she'd comforted that baby as naturally as any mother, despite how rattled she must have been, and stayed beside Stacey until the ambulance arrived.

  She didn't have any training as far as he could tell, yet she'd been a big help to him simply by staying calm. She'd been shaky later, but only after it was all said and done. The woman had guts and a big heart, and combined with the underlying vulnerable side she'd allowed him to glimpse earlier, she was tying him in knots.

  Since his divorce, he hadn't felt much of anything for the women he'd been with. But Jessica breathed life into parts of his soul he thought he'd lost forever. He didn't know what to do with it all, but he couldn't deny she was getting under his skin.

  He helped her out of the truck and unlocked his cabin door. “What about a hot bath?” he suggested as he flipped on the lights. Her sexy silver top was ruined, covered in bloodstains from cleaning up the baby's cuts. Something she'd done without hesitation.

  "I'd love one.” She stepped past him and looked around, then offered a little smile on her way to the bathroom.

  While the water ran in the next room, he set her bag at the foot of his bed and sank into the couch. Dillon had said something about one of the neighboring ranches hosting a big party tonight, some sort of political fundraiser for the golf and country club set. Deke sure as hell hoped it had nothing to do with their near miss tonight on the highway, but his gut said differently. People should know better than to get behind the wheel if they'd had too much to drink.

  Jessica finally emerged from his bathroom in a pink terrycloth robe that covered her from neck to knees, but she was still the sexiest thing he'd ever laid eyes on. Her color was better, and her eyes were clear as she moved to the couch and sat against the far arm. Deke reached out to snag her hand, disliking even that much space between them. “Feel better?"

  "Yes, thanks.” She tugged the hem of her robe down to cover her calves.

  Shy little sweetheart. She was definitely a bit unsure about being alone here with him. Not that he could blame her. She didn't really know him, and they were isolated this far out on the ranch.

  "Did you call the hospital?"

  He nodded. “Stacey's conscious and stable. Her husband was on the way to see her and the baby."

  "I'm glad. Anything from the police yet?"

  He'd waited to tell her about this until she felt safe and comfortable again. “Not yet, but they'll find the driver, don't worry."

  Pushing that all aside, he tugged on Jessie's hand to distract her. “C'mere. I like the feel of you all cuddled up against me.” Almost as much as he liked the way she'd melted and yielded to him earlier in the truck. For now, he wanted to make her forget everything that had happened after that.

  She met his gaze for a m
oment, then slid across the couch and into his arms. Wrapping them around her tightly, he gathered her up against his chest.

  Her shoulders lifted when she inhaled and relaxed on the exhale. Damn, she felt good up against him like this. All soft and cozy. Her breath made a warm spot against his chest. He loved that she let him comfort her. His ex never had. Actually, she'd never let him do a lot of things for her, and that's partly why he'd been so unhappy in the marriage.

  After a moment, Jessica raised her face to his throat and nuzzled him gently with her nose, her hands stroking over his shoulders. Soothing and arousing him at the same time.

  Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he smoothed a palm over the length of her spine. “I love the way you feel. Could hold you all night."

  A startled smile spread across her lips. “My, you do have a way with women."

  "Do I?"

  "Mmmhmm. You make me feel safe. And trust me, I'd never have let another man I barely knew do the things you've done to me."

  Some part of him had known that. It only made exploring her needs hotter. He stroked a finger down her petal-soft cheek, watching her eyes spark and smolder. “When you say things like that it makes it damn hard to keep my hands to myself."

  Her smile widened. “I wish you wouldn't. You promised not to leave me hanging, remember?"

  Nothing could make him forget that, not even the accident. He wanted to see her eyes go hazy with need and feel her surrender degree by slow degree. There was nothing more satisfying than making a woman let go completely, but somehow with Jessica it was better than with any of the others. Something about her made him want to wrap around her and never let go. The glimpses of vulnerability he'd seen in her were even more precious because he knew they were rare. She'd never let her guard down with a man before. Not really. Yet she trusted him enough to let him teach her about giving up control in bed.

  He wanted to give her the gift of allowing herself to surrender. Wanted to be the one to show her the joys of her true sexuality. How beautiful the submissive part of her nature was.

  Leaning in, he fisted his hand in her hair to hold her still and kissed her. She responded with a quiet moan and threaded her fingers through his hair, rubbing them over his scalp. Moving slower than he wanted to, he turned and settled her across his lap so her head rested on the armrest and her hips nestled between his spread thighs. The firm press of her ass against his aching erection felt good, and he liked her knowing what she did to him.

  Jessie snuggled up close and turned her cheek into his shoulder with a sigh. But when he took her hands and pressed them into the cushions above her head, her eyes widened and she started to resist.

  "Leave them there.” He lowered his head and smiled against her jaw when she reluctantly obeyed. “Not scared, are you, sugar?"

  She swallowed. “No."

  He didn't want her scared. Nervous? Hell yeah. It made everything more intense for both of them. But he didn't want her afraid of him. Ever.

  This was all new to her, and he'd lead her gently to where she needed to go. Tonight was about gaining her trust and making her crave more of what he could give her. Beginning with her hair, he trailed his fingers through it, combing from her scalp all the way through the curls to the ends. The soft strands tugged and tangled around his hands, like they didn't want to release him. The thought made him smile.

  "Now I'm getting nervous."

  He met her gaze. “Why's that?"

  "That smile on your face. What are you planning to do to me?"

  With the tip of his index finger, he stroked down her nose. “You're going to find out soon enough."

  She shifted against him, a subtle tension creeping over her body, but she kept her hands where he'd placed them. He rewarded her by trailing his fingertips over her brows, her forehead, cheeks and chin. Over her lips and down her throat. After a few moments, her thick lashes fluttered down and she let out a sigh of enjoyment.

  One finger trailed over her sternum to the warm, tempting valley between her breasts. “Ever been tied up, sweetheart?"

  Her eyes snapped open, her whole body going stiff as her arms crept down from their raised position. She looked ready to do a dive off his lap. “No."

  Probably wouldn't be hard to seduce her into it, but it was too soon to push her into something requiring that amount of trust. Trust was earned, not given. He had to build that foundation first.

  Without stopping his gentle exploration, he used his free hand to press her arms back over her head, ignoring the lingering stiffness in her muscles. Words wouldn't reassure her. Only actions would.

  "Just lie still, sugar."

  She relaxed somewhat, but he felt her staring at his face while he stroked his finger over her sternum. When some of the residual tension melted out of her, he parted the robe and slowly pulled the two halves open, exposing the ivory swells of her breasts and the tightening pink tips. So damn pretty.

  He played with her nipples, squeezing and tugging the way she liked best until a little moan came out of her and her bottom squirmed against his cock. Pressing a palm across her stomach, he held her still and increased the delicious pressure against his erection. Then he began making slow circles with his hand while the other drew the robe apart further, revealing a creamy white strip of skin. His hungry gaze followed it down to her navel where he dipped a finger in and stroked, drawing a gasp from her.

  Rolling a pert nipple with his left hand, he pulled the robe fully open with the other and stared in shock at the few inches of her naked mound he could see between her upraised thighs. “You waxed."

  "It was an accident,” she said, a defensive edge in her voice.

  He met her eyes and raised his brows in silent question.

  "The woman got wax on the wrong spot, and I wound up having to get a Brazilian."

  A waxing accident. The idea made him grin. Christ, she was so smooth under his fingers. Now she'd be that much more sensitive to his touch. And to his tongue. His mouth watered at the thought of going down on her.

  Needing to see more, he released her nipple and pressed her knees down with his other hand. She made a sound of protest and brought her arms down to grab his wrist. Deke turned his head and arched a brow, waiting, trailing his fingertips over her bare, silky mound.

  A dark flush crept up her face. “Wait, I..."

  He applied gentle pressure and held it. Not forcing her, but not letting her retreat. “Open for me."

  She resisted and glanced away. “It's bright in here."

  "Jess.” He waited until she met his eyes. “Open your legs and let me see you."

  Something in his tone must have convinced her to give in, because she hesitantly lowered her knees and let him look.

  His hand nudged her thighs apart, and she huffed out a flustered breath before parting them slightly. He swallowed a groan at the sight of her bare pussy. Soft and vulnerable, deep pink folds that glistened with her arousal. Beautiful. But he was going to make her much, much wetter before he let her come.

  She started to turn her face away, but he stopped her with a soft command. “Keep your eyes on me."

  Her gaze darted up to his, surprise and growing apprehension in their depths.

  Deke held her gaze as he slid his fingers lightly between her thighs, savoring the warmth and the firmness of her muscles, the velvety feel of her skin. He stroked all the way down to above her knee, then up to the crease that separated her hip and thigh. When she sighed softly and stretched, he reached up to toy with a pert nipple, never taking his eyes off hers as he came closer to the sweet flesh between her parted thighs. He skimmed the edge of her mound with a fingertip, pausing at the top of her cleft. She caught her breath and shifted in his lap, going still. Watching him. Waiting. Wanting.

  Squeezing her nipple lightly, he finally looked down at the hand cupping her pussy. “Open for me, sugar. Show me you want this."

  Her legs parted further, revealing more of the deeply flushed skin of her sex. His cock throb
bed painfully inside the snug confines of his jeans.

  Her labia were swollen and wet, the hard bud of her clit peeking out of its hood. Her breathing was quicker, shallower, and her eyes glowed with arousal. With need. He drew his finger downward. The instant he touched her sensitive clit, her eyes closed and a low moan rose from her throat, but he skimmed over it, moving lower to the entrance of her body.

  With slow, teasing strokes, he feathered over her wetness, spreading her moisture upward. He parted her folds with his fingers and stroked deeper, probing gently at her tight entrance. Jessica raised her hips in a wordless plea, but he released her nipple and pressed a hand on her belly to hold her flat, keeping her still while he explored.

  When he decided she was ready for more he pushed a finger into her, slowly, loving the breathless sound she made and the way her head fell back in abandonment. Then he pulled out to stroke around her clit. She whimpered and lifted against his hand, begging for more. She was so hot and wet. He'd love to go down on her right now, but that would have to wait.

  Watching her face, he figured out what she liked best and teased her with it, giving her gentle circles over and around her clit before sliding two fingers inside to find and stroke her G-spot. Her lips parted, and she cried out softly.

  "Right there,” he murmured in satisfaction. A flush of arousal burned bright over her cheekbones, and a fine mist of perspiration covered her skin. When he slid his fingertips over her clit again, she arched and opened her mouth in a throaty cry, her soft ass writhing against his pulsing cock.

  Her eyes opened, hazy with pleasure. “Deke...” So close. So beautiful in her need.

  "What, sugar?” His fingers swirled lazily over her clit, the other hand sliding beneath her back to bring her breasts up. They quivered with each shallow breath, the hard tips begging for more attention.


  "You want to come?"

  She licked her lips. “Yes.” The word came out in a strangled plea.

  Raising her up with his arm beneath her back, he bent and kissed one ripe nipple, licked at it. “Ask me for what you want,” he whispered.


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