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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

Page 14

by Rose Haven

  But where is love in this marriage? For God’s sakes, it is a marriage of convenience, she reminds herself. Her future husband is too much like her father. She’d heard that, when in London, he frequented the Covent Garden too often for recreation and was a regular at the Almack’s. Yes, he is extremely good looking, but what good are looks if your husband has eyes for women other than yourself! She’d rather have a plain looking man who’s in love with her!

  Rebecca slowly gets up from her bed and casts a final glance at the mirror. She is pleased with what she sees. In an off white gown embellished with pearls and lace and a neckline that gives a subtle hint of her cleavage, she looks like a princess. She twisted her hair up in a sophisticated bun with a few loose tendrils to frame her heart-shaped face. Her gown beautifully offsets the deep blue color of her eyes.

  As the time of the wedding fast approaches, Rebecca gets butterflies in her stomach. Although she is unhappy about marrying Lord Northwall and despite the fact that she loathes the man, a small part of her is anxious to know his reaction to her appearance this morning. She has no idea why, but the thought of him throwing an appreciative glance her way makes her giddy.

  “Are you ready, My Lady?” It is Lily, one of her chamber maids.

  “Yes, I guess I am.” Rebecca lets out a sigh. She is a nervous wreck.

  “Lord Thompson and His Grace are waiting for you in the study,” Lily informs her.

  “Please tell them that I’ll join them in a moment.” Rebecca needs some time to compose herself. She doesn’t want Lord Northwall to witness her anxiety.

  “Rebecca, you aren’t ready yet?” Peter stops in his tracks as he rounds the corner. “You look lovely, dear sister.”

  “Why, thank you, my dear brother,” she smiles.

  “Rebecca,” Peter says solemnly, “I just had a word with Northwall. I know that he’s made a bargain with me that may not seem very fair at the moment, but the man has his reasons for doing what he’s done. He was facing a dilemma and he chose a path that he believes will benefit all of us.”

  Rebecca nods, a little unsure of what Peter is talking about.

  “I know I told you all sorts of negative things about Lord Northwall, but now that I’ve spent some time with him, he doesn’t seem so conniving after all. I mean, he’s been giving me ideas on how to manage the estate and has even offered to help me with the irrigation problem that we’re currently facing,” Peter adds.

  Rebecca is surprised to hear this. She’d never expected something like this from Lord Northwall.


  “Yes. I just do not want you to be blinded by your hatred towards the man. If he wanted, he’d have snatched the estate from us and made you his wife for a pittance, but he didn’t. I know he may not be a saint, but what man doesn’t have some flaws. Take a look at me!” Peter laughs a hollow laugh.

  “Oh, Peter! I don’t know what to expect from him. I’ve been so rude to him the entire time, I am afraid he’ll take out his revenge on me once we get….”

  “No, I don’t think so. If he’d wanted revenge, he had a lot of ways to go about it. I hate myself for putting you in this position, Rebecca. If only I’d not been so foolish….”

  “There’s no use mulling over the past. I just want you to learn from your mistakes, Peter. I’ve looked after this estate as best as I could these past years. Now it is your responsibility,” Rebecca says and gently touches his shoulder.

  “I know, sister. I’ll try my best to not disappoint you.” Peter smiles and reaches for her hand. “Now let’s get going. Lord Northwall is waiting for us downstairs.”

  Taking a deep breath, Rebecca finally braces herself for the day and moves towards the study where her husband-to-be is waiting for her.

  Chapter Two

  Lord Northwall is waiting anxiously for his bride to arrive. They had planned a small marriage ceremony at the local church after which they’d return to Southampton. He knows that Rebecca probably hates him for forcing her into this marriage, but he didn’t have too many options. He needed a suitable bride as soon as possible and Peter and Rebecca badly wanted to retain their estate. This arrangement suited them all.

  As he hears the gentle swishing of skirts, he turns his head towards the door of the study and what he sees makes his heart stop in his chest. Lady Rebecca Thompson is standing there with her brother, looking drop dead gorgeous in a beautiful off-white gown. Her cheeks turn a crimson red as he looks at her appreciatively and when Lord Peter Thompson clears his throat, he finally realizes that he’s openly staring at her.


  Lady Rebecca Thompson and His Grace Lord Henry Northwall’s wedding ceremony is a short affair with just a handful of people present to witness the proceedings. It is over in a matter of moments and Rebecca becomes Her Grace Lady Rebecca Northwall.

  God! The name sounds strange to her ears, but it is her new identity and she tries to accept it gracefully. While she is sad about leaving her brother and the place she’d spent her entire life, Rebecca is also anxious to see what the future has in store for her. She remembers the look on Lord Northwall’s face when he saw her this morning in the study. His reaction told her that he loved what he saw. She is thankful that her husband at least finds her good looking!

  As much as she hates to admit it, she is slightly in awe of his magnificent persona. The way his muscles flex when he moves his arms, the way his strong hands held her delicate ones during the ceremony, the way he stole glances at her from time to time, everything made her feel something she’d never felt before. Could it be that she is attracted towards Lord Northwall? If that is the case, she’ll have to keep her emotions in check. Getting too attached to him will bring nothing but heartache and she’s not prepared to deal with that after all that she’s been through.

  Peter’s voice brings Rebecca out of her thoughts.

  “Rebecca, are you ready? Lord Northwall wants to leave right away for Southampton.”

  “Yes….yes, I am ready.”

  With a forlorn expression on his face, Peter says, “I’ve got all your belongings and gifts loaded in the carriage.” He hesitates for a moment looking uncharacteristically awkward. “I am going to miss you.” His voice becomes thick with emotion.

  “I am going to miss you too, Peter. And I am going to miss Leicester!” There are tears in Rebecca’s eyes.

  “I’ll visit you next month. Please remember my words, Rebecca. Try not to judge Lord Northwall too quickly. I have a feeling that he is a nice man. You just have to be a little patient…..You know I don’t want you to end up like Mother. Rebecca, a man won’t stray if he gets enough love from his wife.”

  “Do you think Mother didn’t love Father enough?”

  “I am not saying that. Each man is different. Father was never in love with her, and though Mother did love him immensely, she never really tried to win his heart. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  “Yes, perhaps.” She forces herself to smile at him. “Something else I’ve understood today is that my little brother has now finally grown up. I can’t believe that you’re discussing these things with me. You almost sound like Father,” says Rebecca.

  “I don’t want to be like him, Rebecca, never in a million years!” Peter replies soberly.

  “Of course not! You are nothing like him. I know that you just went down the wrong path for a while, but now that you’ve realized your mistakes, you’ll be the best Earl England has ever known,” Rebecca’s smile widens.

  “Is Her Grace ready for the journey? His Grace is waiting for her in his carriage.”

  A sudden knot of tension forms in Rebecca’s stomach. She had not understood until now that she’ll have to cover the entire distance from Leicester to Southampton with Lord Northwall within the confines of his carriage. It is going to take a good three days!

  Peter nudges her a little and gestures towards the carriage waiting in front of the church. Her feet have suddenly becom
e as heavy as lead. What is she going to do if Lord Northwall tries to come close to her in the carriage? Or if he tries to kiss her! He’s married you for an heir, silly. Of course he’ll want to consummate the marriage as soon as possible, a voice at the back of her mind says. She shivers at the thought.

  It is not that she isn’t physically attracted to him. It’s just that she firmly believes that a man and a woman should come together in the most intimate way only once they are in love. Unfortunately, her marriage with Lord Northwall is based on anything but.

  Chapter Three

  Lord Northwall watches patiently as his beautiful bride slowly approaches the carriage. There are mixed emotions on her face. She looks a little melancholic which is obvious, given that she’s leaving behind her brother and her estate and embarking on a new journey totally unaware of what the future holds for her. But along with a hint of sadness, there is another emotion playing on her face. She looks anxious and a little fearful. What can she possibly be afraid of? Surely not him! He chuckles inwardly as he remembers her fiery nature and the way she accused him of stealing the estate from her brother. No, there has to be something else bothering her. He intends to ask her once they are on their way.

  As Rebecca and Peter near the carriage, Henry comes out to receive his wife. After a final goodbye, Rebecca and Henry finally begin their journey towards Southampton.

  Once inside the carriage, Rebecca chooses to sit as far away from Henry as the little space permits and this amuses Henry no end. So, she is still angry with him for forcing her into marriage! The way she looked at him during the ceremony, Henry had wondered if she could also feel the sweet tension that was brewing between them. Could it be that he’d been wrong?

  “My dear, if there is anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable, do let me know.”

  Rebecca starts. “What? Ummm… no, I mean nothing. I am very comfortable, thank you,” she replies. Lord Northwall just addressed her as “my dear”! Good Heavens!

  “Why are you sitting so far away, then? Are you angry with me?”

  “Angry? Why should I be angry with you, my lord?” Rebecca says, her huge eyes going round with surprise.

  “Please call me Henry. There is no need for such formalities now that we are man and wife. Besides, there is no one listening to us here.”

  “Alright. What makes you think that I am angry with you Henry?” she says a little too sweetly.

  Henry laughs out loud at her courage. She never ceases to amuse him. One moment she’s acting all coy and shy like a new bride and the next she’s back to her fiery self.

  “I thought that perhaps you were angry with me for leaving you with little option but to marry me.”

  “I have accepted my fate, my lo….Henry. If God has chosen this path for me, it has to be for my own good,” Rebecca replies.

  “I don’t promise to the best husband, Rebecca, but I’ll try my best to keep you happy,” Henry says and moves a little closer to her.

  Rebecca draws in a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I know you had every right to claim the estate but I was so scared we’d lose everything that I took out all my frustration on you. I know it was highly improper of me to….”

  “Shh….” Henry puts his finger on her lips. “Let’s not talk about the past today. We have begun a new chapter of our lives, let’s just focus on that.”

  Rebecca looks up at him and he gets lost in the depths of her ocean blue eyes. He can swear that he’s never seen eyes as blue and mesmerizing as hers. When she blinks, Henry comes out of his trance. She’s starting to look uncomfortable again.

  “How long will it take to reach Southampton?” Rebecca knows very well that it’ll take them roughly three days to reach their destination, but she badly wants to divert his attention. She feels butterflies doing somersaults in her stomach whenever Henry comes too close to her. And when he looks directly into her eyes, she feels lost.

  “About three days. We’ll have to spend two nights at the inns on the highway. I’ve already sent word of our arrival ahead.” Peter knows that she’s deliberately changing the subject, but so long as she is comfortable, he doesn’t mind talking about “safer” topics.

  Both of them work through topics of polite conversation and she finds herself genuinely enjoying his company. Henry even manages to make her laugh a couple of times. At noon, she takes out the meal that her chef had prepared for their journey and Henry genuinely relishes it.

  “I must say, you have a very competent staff at the estate. From the stable boy to the cooks, everyone is excellent at their jobs.”

  “That is because they are devoted to their jobs. My father had an eye for talent and he chose the best people to work for him. With time, they became so attached to our family that none has ever thought of leaving,” says Rebecca with a smile. She is proud of her people and her estate and she hopes that it flourishes even more under Peter’s guidance.

  After a few hours, Rebecca gives into her fatigue and doses off. Henry looks at her sleeping peacefully beside him. He moves closer so that she can comfortably rest her head on his shoulder. After a while, he doses as well. The events of the day exhausted both of them immensely.

  Chapter Four

  Rebecca wakes up with a start as the carriages jerks to a halt. She realizes that she’s been sleeping on Henry’s shoulder all this time. Her neck and back feel a little sore after having slept in this awkward position for so long and she tries to stretch her limbs a little. Her small movement wakes Henry and he looks out to see where they are.

  “We’re already at the inn. We’ll be spending the night here,” he informs her.

  Both of them alight from the carriage and go inside. The night is almost upon them and, after sharing a light meal, they retire to their room. This is supposed to be their wedding night, thinks Rebecca. She once again starts getting the jitters as she realizes that she’ll have to share the room with Henry.

  “Not just the room, the bed too,” says Rebecca, unaware that she’d said it out loud!

  “What? Did you say something?”

  “No….nothing. I just said that this bed here looks very ummm…comfortable. I am thinking it will be amazing to sleep on.” God! What was she saying!

  “Really?” says Henry, unbuttoning his shirt. Rebecca tries to avert her gaze. Why is this man taking off his shirt in front of her? Because this man is now your husband! Scolds a voice in the back of her mind.

  As his shirt comes off, Rebecca can’t help but notice how beautifully built his body is. Well over six feet, he has a narrow waist but broad, firm shoulders and chest. His hair is a bit too long even by current fashion and is as black as a raven’s feathers. He is definitely a sight to behold!

  “Are you going to sleep in your gown?” he asks her, amusement clearly showing on his features.

  “Yes. It is very comfortable. Besides, all of my things are packed and I’m too tired to open any of the boxes right now,” she lies.

  Henry has begun to take off his trousers.

  “Stop! Stop right there! What do you think you are doing? Taking off all your clothes in front of a lady?” Her protest escapes before she can stop herself.

  “In front of a lady?” Henry asks, his brown eyes sparkling with laughter. “As far as I can remember, the lady you are talking about is now my lawfully-wedded wife!”

  “Of course. I am your wife, but that does not mean I have to see you taking off clothes.”

  “Well then don’t! You can close your eyes if you’re feeling so uncomfortable,” he shrugs and continues taking off the rest of his clothes until he is standing in front of her, completely naked.

  “Oh my God!” Rebecca shrieks and closes her eyes. She turns around and tries to focus on something, anything to take her mind off the glorious naked body behind her. Oh God, this man looks like some Greek God, his entire body chiseled to perfection. And if she knows even a little bit about the secrets of the bedroom, he is properly aroused too!

>   After a few heart stopping-moments, she hears him say her name. She slowly turns around and opens her eyes, not knowing what to expect. To her surprise, she finds him fully covered in a red robe.

  “Rebecca, this is our wedding night. Ideally, I should be taking off your clothes and making love to you until you are unable to think straight.” She feels her cheeks heat at his words. She knows that she is blushing profusely. Unable to meet his intense gaze, she lowers her eyes but he lifts her chin with his finger and forces her to look up at him.

  “I know that we didn’t get a proper courtship, in fact, we don’t even know each other that well. So, despite the fact that I want you more than anything else at the moment, I will try to keep my hands off you. You have nothing to worry about, my dear. I am not going to touch you until you want me to.” Saying so, Henry gives her a crooked grin and moves towards the huge bed. He takes off his robe and once again he is stark naked but quickly pulls the blanket to cover himself.

  “Fortunately or unfortunately, you’ll have to share this bed with me…..unless of course, you want to sleep on that sofa.”

  “I don’t have a problem with sharing this bed with you. You are my husband after all,” Rebecca says with false bravado. Inside, she is a bundle of nerves. In fact, she is seriously contemplating sleeping on the sofa, but when she realizes that it is too small to accommodate her, she changes her mind. She doesn’t want to end up with an aching body when there are still two days of travel in front of her.

  Henry smiles as though he can read her thoughts. “Now be a good girl and change your clothes. You’ll not get even a minute of sleep in these clothes, no matter how pretty they are.”

  “I have no idea where my nightgowns are.” When Henry raises one of his eyebrows, she explains. “All my belongings were packed in such a hurry that I don’t have the least idea where I kept my nightgowns. They must be in one of the boxes, but I am not sure which.”


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