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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

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by Rose Haven

  It wasn’t as if she had locked herself up somewhere. He knew that she did her routine chores but she just made sure to avoid HIM! Served him right for acting like a libidinous teenager, he thought.

  Charlotte had not been her usual self these past days. No one but Mrs. Ridgeley had noticed this change in her.

  “What is the matter, my dear? You seem a little upset about something since a few days,” she asked.

  “Oh! It’s nothing, Mrs. Ridgeley. It’s just that I am missing papa,” Charlotte lied. Well, it wasn’t a lie exactly. She did miss her father terribly, but more than that, she felt guilty for behaving in such an untoward manner that night. It had been extremely hard to avoid Thomas later on, but she did her best. And when he didn’t make any effort to reach her, she understood that he had just been carried away in the moment that night. She meant nothing to Lord Thomas Cornwall.

  Chapter Six

  Lady Rebecca Cornwall had just arrived at the Devonshire Castle along with her future daughter-in-law, Lady Shirley Stanton. Lord Peter Stanton and his wife were expected to join them by evening. The castle was buzzing with activity that day and everyone was excited about their arrival. Except Charlotte.

  Although she greatly admired Lady Cornwall for all the love and sympathy she showed towards her when her father expired, she wasn’t too keen on meeting Lady Shirley. Whenever someone mentioned her name, she felt a feeling of jealousy swamp her heart. She knew it was foolish of her to feel this way, but she couldn’t help it.

  “What are you doing Charlotte? Come on, Her Grace is already at the dinner table with Lady Shirley and Lord Thomas. Would you mind helping Genelia in serving the main course? Julie is on leave today and the poor girl needs some help there. You know how flustered she gets under pressure!” Mrs. Ridgeley called her.

  Charlotte could not make any excuses this time. If God wanted her to come face to face with Lord Thomas AND his fiancée, so be it!

  As soon as she entered the dining room, she was greeted by Her Grace herself.

  “Why, is that you, Charlotte? How have you been doing, my dear?” she enquired.

  “Very well, thank you, Your Grace. I am comfortably settled here now and Mrs. Ridgeley is the most wonderful woman to assist,” she replied with a smile.

  Thomas’s heart skipped a beat on seeing her smile. But Charlotte was completely ignoring him hitherto. She was looking lovely as ever in a pale blue dress that offset the color of her eyes beautifully. Thomas couldn’t help staring at her. When Shirley cleared her throat, he looked at her and realized that she had caught him openly staring at Charlotte. Good Heavens! He was in trouble!

  “Mrs. Ridgeley is all full of praises for you. And that is no small feat, considering she is a hard woman to please,” Lady Cornwall chuckled. “And Thomas also informed me that you have been discharging your duties diligently.”

  “Oh! Charlotte, meet Lady Shirley Stanton, Thomas’s fiancée.” Lady Cornwall introduced the two women.

  “Good evening, my lady,” Charlotte bowed a small curtsy.

  “Good evening, Charlotte. So you are that accountant’s daughter who died a few months back! What was his name? Mr. Nesbitt, right?” Lady Shirley asked.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Shirley, Mr. Nesbitt wasn’t just an accountant. He was like family for us,” Thomas said a bit sternly.

  “Oh! Trust you Thomas to consider an accountant a part of your family! You would even consider the stable boy your family, you have such a kind heart,” Shirley retorted.

  What was the matter with her! Why was she being so mean, Thomas thought.

  Before he could say something, Charlotte spoke up.

  “You are right, my lady. Her Grace and Lord Cornwall have extremely kind hearts. Had it not been for them, life would have been extremely difficult for an orphan like me,” she said. Thomas could see the infinite hurt in her eyes.

  "We haven't done anything extraordinary, Charlotte. It is the least we could for a man who gave his entire life to us," Thomas looked at her.

  "I am sure Lord Cornwall wouldn't mind opening an orphanage right here in this castle for young women like you, such is his big heart. After all, that would serve the twin purpose of charity AND recreation," Shirley said in an acidic tone.

  "Shirley!" shouted Thomas.

  Charlotte's face grew ashen and Lady Cornwall looked as if she could not believe her ears!

  "Why? Have I said something wrong? Now I understand why you've been trying to avoid my company these past days," Shirley also raised her voice.

  "And you," she wagged her finger at Charlotte. "Pretty, young and lonely- seems like you've found the perfect company, huh?"

  "Enough, Shirley! Keep her out of this," thundered Thomas.

  Most of the staff, including Mrs. Ridgeley and Brandon had gathered in the dining room by this time to see what the commotion was all about. Charlotte was looking stunned and Lady Cornwall wore an appalled expression.

  "Calm down, both of you," she pleaded.

  "Don't you dare talk to me in this tone, Lord Thomas Cornwall! First you cheat on me with this piece of worthless trash here and then you have the audacity to shout at me!" cried Shirley.

  Thomas wanted to slap her right across her haughty face. He got up with such force that his chair fell with a loud thud behind.

  "Get out!" he said in a low, menacing voice. "Get out right now or I'll forget that I am a gentleman and you are unfortunately, still my fiancée."

  "You shall pay for this Thomas. I am going to tell papa about all of this and then you just watch what....."

  "GET OUT!" roared Thomas again. Shirley got up hurriedly seeing the raw fury in his eyes and rushed out. Lady Cornwall went after her calling her name.

  "Shirley, listen to me, Shirley!" she called after her.

  Inside, Charlotte looked too stunned to move.

  "Charlotte, I am sorry for all that Shirley said. I don't know from where she..."

  Before he could complete his sentence, Charlotte ran out of the room. He pleaded Mrs. Ridgeley with his eyes to follow her.

  Chapter Seven

  Mrs. Ridgeley was slowly patting Charlotte's head as she was crying uncontrollably.

  "Come on, my dear. Don't take her words to your heart. Lady Shirley was just blinded with jealousy and she didn't know what she was saying."

  "Charlotte," she added softly. "Are you and Lord Thomas in love with each other?"

  Charlotte looked up at her shocked.

  "I saw both of you in the kitchen that night. The night we celebrated my birthday."

  Charlotte felt her cheeks heat up.

  "I had come to fetch a glass of water when I saw Thomas....ummm...kissing you. I quickly came back as I didn't know how to react. I thought of talking to you about it but when I saw that you were totally avoiding him, I felt it was for the best," she continued. "Do you think Thomas has feelings for you?"

  "Oh! I don't know Mrs. Ridgeley!" she cried. "He apologized that night for kissing me, I saw regret in his eyes. But the way he looks at me sometimes, I feel as if he really cares for me. But love....? How can an Earl love a plain girl like me?"

  "It is not impossible, sweetheart. Earls are humans too. And there have been so many instances where the nobility have married beneath their title because of love. The way he confronted Lady Shirley when she was mistreating you shows that he cares for you deeply."

  "No, Mrs. Ridgeley. I can't live in false hopes. Caring for someone and loving someone are two entirely different things."

  "Do you love him?" she asked softly.

  "I do, Mrs. Ridgeley, I do," she wailed. "And I don't know how to control my foolish heart that wants the impossible."

  “Oh dear! Charlotte I have known Thomas since he was a small babe. He has a heart of gold and I am sure he must feel something for you. Why else would he….”

  Just then, Brandon knocked at the door.

  "Lady Cornwall has summoned Miss Charlotte to her room."


  "Thomas, what is going on here in my absence? Why was Shirley accusing you of being indifferent towards her?"

  "I have no idea, Mother."

  "And what was she saying about you and Charlotte? Is it true?"

  "No, Mother. I mean....yes, to some extent," Thomas replied sheepishly.

  "Do you have any idea what you are talking about?"

  "Mother, I don't know how and when it happened. But the truth is….. I think I love Charlotte. I know this may sound ridiculous, but no matter how much I try, I am unable to get her out of my mind."

  There was pin drop silence in the room for a few moments.

  "And does Charlotte also feel the same way about you?"

  "I don't know. She has been avoiding me of late."

  "And may I ask why?"

  Thomas narrated the whole Mrs. Ridgeley-birthday-party-night incident to her.

  "My goodness, Thomas! What were you thinking? You should have known that she's an innocent girl. I trusted you to keep her safe here and you only…. For the first time Thomas, you have let me down," said Lady Cornwall sharply.

  Charlotte was by now outside Lady Cornwall's room but couldn't muster the courage to go inside.

  "Do you have any idea how all this is going to impact the hydroelectric power plant project? When Shirley will tell her father about what happened today, not only will Lord Stanton cancel the engagement but he'll also refuse to invest further in that project that was your father's dream."

  "I know, Mother. Do you think I have not thought about this? But you only tell me what should I have done? Should I have let Shirley belittle Charlotte like that?"

  "Of course not, dear. I know Shirley's reaction was uncalled for. But you should have shown some restraint. Now the project shall suffer because of your behavior. Is there no way you can mend ways with Shirley?"

  "Mother! I cannot believe this! You know that I love Charlotte and you still want me to mend ways with Shirley?" Thomas was shocked.

  "Thomas, be practical. You know how much time and money you've already invested in the project. Do you want all that to go down the drain? And you know very well that you'll not be able to find another investor at this point of time."

  Thomas knew his mother was right. On one side was Charlotte, the only woman he wanted, and on the other was that power plant that was his father's dream. He had to choose one of them.

  Charlotte overheard the entire conversation. Lady Cornwall was right. This project had been HER father's dream too. He had often discussed it with her. Charlotte had to go from here. She couldn't be the reason behind the project's failure. Hundreds of people would benefit from that hydroelectric power plant. She couldn't be so selfish. She reveled in the fact that Thomas loved her. She could spend her entire life happily with this knowledge.

  Charlotte quietly went back to her room. Thankfully, no one was around. She gathered whatever belongings she had and left the castle. She had no idea where to go. She could go back to her home in the village but Thomas would find her there. No, she had to go somewhere else.

  But it was beginning to get dark. She would have to wait until morning to decide where she wanted to go. Charlotte decided to spend the night at her home in the village.

  Chapter Eight

  “Don’t worry Mother. I am well aware of my duty towards the people of this county. I’ll marry Shirley if that’s the only way to keep this project running,” Thomas said after a long pause. He knew he would never be able to love Shirley, but he was bound by duty—duty towards his people who trusted him blindly, duty towards the memories of his late father, duty towards Mr. Nesbitt without whose support and guidance, this project would not have been possible. He would have to stop his traitorous heart from dreaming about Charlotte.

  “Thomas, I am proud of you,” said Lady Cornwall with a smile. “I knew my son would be willing to sacrifice his love for his duty.”

  Lady Cornwall moved closer and held Thomas’s hand.

  “But what kind of a mother do you think I am? You have done your bit by upholding your duty towards your people and now it is my turn.”

  Thomas looked at his mother in confusion. What was she trying to say?

  “Don’t look so confused, my dear,” she laughed. “As your mother, it is my duty to ensure that you get all the happiness that you deserve. If Charlotte is also in love with you, I promise you that she will be the woman that you get married to!”

  “But…but what about the plant?”

  “My dear, I know that you want to fulfill your father’s dream by building that plant. But don’t you realize that your father loved you too much to let you sacrifice YOUR dream for HIS dream. And I am sure our people would not want to light their homes at the cost of throwing their Earl into a life of darkness forever,” added his mother softly.

  “Besides, Lord Stanton is a smart man. I am sure he would think it foolish to discard the project at this stage. After all, he will have to incur huge losses too if the project gets halted midway and it is not as if only the people of Devonshire will benefit from the plant. The electricity generated by it would light the homes in Rotherville too,” she explained further.

  “Do you really think he would still be interested in this project?” Thomas asked skeptically.

  “Well, we can keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best for now!”


  Lord Peter Stanton came storming into the Cornwall castle accompanied by his wife and daughter. He demanded to see Thomas and his mother immediately.

  Brandon escorted them to the study and went up to call Thomas and Her Grace. Both of them were waiting for Charlotte to arrive when Brandon informed them about the Duke’s arrival.

  The entire household got prepared for the drama that was to follow and no one noticed Charlotte’s absence till the Duke finally left with his family.

  Chapter Nine

  As Charlotte opened the door to her home, her mind was flooded with memories. What a peaceful life it had been! Just Charlotte and her father. Though she had sometimes felt a little incomplete without her mother, her father had showered more than enough love on her to fill that void. Her life had turned upside down since his death. She had cried more in the past few weeks than in her entire nineteen years of existence.

  She would really miss Mrs. Ridgeley and her funny stories. She would miss all the love and warmth that was showered on her at the castle. And she would miss Thomas! The way he held her that night, the way he kissed her, the way he confessed his love for her….

  Why was life so unfair? First, the person whom she loved the most left her all of a sudden and now, circumstances had forced her to leave the man who loved her. Fresh tears formed in her eyes. She wiped them fiercely.

  She had to be strong. For Thomas’s sake. He had worked so hard these past weeks. She had seen him spend so many nights in the study toiling over the project. It was his father’s dream and her father’s too. She could not be selfish and ruin all that.

  Suddenly, she heard a loud banging on the door.

  “Charlotte, are you inside? Open the door, Charlotte!”

  It was Thomas.

  “Go away, my lord. I don’t wish to speak to anyone at this time.”

  “Charlotte, please. At least let me explain. I know you were there when Mother and I were having that conversation. Mrs. Ridgeley told me. You know just half the story, Charlotte.”

  “I don’t wish to hear anything else. Please understand, my lord. Whatever I am doing is for our best.”

  “Don’t call me my lord! Hell Charlotte! Who are you to decide what is the best for us?” shouted Thomas. “Open the door or I am going to break it!”

  Charlotte got up and opened the door. Thomas wrapped his strong arms around her. He could make out that she had been crying. Her eyes were all swollen and puffy.

  “Oh Charlotte! Do you have any idea how worried I was when I couldn’t find you! We all searched the entire castle for you and here you a

  “I am sorry, my lord….” came her muffled reply.

  “Call me Thomas! I love you sweetheart and I know that you love me too. Please don’t distance me from yourself by addressing me thus.”

  “Thomas,” she looked up at him. “What does it matter if we love each other? You are an Earl and I am just a common girl. Nothing can ever come out of this relationship.”

  He listened to her in silence.

  “Lady Shirley is the perfect match for you,” she continued. “She is your equal in status and position. And moreover, her father is investing…….”

  He silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss. They both were breathless by the time he stopped.

  “So you want to sacrifice our love for that project too?” he asked with a smile.

  “Who else wants to do that?” she asked a little confused.

  “Never mind! Shall we go inside? I want to explain a lot of things to you.”

  Charlotte closed the door behind them. Thomas got seated on a chair and pulled Charlotte towards him. He made her sit on his lap and looked at her with love shining bright in his eyes.

  “After you left, Lord Stanton came to the castle. He was obviously furious with me after God knows what Shirley told him. But I must say he is good man with his heart at the right place, much unlike his daughter,” Thomas smiled at her.

  He continued, “When Mother explained to him that I was in love with you and that both Shirley and I would remain unhappy in a loveless marriage if we decided to continue our relationship, he understood the point. Apparently he had also been engaged with someone else but eloped with the present Lady Stanton and married her!” Thomas chuckled.

  “And what about the hydroelectric power plant?” asked Charlotte anxiously.

  “That project, my dear, will continue. He could have decided to stop funding it further, but that would have meant huge losses and no electricity for Rotherville. So though he is a little upset…no…. ‘furious’ with me, Lord Stanton is still my partner.”


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