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Angel Fire: Angel Fire, Book 1

Page 8

by Johnston, Marie

  “Despite the history between you and I, this is about her.”

  “Indeed?” Bryant advanced on him, his tone dropping to a menacing level. “Because I’ve only dealt with you once before, when you ordered my team to their destruction. Then last night Odessa and I were attacked. And here you are.”

  Kreger’s face paled, matching the white streaks at his temples. “Is she all right?”

  “She is,” Bryant gritted out between clenched teeth. Did the bloke know his daughter was in danger and not mention anything?

  “Father?” Odessa sleepily called from the upper level.

  The males glanced toward the top of the stairs. Bryant’s heart stuttered. Sleep tousled, but alert, Odessa swept down the stairs. She’d been sexy in human garb, but traditional Numen robes allowed her natural elegance and beauty to shine through.

  “Odessa!” Kreger rushed to the bottom of the stairs to greet his daughter. “Is everything well?”

  “Yes.” She met him at the bottom and gave him a perfunctory kiss on each cheek, her brows furrowed. Her expression quickly changed to caution. After a quick glance at Bryant, she seemed to choose her words to not alarm her father. “Have you heard?”

  The male sighed and stepped back from Odessa. “Come, we have much to discuss.”

  Without waiting to see if she followed, Kreger strode into the formal office on the first level. Odessa followed and Bryant fell in step behind her. He’d only been in the room twice before. When he checked out the mansion after moving in, and then again to clear the building after they came home early this morning.

  Once they were all in the sizable room, Bryant perched on the settee in the corner.

  Kreger settled at the opulent desk, like he’d probably done for decades, perhaps centuries before moving out of the mansion. He tossed Bryant a stern look. “Warrior Vale, give us a moment.”

  Bryant arched a brow. Just as he suspected. Odessa’s secrets included her father.

  She balanced nervously on the edge of a chair across from the desk. Bryant could only see her profile but had a lovely view of her velvety wings. Were they as soft as they looked? Probably softer. What would they feel like wrapped around him?

  Wrong time to fantasize, warrior. He forced himself to concentrate on the perturbed patriarch in the room. “I’ll be staying.”

  The two males glared at each other. Kreger broke first, turning to his daughter. “Have you discussed your past with anyone?”

  What an odd question. Kreger had to be privy to the danger posed to Odessa.

  She shook her head. “No. Other than my mating, which was public news, nothing about me has been shared.” She fiddled with her hands and shot Bryant an apologetic smile.

  “Ah yes. That.” Kreger shot him a disapproving look before dismissing him. “Have you heard from Felicia?”

  Bryant hadn’t met the wayward sister. Was Odessa in contact with her?

  Sadness and regret glimmered in Odessa’s eyes and her shoulders drooped. “No. I believe she spends most of her time in the human realm these days.”

  Kreger blew out a heavy breath and nodded. “You’ve heard what happened to Cal.”

  Odessa nodded.

  Bryant wanted to rip the desk apart and demand answers, frustrated at the tiptoeing around.

  “Do you believe he killed himself?” Kreger asked.


  Funny, Odessa had never had a lack of words of what she thought around Bryant.

  Enough of this. “Two human men tried to attack Odessa last night.” Bryant jabbed his finger toward Odessa. “Targeted her specifically, with blades capable of sawing a head off.” Numen couldn’t recover from decapitation.

  Kreger slumped back in his chair, scrubbing his hands over his face. “Whatever research you were doing for Cal, you need to stop.”

  Odessa opened her mouth to argue but closed it again and remained silent.

  Bryant sat forward. “If they’re already after her, then they think she knows too much. She’ll still be in danger. I need to investigate.”


  Bryant shot out of his chair, his wings flared in fury. “Don’t forget, Senator. This is my house now. My mate’s life is threatened. You don’t get to come in here and throw your commands around.”

  Kreger followed suit, his own pewter wings flaring with anger. “You forget your station.”

  “I don’t care about your politics,” Bryant roared. “This is your daughter!”

  “A daughter I can keep safe if she ceases doing what might get her killed!”

  “Both of you, sit down.” Odessa didn’t yell but kept a conversational volume. Both he and Kreger stopped to look at her. “I said sit. Please.”

  Bryant didn’t want to. He wanted to shove Kreger out the window, after tying his wings into knots. Kreger’s eyes sparked. The male must be entertaining similar thoughts, but they both grudgingly sat.

  “First, I am in the room and this is also my house.” Her gaze danced back and forth between them, her brilliant blues landing on Bryant. “I’m grateful for your help last night. The way you’ve been treating me, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you felt that my death would give you the freedom you desire.”

  Why would Odessa think he was better off with her dead? He hadn’t wanted to mate her or be forced to sync with anyone. But he protected his people. It was part of his very being.

  “Father.” She turned to Kreger, who’d been glowering at Bryant. “I listened to you all those years ago and watched our family crumble. Mother killed herself. Felicia is… Felicia. I mated myself to an unknown male who despises me for it and obviously hates you. All because we were going insane and couldn’t talk to anyone. I’ve been driving myself crazy, wondering when it’s my turn.”

  Her turn for what? Kreger’s expression turned to shame and he wouldn’t look in Bryant’s direction. What had the family been through?

  “You tell me to basically quit my job and look the other way when I know there’s a threat to our people. I’m not staying silent this time.” Kreger opened his mouth to argue, but she held up her hand. “He may not like me, but Bryant agreed to help. He already saved me once and…I trust him. I’ll have the protection of his team of warriors. You go back to the senate and do what you need to do, but I am not pretending nothing’s wrong this time.”

  This time? “What the hell are you two talking about?”

  “It’s not just you I’m worried about.” Kreger’s voice shook, but not with anger or frustration. For the first time, Bryant witnessed the father within the senator. “Don’t you think Felecia’s been through enough?”

  Guilt flared in Odessa’s gaze. “Then I need to tell Bryant everything, Father.”

  Kreger worked his jaw back and forth. An emotional storm raged in his features. “Fine.” The struggle in the male was clear. “Vale. Know that the story she tells you happened because I initially resisted giving you the order that left you scarred and killed members of your team. I didn’t make the same mistake twice.”

  Bryant recoiled, shock paralyzing him. Odessa’s sharp inhale echoed in the silence left by her father’s confession.

  “Hate me all you want, but I would do it again to protect my girls.” Kreger’s gaze lit onto Odessa, warmed slightly, before cutting back to Bryant. “Protect her with your life.” He spun out the door and as soon as he was clear, flew away.

  Bryant clenched his jaw. The day all those years ago when Kreger had cornered him filled his mind. The memory of the anger, feeling of helplessness…all preceded the worst moments of Bryant’s life. “Odessa.”

  She made a disgruntled noise, standing abruptly, her wings knocking her chair back. “Why do you always say my name like you’re disgusted with me? Oo-desssa.” She pegged his accent, mocking how he stressed the O and hissed the rest of her name. “Are you going to blame me for what happened to you?”

  He couldn’t bring himself to say no. Odessa’s jaw dropped. She snapped it shut and stormed out.r />
  He jumped up, hot on her tail. “How would I know to blame you or not? You don’t tell me anything.”

  Odessa whirled around so abruptly, she almost bitch-slapped him with her wings. Her cheekbones blushed an angry red, and her chest heaved with indignation. “Would it have mattered? You dumped me as soon as we landed in my foyer. Then you ran off the next morning. We’re not even fully synced!”

  All his anger toward her father directed itself at her. “Is that what it’ll take to get some answers and find out what the hell is going on? Fine! Let’s finish mating.”

  Her eyes widened as the intention of his words registered. Before she could argue, he grabbed her and yanked her close. His lips planted on hers and he backed her into the wall bordering the stairs.

  This female! She was so vexing—nothing but trouble, and for much longer than he had realized. He wanted nothing to do with her. Should want nothing to do with her. But nothing could pry him away. She melted beneath his hands, her fury pouring out in her kiss. Her molten lips opened for his tongue’s entrance.

  He dived into the warm depths of her lush mouth. Locating the tie of her gown, he nearly ripped it off before it fell away with his tugs. His erection strained past the part down the middle of his own dressing gown. Desire crowded out any other thoughts, his body finally getting close to what it’d been craving since she’d traipsed into the ballroom.

  She reached for the solidness pushed against her belly. They were smashed together. And as much as he wanted to feel those elegant hands wrapped around him, he needed to make her ready for him. Because once he entered her and those long legs were wrapped around his waist, neither of them would want to slow down. He was too close to answering the questions that had plagued his fantasies for days. How she might feel as he stroked her center? Did she get wet at the thought of being with him? How loud she would cry his name as he coaxed the first orgasm out of her?

  The sides of her gown parted so only his was keeping their flushed skin from touching. He wanted to drink in her bare body but couldn’t take his mouth away from the divine pleasure of kissing her, tasting her passion. He had to feel her. Easing away enough, he cupped her hot center. He groaned. Softer than her wings looked, Odessa was blistering velvet, welcoming his touch. She moaned when he tunneled a finger toward her core.

  Wetness coated his fingers. One fantasy answered. He easily found her little nub. She sighed into him and shifted her legs, allowing him greater access.

  Oh. Yes.

  He wanted lazy, circular strokes, but the lingering rush of anger and adrenaline fueled him. Not enough. Switching to his thumb at her nub, he thrust a finger into the tight wrap of heaven. The clench of her inner muscles, the whimper in her throat… What would she feel like on his cock? She was so tight, so searing hot, the first touch would ignite his shaft.

  He should hate the heat. Fear it. But he couldn’t get enough.

  Anchoring her against the wall, he plundered her mouth like he wanted to plunder her body. He throbbed more painfully the wetter she got. He set a quick rhythm with his hand and kept it, savoring every gasp of pleasure from Odessa that echoed into his mouth. She pumped her hips against his hand, and her body moved up and down against the wall. Irritated at the fabric keeping his straining cock away from the golden flesh it desired, he ripped his gown open.

  Another groan resonated from him when the lovely burn of her skin teased his rigid, pained length. So good. The sounds she made—so erotic. His self-control might shatter and he’d come before he entered her. It’d been several months since he’d had any action, but he was a grown man, helpless against her sensuality and against the tidal wave of emotion that had brought them to this point. Their first time as a synced couple would be angry sex, but damn, it would be hot.

  She ripped her mouth away to cry and gasp as she rode his hand. He pumped faster; she moved against him harder. He licked and nibbled his way up and down her neck. She clutched his shoulders.

  “Odessa,” he breathed into her neck. “Do you like how I say it now?” She clenched and bucked around him when he nibbled on her tender earlobe.

  “Oh, Bryant. Don’t stop.”

  “Oh, honey,” he growled against her neck, “there’s no way I’m fucking stopping.”

  She strained against the wall, ready to shatter, and he hadn’t tasted her breasts yet. They bounced against his chest with her movements, his shaft rubbing against her belly as her hands dug into his shoulders.

  She cried his name as her orgasm hit, pulsating around his fingers. It was like a switch flipped in his dick and he couldn’t help the orgasm that dominated him, spilling against her belly. Odessa jacked against his hands while tremors racked his body, both of them held up only by the pressure of their bodies against the wall.

  He might’ve come, but he wasn’t done. Not even close. With the beautiful angel who had entered his life and plagued his every thought—one release wouldn’t be enough. Would never be enough with her.

  He continued lazy circles with his thumb. She stiffened before turning liquid and shuddering against him. He lifted his head as her long lashes drifted up, those stunning eyes only making him harder. He moved to position himself at her slick entrance, finally giving both of them what they needed.

  There was a brisk pounding. Odessa tensed. He craned his head around to glare at the door.

  “What?” Bryant snarled all his wrath with that one word. He was so close to the heaven her body promised to give, who dared to ruin it?

  Muffled shouts informed him of some mess that probably wasn’t important enough to interrupt a fully turned-on Numen warrior from claiming his mate.

  Odessa released him from her intense grip. Bryant didn’t want to move away from her, but she gently nudged him back. He let his hand fall away from her, trying to reconcile with his mind and body why they were not experiencing rapture at the moment.

  “It’s Bill and Davon.” Odessa’s voice had a breathless, just-been-sexed quality. A blush stained her cheeks at having to answer the door after what they’d just been doing. And because his pulsating manhood still jutted out proudly.

  Grinding his teeth together, he closed and tied her dressing gown first because she was too flustered. He tightened his gown and knotted the damn belt over his dick, so it wouldn’t act like a compass announcing to the two analysts which way due sex was.

  Odessa stepped toward the door, but he pulled her back. “Let me, just in case.”

  She bobbed her head, not meeting his gaze. She kept tugging at her gown to straighten it, as if she was afraid the two males would know exactly what they’d been doing.

  Stomping toward the door, Bryant dissuaded himself from dismembering each angel and using their limbs to roast s’mores over angel fire. The last time they were here, they’d had important news. Now they either had crucial information, were checking up on Odessa, or wanted to do her harm.

  The latter was unlikely. Bryant could read people well after all his years on the job, and Bill and Davon did not scream menace. Even if they were seeped in subterfuge and plotting the downfall of Numen, they were too open to keep anything a secret. Poker faces, those two did not possess.

  Bryant jerked the door open. The diminutive males drew back, eyebrows raised. One gasped. He must’ve made quite the fearsome picture.

  “Yes?” He should get a damn medal for managing not to shout.

  Bill recovered first. “Warrior Vale, is Odessa well?” His gaze lifted past Bryant’s shoulder where Odessa hovered. Relief washed Bill’s features. “Oh, thank God. May we come in?”

  Bryant stepped back to allow them entrance while he scanned the yard. Were they just here to check on Odessa?

  The males rushed to Odessa and embraced her before she ushered them into the main room. She walked behind them, nervously readjusting with her gown’s tie. Bryant wondered why she was still doing that, until he remembered the mess he’d left on her satiny skin.

  He had the urge to touch her shoulder. But how
would he reassure her that no one could see her mate had orgasmed all over belly? He caught her eye. Her cheeks flushed deep red and she looked away.

  He was miffed at the interruption. She was fighting embarrassment. Coupling with his mate shouldn’t include this much emotion. He’d have to gain better control of himself in the future. She hadn’t told him her family secrets yet, and for a few blissful minutes, nothing in his past or hers had mattered.

  Chapter 9

  How. Mortifying. Way to go, Odessa. Hold out. Make him treat you with respect. In Harper’s words—make him werk for it, gurl. Instead, she had folded under his lips and let him set her body ablaze with his touch. All in less than three minutes flat.

  If the pounding on the door hadn’t occurred, she’d be impaled on his impressive manhood, demanding he whisper her name in that growly voice of his that did wicked things to her insides. She tugged at her robe again.

  Could her cheeks get any hotter? Probably, because she was remembering the exhilaration of Bryant losing himself against her—doing nothing more than stroking her. She didn’t get the impression he was a male who prematurely ended lovemaking sessions. He was too controlled, too intense, too demanding. But she made him lose control…a heady experience. Addicting, even.

  The warrior sought to keep his distance from her, but she affected him as much as he did her. She had been tiptoeing around, feeling guilty, like she cornered him into a sync. She desired him, and knowing he felt the same put them on equal footing emotionally, gave her an edge.

  She’d composed herself by the time the two males took their seats on the couch, tucking their wings in behind them. Odessa sat in the backless chair, leaving the loveseat—the farthest from her—for Bryant.

  He watched her, covertly, under heavy-lidded eyes. His demeanor appeared attentive to Bill, as the tall, thin male chattered on about how worried they were about her. But his whiskey gaze zeroed in on her with an acuity that vibrated to her toes.

  “We tried to summon Magan but haven’t heard from her,” Bill said.


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