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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

Page 67

by Rose Haven

  “Of course, I was just about to leave when Gemma called me!” I lie. Mrs. Antoni and I look at her and I try hard to maintain a straight face.

  “When did I call you, Mr. Graziani?” she looks at me with utter disbelief etched on her pretty face and then she turns towards Mrs. Antoni. “I was just kneading this dough when he came in and then he….I mean we….we just…we were just discussing how to make pizzas when I heard you calling me.”

  I swear to God I have never had a harder time controlling my laughter.

  “How to make pizzas?” said Mrs. Antoni, a little surprised. “Since when did you start taking interest in cooking, mio caro?

  “Since Gemma started cooking those delicious meals for us,” I reply softly while looking at Gemma, straight in the eye. Once again, my common sense has taken my leave!

  As we both continue looking at each other, Mrs. Antoni clears her throat and once again, the moment is broken.

  “Now, now…you’ll be late for the office, Alberto. And Gemma and I have to go to the Chapel too.” Mrs. Antoni literally shoos me out of the kitchen. “If you are done with this cara, wash your hands and get ready.”

  After this incident in the kitchen, I am even more attracted towards Gemma. The whole day I keep smiling to myself whenever I remember that confused look on her face when I tell Mrs. Antoni that she had called me to the kitchen. My staff must think that their boss has gone crazy!

  I know it is the most selfish thing to wish, but I really don’t want her memory to return now. I want her to be the same person that she is today. Innocent and pure. She has not once demanded anything for herself or tried to take advantage of my attraction towards her. After all, she must have realized how wealthy I am. I know some girls who would happily lie naked in my bed to seek my attention. But Gemma actually ignores the fact that I am attracted towards her!

  I am even thinking of telling the detective to stop his search for Gemma’s family. If they had been even a little concerned about her, they would have contacted the Polizia or the local media. But they had not done any such thing till date. Gemma should not have to go to a family which doesn’t even care if she is alive or dead.

  But what if Gemma wants to be with them, I start to question. What if her memory comes back one day and she wants to go back to her family? I will not be able to stop her then. Yes, it would break my heart, but I will have to send her back to where she belongs one day.

  My heart sinks at the thought of losing her. I am shocked at how much I’ve started caring for this young girl in such a short span of time. No matter where I am or what I am doing, Gemma is always there at the back of my mind. Could it be that I am in love with her?

  ‘You cannot fall in love with her’, my mind screams at me. ‘You know it will lead to nothing but heartbreak! She is here just till the time her memory returns. Once she recalls her past, she’ll be gone!’

  But my heart refuses to listen! ‘There is an equal possibility that her memory shall not return for years to come. In that time, I shall fill her life with so much love that even if she recalls her past life one day in the distant future, my love for her will stop her from leaving me.’

  I decide to listen to my heart for once!

  Chapter Eight

  It’s been over a month since that accident now. The crackling chemistry between Gemma and me has reached an all-time high. I can swear to God that even Mrs. Antoni can feel how attracted we are to each other. And the best part is that she seems to approve the growing closeness between us.

  Today, Mrs. Antoni and I finally succeed in coaxing Gemma to attend a party with me. It is basically a party thrown by the Graziani Corporation to mark its fifth anniversary. It will be attended by the who’s who of Florence and I want to introduce Gemma to my friends and business partners. I have asked Mrs. Antoni to take her shopping for a new dress that would be appropriate for the occasion. I am eagerly waiting for the night to arrive.

  By evening, I wind up my work and head home so that I can take a shower before going to the party. I wait anxiously to see how Gemma looks in her new clothes. As I ring the bell, Mrs. Antoni opens the door.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Antoni,” I say with a smile.

  “Good evening, Alberto. You seem to be in a good mood today,” she quips.

  I am talking to her but my eyes are looking for Gemma. Mrs. Antoni clears her throat.

  “She is getting ready in her room,” she says.

  “Who?” I feign ignorance.

  “Who? Well, the only person who seems to be on your mind these days caro,” she says softly.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about Mrs. Antoni.”

  “Oh, don’t you try to fool me! I know you inside out. Do you think I am blind? You are in love with Gemma Alberto, and I think it is high time you disclose your feelings to her.”

  “What if….what if she does not feel the same for me?”

  “I am a woman, Alberto and my womanly instincts tell me that she is as much in love with you as you are with her. She is just too shy or maybe too scared to admit it. You know what she’s been through. She lost her identity in that accident. She doesn’t even know what her real name is!”

  “So…ummm….what should I do to win her trust and confidence?”

  “You already have her trust and confidence caro,” she smiles. “She wouldn’t be staying in this house otherwise. You just need to show her how much you love her. And tonight, I give you that opportunity.” Mrs. Antoni gives me one of those secretive smiles of hers.

  “What are you up to now?”

  “Nothing…nothing. It’s just been too many days since I visited my sister. I’ll be going to her place tonight and plan to stay there for a couple of days,” she winks at me.

  “Oh! Did I tell you how much I love you Mrs. Antoni?” I pull her in a bear hug and we both share a laugh.

  “Now you go get ready and I’ll go and see if Gemma needs me.”

  I quickly take a shower and pull out the best tuxedo from my cupboard. I want to look my best tonight, after all it is the night when I shall finally disclose my feelings to Gemma. This night has to be extremely special for the both of us!

  Chapter Nine

  As I step out of my room, I finally see Gemma….and my heart stops in my chest! She is looking stunning in a golden gown that hugs her small frame in all the right places. With a neckline that gives a hint of her lush bosom and a cut at the hem that goes all the way up to her thighs, she looks good enough to be eaten….no, not eaten…swallowed! I don’t really know what she has done to her long hair but they look utterly sophisticated tied into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. And a few curls have been let loose to frame her heart shaped face. Mrs. Antoni has lent her the pearl earrings that I gifted her on her birthday last year. Gemma truly looks like some goddess from heaven above!

  “How do you like the gown, Alberto?” Mrs. Antoni asks me. The look on her face tells me that she already knows the answer.

  “It’s absolutely gorgeous. You look lovely, Gemma.” That could be the understatement of the century!

  The blush on her cheeks returns and makes her look even more beautiful.

  “Thank you, Mr. Grazi….”

  “Call me Alberto…please?”

  “Uh…Thank you Alberto. I am feeling a little nervous. I really won’t know what to do at the party,” she says nervously.

  “Don’t worry Gemma. I’ll be by your side throughout. We’ll just meet a few people, exchange pleasantries and just….that’s it! If you start feeling uncomfortable at any point, just let me know and we’ll straight away head back,” I try to make her comfortable.

  I am already feeling jealous of all the men at the party who are sure to cast their glances her way. Gemma is looking drop-dead gorgeous. And what makes her even more appealing is that she is totally unaware of the charm that she exudes. It is so refreshing to be with a woman who can think and talk beyond her looks!

  We bid Mrs. Antoni goodbye and move towards
the garage. I plan to take her to the party in the more comfortable Bentley this time. Although I happen to take great pride in my collection of some of the world’s most luxurious cars, Gemma seems to be unfazed by the beauty in front of her. Maybe she is not much into cars, I reason. For some reason, her lack of response pleases me. Truly, she is totally unlike the many girls I’ve dated in the past.

  When we reach the venue, the party is already in full swing. Gemma is a little intimidated by the flashbulbs and the crowd, but I try to put her at ease by holding her hand and being by her side throughout. She does an excellent task of greeting the people I introduce her to and even engages in small talk with some of them. All the men are throwing appreciative glances her way and the women are going green with envy! We are definitely making a lot of heads turn.

  Our pictures will perhaps be flashed on the front pages of newspapers tomorrow. “Is Alberto Graziani engaged” or “Who is this Mystery Woman with Alberto Graziani”…..I can already imagine the headlines of tomorrow’s newspapers!

  As I thought, Gemma manages to hold her own amidst some of the most influential and wealthy people in Florence. She does seem awestruck initially by the plush interiors of the five star hotel where the party is going on and the sheer volume of people attending it. But after a while, she regains her composure and mixes with the crowd. She’ll have to attend a lot of similar functions once we get married.

  ‘Once we get married’…..Whoa! Where did that come from? I have not even confessed my feelings for her and already I am thinking of marrying Gemma! God, I seem to be in deep trouble! I have to pour my heart out to her as soon as possible. I ask her if she is ready to leave and she nods her head with a smile. After saying our goodbyes, we make an early exit.

  On our way back I ask her if she enjoyed the party.

  “It was a good experience….though I am not sure I can attend such events all the time! My cheeks are already aching with smiling throughout,” she replies honestly.

  I gently hold her hand and she lays her head on my shoulder. This little gesture of hers fills my heart with pleasure.

  “I am really tired,” she says softly.

  “We’ll be home in another ten minutes sweetheart….uhhh…I mean Gemma.” Shit!

  I can’t see her face but somehow I know she is smiling.

  “I liked the food and the place. It was so huge and so grand. I was a little scared at first. I didn’t want to let you down in front of so many people.”

  “Why would you think that way? Do you have any idea how impressed those people were with you?”

  “You really think so?” she looks up at me.

  “Of course! Didn’t you notice how everyone was trying to catch a word with you?”

  “Oh, that was because I was accompanying YOU, the owner of Graziani Corporation. “Again an honest answer!

  “I wouldn’t deny that it may have been a factor, but you really succeeded in impressing one and all in the way you conducted yourself. I am proud of you, Gemma.”

  “Thanks Alberto. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me,” her voice is thick with emotion.

  Chapter Ten

  We’ve already reached the penthouse. Before I can respond, she gets out of the car and rushes towards to the elevator. I catch up to her and see that she is crying. My heart twists painfully in my chest.

  “What is the matter, Gemma? Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t deserve any of this. I don’t belong here,” she is crying inconsolably. Just then, the elevator arrives. I ask her to calm down and give her my handkerchief. In a few seconds, we reach the apartment and I unlock it. Once inside, she again breaks into sobs.

  “You don’t even know who I am…and you are still doing so much for me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for your kindness.”

  She had never said this in so many words, but today I realize that she feels she is a burden on me…that I am helping her out of charity.

  “Gemma, you have no idea how special you are for me. I have never met a more innocent, pure and honest woman before….”

  “No Alberto….you don’t know….”

  “Shhh….” I put my fingers on her trembling lips to silence her. “I know….I know that you are the only woman I want, I know that you are the only woman who fills my life with happiness, I know that you are the only woman I love….”

  I cup her face in my hands and then kiss her gently. She is everything I ever dreamt of. She sighs against my lips and I take that opportunity to thrust my tongue into her mouth. I turn that gentle kiss into one so powerfully possessive and demanding that both our bodies come alive with a need so strong that our hearts seem to burst with passion.

  Breathless after the kiss, I carry her in my arms and take her to my room. I cannot think of spending another moment away from her. She looks up at me, her eyes still dazed with that mind blowing kiss. I lay her on my bed and pull out the few pins from her hair that hold them in place. Her blonde hair falls down in waves and she looks sexy as hell. Her hardened nipples press against the fabric of her gown telling me that she is not wearing a bra underneath.

  I slowly push her gown off her shoulders and amazed at the creamy expanse of skin before me. I kiss her senseless once again and then make my way down towards her neck and shoulders. She is making small sounds that seem to arouse me even more. I gently nibble and suck the sensitive skin at the base of her neck and she gives a small cry of pleasure. I can sense that she is loving every touch, every sensation.

  That encourages me to take our passion to another level. I pull her gown further and her pert round breasts are revealed to my hungry eyes. I push her backwards and my mouth captures her delectable nipple.

  “Oh Alberto!” she cries out loud. She grabs the sides of my head as if not wanting me to stop. I give out a deep, husky chuckle and continue biting and teasing her little nub. As I shift my attention to the other nipple, she arches her body towards me pressing me into her heated skin. My erection is becoming almost painful and I can wait no longer.

  I quickly take off my clothes and in a matter of few seconds, I am again on top of her, kissing her and moving my hands over her silky smooth body. I want to make this night memorable for her. Her soft, blue eyes are once again looking at me and they are turning me on like never before. I have been with many women in the past but the raging lust that is filling my soul and mind….I have never experienced it before. Her every touch seems to put my body on fire. I have waited for so long for this moment to arrive…and now that it is finally here, I want to savor each and every memory.

  I take her into my arms and literally rip that gown off her body. She seems shy of her nakedness initially but I start touching her pink nipples and she loses herself in the emotions that I seem to evoke in her. Slowly I move my hands down her stomach and then towards her wet womanhood. She gasps at the intimate touch but as I move my fingers into her slick heat, she moans with pleasure.

  “Oh…oh Alberto…I don’t…I don’t know what to do!” She is breathless.

  “Relax, bella. Just let yourself go,” I tell her soothingly. I lower my body onto her and press my erection against her soft heat. She rubs her hips against my rock hard erection and I am about to explode. I immediately don protection and in one swift motion, I am inside her.

  As soon as I enter her, she gives out a cry of pain. I stop at once and see that she has closed her eyes tightly and the expression on her face is no longer of desire. I curse myself inwardly…in my blinding desire for her, I had failed to remember that she might be a virgin.

  “Gemma….amore, open your eyes. I promise not to hurt you.” She slowly opens her eyes and I feel her shoulders relax a little. I try to remain as still as possible.

  “I wish I could stop this right now but I am in no position to do that. Just try to relax, ok? I promise this will get better.”

  She nods her head and moves a little to get more comfortable and I kiss her once again to relax her. Soon she is back to grinding her
hips against me and I take it as a cue to start moving inside her. She is making small noises of pleasure and I know she is with me once again.

  Gemma is holding onto my shoulders tightly as I press myself into her in a steady rhythm. When she literally screams out my name, I know that she has finally reached her orgasm. Her reaction and climax make me reach my own explosive, mind numbing orgasm and both of us lay in each other’s arms for a long time catching our breath.

  When I hear Gemma’s steady breathing, I realize that she has fallen asleep in my arms. I pull up the covers gently over the both of us and drift off to a happy sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  I wake up next morning to Gemma wearing my white shirt and holding a cup of hot coffee for me. When I look at her with an amused grin, she says, “What? You tore that beautiful gown of mine last night. So I had to wear your shirt, you see. Mrs. Antoni has locked all the other rooms and I didn’t know where the keys are.”

  “The keys are right here.” I hold out the bunch of keys on my bedside but immediately hide my hand behind as she tries to snatch them from me. “You are not going to your room until Mrs. Antoni arrives.”

  “What? Are you crazy? What will I wear? All my stuff is in that room,” she cries.

  “Well, you look far better in my shirts than those dowdy dresses that you wear,” I reply with a laugh.

  The next two days prove to be the best days of my life. We spend them laughing with each other, sharing meals in bed (once again, I must say, Gemma is an amazing cook), watching some amazing movies and making love just about anywhere. In those two days, we make love in my dressing room, my huge bathtub, on the kitchen table, on the sofa in the living area and even in the balcony overlooking the beautiful city of Florence.

  We both have confessed our love for each other and when Mrs. Antoni arrives after two days, I break the good news to her.


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