Not Always

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Not Always Page 21

by Ancelli

  “I know you like to play games, so are you the person sending me puzzle pieces?” Jewel held her sister’s gaze.

  “What are you talking about?” Janice poured herself some tea. “Why would I send you a puzzle?”

  “I don’t know…you tell me?” Jewel picked up her fork.

  “Jew, I swear I haven’t sent you anything.” Janice took a sip of her tea.

  “You’ve been receiving puzzles?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, but there is no return address, no name, nothing.” Jewel took a bite of chicken.

  “What do they say?” Bill, Janice’s husband asked.

  She covered her mouth with her palm as she talked. “I’m not sure. There are a few more pieces missing.”

  “Throw them away,” her dad chimed in.

  “I don’t think she should,” Jazmine said. “I would be curious.”

  “Me too,” Javier seconded. “José, what do you think?”

  José knew what his brother was doing. He was trying to get him engaged in the family conversation. Those stupid puzzle pieces weren’t a serious concern at the moment. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about them. The conversation with her dad was still floating around in his head.

  José shrugged. “I’m fine with whatever she wants to do.”

  “You’re not worried?” Lauren asked.

  “I was, until she told me it wasn’t Phil. I think it’s someone trying to play head games with her.” José glanced at Jewel. “Maybe a student, or one of the dads that has a crush on her.”

  Jewel shook her head. “Don’t listen to him.”

  “If it gets any creepier, call the cops.” Her mom’s concern was evident in her voice.

  “And say hmmm…” Jewel placed her index finger to her mouth and tapped. “Oh, by the way I’ve been receiving puzzle pieces.” The sisters started laughing. “It’s not harmful, there’s no threat. I just don’t like playing nonsense games, like my sister Janice.”

  “Whatever.” Janice took a forkful of José’s rice, chewed, and swallowed. “José, where did you learn to cook like this?” She licked her lips before taking another quick bite.

  José chuckled. “I used to work for a diner years ago, and the cook in charge took me under his wing. He taught me everything I know in the kitchen.” Jewel placed her hand on his leg, and squeezed, smiling. He couldn’t help it. His dick jerked every time she touched him.

  “Have you ever thought of working at a restaurant?” Michael asked, tasting the rice on his fork.

  Javier stared at José, making sure he was okay with all the questioning. José nodded. Javier lowered his head and started eating.

  “Yes, I have.”

  “I bet no one would hire him,” Paul said.

  Jazmine peered at him. “Dad!”

  Jewel glared at her father, too, but didn’t say anything. She gazed at José with “sorry” written all over her face. José smiled, and her hand moved behind his neck, fingers caressing him in a circular motion.

  “Paul, that was uncalled for.” Lauren spoke sharply. “José, your dad said opening a restaurant was once your dream.”

  “Yes, it was a hope of mine a long time ago,” he responded, and took a sip of his drink. “I’ve moved on.” Jewel combed through the hair at his nape.

  “Why?” Javier watched him from the other side of the table. “You are one of the best cooks I know.”

  “You say that because he’s your brother.” Michael arched a brow, and Kanisha smacked him in the arm.

  “That’s not true,” Jazmine chimed in. “I love to eat, and I have to say José is one of the best cooks I have tasted.”

  Her father moved back in his seat.

  “I’m good,” José said, pushing his plate away.

  Lauren examined him from her seat. “José, don’t give up on your dreams. I never gave up on mine.”

  They all stared at her in silence, waiting to hear the rest.

  “I don’t know what the girls have told you about our past.” She took a sip of her tea, clearing her throat. “We weren’t always this well off.”

  “Lauren.” Paul’s voice dropped an octave as he glared at her.

  She ignored her husband and continued. “I did some damage back in New York when I was younger.” she smirked. “I was almost thrown into juvie a couple of times when I was a teenager. My boyfriend at the time and I used to get into a few altercations with the neighborhood gangs.” Lauren smiled. “We would mess with them for fun, but one time I went too far and I said the wrong thing to the wrong people and they pulled a gun on us. I can still see the look in his eyes when he wrestled the gun away from the guy, and began beating him until they all jumped him. He ended up in the hospital.”

  “Mom, that guy was uncle Alfonso,” Janice stated.

  “Yes, it was. The police got involved we all were detained and later I was released.” She took a gulp from her drink. “After that incident, my mother took me and ran to protect me against my own brother.”

  “Your brother did that to you?” Javier asked.

  “Yes. He was involved in a vicious gang,” Lauren replied.

  José remembered Jewel mentioning something about her mom’s past, but he must not have been paying her much attention, because this was all new to him.

  “When my mother and I moved to Philadelphia, we had nothing.” She sighed. “I wanted big things out of life, but it seemed like it wasn’t in the cards for me.” Lauren grabbed her fork, gazing at Paul. “I was very young when we got married, trying to escape the clutches of my mother, because after we left New York she became overprotective.”

  “Lauren,” Paul said again.

  “Continue, Mom.” Jewel leaned in closer to the table.

  “I had to put my dreams on the back burner, because I became a mother rather quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mother and wife, but my dreams began to disappear.”

  “What dreams?” José asked.

  “I wanted to be a doctor, and for that I needed to go to college. Sometimes we didn’t have money to buy food, so college was out of the question. Your dad and I had to work two jobs to put food on the table and keep the lights on.”

  “I remember those days, Mom,” Michael said. “But then dad joined the Navy and things changed.”

  Mr. O’Neal threw his napkin on the table, and excused himself.

  Lauren watched him leave and the corners of her lips turned down. “Yes, son, that’s what I was getting at.” She sighed. “We, your father and I, never stopped believing in ourselves. Our faith got us through tough times. I did put what I wanted on the back burner. Once I made sure my family was good, I decided it was time to pull out my dreams and take a hard look at how to accomplish them. I got my masters’ when I turned thirty-eight.”

  “That was a proud moment,” Janice stated.

  “We were all in the front row, cheering you on.” Jewel smiled. “We were so proud of you.”

  She waved her hands in the air. “Look at me now! I’m a chiropractor with my own practice. It can be done.” She glanced over at José.

  José tilted his head and observed Lauren. Her daughters all had the same brown, almond-shaped eyes and bowed lips. He was humbled that she was sharing this part of her past with him.

  “I raised my children strong-minded, and it seems your parents did, too.” Tears rolled down Jewel’s mom’s cheeks. “I was hard on my kids because of where I came from. I didn’t want them to go through what Paul and I went through. I told them what to say, how to act, what to wear, who do date—and I was wrong.” Lauren wiped at the drops. “I wanted them to have everything I never had, but now I see that my best may not be their best.” She glanced at each of her children. “ I thought I knew my kids, until I realized that everyone around this table has a few secrets, and it’s their confidence to keep.” She turned to Javier and Jazmine. “It’s been a few years, but I’m sorry for the way I reacted when Jazmine told us she was married and had a baby. I should’ve never told you I
was disappointed with you, because you could never disappoint me. I spoke out of anger.”

  “Mom!” Jazmine hiccupped. “It’s forgiven. Right?” she asked Javier.

  “Right,” Javier answered quickly.

  Lauren smiled. “People judged me for the way I reacted that day, but let them put themselves in my place.” She cleared her throat. “Imagine Haven coming up to you and telling you she’s married and had a baby. How would you feel? I never knew you existed, Javier, let alone a baby. I didn’t know what type of man you were. I was stunned. I didn’t expect that from Jazmine. Jewel, maybe.”

  “Really, mom!” Jewel huffed.

  “I had to dig deep into myself and asked was this my fault. Did I turn her away from me? And the answer is yes. You didn’t feel like you could come to me.” She lovingly gazed at Jazmine. “I was crushed when you thought I wasn’t proud of you. I am so very proud of the four of you.” She sniffled. “I might’ve been mad at you if you would’ve came to me in the beginning, but I never would have turned my back on you.” Lauren smiled. “But you forgave me and we’ve moved on. Javier, I love you like you were my own son.”

  Javier gazed at his mother-in-law. “Mrs. O’Neal, I understood where you came from that day.” He chuckled. “I was just worried about Nicky.”

  “I know.” She snickered.

  “I never judged you. You wanted the best for your daughter,” Javier responded. “It was a complicated situation.”

  “I understand.” She took hold of a napkin. “And you are the best man for her. I’ve never seen Jazmine as happy as when she’s with you.”

  “Yes.” Jazmine clutched Javier’s hand.

  Lauren watched Jewel. “Jewel, if José makes you happy, then he is your future. Forget about his past and move on.” She glanced at him. “I will not judge you based on your past, but on your now, and what I see, I like so far. So don’t stop believing in your dreams. They can still come true.”

  “Man, can we eat dessert? I’m tired of going down memory lane, and getting so serious. We already ran dad off,” Michael announced. “This dinner is to celebrate.”

  “For once in your life, you’re right,” Jazmine seconded.

  José stared at her mom. She’d just laid everything out on the table. Lauren had his back as long as he made her daughter happy. He grinned, and then leaned over to kiss Jewel on her forehead.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  José prepared an intimate dinner for Jewel. All she wanted for her birthday was to be with him, no surprises or a party. She deserved anything her heart desired, and that was what he was going give her.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful.” José slid a black jewelry box across the table.

  She covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears as she gazed between him and the box. Smiling, Jewel gently picked it up. “You shouldn’t have!” She slowly opened it and gasped when she saw the silver ring.

  It wasn’t much. José wished he could’ve given her more. He could barely afford the simple heart ring with her birthstone surrounded by accent diamonds tucked in the middle.

  “José…it’s beautiful.” She slipped it on her finger, and held it up.

  “One day I will get you something much bigger.” José watched her admire the ring.

  “Baby, I love it.” Jewel rapidly stood, strolled over to his chair, and straddled him. Jewel cupped his face in her soft hands. “I love it because it came from you.” Bending her head, she nipped at his bottom lip. “You don’t know how much you mean to me.” she spoke against his jaw.

  “I think I do.” José stroked her ass. “This ring…” He kissed the finger she’d placed it on. “Means that you hold my heart in your hands.” Jewel leaned back, gazing into his eyes. His dick jerked when she moved. “You mean everything to me. Because of you, I’m a better man.”

  “José, you’ve always been that man,” Jewel said against his lips. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise for me?” José wondered what she was up to. This time was supposed to be about her. “It’s your day.”

  “Yes it is, but I don’t mind sharing it with you.” She stood, chuckling, and strolled backward toward their bedroom, winking before she turned around. “Give me a minute.” Jewel disappeared from his view.

  José couldn’t help but grin wide. Jewel was spontaneous. That was one of the things he loved about her: she was always up to trying something new or different. Life with her was never boring.

  A few minutes later, she called out from the bedroom. “You can come in now.”

  José rose to his feet and stalked toward her voice.

  She appeared before him in a black lace teddy and garters. Her panties perfectly framed her ass cheeks. He had a thing for a woman in thigh-high stockings. José’s eyes traveled from her head to her red-painted toes. Instantly, he was hard. Damn. He could see the imprint of her hard nipples against the silky material. José licked his lips.

  Jewel took his hand in hers, peering down his erection. “Mmm…you came prepared.”

  “I’m always ready for you, muñeca.” He smacked her ass as he followed her into the bedroom.

  His heartbeat double-time in surprise and he couldn’t contain his smile as he glanced around the dimmed bedroom. There were candles set on the dresser and bureau. Two dining chairs were placed in the middle of the floor, with a feather hanging from one of the posts.

  Jewel giggled, looking at his face as she twirled his purple silk tie in her hand. “Happy birthday to me.” She winked. “Sit.”

  “You want me to sit?” José switched his gaze between the seat and her.

  “Yes. It’s my birthday, right?” She placed her hand on her hip, arching her eyebrow.

  José gave her a naughty smirk. He’d play her games. In the end, he would be the one in control. He slowly moved over to the chair, and sat with his legs spread apart.

  Jewel grabbed a remote, pressing a button. “Dance for you” by Beyoncé started playing from her wireless speakers. Jewel gazed into his eyes and began sensually swaying to the rhythm of the song.

  “I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you, I want to show how much I’m dedicated to you….” she sang.

  José gawked at his woman. She was giving him one hell of a strip tease. He followed her seductive moves. Jewel closed her eyes, tying the silk tie around her neck—feeling the music, he guessed—and her body continued swaying. She opened and closed her legs, giving him a peek at her goodies. He could feel the wetness of his pre-cum on his boxers. Jewel turned, glancing over her shoulder, staring at him seductively, licking and biting her bottom lip.

  She slowly rocked her hips, dropped down to the floor, and sensually crawled over to him.

  Jewel danced in front of him, swinging her hips in a circular motion. He was mesmerized watching how she moved her ass. His erection was getting painful against his jeans. She stared at him with a teasing smile on her face. His woman leaned in like she was going to kiss him, and then pulled away. The scent of her perfume drifted under his nose.

  “Damn, you smell good.” José tried to wrap his hands around her waist, and she danced away from him.

  Jewel wiggled her index finger, telling him “no”. “Do you trust me?” She walked around him, touching his neck, and then dragged her fingernails through his hair.

  “I trust you with my life.” José meant every word. She moved closer to him, swaying between his legs. Jewel ground her body against his. She closed his legs, continuing her erotic movements, straddling him. She placed her hand at the center of his chest. “But do you trust me with your heart?”

  José stared into her eyes. For the first time in his adult life, he could honestly say the words. He trusted Jewel with anything, even with his heart. “Yes,” he uttered quietly between his teeth.

  She moved off his lap. “Take it off.” Jewel touched his shirt, and dragged her fingers along his thigh.

  José hurriedly pulled his polo over his head, throwing
it on the floor, and the jeans followed right after. He left his boxers on.

  She grabbed his wrists and placed them behind his back. Before he could speak, she slipped on a pair of handcuffs.

  She kissed his collarbone. “No touching, baby.”


  Jewel was having fun torturing him. It was obvious how she affected him. José’s erection spoke for itself. Her mouth watered as she watched her man. Jewel peered down at him. His body was pure perfection, and for some reason his tattoos made her even hotter. All José had to do was say the words, and she was putty in his hands. His eyes were a shade darker, showing her the desire he had for her. She felt the rhythm of his heart beat as she eased her palms over his chest.

  Jewel backed away to sit in the chair across from him. She picked the feather up off the post. Holding her body upright, she pouted as she slid her legs apart and slowly brushing herself from her breasts to her navel, and then in between her thighs. Jewel looked down at her body and touched herself, imagining it was him putting his hands on her until she became lost in the moment. Jewel slid her hands up her sides and along her collarbone. She stared into his eyes as she pinched her nipples.

  “Jewel.” José gazed at her, twisting his wrists and struggling to pull out of the cuffs. “Baby, I can’t take this.”

  She trailed her fingers down her belly, slipping them beneath the waistband of her panties. “Do you want me?”

  “What kind of question is that?” He stared at her with his mouth slightly agape. “I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you.”

  Jewel needed to hear him say that. She loved him with all she was, but she couldn’t—or wouldn’t—tell him. Jewel was afraid if she told José, he would run. Those three words always seemed to come with a price. What if he wasn’t there yet?

  She leaned forward and rose off the chair, and moved toward him.

  José looked up at her from his seated position. “The question is, do you trust me?”

  She ignored his words as she loosened his tie from around her neck, and secured it over his eyes. “No peeking,” she whispered in his ear.


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