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Furever Mated (BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

Page 11

by Meredith Clarke

  “Stand up,” I demanded. I’d had enough. I needed him inside of me. I unbuckled his large belt and pulled down his pants to reveal his throbbing cock. I took it with my hands, looked up at his focused gaze and licked the pre-cum off the head. His body pulsed. Running my right hand down his abdomen, I took the cock in my mouth, methodically sucking and licking to get it extra hard. Pushing it deep in my throat, he grabbed my head in pleasure and I could see him tilt his head up. I sucked hard on the head of his cock, making a pop noise as I pulled all the way out. This seemed to be enough suction to give him a different sensation.

  As I began to caress his balls with my tongue, he pulled me up and placed me against the railing facing the city. I looked over to the next building to see lights in homes, but I didn’t care.

  Cole grunted as he prepared me by spreading my legs with his. He slipped his cock against my clit and I would have almost keeled over, if it weren’t for his strong arms supporting my body. After sliding a few times, he finally pushed his hard cock inside me and euphoria flowed through my body. He pumped rhythmically in and out– in and out, getting fast and hard with every drive. I closed my eyes and I could feel every inch of his cock touching every millimeter on the inside. He started pumping faster and faster and I took it all in.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed out to the city lights. I’d never been this vocal before, but for some reason the pleasure penetrated me that much stronger when I screamed. Even more when I screamed his name “Cole. Yes. Cole.”

  Cole abruptly flipped me around and balanced my back on the railing, hoisting me to his pelvis and entering me once again. A third of my body was leaning off the edge, but I felt completely safe in his arms. Every time he slid into me, it felt as if he was getting bigger and harder—almost as if his cock was pulsing inside of me with the same rhythm. The effect was intoxicating.

  He brought me down so that I could stand on my left leg. Raising my right leg up, Cole shifted into a position and I folded into his body. He was going to make me cum and cum hard. Noticing my signals, he shifted slightly up and penetrated my g-spot as if he knew it was there the entire time. I struggled to catch my breath as pleasure rushed through my body, increasing by the thrust. My explosion reached a breaking point and I gripped his strong shoulders, me screaming in pleasure as I came all over him. As I came I felt myself clench around him and then I felt a burst of his hot seed inside of me.

  Both of us were sweating. I pulled myself away from him and kissed him deeply. His face was content and voice scruff. “I told you I couldn’t stop myself if I continued…”



  I rolled over to find a gorgeous creature sleeping by my side. Could she possibly be that beautiful even while she slept? It had to be true, because I could barely keep my eyes off her as she slept soundly beside me. I couldn't have been happier that she had come home with me last night, and I wondered where things were headed between us. Most often I never saw a girl again after sleeping with her, but I knew that I wanted to see Avery again. Possibly every day. I felt deep down that there was a huge possibility that she could be my mate. She was incredibly seductive when she let herself go, and there was a brain in that little head that I wanted to explore at length. She was the perfect package: beauty and brains. What more could I ask for in a mate? The chemistry was off the charts, so that played a big part in the mate that I wanted as my life partner. I smiled down at her, wondering if this was it for me, had I finally found my mate.

  There was a fire inside her that I found intriguing, a fire that burned day or night, and the more I saw that in her eyes the more I wanted to know about her. The sex last night had been mind-blowing, some of the best that I had ever experienced. And I had fucked a lot of girls in my day. I knew what I liked when I took a woman, but things had been completely different with Avery. It hadn't felt like just a good fuck; the connection between us was rare. It had a lot more to do with the woman than the sex itself. She was just such an enigma that I craved to be around her. The alpha inside me told me not to leave this one ever. I had no idea how she felt about me, whether she would see the night before as a one-time deal or if she would allow me to sniff around her as long as I wanted. Surely she had felt the connection between us. Surely she felt exactly the same way that I did. I could only hope.

  I had never met a woman like Avery before, she was truly classy with all the flare that men wanted in the bedroom. She had no inhibitions, and her own animal instinct had matched my own. All I wanted to do was take another round out of her sweet ass. She lay rumpled in the sheets, her ass exposed, and I wanted to nothing more than bite it. I allowed her to sleep, however. We had expended a lot of energy the night before; she deserved to rest.

  I turned from her and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I checked the time, ignoring my messages, and was satisfied that we hadn't slept too late. I wanted to make Avery some breakfast to start her day off right. I wasn't sure what her plans were for the day, but I would insist she at least stay for breakfast...and then well...we would see. Maybe she wouldn't want to leave, and I would be thrilled with that.

  My phone buzzed again, which it had been ever since I woke up. Frowning, I noticed that I had missed several calls as well as text messages from Zoey. I rolled my eyes. Maybe I had been wrong about her. She was starting to seem a little desperate. I had her pegged as a strong and independent woman, but all these messages implied the opposite. I didn't like a girl who was needy, in fact it went as far as turning my stomach. Why would she spend her night messaging me when she could be taking a proper bite out of Michael? I shook my head. As I was setting my phone down again another message popped up. I rolled my eyes as I turned back on my phone to read it and my blood turned to ice.

  She is human.



  Rolling over in some of the softest sheets I had ever slept in, I reached out for Cole. I smiled dreamily, remembering the night of passion I had shared with him. It had been glorious. I wouldn't mind having another round of passion to start my day off. In fact, if we never left the bed that day I would be totally fine with that as well. When my hand ran across nothing but the empty bed next to me, my eyes fluttered open. He wasn't sleeping beside me. Where was he? Groggy with sleep, I sat up in bed and looked around. He wasn't anywhere in the room. I found it odd that he would get up and get ready for the day without waking me first.

  What the hell?

  Maybe he was one of those early risers that liked to get coffee and breakfast on the go. There is no need to panic, Avery, I'm sure nothing is wrong. Everything last night had been perfect, there would be no reason to believe otherwise. I looked around for my clothing and was hit with the memory of Cole ripping the dress off of me. Shit. I will have to figure out what to say to Zoey about that later. I wrapped the sheet around me and walked over to his closet. As I stepped inside I was a bit awestruck by the size. My entire bedroom could fit in here. I spotted a dresser in the corner hoping to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that would fit and quickly got dressed. I used the washroom and checked out my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were a bit flushed and my hair was nicely tousled. I looked like I just had sex. I smiled back at my reflection. Maybe that would tempt him into some more fun.

  I made my way out to the living room and there was no one around. The whole apartment appeared to be empty. Where was he?

  “Cole? Cole!” I called out to him a few times, but I never got an answer. Maybe he went out for breakfast. But still, wouldn't he wait until his guest woke up? Maybe this was his way of letting me leave without having to do that awkward goodbye in the morning. I’ve never really had a one-night stand before, what if our night didn’t mean as much to him as I thought? Good job, Avery, I scolded myself. I made my way into the kitchen. Maybe I could make some coffee quickly and get out of here before he came back. I walked up to the counter to pull out a mug when I saw something on the kitchen counter.

  Had to get some work done toda
y. Please feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge. I won't be home until late tonight. Please see yourself out. Sorry. - Cole

  “Well.,.fuck,” I cursed loudly as I sank down into the barstool next to the counter. I should have guessed this was coming. I closed my eyes and thought about how he had caressed my cheek when he kissed me. We had seemed to have such a strong connection. I guess to him it was only a lustful one while I had let my emotions get involved.

  “Who the hell does he think he is?” I said aloud. I couldn't imagine what kind of girl would be okay with receiving a note like that, but I certainly wasn't one of them. He could have easily woken me up and talked to me before he headed off to work. That would have at least been the decent thing to do, rather than running out like a coward while I slept. I wondered if he did that with all the women he wanted just for the evening. What a fool I had been to believe the passion and chemistry we had between us. I was just another notch on his bedpost. Confusion and anger swirled through my mind. I couldn't match the amazing night we had with the missing man in the morning. Had it all been just an act? I couldn't even see that being plausible, no one could act that well.

  I felt furious for being taken as a fool. I wished now that I had never agreed to come back to his place. Cole’s charm had captivated me last night. He had made me feel so special at the club and then when we got back to his place our chemistry was intense. He had brought out a carnal desire in me that I have never felt with any of my exes. Was everything just an act? It was pretty obvious by how he ran out of there that it was. He was just a cocky ass that would charm a girl into bed then wake up next morning never to see him again.

  Anger swirled in my thoughts as I re-read the note. It certainly wasn't the same man that I had met the night before. He had completely blown me off without a thought about my feelings. I don't know why I was surprised, really, that was what you get when you have a one-night stand. You couldn't possible think that the guy would want anything to do with you the next day.

  My thoughts drifted back to his kiss and the way he looked at me. I had, though, I really had. It was the chemistry between us, I really believed it was different, or else I wouldn't have done it at all. But isn't that just the way it always worked? Women seek out love and are foolish enough to believe a guy will give it to her after a one-night stand. How could I be so stupid? I had walked right into this one. I believed him from the moment he had cupped my chin. Maybe that was why Zoey behaved the way she did the night before, maybe she knew what he was like and was just trying to get rid of him. There I was, though, falling for it all myself. I’m such an idiot.

  I set the note back on the counter and looked around. There was no way I was staying in that apartment for another minute. He could take his offer of breakfast and shove it where the sun didn't shine. I retrieved my purse and found my shoes and walked out of the apartment, never looking back.



  I opened my locker door and grabbed my hand wraps. I also grabbed shin pads and MMA gloves. I wasn't sure what training entailed that day, but I had to be prepared for anything. I went out to where the boys were training and sat on the bench to watch. I was there for one reason and one reason only: to forget Avery. I couldn't have been more pissed at myself, and I planned on working out that aggression. As I watched my teammates boxing or grappling, I started to wrap my hands. I began putting my thumb through the wrap hole and started wrapping against my knuckles, then against my palm, down my wrist and then over and over again until the wrap ended at what point I secured it. I started on the other hand as I watched the fighters, wondering what was in store for me that day.

  My coach was just finishing up with one of my teammates. I saw him slapping the guy on the shoulder, congratulating him on a good fight session.

  I spent a lot of time in the gym, more than I liked, but I planned on staying fierce. I was the Alpha, after all. Staying tough and strong was all part of the lifestyle of an Alpha. That's why I chose fighting as my means of staying fit. You killed yourself for the chance at greatness, something that not everyone had a taste of. There was just no sport like MMA and I thrived on it, it fit perfectly with the Alpha personality. I trained daily, always working on something different so that I never overworked or strained a body part.

  I watched as my coach Robbie came over, all smiles, ready to kill me another day.

  “Hey Cole. How's your day going?”

  “You know me, always ready to kill it. I really need an intense session today Coach, destroy me.”

  “Bad day?”

  “You have no idea.”

  He chuckled, “Okay then. I will work you hard. You ready to get started then?”

  “Ya of course. What's up first?”

  “Let's start with the heavy bag rounds, work on your striking.”

  I put on my gloves and we headed over to the bags. He set a timer and we got into it.

  It was a great workout when my coach had me working heavy bag rounds. It was the best possible cardio exercise available. It burned straight through you and if you could work hard in the gym, really kill yourself then a real fight was easy. There were times when shifters had to go to battle whether they liked it or not, and you had to know how to fight. If you didn't, you were as good as dead, shifter or not. Training was where you burned yourself out, that way you were ready for the fight and you wouldn't tire out. Many people didn't realize that as they spent hours on the treadmill. You could burn far more calories in less time by doing heavy bag rounds. It was just more of an intense endurance training than just running.

  It would be a tough day, as I wanted to be worked to exhaustion. Heavy bag rounds consisted of ten two-minute rounds that mimicked a fight sequence. I had to throw everything I knew such as elbows, spinning back kicks, punches and knees. I had to use speed and accuracy to ensure that not only was I quick but powerful. You could only be powerful if your technique was on the nose, otherwise you were just a sloppy fighter. I had to complete all ten rounds with no break and no water. If I survived I would be awarded a water break that lasted no more than a minute.

  I began my rounds and threw combinations of jabs, rights and hooks, all landing in a pop pop pop motion, knuckles engaging with the bag in one fluid motion. I didn't think of anything else but my imaginary opponent. I stayed focused, sweat pouring off me as I handled round after round. My trainer stood in the corner coaching me on where to throw, reminding me of what I needed to work on.

  My last strike hit hard as the bell went off. I was dripping sweat on the mats, my shirt drenched, but I felt exhilarated.

  “Good job Cole. You stayed focused, you dug deep. That's what you want man, when it comes to being the Alpha, you want to be on top. Fight through the pain, Cole, and you will always be a great leader. Now go get a drink of water and then meet me back here for pad work.”

  I headed for the water cooler, once there I grabbed a bottle of water and drank half of it without blinking an eye. I sucked in air through my lungs and closed my eyes, allowing the post workout strain in my muscles settle. I let the air out and I pictured Avery’s legs wrapped around my hips. Shit. I needed to be careful. I needed to keep working to get her out of my mind. I wiped the sweat off my brow with my shirt.

  I headed back to where Robbie was holding pads. Good, I thought. After messing up like I did I needed to punch something.

  “Feeling lucky?” He smirked.

  “Pad work is where I always win Robbie, you know that.”

  He chuckled and held up a large Thai pad in front of his body. The purpose of the exercise was for me to avoid being trapped. I would have to throw whatever I could at the pads, keeping my opponent off me and ensuring I would not be pushed in the corner. It was the trainer’s job to apply pressure and force me to fight my way out. The exercise proved to be exhausting but highly effective because if you could build up enough endurance with someone's body weight on you, a real fight should be a piece of cake. Robbie was good, but I was alwa
ys better. In a few leg kicks and punches I had pushed him back to the opposite side of the ring.

  “Alright Cole, good work. You really fought me off in there, that's what I like to see. Killa, killa, you are going to be one hell of an Alpha.”

  “Hell ya.”

  “Let's get the focus mitts and work on your technique.”

  We got out of the ring and headed for the mats again. I took a moment to grab some water and breathe a bit while he fetched focus mitts from the back room. He returned quickly however, he didn't want to allow me to cool down.

  “Let's go!”

  Next Robbie had me do more pad work but with focus mitts. Using focus mitts forced a fighter to use good technique or risk missing the pad completely. All that you could hear across the gym was the pop pop pop of my gloves hitting the pads. I hit each mat with force, hoping to either knock out the frustration of my mistake with Avery or make me so tired that I couldn’t focus on anything else. We did five rounds of that and ended our day of training with some sparring. Robbie took me in the cage and did two rounds of light sparring to get a feel for how I was doing. At this point I really needed to dig deep as a fighter because I was gassed. It was a hard training session that just seemed never-ending. When our round ended he invited in one of the freshmen teammates who I was not familiar with.

  “Hey Josh, come in here and spar with Cole. Get your feet wet and it will give him a chance to spar with someone new. Don't go hard on him though, Cole, he's just a cub.”

  I just nodded.

  The sparring rounds were good and kept me on my toes. It was an excellent way for me to see where my weaknesses were. I was also allowed to use all my tricks. I could keep the fight going as a standup or I could take it to the ground, it all depended on how the fight went and what my opponent's weaknesses were. The kid wasn't bad for a cub, but he had a lot to learn. He would get there though, they always did. We ended our round and touched gloves before the kid headed out of the ring. I took my gloves off and got out of the ring myself. I sat down on one of the benches and took of my shin pads. By the time I was done training I felt jacked and ready to get into a fight.


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