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G-Men: The Series

Page 89


  She stirred in her sleep, her brilliant eyes fluttering open and seeing me watching her.

  “Easton,” she said softly. “What is it?”

  “I’m done with my work. I’ve a gift for you.”

  She eyed me suspiciously. “Where?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  “It was delivered a little while ago,” I replied chuckling. “Come out here with me and I’ll show you.”

  She put a bathrobe on, following me out to the living room. I handed her the small box that the courier had delivered just a half hour before. She opened it, her brow furrowing in confusion. She looked up at me, a half-smile playing on her lips.

  “Is this what I think it is?” she asked coyly.

  “It is,” I replied, watching for a reaction.

  “But I’m not pierced there,” she responded.

  “We can have that remedied if you like.”

  “Is that what you want?” she asked tersely.

  “Not at all, love. I simply thought it would make a nice gift for you. I’ve heard a vertical hood piercing can significantly enhance the pleasure of orgasm, but I understand if you’re disinclined to undergo the procedure. It may be a little painful, though I didn’t mind it when I had my piercing done. I think it was well worth it, don’t you?”

  “It’s not that,” she said, clearly flustered. I had to admit it was quite entertaining to see the rare occasion when she was at a loss for words. I watched as she bit down on her lower lip trying to find the right words.

  Christ, don’t do that, love. You’ll never finish what you have to say if you keep doing that.

  “I mean,” she continued, “how long would I have to…abstain from sex? You know, once it’s pierced?” I watched her cheeks turn a flattering shade of pink.

  Fuck. Don’t do that either.

  I stroked her hair, tilting her chin up so that her eyes locked with mine. “Just a few weeks. I’d be happy to pleasure you in other ways, if that’s your only reservation. Or maybe we could simply have this beautiful black onyx re-set into a tummy button ring for you.”

  “No,” she quickly replied, looking down at the gem. “Though…I wouldn’t mind having a matching one for my belly-button.” A corner of her lips quirked up, giving me a shy and hopeful smile.

  “Brilliant,” I replied, smiling. “I’ll see to having another one made.”

  “You had this made for me? Why?”

  “I wanted it to be special. Something no other woman has but you.”

  “Well, Easton, I think it’s fairly safe to say, how would anyone know? I mean it’s not like clit jewelry is visible to the general public.” She was laughing now, shaking her head. I was simply pleased that it had gone so well.

  I phoned Mark once Darcy had gone back to dress and ordered another black onyx for her tummy button ring.

  “Should this one have a hot-spot?” he asked.

  “Wouldn’t hurt to have a back-up to be safe,” I replied. “I’ll need it tomorrow, so make it a priority at the lab.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I made another call to a professional contact and let Darcy know when she reappeared that her piercing was scheduled for the following evening at my suite.

  “You mean, you have someone coming here to do that?”

  “You act surprised,” I replied, giving her a wink. “Come on, I need to get those clothes back off of you. If we have to abstain for a couple of weeks, we’d better have a few for the road.”

  “I hear that,” she giggled, grabbing my hand and leading me back to the bedroom.

  This time I made love to her slowly and sensually. I placed my lips on every piece of her I could find, craving new places from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, enjoying every soft inch of her. I was careful to avoid those areas with marks, lifting her up and over me so that I could gently settle her down onto my rigid cock. She moved her hips in perfect rhythm, up and down, leaning forward so that my cock piercing hit just the right spot, over and over again. My hands cupped her creamy breasts, gently tugging at the nipples, raising my mouth to take one fully, suckling gently.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned sweetly, riding my cock slowly and deliberately. I could feel her pussy contracting around it. Our eyes locked as our climax mounted toward the crescendo that ultimately would send us both into a spiral of pulsating pleasure. “That’s it,” she gasped. “Keep fucking me just like that, Easton. God, baby, you make me feel so good…”

  Her soft, husky voice speaking those intimate and sexy words were all I needed to descend with her into that sweet depth where we were lost in the pleasure and passion of mutual release.

  chapter 39

  It had been two weeks since I’d had the hood of my clit pierced, with Easton at my side during the procedure. It had better be fucking worth it once I’m cleared for sex in another week. That was the worst part of it. I’d been spending most of my time at Easton’s. I’d gone back to my apartment and picked up some of my clothes and toiletries while Eli was at work the day I’d called in sick.

  Of course, he’d worried like a bitch-you-didn’t-come-home-last-night older sister when Lindsey hadn’t been able to reach me, and naturally had phoned Eli to see where I was. She’d spilled the whole story to him about Darin and what had happened at Busbee’s. I wasn’t about to be around the apartment and have Eli accidently see the bruises on my ankles or wrists. I’d worn casual pants and long-sleeved blouses to work the rest of the week.

  So okay, now let’s deal with the elephant in the room here, shall we? Call me a freak; call me a perv, but I’d enjoyed the punishment Easton had unleashed upon me that night.

  Thoroughly. Fucking. Enjoyed. It.

  What more can I say? Does that mean I have “Daddy” issues?


  Does it mean I feel subservient to Easton?

  Only when I choose to, and it’s about the pleasure I get from it, so it’s really still about me, got it?

  Will Easton continue to punish me like that?

  Fuck No! And I’m a tad pissed as hell about it!

  “I don’t understand, Easton,” I had friggin’ whined. Yep, that’s right, whined. “Am I not doing something right? Not giving you the reaction you need to make it hot?”

  “I’ve told you before, Darcy, it’s not who I want to be with you. It’s not happening again. End of subject.”

  I knew Easton loved me, though he’d never said the words to me once I’d confronted him with it that morning after my punishment. I decided I wasn’t going to say it to him, either. Maybe that’s what ruined a good thing. I’d been totally open with Darin; professing my love for him once he’d said it to me. (Rule #1, lovelies: Always wait until the man says it first!) What good had it done me?

  Darcy’s Law of the Male Psyche: Once you let a guy know you love him, he knows he’s conquered you and it’s just a matter of time before he’s trolling around for his next ‘challenge.’

  Case in Point: Darin

  Understand? Great—Let’s move on.

  Easton and I had been keeping a low profile at work. Occasionally, he’d call me into his office, shut the door, and spring his horny cock free for a mid-afternoon blow job. I enjoyed it nearly as much as he did. He’d try to get me off as best he could with his fingers, which made it easier to bypass my healing clit.

  He was leaving day after tomorrow for London to conduct his annual State of the Business meeting. I referred to it as his high-powered summit. All the general managers would meet for a round table caucus to go over their current numbers and raise any concerns they had about reaching their sales goals. He’d be in London for most of the week and then traveling to Paris for another meeting of some sort. He said he’d be there for a “few” days. I absolutely wasn’t going to press him for more information. I could read his body language fairly well by now.

  The timing was less than perfect. Lacee was due back in after her unpaid hiatus so I was not looking fo
rward to having to interact with her once again.

  I was clearing my desk off right before five o’clock when my cell rang. It was Mom. I hadn’t talked to them more than a couple of times while they were cruising.

  “Hey Mom,” I greeted. “Are you back? I’m starting to feel like an orphan.”

  “Yes, darling. Daddy and I got in earlier this afternoon. It was a great trip, but I’m glad to be home I think. We brought you back something, along with lots of pictures. Would you like to come over for dinner this evening?”

  God, I so hated missing an evening with Easton…but—

  “Sure, Mom. I’ll drive over as soon as I leave the office.”

  “Perfect. Just know that we’re having Chinese takeout. I’m too tired to cook,” she laughed.

  I ended the call and finished clearing my desk. Easton was still on a conference call with Colin. I stood in his doorway until he motioned for me to come in.

  “Colin, we can pick this up later tonight. I’ve some pressing business to attend to at the moment.” (Pause) “Ah, yes, I will. Cheers.”

  He looked up at me, smiling. “Colin sends his regards.”

  “Oh,” I smiled. “Regards right back at him when you talk later.”

  “Where shall we go for dinner?” he asked, flashing me his brilliant smile.

  “Well, actually, that’s why I stopped in. My parents are back from their cruise and Mom wants me to have dinner with them. Since they’re closer to my apartment, I’m probably going to crash at home tonight.” I ran my fingers through my hair a bit nervously.

  “I see,” he replied. I got the feeling he wasn’t pleased, but there was no way in hell I was springing him on the folks just yet. I remembered how horrified they’d been hearing Lacee and Easton carry on back in December. They’d freak if they found out the situation had changed and their daughter was now on the receiving end of his lust.

  “You’re probably ready for a break from me anyway,” I teased. He didn’t smile.

  Okay. Maybe not.

  “Have a nice evening,” he replied, coolly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


  He turned his back to me and started pecking away on his laptop. Okay. Whatever. Sometimes Easton Matthews could be a hot mess.

  Dinner with Mom and Dad went well. First off, it was nice to have good ole Chinese take-out for a change. Easton and I were constantly eating at some high-priced, gourmet restaurant, or his butler was preparing gourmet meals for us in his suite. I’d actually packed on a few pounds I wasn’t real happy about. When I mentioned that to Easton, he’d actually tried to drag my ass out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to work out with him the following morning. Hells-bells, that wasn’t happening!

  My parents had brought me an authentic Puka Shell necklace, a gorgeous pair of Birkenstock sandals, and a hand-embroidered silk caftan. I swore it seemed as if they were segueing back to their “hippie” days with the selections they’d purchased for me. Not that I didn’t love it all.

  Once we’d finished eating and I’d looked at all of the digital pictures, Daddy asked how things were going at work. For some reason I felt tongue-tied.

  “I got a promotion,” I said timidly.

  “That’s fantastic,” they both said at once.

  “Tell me, Darcy, how did this come about?” my father asked.

  “Well, Lacee was promoted to the Transition Team Leader, so of course, that left her position open for an executive assistant to Easton. He approached me about it, basically saying that he’d personally groom me in operations management.

  “Splendid,” my father said, beaming.

  If only he knew…

  “Dad, I guess your former assistant didn’t put in for the job for Easton. Why is that?”

  I watched my father squirm, not knowing that I knew what I knew.

  “She preferred a transfer to Finance,” he said hurriedly. “Since I’m only there periodically as a consultant, there wouldn’t have been much for her to do most of the time. She got a promotion as well.”

  “I see,” I said. “Well, I guess it worked out for all concerned. I probably should be heading home. I’ve got laundry stacked up.” I picked up my handbag, digging for my car keys.

  “Darcy, wait a sec,” my mom interrupted. “Is there a reason you haven’t put a change of address through since you’ve moved from here?”

  “No, I guess I never saw the need,” I replied. “I mean, I don’t have credit card bills or anything. I set my billing up for utilities once I moved into the apartment. What’s left?”

  “Well,” she said, going over to the kitchen counter where a stack of mail was piled. “We had the mail stopped a few days before we left on the cruise. I noticed there were several things for you when I returned. There’s a notice from your dentist that you’re overdue for a cleaning, some clothing catalogs, and then this postcard from Dr. Billingsley arrived right after we left, stating you missed a scheduled appointment and has instructions to call their office immediately to set another one up.”

  Oh shit! My Depo shot is fucking past due…

  “Honey, are you having any female problems? I mean, I know Dr. Billingsley’s a gynecologist.”

  “Oh no, Mom. Nothing like that. I just missed my annual check-up is all.”

  “Well good,” she replied, obviously relieved. “Make sure you call your dentist and gynecologist to get this taken care of. It’s important you keep up with your preventative treatments.”

  No fucking shit!!

  Eli was kicked back in the living room watching some freaking reality show with Cain when I got home.

  “There she is, Maddox. I guess she does still live here, or at least makes the occasional pit stop.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped, instantly regretting my mood.

  I went upstairs and immediately started sorting through my clothes hamper in order to start the four loads of laundry it appeared I had. Eli tapped gently on my door.

  “You okay?” he asked softly. “Did you have a fight with Easton?”

  “No, no—nothing like that. My folks are back and I had dinner with them. I’m staying here tonight.”

  “Why the mood?”

  “It’s probably nothing,” I shrugged. “Sorry I was bitchy. Everything’s cool.”

  Later, as I lay alone in my bed, hoping that sleep would overtake me, I had a gnawing suspicion that everything was not okay. My instincts were on high alert.

  chapter 40

  I was pulling my paper gown tightly around me as Dr. Billingsley instructed me to scoot my tush down closer to the edge of the table, my socked feet firmly planted in the cold, steel stirrups of the exam table.


  “When was your last period, Darcy?”

  “Uh, before I had my last shot of Depo.”

  “Umm hmm,” he mumbled, putting the warmed speculum in to “have a peek” as he put it.

  “When did you get the piercing?” he asked, probing around with his instrument.

  “A few weeks ago,” I replied, tensing up at the physical intrusion.

  “It looks like it’s healing nicely. You understand we can’t give you another Depo shot until we get the results of the test back. It’ll be just another couple of minutes. I can tell your cervix has thickened up a bit.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  His nurse tapped on the door and then came in, handing him the test results.

  “You can sit up now,” he said, extending his hand to assist me. I was still clutching the paper gown to my breasts, watching his face for some hint of the news.

  He took a seat on his rolling stool and made a notation on my chart.

  “Well, Darcy, I hope congratulations are in order. Both of your tests have come back positive. It appears you’re about five to six weeks pregnant.”

  “I can’t be!” I hissed loudly at him. “Can’t you re-run the tests? I mean, I wasn’t that far past the da
te in getting my next shot. Certainly there’s some ‘carryover’ time, a buffer period or something, right?”

  “I’m positive you’re pregnant. There’s no need to re-take the tests. You’ll be delivering a baby in mid-to-late January. I take it this isn’t good news?” He was looking at me with compassion.

  “I don’t know what it is,” I said, my voice sounding foreign to me. “I’m still in shock, I guess.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you to get dressed. You should consider your options. You’re still in the very early stage of your pregnancy. If you decide to terminate the pregnancy, you should do it soon. The longer you delay, the higher the risk. I’ll have my nurse provide you with some informational pamphlets of clinics and counseling centers as well.”

  I didn’t remember getting dressed or driving back to the apartment. I was in a fog…a thick, confused fog. I’d made a follow-up appointment with the doctor, and was provided a prescription for pre-natal vitamins, should I decide to proceed with the pregnancy.

  Oh. My. God. Easton’s going to kill me!

  As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room and crawled into bed. Eli was still at work. Easton was in London. Thank God. There’s no way I could’ve masked my emotions from him, at least for now.

  I picked up my phone and called Lindsey. We’d only talked once since the night Easton had hauled me out of Busbee’s. She knew we were still whatever-we-were to each other.

  “Hey, you,” she greeted. “It’s about damn time you came up for air. Doesn’t Easton ever give you a breather?”


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