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G-Men: The Series

Page 74


  “Really, Easton, how can you possibly not forgive me? I thought what we had together was stronger than that? I really wanted the baby! It was Christopher that talked me into the abortion, I swear! I was so confused. I thought you’d be angry, thinking I was trying to trap you by getting pregnant. I swear that wasn’t it, baby! Christopher said you would ruin me because of it. We just have to work this out, Easton. You’re my life, I truly mean that!”

  “Bianca!” I yelled, causing her to jump and stop chattering. She looked up at me with those incredibly blue eyes that now appeared very sad and penitent.

  “Yes?” she said timidly, waiting for me to say something.

  “We’re done. So just shut the fuck up and leave.” I wasn’t angry anymore, truthfully. I wasn’t hurt. I wasn’t disappointed. I just wanted revenge against the last woman who would ever make the mistake of fucking me over.

  I didn’t like when dark memories surfaced like that out of nowhere. It wasn’t as if it happened daily. There were occasional triggers that caused them to come floating back to me. Darcy was a trigger, perhaps one that my instincts were telling me to avoid. I wanted to avoid her, but something else was at play here and I realised it was my fascination with her. Her resemblance to Bianca had definitely initiated it; even Lacee remarked about it in her usual accusatory tone. It was if I had some unfinished business with Bianca that somehow Darcy might fulfill. It was crazy, yet being drawn to her was potent.

  If I possessed any decency, I’d let it go. I would simply put her out of my mind, along with the things that I fantasized doing to her. But I’d never claimed to be a decent man.

  chapter 16

  It had been several weeks since I had last seen Easton Matthews. I had heard nothing from him since that phone call during the painful and blush-worthy afternoon, the day after he basically rocked my fucking world. And I was beginning to wonder if that was just a courtesy-call that guys tend to make after hooking up. You know the one: where they’re afraid to hurt your feelings, so they just kind of tell you that you’re great and hint at seeing you again? Seriously, why even call at all? Not to get all annoyed or anything, but I was trying and failing to understand that maybe this was all part of the game. And that maybe I was just one of the many women Easton Matthews was playing with. Dudes are just plain freakin’ from another planet; I wasn’t thinking Mars either, more like Ur-Anus!!

  I’d been a little mopey, not to mention snappy, over the past week or two. Trust me, it didn’t go unnoticed by Eli. He crept up behind me at work just this morning, seeing my new scrolling marquis screen-saver in Broadway font that read, “Men are Dirt!”

  “Hmm, someone has a case of the hard ass,” he commented with a grin, looking over my shoulder.

  “Is there something you need?” I asked curtly.

  “Just wanted to remind you about the All Employee Meeting in ten minutes. I thought maybe we could walk to the conferencing center together.”

  “Oh shit,” I replied, “I forgot about that; what’s this meeting about anyway?”

  “How should I know, babe? You’re the owner’s daughter. I figured you’d be in the know.”

  “I haven’t really thought about it, to tell you the truth. Besides that, my dad’s been hard to pin down lately. I think he’s still ticked off at me, for whatever reason.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” he replied. “Helen in Purchasing said she heard from Marsha in Accounting that it’s a hostile takeover of some sort.”

  “Eli, I didn’t realize you were such a gossip queen. Is that a gay thing?”

  “Darcy, I love you, but bite me.”

  Eli and I, along with a horde of other employees, traipsed upstairs to the large conferencing center. It reminded me of the large theater-style lecture rooms we had at college. We found seats and waited patiently for my father to take the podium.

  Several minutes later he came out, dressed in a dark suit and tie, a bit different than his usual business casual at the office. My dad was not pretentious, so I had a sinking suspicion perhaps Eli’s tidbit of gossip was on target.

  “Fellow employees, you know me well enough by now to realize I’m not one for long and drawn-out speeches. I’m a cut-to-the-chase individual, but I want to make my message to all of you today very clear from the beginning. Today, there’s good news for Sheridan & Associates that includes opportunities for each and every employee here. This is a major announcement that I’m very pleased to share with all of you. Several months ago, I was approached by a well-respected global company, interested in buying Sheridan & Associates. At the time, I wasn’t interested in entertaining any proposals for the sale of my company. I felt there was more to be done prior to my retirement.”

  Oh geez! Daddy, what have you done?

  “Several weeks ago, I was again approached by the same CEO of this corporation, and a new proposal was submitted. I’m pleased to announce that a merger between Sheridan & Associates, a privately-owned business, and Baronton Holdings, L.L.C. has been concluded. This will bring many more jobs to the D.C. area as Baronton moves a segment of their business from the U.K. to right here in D.C. A transition team will be on site next Monday, and remain here to ensure a smooth merger with the most important resources we have, our employees. I’ll be retained in a consulting position for the Sheridan segment of the business indefinitely.”

  I didn’t hear the rest of what my father was saying. My head was spinning; I felt like a statue sitting next to Eli as he continued jabbing me with his elbow.

  I finally turned to look at Eli, the shock apparent on my face.

  “I know, right?” he whispered to me, taking my hand.

  My father was now introducing the new majority owner of Sheridan & Associates, Mr. Easton Matthews. I instinctively squeezed my legs tighter together; Eli noticed and let out an audible smirk. The employees clapped like the suck-ups they were as Easton came up to the podium from the door behind the stage. Naturally, he was impeccably dressed, looking sexy, hot, and gorgeous in his double-breasted Armani suit. I heard Lynda from Payroll gasp behind me.

  “Dear God, he’s beautiful,” she whispered loudly, to Pam McCain sitting next to her. I turned around, shooting her daggers and shushing her abruptly.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,” Easton said his rich voice music to my ears once again. “I’m Easton and the first thing I’d like to do is to put everyone’s mind at ease relative to this merger.”

  “He’s got a bit of a British accent; that’s sooo hot,” I heard Lynda whisper again.

  “First of all, I realise a move such as this tends to make employees uneasy and fearful for their jobs. Let me assure you straightaway, there’s no need for worry. The transition team Baronton has in place will make this transition smooth and seamless. You’re all very valuable assets to this company, and will continue to be valuable assets to Baronton-Sheridan, the new name of this organisation.”

  I watched in awe as the employees in front of me suddenly relaxed, smiled, and whispered amongst each other. Easton had won them over with his charm and charisma. I looked back up to where he stood talking to my father and, as they finished, he turned and his piercing gray eyes were on me in an instant.

  “Oh God,” Eli whispered. “He’s staring right at you, Darce.”

  “I can see that, Eli,” I murmured under my breath without moving my lips. Our eyes locked and I was tempted to get into a stare-down with him just for the hell of it, but the whispers behind me were extremely distracting.

  “I wonder if he’s married,” Lynda said. “Fifty bucks says Shelly jumps ship from old man Sheridan and puts in to be ‘Hottie’s’ executive assistant.”

  I was boiling now. I turned around and none too quietly hissed, “Umm? Excuse me. Ladies? See, that’s my father there. You know—the carrier of my DNA and all? So, if you guys would just…Shut. Up. That’d be great. ‘Kay? Thanks.” I caught glares from both of them.

if on cue, Easton stepped back to the podium to speak once again. “At this time, I’d like to introduce the leader of our transition team to all of you. She’ll be available for any questions or concerns you may have starting tomorrow.”

  The whole breathing thing got a little hard as Lacee stepped out onto the stage and joined Easton at the podium. “Everyone, this is my executive assistant and newly appointed team leader of the Baronton-Sheridan Group, Lacee Fitzgerald. Again, the minions gave a round of applause to the blonde bitch who was flashing a smile right along with her cleavage.

  “Wanna bet she’s banged the boss more than once?” I heard Lynda comment behind me. I was ready to go off on her when I felt Eli’s hand on my arm, shaking his head as if saying “Leave it alone.” Now, Lacee came up to the microphone, having to adjust it downward to accommodate her short stature.

  “Welcome everyone,” she greeted, “to your new family, Baronton-Sheridan Group. I’m looking forward to meeting with each of you in some one-on-one sessions that I’ll be scheduling to get basic information as to your job description, scope of responsibilities and future growth plans. This transition team is dedicated to grooming all of the employees so that everyone’s successful in meeting their growth potential. We’re going to have a lot of fun, so relax, and let us help you become the very best at what you do. Thank you.”

  I think I just vomited a little in my mouth.

  The meeting ended up with a few more words of assurance from my father, which I totally tuned out. I was floored he would do this to me! I was, in fact, ready to cut loose with some tears of anguish, but there was no way in hell I’d give Easton that satisfaction! Why the hell would he be interested in a small company like Sheridan & Associates, anyway? It made no sense to me. The more I saw how he operated, the more convinced I was he was shady.

  As Eli and I walked back out through the hallway to our respective departments, I remained speechless. Finally, Eli broke the silence.

  “So, what are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that I need to look for another job and revise my career path. I can’t believe my father did that.”

  “Maybe he had reasons of his own. Maybe he wants to semi-retire. I mean, you can’t necessarily blame the guy for wanting to improve his golf game.”

  “But he always talked as if I’d take over, what about that?”

  “I think you need to discuss that with him off-premises. That’s the mature thing to do. But right now, I’m more interested in how much interaction Easton Matthews plans on having here.”

  “Well, I can tell you this: he’ll be having no interaction with me outside of work. Bringing his blonde blow-up doll here with him like that, having her head up the transition team, what a joke.”

  “For now, babe, you just have to dig in and be professional about it. It’s all you have.”

  “Yeah, well I meant what I said. I’m going to look for another job in the meantime.”

  I watched as Eli frowned, genuinely disturbed by my current attitude.

  “Is there something you want to say to me, Eli?”

  “Maybe there is,” he replied. “You know, sometimes you need to take a moment and consider the fact that it’s not always about you. I get that you’ve got that “only child” thing going on, but it’s time for you to realize that just because something pisses you off, you can’t simply pick your marbles up and go home. Sometimes, it’s about thinking things through and making the best of them. I mean who knows? This might be a good thing when it’s all said and done. Let your folks off the hook, Darcy; that’s really what you need to do. This is about you making it on your own.”

  With that, Eli turned right and headed down the hallway leading to his department, leaving me feeling chastised for the first time ever. Maybe he knew what I needed more than I did. Friends are funny that way.

  chapter 17

  I sulked that evening alone in my room, taking comfort in my flannel nightgown, eating microwave mac and cheese while sitting cross-legged on my bed watching trash television. I could hear Eli puttering around on the ground floor of our townhouse. He wasn’t going to budge on anything he said earlier today. And why should he? He was right and I knew it.

  Who was I kidding, acting as if I could find a career anywhere I chose? I had no experience whatsoever. I was basically what companies refer to as “unskilled labor” at the moment. My only choice was to do exactly what Eli said: suck it up, be professional, and along the way my reward would be experience and knowledge.

  I’d licked the last of the runny cheese sauce from my lips when there was a tap on my bedroom door.

  “Can I come in?” Eli asked from the hallway.

  “It’s open,” I called back. The door opened slowly and Eli’s face was hidden by a large bouquet of purple roses in a crystal vase as he sauntered into the room.

  “Gee, Eli, no better way to say you’re sorry, I guess, than with purple roses.”

  “Ha, ha, smart-ass. They’re not from me. Some chauffeur just dropped them off with this. He handed an envelope to me, but I didn’t have to open it to know who they were from.

  I’ve been very pleased with your behaviour these past few weeks. I’d like to spend some time with you this evening. My driver will pick up you up at 8:00 p.m. sharp. We’ll have dinner together and then play it by ear. Please pack nightwear. - EASTON

  “He’s got to be fucking kidding,” I managed to say, to no one in particular. Eli hurriedly put the roses on my nightstand, holding his hand out so he could read the note.

  “Wow, better get waxed girlie. You only have about an hour and ten minutes before our bell rings again.”

  “Yeah, as if,” I huffed, curling back up on my bed. “I have no intention of going out with him or fucking him or anything tonight—or ever! What a pompous ass!”

  “Whoa, now wait a minute here. Why the sudden change of attitude?”

  “Eli,” I deadpanned. “Seriously?”

  “Apparently so,” he replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs. “Clue me in because the last I looked, dude rang your bell good.”

  “Yeah, alright,” I conceded. “But that was then and this is now.”

  “How poetic.”

  “Bite me, bitch,” I said, smacking at him playfully. “No, really a lot’s changed since then. First of all, he hasn’t called me, which I find offensive, but then I rationalized…why should he call? I mean, we both knew what that night was about: a sexathon with no strings. So, I get over it, right? Then he friggin’ buys the company, or the majority of the company, where I work, so now he’s the boss of me.”

  “Actually, I think it’s politically correct to say that he’s now your boss’s boss’s boss.”

  “Okay,” I reply, waving him off. “Whatever. And then he sends roses that are purple—just like that…you know…”


  “Yes, and then he summons me to be ready? Pack my fucking jammies? I don’t think so. Aside from the callous treatment, I’m not going to be the one everyone accuses of banging the boss. Period. You said yourself that I need to make my own way at Sheridan or whatever the hell he’s renamed it. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do! Without screwing the boss.”

  “You mean the boss’s, boss’s, boss?”

  I flipped Eli off with both hands.

  He chuckled, leaning over and giving me a brotherly kiss on the forehead. “That’s my girl,” he said. “I’m glad you got your spirit back, and honestly? I’m proud of you.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “I really thought your first ‘Darcy move’ would be to fly over to your parent’s house in that sweet little Mercedes they bought for you, whining and crying about the injustice of it all and blaming them for putting a hurdle in the way of your climb to the top, yadda, yadda, yadda. Instead, you reflected, and came to the more adult conclusion, which is sometimes you simply play the hand you’re dealt. I like that.”

  “Aww, Eli, you know I was never really pissed at you, don’t you?” I sarcastically crooned at him.

  “Yeah, right,” he laughed, mussing my hair. “So, what do I tell ‘James’ when he shows up here in that limo for you?”

  I put on a horrible British accent. “Please convey my sincerest regrets to Mr. Matthews, but Ms. Sheridan won’t be joining him this evening to sup. She’s otherwise occupied with shaving her legs and washing her hair.”

  Eli and I both broke into laughter. “Hopefully, I’ll think of something better than that. Don’t worry, Darce.”

  I took a leisurely bubble-bath, shaving, waxing, shampooing and just relaxing in general. I heard the bell downstairs ring and nothing more. Apparently, Eli had taken care of it as promised. I couldn’t get over the audacity of Easton’s presumption I was to be at his disposal just like that. He didn’t know Darcy Sheridan at all.

  After getting dried off, I dressed in a clean nightgown and robe and wrapped a towel around my wet hair, turban style. I slipped into my fluffy, bunny slippers and padded downstairs to the living room, shocked as hell when I saw Easton sitting back, arms crossed on our sofa, with a very perturbed look on his gorgeous face. Eli was sitting across from him, looking more than a little uncomfortable. I wondered if they’d been conversing all of this time.

  “Well, I see Darcy’s out of the shower. I’ve got laundry to finish, so it’s been very nice talking to you, sir,” Eli “the suck-up” said, reaching out to shake Easton’s hand.

  “It was very nice talking to you as well, Eli. Thank you for keeping me company while Darcy was getting ready.”

  I tried to keep all unlady-like hand gestures to myself.

  Eli left the room, a small smile gracing his lips, as if he knew I could handle it. I wasn’t so sure.

  “Good evening, Darcy,” he said, his eyes burning through me with something. “I must say, your attire may not fit in well with the restaurant I chose for us this evening. Perhaps you’d like to rethink it?”


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