Book Read Free

Not Always

Page 16

by Ancelli

  She must have gotten the pictures he’d texted her. “Yep. He beat me.”

  “You let him win.”

  “No, I didn’t.” He chuckled. “I took him to the park, then here.” He could hear Haven crying in the background, and Nicolas laughing. “What you doing?”

  “I’m playing the Wii with your mom and Nicolas.”

  “My mom!”

  Jewel giggled. “Yes! Tu mama, she can dance.”

  José laughed. “I wish I could see it.” His cell vibrated.

  “I just sent you a video.”

  He could hear Nicolas in the background. “Auntie, it’s your turn.”

  “Honey, I have to go. See you later. Mwah!”

  José couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop grinning. “Bye, muñeca.”

  “Papa, why are you smiling?” His son tried to arch his thin eyebrow, and only succeeded in making his eye twitch. “A girl?”

  “Yes, a beautiful girl.”

  “Prettier than mom?” He stared at him.

  Olga was gorgeous with a model figure, but Jewel was more than that. Her beauty was both external and internal, not only skin deep. Jewel was stunning from top to bottom, and her ass had its own ZIP code.

  “Your mom and my girlfriend are both beautiful.” José hit play on his phone. “Want to see grandma dance?”

  “I want to see.”

  They both burst out laughing, watching his mother dance to hip-hop. His mom was swaying from side to side, trying to dance to the moves on the TV.

  “Grandma can’t twerk!” Carlitos giggled.

  José swiped his phone and placed it in his pocket. “She may not know how to twerk, but she can sure dance salsa and merengue.” José remembered growing up, watching his parents dance to Tito Nieves, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Hector Lavoe, and Celia Cruz. The good old days, being young, not worrying about anything but going to school, and chores.

  José took his son’s hand in his. “Let’s go play some games.”

  Carlitos stopped and looked up at him. “Papa… today has been fun. You’re the best dad in the entire world.”

  José stared at his son. He’d never thought he would hear those words from his boy. He’d fucked up so much in the past, breaking promises, not taking care of his child. He’d felt like a deadbeat dad, but now he could provide for him, do things he couldn’t have done before. Be the man his son could look up to. “You’re the best son a man could ever ask for.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jewel strolled through the school gates with her briefcase in one hand and books in the other. As she walked up the sidewalk, she glanced up and saw a white and blue banner on the side of the brick building. “Congratulations, Ms. O’Neil,” it read. She smiled.

  She maneuvered the glass door open with her foot.

  “Jewel!” Principal Davis called out.

  Spinning around, she answered. “Good morning, Tim.”

  “Where did you disappear to on Friday? We were looking for you.” He stared at her through his thick lenses.

  She sighed. He hadn’t offered to help with the things in her hands. “I wasn’t feeling well.”

  He tugged the door open and held it for her as she crossed the threshold. “Someone from the superintendent’s office came by to see you.”

  “Who?” Jewel walked in.

  The principal strolled in behind her. “Phil Thompson. He said he needed to speak to you about a position opening at his office. Jewel, you’re an asset here. I hope you’re not thinking of leaving us.”

  “Tim, I’m not going anywhere.” She balanced the items in her hands.

  “Good.” He handed her a business card. “Mr. Thompson said to give you this.”

  Jewel took and looked at it. Mr. Davis didn’t know that Phil was her ex-husband. He’d only been at the school for a year; he hadn’t been there when Phil had handed them her resignation letter. Phil worked at the Department of Education. That was how he’d managed to have her contract revoked and hand them the letter with no questions asked.

  “Jewel, we are very proud of you.” He tried to shake her hand with the briefcase.


  “Do you need help?” he finally asked.

  “No, thanks.” She continued walking up the stairs. Jewel was getting sick and tired of Phil’s little games. She made it up the last step and a book fell from her arm to the floor, making her growl. Her day had started off well. She’d woken up next to a wonderful man, gotten to work and seen the banner…and then that fool Phil messed it all up. Jewel bent down, juggled what she already held, and picked up the book. Rising up, she headed to her classroom. Thank goodness the door was already open.

  Her frown turned into a smile when she marched over the threshold. Three-dozen red roses and a black envelope were on her desk.

  Jewel rushed over, dropped the books and placed her briefcase down. She hadn’t been expecting flowers from José. Jewel smelled them before taking a seat. She grabbed the note off the plastic stick.

  I didn’t get to say congratulations, love.

  We need to talk.

  Love, Phil

  Jewel ripped up the paper and threw the pieces in the trash. Then she saw another note. She was about to tear it up, too, until she saw it was from a different flower shop.


  Hope you feel better.


  Jewel sat down in her leather chair, and stared at the black envelope. She picked it up, opened it, and a piece of puzzle fell out. Jewel opened the envelope wider, looking to see if there was something else, but there was nothing. She grabbed the piece of puzzle, it was colorful, with the beginnings of some words. Where were the other pieces?

  “Damn you, Phil,” she muttered to herself. “I’m done playing games.” Jewel was about to throw it in the trash, but curiosity got the best of her; instead, she opened her briefcase and placed it in the pocket.

  The kids started to file into the classroom before she could throw Phil’s roses in the trashcan. “Good morning!”

  “Congratulations, Ms. O’Neal!” they all yelled, making her chuckle.

  “Thank you.” She stood.

  The children sat at their desks. “Who wants to take flowers home to your mom today?”

  “Me!” They all answered in unison, making her smile.

  “This is my thank you to your mommies and daddies.”


  “Jazmine, I’ve had a long day. I just want to go home, take a hot bath, and go to bed.” Jewel took a sip of her water. “Why did you summon me here?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about José?” Jazmine looked over her menu.

  Jewel moved her finger across the piece of paper, looking at the items and the prices. She’d known that question would be coming. “It just happened.”

  “Just happened?” Jazmine arched her eyebrow, placing the menu down on the table. “Nothing with you just happens.”

  “I like José.” Jewel met her sister’s stare.

  “Stop beating around the bush, Jewel. It’s me you’re talking to.” Jazmine gazed at her. “José said you were his girlfriend. That’s a big step for him.”

  Jewel bent her head to continue looking at the menu.

  “Jewel!” Jazmine raised her voice.

  “What?” She glanced up.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “The same reason you didn’t tell me about Nicolas and Javier.” She smirked at her sister. She remembered when Jazmine had told her family she’d given birth to a baby boy and gotten married, all without telling anyone. She’d kept the secret from her family because she hadn’t wanted to disappoint them. Jewel knew there was more to the story, but decided to leave it alone. Everybody had secrets.

  Jazmine rolled her eyes, and shrugged. “Really, you’re nothing like me.”

  “Sorry, that was a low blow.” Jewel surveyed her sister. “Yes, I have feelings for José.” She sighed. “And I didn’t tell you because he was seeing Conni
e, and I didn’t want to put you in the middle of things.”

  “Jewel.” Jazmine touched her arm. “You’re my sister.”

  “And she’s your friend.”

  The waiter came over, placed a basket of bread on the table, served them some more water, and took their orders.

  “You’re both adults, and what you do is your business.” She smiled. “But on the other hand, you are my sister and I want to know.”

  Jewel sampled the French bread. “José is amazing.” She grinned. “He makes me feel things, things I thought were dead a long time ago.”

  Jazmine stared leaning forward. “I knew you would like him. I was a little disappointed when you guys became buddies.”

  “Really?” She was surprised at her sister’s words.

  “Yes, José is a good guy.” She also took a piece of the bread. “He just needed a chance, a second chance.”

  “I see a side of José that most people don’t. He looks all hard but he’s not. He’s a gentle bear.” She smiled, thinking about the way he’d held her in his strong arms last night. Her body started to tingle all over.

  “Earth to Jewel…”

  “What did you say?”

  “I’m happy for you. Javier is afraid José is going to break your heart,” Jazmine watched her with concern in her eyes.

  “Jazmine, this isn’t my first rodeo. After Phil, I think I can handle anything.”

  The waiter arrived with their food and placed it in front of them.

  “I can tell something is bothering you. What’s up?” Jazmine look a bite of her sandwich.

  “You’re questioning me.” Jewel chuckled.

  Jazmine arched her brow.

  “It’s Phil.”

  “What did he do?” She set her food down.

  “He’s calling me, sending flowers…he even messaged me on Facebook.” Jewel pushed her plate away. “I deactivated my account. He says he wants to talk to me, that I owe him that.”

  “You don’t owe that man shit after what he put you through. Suing you for your own house!”

  Jewel laughed quietly, then stared at her baby sister. “Jazmine, it’s me. I know I don’t owe that man anything, but I’m getting sick and tired of his games. All he wants is for me to sell the house so he can get his cut.”

  “Then sell it, and get rid of his ass once and for all.”

  “I thought about selling it, but hell to the no! That’s my house. I helped draw the blueprints. He didn’t give me a penny for it. It’s in my name.”

  “I know,” Jazmine said softly.

  “I’m not giving him the satisfaction. He’ll eventually give up.”

  “Hopefully. Does José know about Phil?”

  “Some. He hasn’t really asked.”

  Jewel’s cell phone started ringing. She dug in her purse and looked at the screen, then scrambled to answer.

  “Ralph, is it time?”

  “No, she’s already here,” Ralph, said with excitement in his voice. “Jennifer is finally here!”

  Jewel began screaming into the phone, making the guests in the restaurant look over at their table. “My baby’s here!”

  Jazmine looked at her, concerned. “What?”

  Jewel covered the cell phone. “Emma had the baby.”

  “Sorry, Jewel, it happened so fast. I didn’t even have time to call our parents,” Ralph explained.

  She could hear the baby crying in the background. “I’m on my way!” Jewel picked up her wallet, pulled out sixty dollars, and placed it on the table.

  “See you soon.” Ralph hung up.

  Jewel stood. “Are you coming?”

  “Of course!” Jazmine got up too, and they rushed out.


  “If you break her heart, I will personally kick your ass.” Javier shot José a look.

  José downed a portion of his drink. Was his little brother really threatening him? He’d had a long day at work and then school. He’d been on his way home when his brother had called and asked to meet for a drink. José couldn’t wait to see Jewel, but she was out with Jazmine. Maybe this was an intervention from their siblings.

  “Did you hear me?” Javier glared at him. “Jewel is a gem.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” José snapped.

  “I’m a little confused. I though Connie was the one.”

  “I never said that.” José pinched his nose. “Connie was different, but Jewel…”

  “But Jewel, what?”

  “You didn’t have a problem when I told you about my girlfriend last week, but because it’s Jewel you have an issue.” José took another swig of his beer.

  “José,” Javier lowered his voice. “I don’t have an issue with you dating Jewel. She’s my wife’s sister, that’s all.”

  “Jewel is my…”

  Javier watched his brother, waiting for his answer. At that moment the blonde bartender leaned over, exposing her full cleavage, no doubt trying to get his attention.

  “Hey, handsome.” She touched José’s hand with her long, manicured fingernails. “Do you want another beer?”

  “No.” José drew his hand from her reach, looking away.

  The woman looked over at Javier. “Anything else?”

  “No. Can I have the tab?” Javier asked as she went over to the register. He chuckled, smacking José on the shoulder. “Did you see that?”

  “What?” José watched his brother.

  “She was flirting with you.” Javier pulled a couple of bills from his wallet.


  “And you didn’t flirt back. Damn, hermano. You’re falling…in…love.” He dragged out the last three words. “I thought I would never see the day.”

  José drank the last drop from the bottle and placed it on the counter. Javier might be right, because he couldn’t go a few minutes without thinking about her. She made him want to be a better person. Jewel accepted him with all his flaws and never once had she asked him to change. She always found a way to make him laugh, even when he didn’t feel like it. José enjoyed doing the simplest of things with her, like watching TV or holding hands. They would talk for hours about nothing, and he never got tired of hearing her sweet voice. Jewel saw his strengths when all he could see was weakness. She made him feel stronger.

  Javier paid for their tab, and the blonde lady rolled her eyes at José, making him smirk. Yep, I’ve already fallen. “Jewel is becoming my reason for smiling.”

  “Then you have my blessing,” Javier hooted.

  “I don’t need your blessing,” he joked. “As long as I have hers, that’s all that matters.” José’s phone vibrated, signaling he’d received a text.

  Emma had her baby! She’s beautiful! Meet Jennifer Mitchell!

  He looked at the picture of a crinkly baby. He let Javier see the photo.

  “That’s a big baby.” Javier grabbed the phone. “She’s cute.”

  “Stop lying.” José chuckled, standing. “In a day or two she will be but now all I see is a wrinkled baby.”

  Javier laughed. “When you’re in the delivery room and your baby is born, you’ll say different.”

  José stopped laughing. “Watch your mouth.” He thought about what had happened the other night with Jewel. “I don’t plan on having another kid until I’m forty.”

  “If you say so, hermano.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jewel could hear José’s snores down the hallway. She tiptoed into her bedroom, trying not to wake him. Easing into the bathroom, she gently closed the door behind her. Jewel smiled when she saw his razor and aftershave on the counter. Little by little, he’d moved his things into her space.

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Jewel never imagined she would feel love for another man. She enjoyed being single, not having to report every move to someone. But with José she could be herself. He never questioned where she was or who she was with. Being with him was refreshing. Jewel didn’t know where their relationship was headed, but she d
idn’t care. It felt right to live in the now and be happy.

  After kicking off her pumps, she began taking her clothes off. Jewel opened the shower door and turned on the water, slipping her palm under the spray to make sure the temperature was right. She stepped in, and began to lather her body.

  There was a knock on the door, making her smile. “Come in.”

  José stepped into the bathroom. “How was your day?” His tone was husky.

  “Okay.” She turned, wiping the glass door so she could look at him. Damn, he was sexy. José only wore pajama bottoms. Jewel glanced at him through the steam. She looked from his face down his amazing abs, and further south, she could see the imprint of his cock.

  “Just okay.” He yawned.

  “It was one of those days.” Jewel rinsed the soap off her body. “How was yours?”

  “Long.” He sat on the toilet seat with his elbows on his legs, watching her. “I tried waiting up for you.”

  She turned off the shower, and treaded out. José grabbed her waist, pulling her forward. He kissed her wet stomach, growling with untapped emotion. Jewel’s heart did a flip. This man meant so much to her. Finally, she could admit it to herself: she was afraid of being hurt again, of giving her all and then getting nothing in return. But she had to give José the benefit of the doubt. No way was she going to let him pay for the mistake of another. Jewel stared down at him, threading her fingers through his hair. He pulled her closer, laying his head on her belly.

  “What’s wrong?” Jewel whispered.

  “Nothing.” José stood. “I just wanted to feel you.” He grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her.

  Jewel dried herself, and slipped on her robe. “Today started off shaky, but turned out to be great. Emma and Ralph finally have their bundle of joy.” She grinned. “Jennifer is beautiful.”

  Jewel ambled out the bathroom with José following close behind her.

  “Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you today. I was busy.” José sat heavily on the edge of the bed.

  “Joe, when you’re at work I don’t expect for you to call me.” Jewel rummaged in her top drawer, looking for underwear.


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