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Van, Becca - Set Me Free [Pack Law 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  “Good. I’m getting straight A’s.”

  “Good, good. What is it you’re studying again?”


  “Yes, that’s right, I had forgotten.”

  “Jonah, the piece of cloth was covered in chloroform,” Blayk advised.

  “Now that is interesting,” Jonah replied back on their secure link. “Thanks, Blayk.”

  “So you would know how chloroform works,” Jonah stated as he stared intently at Paul.

  “Yes, sir,” Paul replied and swallowed loud enough for them all to hear.

  “Hm. And you wouldn’t happen to know who kidnapped my mate by any chance?” Jonah asked.

  “No, sir.”

  Jonah moved so fast his surroundings were a blur. He had Paul by the throat and dangling in the air before anyone could stop him. He shook the young man as he yelled at him.

  “Don’t you fucking lie to me! Your life is in my hands, so if I were you, I’d start talking now.”

  “They said they would kill me if I didn’t help them,” Paul rasped out.

  “Who are they?”

  “They’re wolves of the Saturn Pack. They’ve been buying up the surrounding land and decided they wanted yours as well. They have students on their payroll at college and they threatened to kill me if I didn’t help them.”

  Jonah roared his fury and hurled the young wolf across the room. He landed on his ass in the hallway with a resounding crash then Jonah followed him out the door.

  “You could have come to me at any time and told me what was going on, but you didn’t. We would have protected you. It’s our duty as the Alphas of the Friess Pack to protect all our pack members. What aren’t you telling me, boy?”

  “Nothing, sir.”

  “You’re lying, I can smell it from here. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, you die here, now.” Jonah snarled.

  “They gave me money so I could set up my own practice once I finish studying,” Paul whimpered.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t have set you up with your own practice? How could you be so stupid? They used you to try and take your home out from under you and you accepted money from them. They kidnapped my mate, your Alpha female. Fuck. Get out of my sight before my wolf takes over.” Jonah roared and stormed back into the dining room.

  “I’ve heard of this pack before, Jonah. It was a long time ago, but they’ve always been trouble. They come from the East Coast and have tried time and again to swindle more land out from other packs. They have more money than they know what to do with, but there are no females in their pack and none of them have found any mates, as far as I know. I’ll make some phone calls and see if I can find out more,” Angela stated.

  “Thanks, Angie,” Jonah said as she left the room.

  “Jonah, if what Angie said is true, about them not having any female members or mates? That means they’re probably after our women as well as our land.” Mikhail voiced his concern.

  “Fuck it,” Jonah yelled and stormed from the room. He was in the security room moments later and on the phone to his police friends. He hung up fifteen minutes later, all the information he needed on the piece of paper in his hand.

  “All male pack members are to report to the dining room immediately,” Jonah broadcast through the common mental link. They were going hunting, and they weren’t leaving until he had his mate safely back in his arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Michelle felt as if she had spent the night on a bender. Her head was woozy, and she was so thirsty her tongue was cleaving to the roof of her mouth. She opened her eyes and then slammed them closed again as her head pounded so hard she felt ill. She breathed through the nausea and slowly opened her eyes again. She was in a strange bedroom, but one with money practically dripping from the walls. Everything was exquisite, from the antique four-poster bed, to the gauzy fabric surrounding the bed and the antique Queen Anne dresser and drawers. She had no idea where she was or who had even kidnapped her. She tried to turn over but couldn’t. She was tied to the bed. She lifted her head and studied her bindings. They had restrained her wrists in metal handcuffs which were attached to the headboard. Her ankles were wrapped in soft nylon, but she couldn’t see where they were tied off.

  Michelle knew she wouldn’t be able to escape from her current predicament by herself. Maybe if she kept her wits about her, she could talk her kidnappers into releasing her from her restraints. She closed her eyes again when she heard voices outside her door. Hopefully they, whoever they were, wouldn’t realize she was awake. She took a deep breath and released it just as the bedroom door opened. She concentrated on keeping her muscles lax and her breathing deep and even. She heard two sets of very light footsteps and knew they were trying to be quiet. She could also hear their hearts beating and their breathing. She knew then that if whoever had her were werewolves, they would know she was awake. She gave up the façade and opened her eyes.

  Michelle eyed the unlikely pair and tried not to laugh. One of the men was tall and muscular with dark hair and even darker eyes. The male beside him was short in stature, with blond hair and blue eyes. His face was so handsome he almost looked angelic. He couldn’t be any more than an inch or two taller than she was. They looked so ludicrous standing together staring at her she couldn’t prevent her mouth from forming a smile. The short blond smiled back at her.

  “Who are you and where am I?” Michelle asked, wiping the smile from her face.

  “I am Roman Saturn. I am Alpha of the Saturn Pack. You are in my new home about two hours north of Aztec,” the blond answered.

  Michelle was stunned. She couldn’t believe such a small man was the Alpha to a pack of werewolves. She bit her tongue, hard, so she wouldn’t laugh in his face.

  “This is my twin brother, Nigel. He is second Alpha to our pack.”

  “Sure he is, and I’m Swiss cheese,” Michelle thought to herself. The two men were nothing alike. She knew nonidentical twins could look totally different, but this different?

  “Why am I here?”

  “We want the land your mates own. We also want the women,” Roman replied.


  “Because we have no women of our own. There have not been any women born to our pack for generations and we are in danger of becoming extinct. None of our pack members have had the luck of finding their mates, so I have decided we will take women and breed them. It’s of no consequence to us if they are our mates or not.”

  “You can’t do that. You can’t just decide to take women already mated and rape them. It’s wrong. How are you going to feel if you eventually find your mate? She’s going to run the other way if she finds out what you’ve done,” Michelle opined. Hopefully talking some sense into the stupid man would make him think about what he was doing.

  “I don’t want your opinion. I didn’t ask for it,” Roman declared.

  Michelle was stunned. The man obviously had a volatile temper. The veins and tendons in his neck stood out, and his face had gone very red. She was obviously dealing with a nut job. Maybe his big brother was on a more even keel.

  “You know my mates are going to come for me. Do you really want to die? What will happen to your pack when there is no one to lead them?” Michelle asked, looking at Nigel.

  “The same thing that will happen if we don’t find women to breed with,” Roman yelled.

  Michelle stared at Roman then Nigel. She wondered why he hadn’t let his brother speak. She studied Nigel carefully. There was a flash of something in his eyes, but it was gone quickly. He stood staring back at her with no expression in his amber-colored eyes. Her bladder was protesting, and she wondered if they would untie her. Well, there was only one way to find out.

  “I need to use the bathroom. Could you please release me?”

  Michelle watched Roman as he eyed her warily. He turned to his brother, gave him a nod, and left the room. Nigel stepped up close to the bed and began to work on the bindings around her ankles. She sighed with relie
f and moved her aching limbs, trying to get a bit more blood flowing in her veins. He moved up the bed, removed the keys to the handcuffs from his pocket, and released her. She couldn’t contain the groan of pain as she moved her aching arms. She rolled off the bed and shook her hands down by her sides, thousands of tiny needles piercing her arms and hands as blood began to flow again. Nigel turned away from her and walked to the left side of the room. He opened the door and showed her the bathroom.

  “Can I have a shower while I’m in there?” Michelle asked, turning to face Nigel. The less time she spent with them and tied to the bed, the better. Nigel gave Michelle a nod and she stepped into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and gave a sigh of relief. She used the facilities, stripped off, and got into the shower. Now was as good a time as any to try and contact her mates.

  “Jonah, Mikhail, Brock, are you there?” Michelle asked, concentrating hard on her mates.

  “Michelle! Are you well, baby?” Brock sent back.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I’ve been taken by the Alpha of the Saturn Pack. I think he has a screw loose. He told me we’re about two hours north of Aztec. Can you come get me? I think he plans to try and breed with me,” Michelle finished on a sob.

  “Shh, darlin’, try and stay calm. We’re already on our way. Keep your wits about you, honey. You never know when the chance to escape will eventuate,” Jonah advised.

  “Where are you being held captive, honey?” Mikhail asked.

  “In a large bedroom, for the moment. I don’t know where in the house the bedroom is situated. I haven’t been let out. I managed to get them to untie me. I’m in the shower.”

  “Good girl. You’re doing great, darlin’. Did you lock the door behind you?” Jonah asked.

  “It doesn’t have a lock.”

  “Okay. I want you to be as quick as you can, get out of the shower, but leave it running. Get dressed and search the bathroom. Find any weapon you can, scissors, a can of deodorant, anything you can use as a weapon. Is there a window in the bathroom?” Brock asked.

  “Yeah, but it’s too high up.”

  “Can you climb onto something and look out?” asked Jonah.

  “Yeah, hang on a minute. I’m nearly dressed,” Michelle replied. “All right, here goes.”

  Michelle climbed onto the seat of the toilet and then onto the cistern, and she prayed it would take her weight and not send her crashing to the floor. She reached up and opened the small window, looked around in case there were pack members outside, then stuck her head out and looked down. Shit, she was too high up off the ground. The place had to be at least three stories high. She carefully lowered herself to the toilet seat and down to the floor.

  “It’s too high. I can’t jump that far,” Michelle said, her breathing fast as panic began to set in.

  “Take deep breaths, honey. Stay calm. Don’t worry, we’ll be with you soon,” Mikhail advised.

  “How long before you get here?”

  “We’re about an hour away, darlin’. Now, did you find a weapon?” Jonah asked.

  “Shit, I forgot. Oh, I’ve found some scissors. They’re not very big, but they’re better than nothing. Shit.”

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Brock asked.

  “Someone’s knocking on the door. Hang on,” Michelle said.

  “Yes?” she called out.

  “Get out now and come back to the bedroom,” Roman yelled through the door.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” she replied.

  “A minute is all you have then I’m coming in to get you,” Roman yelled back.

  “He’s given me a minute otherwise he’s coming in after me,” Michelle whimpered.

  “It’s all right, darlin’. You have a weapon now. If he’s alone, stab him with the scissors as hard as you can. Okay?” Jonah asked.

  “Yeah, all right. I don’t know if I can do this, Jonah.”

  “Yes you can, darlin’. Just think about what he wants to do with you and instead of being afraid, get angry. Use that anger and you’ll be able to do what you have to when necessary,” Jonah advised.

  “Okay, I love you. I love all of you. Hurry up and get here,” Michelle stated.

  “We love you, too, darlin,” Jonah replied.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Michelle took a deep breath, concealed the scissors in the waistband of her skirt, and pulled her shirt over the top. She opened the door and stepped out into the bedroom. Roman was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for her. There was no sign of Nigel. He stood up as she moved further into the room and began to walk toward her. She tried to give him a wide berth, but he reached out, taking ahold of her shoulders, halting her progress. She tried to shrug him off, but he dug his bony fingers into her shoulders, causing her to cry out with pain.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Roman growled and spun her around to face him.

  Michelle stared at him and remembered what Jonah had told her. When she saw lust in his eyes as he stared at her, she let herself feel the fury building up inside her. She fanned the flames and thought about what he would do to other women if she hadn’t been here. She glared back at him and knew he could see her anger when he threw his head back and laughed. His laughter sounded like a wild hyena, and she used it to build her ire even higher. She removed the scissors from her waistband, and with the flick of her wrist, she opened the blades up. Just as he began to lower his head she stabbed the silver blades into his chest as hard as she could. She’d aimed for his heart and hoped like hell her aim was true. Being a werewolf, he had fast healing abilities, and she didn’t want him chasing after her.

  Michelle felt his fingers grip her shoulders hard, and then he released her, staggering back like a drunk until he hit the floor with a thud. She stood staring in shock at the blood blooming from his chest around the protruding scissors. She felt bile rise in her throat but swallowed it back down, spun on her heels, and ran. She made it down to the foot of the stairs, not seeing anything beyond the image of the man lying on the floor with scissors sticking out of his chest. She slammed up against a large, hard body and whimpered with fear. Strong, muscular arms wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling back on her ass. She slowly raised her head and looked up at Nigel. She had failed.

  “Thank you. You don’t know how long I have been trying to get out from under his command,” Nigel said.


  “Come and sit down before you fall down. You are safe now, I promise,” Nigel said quietly and picked her up in his arms as he took her into a large room off to the side of the entryway. He placed her on a sofa and walked over to the bar on the other side of the room. He poured liquid into two glasses, came back, and handed her a glass. He saluted her with the glass and downed the contents.

  Michelle cautiously sipped the liquid and knew it was alcohol of some sort. She swallowed, the fiery brew warming her blood. She knocked back the rest in one gulp, the same as Nigel had. Nigel took her glass and returned to the bar, pouring them each another half a drink before he walked back to the sofa. She took the proffered glass and sipped more cautiously. She could already feel the effects of the potent brew.

  Michelle began to shake as reaction set in and quickly placed the glass on the coffee table in front of her. She saw Nigel reach up to the back of the sofa and pull the throw rug down. He covered her with the rug and angled his body toward her, sipping his drink.

  “My brother has been lead Alpha of Saturn Pack for many years. It took me a long time to figure out he was using his powers to control me and everyone else we had in the pack. It’s true we had no females in our pack and none of us had been lucky enough to find our mates, but we didn’t realize how unstable my brother was until it was too late. He already had us under his control. He began to kidnap women from our surrounding area, and he would rape them, trying to get them pregnant. What none of us realized, not even me, his brother, was that my brother was deformed. Apparently my mother had a bad fall when she was pregnant
with us, and Roman took the brunt of the fall. It was in the fourth month of her pregnancy and we weren’t fully formed. Roman was born without any testicles and there was no way he could ever breed, not even with his mate. He went crazy knowing he could never father a child. He blamed our mother for his deformity, and through the years that bitterness festered. Since she was a female, he began to blame all women. He began stealing and raping them. It was like he was trying to punish them for his own inadequacies.

  “I think he went insane with that knowledge, and he began to take it out on our pack. Not that I knew at the time. Our parents were killed in a car accident and the inquest found the brakes on their car had been tampered with. Members of our pack began to disappear and were never found or never returned. Even though I am much stronger than Roman was in body, his craziness made him insanely strong of the mind. He was able to control all of us with his power as Alpha and there was nothing I or anybody else could do to circumvent that power. There is no pack left. I am the only one, and I want to thank you for freeing me from my brother’s control when you killed him.”

  “Oh my God, I killed a man,” Michelle muttered as her body shook harder. She felt sick to her stomach at what she’d done. Her eyes darted around the room in her panic as she looked for escape.

  “Here, drink,” Nigel commanded, holding the glass of amber liquid to her lips.

  Michelle reached out and tried to hold his hands, but hers were shaking so much she couldn’t get the glass to her mouth.

  “Let me,” Nigel said, brushing her hands aside, holding the glass to her mouth. He didn’t stop until Michelle had drained the contents of the glass. She felt all warm and tingly inside, and she knew the alcohol was thwarting her shock.

  “He killed everyone in your pack? Including your parents?” Michelle asked and giggled when she heard her words slurring together.

  “Yes,” Nigel replied solemnly.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at what he did. That’s so horrible, words can’t describe how atro…atroc…atrocious,” Michelle slurred then giggled.


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