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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

Page 12

by Rose Haven

  “I am so sorry Rebecca. At that time, I didn’t realize what I was doing. I just wanted to show one of my friends that I was the owner of the entire estate….”

  “I know exactly who that “friend” of yours is!” Rebecca shrieked. “I can’t believe you did that to me! And to impress one of your whores!” Rebecca knew it was improper of her to say such a thing, but she was too furious to care about any proprieties. Peter had genuine regret in his eyes, but Rebecca refuses to melt this time. It was all her fault. If she’d been strict enough with him from the beginning, he wouldn’t have strayed so much.

  But what could she do? Peter had been so heartbroken when their mother passed away. Although he was just a year younger than her, Rebecca had always been fiercely protective of her younger brother. Both of them had survived a turbulent childhood. Their father had always been too busy with his dalliances to pay any attention to his own children. His unfaithfulness was all too public and Rebecca and Peter had constantly watched their mother cry and pine for her husband’s love.

  While she did love her children, especially Peter, most of the time she’d been consumed by her own sorrows. Rebecca and Peter spent their entire childhood craving their parents’ love and attention. Their circumstances made them dependent on each other and they shared a very close bond. Rebecca, being the elder sibling, always took care of her brother’s needs and demands and Peter, in turn, respected her immensely.

  But everything changed once their mother passed away. Peter had fallen into questionable company by then and began spending more time than was required at all the wrong places. Rebecca did try to talk some sense into him but she didn’t push him enough to give up his newly-acquired habits. He’d been so depressed that Rebecca thought his “indulgences” would perhaps lessen some of his pain. But she’d been wrong. She should’ve seen that he’d started following in their father’s footsteps. She didn’t realize it, but the erstwhile Earl of Leicester did. He knew that his son was too much like him for his own good. That was the reason why he divided his estate between both of them before dying. That was perhaps the only praiseworthy thing he ever did for his children. But now Peter’s foolishness had overcome his father’s precautions and the entire estate was lost! No, Rebecca couldn’t let that happen. She had to do something to set things straight.

  “Who won our estate?” she asked Peter through clenched teeth.

  “Uhh…” Peter’s face paled. “He is a very dangerous man and is notorious for his rakish character. I can’t even think about going back on my word with him. He’d challenge me to a duel and I have no doubts as to who would be the winner.”

  “I didn’t ask you to list his characteristics. I want his name!’ Rebecca gave up any attempt to hold back her fury.

  “He is the Duke of Southampton. Lord Henry Northwall.”

  “Lord Henry Northwall,” she repeated. Yes, she’d heard that name before, but she couldn’t remember why. Last year during her first--and probably last--season, she was at Lady Rothurst’s ball when she’d heard a group of ladies talking about Lord Northwall.

  “Oh! Do you know Lord Northwall is in London? It is rumored that he’ll be attending Lady Shelton’s ball next week,” one of them said. “I am dying to see him in person. I’ve heard that he is an absolute delight to look at!”

  “But mamma has already warned me to stay clear of him. After all, he has a reputation of ruining innocent girls,” another said.

  “Really? How scandalous!” Each story seemed to have the opposite of its intended effect on the third young lady; her eyes shone with glee. “I’ve also heard that he loves to gamble and frequents the Covent Garden way too often.” Rebecca overheard the third lady saying.

  Good Lord! Of all the people in this world, Peter had to lose the estate to Lord Henry Northwall! Rebecca closed her eyes as a wave of hopelessness set in. She had to find a way out of this mess. Her chances of finding a respectable husband were already very slim. If she lost her fortune to some rake, she would definitely end up as a lonely spinster! She couldn’t let that happen to her.

  “What have you done, Peter?” Rebecca whispered, feeling utterly defeated.

  “I apologize once again Rebecca. I know I am perhaps the most despicable brother ever. You have every right to hate me. All these years, you’ve stood by me like a rock. When mother died, you did everything in your power to console me…And what did I give you in return? I robbed you of what was rightfully yours! Please forgive me Rebecca, please forgive me if you can.” Tears streamed from Peter’s eyes. Rebecca had never seen him cry like this, not even when their mother died.

  “Even if I forgive you Peter, what good would it do? It can’t bring our estate back, can it?” she asked. “When do you think Lord Northwall will come to claim the estate?”

  “I am guessing in the next week or so.”

  “Hmmm…Let me see if I can come up with something until then. But I want a promise from you, Peter,” she looked directly into Peter’s eyes. “You have to promise me that you will never gamble again.”

  “You have my word, Rebecca. I promise I will never indulge in gambling again.” Peter looked so earnest that Rebecca had no choice but to believe him. Her brother might be a lot of things, but he wasn’t a liar.

  Chapter Two

  “Is that you, Henry? When did you arrive?” Lady Chelsea Northwall, Lord Henry Northwall’s mother and the Dowager Duchess of Southampton, asked her only son.

  “Good evening, Mother. I have just come back from a very important meeting.”

  “I know, I know. Michael told me about this ‘important’ meeting of yours. You went gambling again, didn’t you?” Her Grace asked, disdain lacing her words.

  “To be honest, yes, I did. But, as usual, I didn’t lose anything. In fact, I won the…..”

  “I don’t want to hear about your gambling adventures, Henry! When do you plan to get serious about assuming your responsibilities as the Duke of Southampton?”

  Again this conversation! Henry dreaded the mere thought of it. They’d had this conversation innumerable times in the past and each time it left Henry more uneasy than before. He understood that time was fast running out and he’d have to produce an heir soon, but his heart wasn’t willing to marry just any woman. He didn’t exactly know what he was looking for in a wife but one thing he was clear about: he didn’t want to marry a woman just for her looks. She had to be intelligent as well as capable of invoking passion in him. Beauty and brains was a rare combination but he wasn’t willing to settle for anything less.

  Not that he had a lot of options at this stage. Apparently most of the mammas had become wary of his reckless behavior and were now looking for more suitable and “respectable” husbands for their daughters. But still, given his vast fortune and title, there were still many in the ton who would jump at the prospect of having their daughters marry him.

  “Mother, not again! I am aware of my responsibilities to the estate…..”

  “Oh, come now, Henry! If you’d been even a little bit serious about your role as the Duke of Southampton, you’d be happily married with a couple of heirs by now. I am really getting fed up with your carefree attitude. I called you here today to give you an ultimatum,” the Dowager Duchess said in a very serious tone.

  “An ultimatum?” asked Henry incredulously.

  “Yes. You either get settled in the next six months or be prepared to relinquish your inheritance to Phillip.”

  “What? Is this some kind of a joke?” Henry couldn’t believe his ears. Phillip was his first cousin, his late father’s brother’s son.

  “No Henry, I am not joking this time. You have exactly six months to prove that you are serious about your responsibility to your estate. I am sorry I had to take such an extreme measure, but you left me with little choice,” Her Grace said matter-of-factly.

  Henry now began to feel angry. He took great care of the estate. In fact, his people had flourished considerably under his guidance and leadership. Just beca
use he had not married yet didn’t make him any less of a responsible Duke. He was working diligently to ensure the people of his estate led a comfortable life. To say he was loved by his people would be an understatement. The people of Southampton adored him! Although he knew that producing an heir was of utmost importance, he felt that it could wait ….probably for several more years. You are already one-and-thirty, a voice said from the back of his mind. He asked it to shut up.

  “I don’t understand any of this, Mother. Are you trying to blackmail me?”

  “No son, I am just saying that I want to see you married in the next six months.” Both her tone and her stance softened a little as she added, “Listen to me Henry. You know very well that you will have to marry sooner or later, so why not marry when you still have options? Didn’t I tell you about that lovely Lady Charlotte Fitzroy? She is Duke of Cleveland’s only daughter and a perfect match for you. She is beautiful, talented and soft spoken….all the qualities one would look for in a wife and a would-be Duchess.”

  Henry knew Charlotte very well. She was one of those girls who loved to indulge in meaningless gossip and was a regular at fashionable, extravagant parties that usually bored him to death. No, he could not marry that woman. She would make his life a living hell!

  “Mother, I am not promising anything but I assure you that because I take my responsibility as the Duke of Southampton very seriously, I shall be on the lookout for a suitable bride from today onwards. I may not get married in the next six months as you’ve decreed but I will try my best to at least get engaged within that time frame.” Henry noticed that his mother was trying hard to conceal her victorious grin. “As for Lady Charlotte, Mother, I have to tell you that I don’t think we are compatible at all. I find her to be a woman of quite different tastes than mine.”

  “Alright then….As you wish! I found her quite charming and that is the reason I mentioned her. But if you are interested in someone else…”

  “I am not interested in anyone at the moment, Mother,” Henry stated firmly. “And I would prefer if you let your match-making skills rest for a while and let me choose my own bride.” Henry was fed up with the innumerable proposals that his mother always seemed to have in store for him.

  “I am your mother, Henry. I always want the best for you. But if you’d rather choose your own bride, then so be it! I just want to see you settled as soon as possible. I can’t even explain how eager I am to play with my grandchildren.” A huge grin spread across the Duchess’s face as she thought about her future grandchildren. “You know, the other day Lady Rose was telling everyone how her granddaughter, at just three years, can easily play the piano. And Lady Samantha, she is always bragging about her grandson’s riding finesse. I just sit there quietly sipping my tea while everyone else around me talks about their grandchildren and their achievements.”

  “So you want me to get married and have children so that you can also brag about your grandchildren’s talents in front of your friends?” Henry asked, unable to hide his slight amusement at his mother’s words.

  “Of course not, my dear! I want you to experience how beautiful a marital bond can be. I want you to produce an heir for this huge estate that your father nourished with his sweat and blood. Although I have to admit that the bragging about my grandchildren’s talent part would be icing on the cake,” the Duchess said and winked at Henry.

  Henry cannot believe his eyes! Had his oh-so-proper mother actually winked at him? He better get prepared to execute his promise soon. Apparently she had set her heart on getting him married, and once the Dowager Duchess decides to do something with all her heart, there was no stopping her!

  Henry has no idea where to look for his future bride. London’s Season wouldn’t begin for three months and he better make sure that he got invited to most of the balls and parties there. As much as he hated attending the seasons, he has no other option. The mere thought of giving away his estate to that Phillip sent a chill down his spine. No, he could never let that happen. It was time to renew his London acquaintances again.

  But before that, Henry had to go to Leicester. After all, he had an entire estate to claim there. Henry smiled inwardly at the thought of his latest victory. It had been so easy to defeat that foolish Peter Thompson. While he felt sorry for the poor fellow--Henry recalled his stricken face when he learnt that he’d lost the wager--he could not give up what now rightfully belonged to him.

  “Mother, I’ll have to leave for Leicester tomorrow morning for some urgent business. I’ll be back in the next week or so,” Henry informed his mother.

  “Leicester? What business do you have there?”

  “Uhhh…Let’s just say that I have to go there to claim something that’s mine. And who knows, I may meet your future daughter-in-law on the way!” he joked.

  “Well, if that happens, believe me, I would be the happiest woman in the world!”


  The next day, Henry left for Leicester at the crack of dawn. It would take him at least three days to reach Leicester. Meanwhile, he asked his confidantes to ensure that he got invited to some of the biggest balls of the coming season. After a restless night, Henry finally concluded that choosing a suitable bride would not be as difficult as he initially thought. He’d just have to hone his flirting skills a little and the poor unsuspecting ladies would be ready to fall at his feet. He’d then choose the one with the most luscious curves…He shook his head to clear it. Good Lord! Think beyond your primal desires Henry! He’d then choose the one who would be most suitable to fill the role of a Duchess and get engaged to her. Simple.

  But if it were that simple, why did the thought of attending another season make him so uncomfortable?


  After about three days of gruesome travel, Henry finally reached Leicester. He was impressed by the flourishing estate and quietly considered that Lord Peter was perhaps not as naïve as he seems. He at least knew how to manage the affairs of his estate. Henry had genuine respect for anyone who toiled hard to make his people’s lives better. He had heard about Lord Peter’s reckless behavior more often than once and wondered how the man managed his business along with his other not-so-flattering escapades. Perhaps he was gifted with a hardworking staff. Whatever the case, Henry felt proud to own this estate. He mentally made a note to retain the current Earl’s staff; they seemed to be very competent.

  Chapter Three

  Peter and Rebecca were having breakfast when Alex interrupted them to inform them of Lord Northwall’s arrival. The entire room filled with unspoken tension at the news. Rebecca found it extremely hard to swallow the rest of her breakfast while Peter wiped his mouth, the food on his plate left unfinished. They shared a silent look across the table as if giving each other strength to face whatever fate had in store for them.

  “Peter, just do as I told you. If everything goes according to our plan, we’ll at least be able to retain half the estate,” Rebecca said. She did her best to sound composed and relaxed despite being reduced to a bundle of nerves inside.

  Peter nodded in agreement and left the room. Unable to swallow another morsel, Rebecca got up and followed. She stood just outside the study and strained her ears to hear what was going on inside. When Alex found her standing there, she put a finger to her lips, gesturing for him to remain silent.

  “So good to see you again, Lord Peter. I hope you are having a good day,” a deep, rich masculine voice wafted through the door. Rebecca felt her heart begin to race. What a creep! He must know how Peter felt and yet he had the audacity to sound cheerful.

  “Well, I was having a good day, indeed. Until I was informed of your arrival,” Peter replies sarcastically.

  Rebecca heard Henry laugh out loud. “I would feel exactly the same if I were in your place, Peter. Uh…I hope you don’t mind my addressing you thus, Lord Peter.” Rebecca wished she could slap that moron! How dare he talk to her brother like
that! He was still the Earl of Leicester, for Heavens’ sake! “Since you are fully aware of the purpose of my visit, let us get straight to the point….”

  “I have something to confess, Lord Northwall. I know you think that I am the owner of this entire estate. In fact, you have no reason to think anything else since I proclaimed that myself. But the truth is that I own only half of it,” Peter tried to keep his voice as calm as possible.

  “Please don’t even think of trying to fool me, Lord Thompson. I am much smarter than you think.” Rebecca could almost hear the smirk in his tone.

  “I am not trying to fool anyone, Lord Northwall. Here, take a look at my father’s will. It expressly mentions that Lady Rebecca Thompson, my sister, is entitled to half of the estate. As you may be aware, I cannot lose anything in a wager that I do not rightfully own.”

  Henry took the papers from Peter’s outstretched hand and studied them thoroughly. Sure enough, they proclaimed Lady Rebecca Thompson to be the owner of half the estate. Henry looked a little taken aback for a moment but quickly regained his composure.

  “What about these papers then, Lord Peter?” he said, calmly producing the papers that Peter had handed over to him when he lost the wager. “If what you are saying is true, it means that you’ve cheated me and these papers are fraudulent. Do you have any idea how you may have to pay for your little lie? I can challenge you to a duel or report your cheating to appropriate authorities. Your family’s name would be ruined and…..”

  “You will do no such thing, my lord!” Rebecca stormed into the study to see her brother’s face turned ashen with dread. She looked at Lord Henry Northwall with contempt shining clearly in her eyes. Rebecca knew that it had been too much to hope that her plan would work flawlessly but she’d still hoped that Lord Northwall would buy their lie and agree to forego half of the estate. But she should’ve known better. Going by the man’s reputation, he would probably leave no stone unturned to make their lives a living hell!


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