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Van, Becca - Set Me Free [Pack Law 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Becca Van

  “That was so fucking hot,” Brock said, his voice a deep, garbled growl.

  Michelle felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment and lowered her eyes.

  “Please, let me down,” Michelle demanded and was relieved when Mikhail released her ass, moving his hands to her hips. She lowered her legs and wobbled slightly as her now-weak limbs protested against her weight. Mikhail held her steady until she placed a hand on his chest and pushed. Thankfully he stepped back away from her, and she sagged against the door.

  “I would really like to go home now,” Michelle whispered.

  “No,” Jonah responded. “I can’t let you go when you’re in so much pain, darlin’. You’re going to need help, and the only way we can do that is if you stay here. Of course, we could all come and stay at your place if you’d prefer?”

  “No!” Michelle screeched then cleared her throat. “No, I don’t have the room.”

  “Then it looks like you’ll be staying here with us. If you give me your house keys, I can have Cindy taken over to collect some clothes for you. Oh, by the way, you’re not working until that cast comes off.”

  “What? No, you can’t do that. I have bills to pay, I need the money. I don’t have enough sick leave accrued to be taking time off,” Michelle protested as she glared at Jonah.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’, you’ll still get paid. You were injured in my house after all, and we will get back to that in a moment. I will have one of the Omegas fill in at the library for you. Now, come on into the living room. You’re as white as a sheet and look about ready to fall down. Mikhail will carry you,” Jonah commanded in a low, gravelly voice, and Michelle saw him glare at his brother.

  “I don’t need to be carried. I can walk,” Michelle protested as Mikhail lifted her into his arms and cradled her against his chest. “What the hell is an Omega?”

  “I know you can, honey, but once a command is given it’s carried out or there will be hell to pay. There are three levels to a wolf pack, Michelle. The Alpha or Alphas in our case. Next are the Betas and then the Omegas. An Alpha is the leader of a pack, which is what Jonah, Brock, and I are. Jonah is the most senior Alpha of our pack since he is the eldest, and what he says is law. When he puts his foot down everyone has to obey. He can even use a compulsion in his voice to get someone reluctant to obey, to comply.

  “Betas are second in line to the Alphas. They usually deal with the safety of the Alphas and the rest of the pack. The Omegas are the lower level of pack members, but no less significant than the rest of us. We all live here, together in a den, this house. Wolves like to stay together. We don’t like being separated from our family.

  “Jonah’s not happy with me at the moment because I’ve made your arm ache.” Mikhail sighed.

  “But it wasn’t your entire fault,” Michelle whispered and looked up at Mikhail.

  “I’m glad you aren’t putting all the blame on me, honey, but let me take the heat for the both of us. When Jonah goes all Alpha male he can be a bit overbearing.”

  “No shit,” Michelle replied with a grin.

  The sight of Mikhail winking at her and his loud laugh went straight to her crotch. Oh fuck. I’m in trouble.

  Chapter Seven

  Jonah was already seated on the large sofa when Mikhail carried their mate into the living room. The sight of her pale face and the pinched, pained look around her lips had him growling in frustration. He knew one bite from him and his brothers would begin the healing process immediately. That their mate was so stubborn had him admiring and cursing her at the same time. He waited until Mikhail sat beside him, sitting with Michelle on his lap. He noticed Brock move away from the mantle, and then his brother sat on the other side of their mate. She was pushing against Mikhail’s shoulder with her good hand, trying to get him to let her go. Mikhail finally relented and placed her on the seat beside him. Jonah had to bite his tongue when she gave his brother a glare, so he wouldn’t burst out laughing.

  Jonah turned, angling his body toward Michelle, and held in the smile he felt forming as she glared at him, too. Their little mate was full of fire. She had a wild side she kept hidden from everyone around her, as well as herself. He knew she wouldn’t be able to maintain the façade she put up around him and his brothers for long. He couldn’t wait until she let her true personality shine through. He reached out and clasped her small chin between his thumb and finger, holding her gaze to his.

  “You need to tell us how you fell down the stairs, darlin’. And don’t you dare try and bullshit me. I can smell it when you’re lying,” Jonah stated firmly.

  “Someone pushed me,” Michelle snapped.

  “Who?” Jonah demanded.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see anyone. I was too busy trying to stop my fall.”

  “But you have an idea, just like I do,” Jonah said. “Kirsten, come here now.”

  Jonah knew Michelle felt the power behind his demand. She shivered and jerked her chin out of his hold. He put so much force behind his command, there was no way in hell a werewolf could have denied him, let alone a human.

  He caught the scent of Kirsten’s fear before she was even in the room. When she was finally standing before him, her head lowered in supplication, he stood up and moved closer to her. He sniffed at her, the scent of her fear rolling off her in waves. He stood before her and waited for her to look up at him.

  “Did you push my mate down the stairs?” Jonah roared the question and knew every were on the property would have heard him.

  Jonah sighed when Kirsten whimpered instead of answering. He knew damn well she had been the one to hurt his mate. His beast was pushing against him, wanting him to change and rip her throat out. He took a few deep breaths and let them out slowly, once more in control of his wolf. He reached out and took Kirsten’s hand in his, lifted it to his nose, and sniffed. The lingering scent of his mate was still on her skin. He dropped her hands and stepped back.

  “You will pack your bags and leave immediately. I will give you one month’s severance pay and you will never set foot on this land again. If I or any of the others catch you on my land, you will be terminated. Is that understood?”

  “Alpha, please, I didn’t mean…”

  “Get out of my sight before I kill you now,” Jonah yelled. He sighed as Kirsten rushed from the room, sobbing and whimpering. He turned back and looked at his mate. He expected to see fear on her face. Boy, was he surprised. He could see and smell fury pouring off her in waves. She pushed against Mikhail’s arm, and he let her go. She stood up and sauntered over to him. She smacked her good hand onto his chest.

  “I can’t believe you did that? Do you have no compassion? Don’t you realize that woman has feelings for you? What did you do to her? Fuck her and then dump her? How could you be so heartless? If anyone is to blame for my injury it’s you and your brothers. You will go and apologize to that woman, right now. She told me you were together before I came onto the scene. You will go and apologize right now for the way you have treated her and tell her she can stay here in her home for as long as she likes. She will apologize to me after you and your brothers have redeemed yourselves with her. Fucking men, I can’t believe how you all treat women.”

  Jonah was astounded by his fiery mate railing at him. She’d slapped at his chest countless times in her rant, and her cheeks were now a rosy pink, her breathing and her eyes full of passion. He stood there staring at her like a dumb-ass. She turned away from him, and he snagged her around the waist, pulling her back against the front of his body.

  “You are the perfect Alpha’s mate, darlin’. I can’t believe you stood up to me, and of course you’re right. We could have handled Kirsten a lot better than we did. You have no idea what you’ve just done, but you’ll find out soon enough,” Jonah whispered into her ear, then nibbled on the top of it. “Brock, Mikhail, go and prepare a bath for our mate. Michelle will be sleeping in our bed tonight.”

  “I most certainly will not,” Michelle said haughtily.
br />   Jonah grinned against her head. Their mate was trying to be cool and haughty again. It had his hard cock throbbing against the zipper of his jeans.

  “Yes, you will, darlin’. And don’t you dare tell me you don’t want to. I can smell your pussy from here.”

  “Well, I never…”

  “I know, darlin’. I promise we’ll go easy on you the first time.” Jonah growled and released her. “Take her up to our suite. Kirsten, come here.”

  Jonah watched as his brothers pulled a reluctant Michelle from the room and waited for Kirsten. He prowled the room, eager to get this over with so he could join his brothers and mate in their rooms. He heard Kirsten’s slow, reluctant footsteps and turned toward the door. She stood just inside the doorway, her head lowered, and she was gripping her hands so hard her knuckles were white.

  “It seems I owe you an apology. I am sorry for the way my brothers and I used you. I know you think yourself to be in love with us, but that isn’t the case. When you find your mate, you will know what we had was just sex. It won’t even compare to what you think you feel toward us. I am willing to let you stay here, in your home, but if I hear you have tried to harm my mate in any way again, you will be banished. You can thank my mate for my change of heart. She made me see reason, she made me aware of the way we had treated you, and for that I’m sorry. You will of course apologize to my mate when you see her next, for hurting her.”

  “Thank you, Alpha,” Kirsten sobbed and rushed over to him. She knelt at his knees and rubbed her face over his jeans. “I won’t let you down. I promise. I will certainly apologize to your mate.”

  “See that you do. You may leave,” Jonah stated and watched as Kirsten stood up, bowed to him, and hurried away.

  “You have no idea how you just accepted the role of being our mate, Michelle, even if it wasn’t a conscious thought,” Jonah muttered to himself. He felt a grin spread over his face and hurried from the room. He was eager to claim his mate.

  Chapter Eight

  Jonah opened the door to their suite of rooms and inhaled the scent of his mate mixing with his and his brothers’ scents. His cock throbbed, and his balls ached. His wolf was pushing at him again to claim Michelle, and he didn’t know if he would be able to hold his beast back much longer. He heard the sound of water splashing and knew his mate was naked in his bathroom, in his bath. He closed the door quietly behind him and walked toward the adjoining bathroom. He took in her warm, pink, moist flesh as she leaned against the back of the tub. Her hair was up on top of her head, her cast covered in a plastic bag resting against the rim of the tub. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were a rosy red. The sound of her voice drew him into the room.

  “I don’t want you in here with me while I’m naked, Brock, Mikhail. I can bathe myself, you know. I have been doing it for a long time. I wish you’d leave me alone.”

  “Not gonna happen, baby,” Brock replied.

  “We don’t want to risk you slipping and hurting your arm,” Mikhail advised.

  “You have accepted us as your mates, Michelle. We’re not leaving you alone.” Jonah growled as he looked down at his mate’s naked body.

  She was perfection. She was so tiny, but her breasts were lush and full, her waist small enough he would be able to span it with his hands, and her hips were nice and curvy. He wanted to scoop her up, lay her on the bed, and plunge his cock into her wet heat. He was surprised that she wasn’t trying to hide her assets from view. He moved to the end of the tub, squatted at the side, and picked up her delicate foot. He reached for the bath gel and poured a little on top of her foot and began to wash her. He made sure he kneaded the tight muscles in her sole and couldn’t prevent his eyes from taking a leisurely stroll up her soft, shapely legs until they reached the juncture of her thighs. He bit down on his tongue as he saw her bare pussy lips peeking from between her thighs. Even though he could have peeked at her when she was in her G-string earlier, he had restrained himself in deference to her feelings. Their mate wasn’t the conservative prude she portrayed. His slid his hands from her foot and up her calf. She slipped through his fingers when she jerked her leg out of his hand.

  “I did not accept you as my mates. Where do you get that insane idea from?”

  Jonah reached for her leg again and smiled when she pulled her knees up, taking her limbs from his reach. She could fight them all she wanted, but she had accepted her fate when she stood toe-to-toe with him as an Alpha’s mate would.

  “You argued with me about Kirsten’s punishment. Only an Alpha’s mate would do such a thing. You accepted us without even realizing what you were doing.”

  “Well, there’s a clue for you, buddy. I had no idea I would be accepting you as my mates if I stood up for a fellow human being. I would do the same for anyone in need. So you can just, just, fuck off.”

  “Yes, I will fuck and so will you. We are going to claim you, Michelle, and you are going to let us.”

  “I will not,” Michelle replied indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Ah, but you will, darlin’. Get her out and dry her off,” Jonah commanded.

  “Look, just leave, all of you. I can dry myself.”

  “Not gonna happen, baby,” Brock replied.

  Jonah stood off to the side and watched as his brothers hauled their mate from the large tub. He was pleased they were careful of her injured arm, and that she stood still as they took care of her. His brothers had her dried off and wrapped in a large towel. She surprised him by staying silent and not cussing at them some more. It seemed their mate wasn’t as averse to them claiming her as she liked to voice.

  Mikhail scooped Michelle off her feet and left the bathroom, and Jonah followed behind. His brother gently placed their mate onto the massive bed in the master bedroom and whipped the towel off her body. Michelle tried to scramble off the other side of the bed, but since she only had the use of one arm, she was finding the task difficult.

  Jonah heard her laugh and looked up to see her passion-glazed eyes staring at him and his brothers. She surprised him once more when she spoke.

  “Bring it on!”

  Jonah crawled up onto the bottom of the bed and clasped his hand around one of her ankles. She kicked out at him, giving him an enticing view of her pink, wet vagina, and he knew she was just as aroused as he and his brothers were. She laughed again and tried to give him another playful kick. He pulled on her leg and slid her back into the center of the mattress, careful not to hurt her. He removed his hand from her ankle and placed both his hands on her hips. He slid his legs to the outside of her thighs and caged her in. He leaned forward, virtually covering her with his body, and took her mouth with his.

  Jonah used his lips to pry her mouth open and swept his tongue inside. The taste of her, his mate, was more than he had ever thought possible. He couldn’t get enough. He swirled and parried his tongue against hers, then nipped her bottom lip with his teeth. The sound of her moans had him thrusting his tongue back into her depths for another taste of her. She was pure female. He could taste her desire on his tongue and fanned the flames even higher by drawing her tongue into his mouth and sucking on it. She arched her breasts up into his chest and began to rub her nipples over his T-shirt. He growled his approval and slid his mouth over her face, kissing every inch of her soft, delectable skin as he went. He licked down the side of her neck and inhaled her pulse point.

  He felt his canine teeth elongate, and he knew he couldn’t have stopped even if he wanted to. Not that he did. He bit into her flesh, his canines sinking into her neck where it met her shoulder as he gripped her writhing hips. His mate threw her head back and screamed her pleasure. Even though this was the first time he had ever claimed a mate, he’d heard the stories from his elders that the claiming bite only ever gave pleasure. It seemed that was true. Her body jerked as she climaxed beneath him from his mark. He withdrew his teeth, licked the wound clean of blood, and raised his head.

  She was so beautiful in the throes of o
rgasm, he was in danger of shooting off in his pants. He grabbed her hair, released it from the elastic she’d bound it in to bathe, and wrapped it around his fist. He tilted her head toward him, took her mouth beneath his, and devoured her. He was lost. He knew he would never get enough of her no matter how many times he had her. He withdrew his mouth from hers and got off the bed. He needed to let his brothers mark her, and then they were all going to fuck her.

  Jonah began to strip his clothes off as he watched Brock get on the bed at her side and pull her naked body against his tall, solid frame. She was so small compared to his oversized brother. She looked so fragile. Jonah barked out a laugh as Michelle grabbed at Brock’s hair with her good hand and pulled his mouth down to hers. Their little mate was a totally wild woman. She attacked Brock’s mouth like a starving woman, and maybe she was. She’d grown up in a convent and numerous foster homes. She’d never had the love and affection of a real family. She’d probably never had many hugs. That thought saddened Jonah to no end. To imagine this woman, his mate, as a child, never misbehaving for fear of being sent packing made pain pierce his heart.

  Jonah heard Michelle scream as Brock bit into her on the opposite side of her neck to where he had. The sight of her in the ecstasy of another climax was nearly more than he could stand. He wanted to sink into her wet, tight cunt, now. When Brock eased back from Michelle, he urged Mikhail to hurry up.

  “Mikhail, claim her now, I can’t hold out,” Jonah told his brother telepathically.

  Mikhail didn’t answer Jonah. His brother growled at him and pushed Brock off their mate, off to her side. Jonah climbed onto the bed at the bottom as Mikhail lay at her other side. Mikhail pulled his mate’s back into the curve of his now-naked body, and Jonah heard him inhale her scent. He licked over the top of her shoulder, and Jonah could see his canines elongating. Then his brother opened his mouth and slid his canines in deep. She thrashed against Mikhail’s body and she climaxed yet again as his sibling marked her. She was theirs. No one could take her away from them, not even another werewolf. They would be able to find her if she was within close range, any time. Her DNA was etched into their blood as theirs was now etched into hers.


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