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G-Men: The Series

Page 95


  It was mid-August and I’d just left Dr. Billingsley’s office and was heading to ‘Tater’s for lunch. I was officially four months pregnant, my blood-work was fine and I’d gained seven pounds, total. No one seemed to have noticed the seven pounds. Maybe it was because I was tall. My tummy had a small baby bump, which wasn’t difficult to conceal at all. I figured by the time Colin and Ronnie returned from their honeymoon cruise, my pregnancy would be noticeable, so I wasn’t about to spill anything before then.

  My mother called me practically every day to make sure I was eating right, getting enough rest and taking my vitamin. Geesh! Of course both parents were now quite excited about becoming grandparents, even though my father had told my mother he’d like to “shake the shit out of Darin” for being so irresponsible and leaving me in the lurch.

  Ah-hem, yeah, I know.

  Ronnie and I usually had lunch a couple of times a week. I was her only girlfriend in D.C. I’d invited Lindsey to join us a few times with Harper (who Ronnie, of course, adored) so now she could add her to her list of D.C. friends. I was meeting them both for lunch today.

  I was running a few minutes late. I spotted Lindsey at a table outside in the shaded garden area. I so hated the heat and humidity these days. I figured it must be something with my pregnancy hormones. I parked my car, nodding to Lindsey who was waving wildly, as if I couldn’t spot her.

  “I went ahead and ordered you iced lemonade,” she said, nodding to the seat where a tall, frosted glass of it awaited.

  “Thanks,” I said, lifting it to take a long drink. “I swear to God I’m so over this fucking summer. Where’s Harper?” I asked, finally noticing the stroller wasn’t parked next to Lindsey’s chair.

  “Oh, Taz is with her at home,” she replied, sipping her iced tea. “He has the rest of this week off and then next week as vacation. Then he’s gone on assignment for the next three to four weeks after that. Guess where?”

  I rolled my eyes at her, smiling. “I swear Lindsey, you’re like a kid whenever you have gossip or juicy tidbits, aren’t you?”

  She nodded, giggling. “New York,” she said, unable to keep it to herself any longer. “And,” she continued, drawing each word out, “he mentioned he’s going to be touching bases with Easton while he’s there. Apparently there’s some drama in the family going on.”

  “Really?” I commented, not particularly interested in the topic of Easton. It still hurt at times.

  “I’d give you the details, but I’m not sure if Taz wants me putting family business out there like that,” she qualified.

  “Hmm, let me guess. Taz and Easton aren’t brothers,” I replied, taking another long sip of my drink. I watched as Lindsey’s eyes bugged out in shock and awe.

  “You knew?” she gasped. “Did Easton tell you? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Okay, now she was downright hurt.

  “Listen,” I said, nodding towards the parking lot, “Ronnie’s here. We can talk about it later, okay?”

  We enjoyed our lunch together. Ronnie brought pictures of her wedding dress to show us. It was very traditional, similar to Lindsey’s. She had her final fitting the following day.

  “So,” she said, turning her attention to me, “you’re still planning on coming to our wedding, aren’t you? You haven’t R.S.V.P.’d yet, Darcy.”

  Holy shit! What the hell do I say?

  Both of them were watching me, waiting for my response.

  “Ronnie,” I started slowly, “you know I want to be there, of course. I mean, Colin’s my boss, and both of you are my friends, but I just don’t think I’d be…comfortable.”

  “Rubbish,” she said, picking the tomato slice off of her club sandwich. “You’ve got to face Easton some time, right?”

  This was the first time she’d actually come out and mentioned the bastard’s name. Up until this point, we’d skirted the issue.

  I thought about that for a moment. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t ever have to face him again, if I’m lucky.”

  “So, you’re going to let his assholiness keep you from my wedding and what’s promised to be a great time?”

  How much does she know?

  Lindsey piped up in my defense. “Ronnie, there are other circumstances involved here,” she said quietly. “It probably wouldn’t be a good idea for Darcy to be traveling to New York by herself.”

  “It’s not that,” I interrupted, a bit snappish. “I just don’t want to go by myself, I guess.”

  Ronnie rolled her eyes. “The invitations reads ‘and guest’,” she pointed out. “Bring your friend, Eli. Or how about Lindsey, here?”

  Lindsey immediately perked up. “I’d love to go with you, Darce. I haven’t been to the city since my freshman year in college. I’m sure Mom or Grandma would keep Harper. We could spend a few days there, do some fall shopping, and see a play? I haven’t been anywhere since my honeymoon,” she whined.

  “Ha,” I said, smiling, “you just want to go because you’re thinking Taz might still be there on assignment and you can hook up for an hour or so.” I watched as Lindsey’s face turned a lovely shade of pink, knowing I’d hit the nail on the head.

  “You know we don’t communicate much when he’s on undercover stuff,” she mumbled, poking at her salad. “I just thought it might be nice to have some female bonding with my B.F.F., that’s all.”

  “I’ll think about,” I said, knowing that I’d give in because, the truth was, I wanted to prove to myself I could face Easton Matthews one more time to show him I’d survived just fine without him.

  “Great!” Lindsey and Ronnie both said together.

  Yep. It was a done deal…Fuuuuck!

  When I returned to the office after lunch, I was surprised to find my father coming out of Colin’s office. He immediately brightened when he saw me, coming over to plant a parental kiss on my cheek.

  “What are you doing here, Daddy?”

  He scrunched up his nose (kind of the way that I do) and said, “I own a good piece of this company, Darcy. I’m exercising my authority to work on site so that I can keep an eye on my daughter while she’s in this delicate condition,” he laughed good-naturedly.

  “Shhh,” I hissed quietly. “That’s not common knowledge around here.” I saw my dad’s expression morph to serious and I knew immediately he’d shared this info with Colin.


  “Oh, I see. Well, I’m off to play some golf before I come back to fill in for Colin,” he said, anxious now to get the hell away from me. “See you full-time in a few weeks,” he said, giving me another peck on the cheek as he hurried out.

  I sat down at my desk and started going through the e-mails that had come in since I’d been out for my doctor’s appointment and then lunch. My Outlook In-Box ‘pinged’ with a new arrival from “C. Devers.”

  ‘Darcy - Got a minute? Come on in…Colin’

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I gathered my notebook and pen and went through the door to his office. Easton’s old office. The office where lots of lewd and lascivious things had happened when the door was closed. I shook those memories away, just like I did all the others when they came to my mind totally uninvited.

  “Yes?” I said, taking a seat as he motioned for me to. He went over, closing the door between our adjoining offices.

  “Darcy,” he said, sitting back in the leather chair, his hands clasped behind his head, trying to choose his words carefully. “I’m walking a fine line here. I realise that, so please bear with me?”

  I nodded, duly noting the sincerity in his voice and his expression. “Your father was just in here at my request to review some of the current projects, bids, submission dates and what-not before I leave in two weeks to prepare for the wedding. He’s filling in while I’m gone for six weeks.” Colin stopped, swiveling in his chair and looking quite uncomfortable.

  “He happened to mention you’re expecting a baby in mid-January. Of cou
rse, he’s ecstatic about the notion as any grandparent would be. It’s certainly none of my business, but did you ever plan on letting me know of your…condition?”

  Now it was my time to squirm. Legally, I had no responsibility to let my employer know anything until I needed to for Family Medical Leave Act, but I knew Colin wasn’t trying to be invasive; he was trying to be compassionate and caring.

  “I guess…,” I stammered, “I mean I thought once you returned to work at the end of October, well…it would be kind of obvious.”

  He swung back around and stood up, walking around to the front of his desk, and copping a seat on the corner of it, his long legs outstretched in front of him.

  “Listen,” he said quietly, “I’m truly not trying to pry, and you’re under no obligation to share personal, medical information with your employer. But,” he continued, “I consider myself to be your mentor—and your friend. I’m here to support you in any way possible.”

  I crossed my legs, clasping my hands together and resting them on my knee. “I appreciate that, Colin. I didn’t mean to keep it from you indefinitely, you know?” I said with a small laugh. “It’s just that I wasn’t making it public right away.” God this was awkward.

  “So, then you haven’t told Ronnie?” he asked. “I mean, I get all of that stuff with female secrets…”

  “No,” I answered, plainly. “My parents know, Eli and his boyfriend know, my best friend, Lindsey. And now you, I guess.”

  “I see,” he replied, scratching his chin “What about Easton?”

  God—I so want to bang my head against the desk.

  “What about him?” I asked, looking puzzled and clueless, positive I hadn’t pulled it off.

  “Does he know he’s to be a father in mid-January? By my estimation, I’d guess this baby was conceived in mid-April, the same time we were in London for your first presentation.”

  Now I was scared he’d shared that personal information with my father. Oh God!

  “Relax,” he said, chuckling, as if reading my mind. “Your father’s under the distinct impression that some irresponsible FBI agent by the name of Darin took your ‘virtue’ and skipped the mainland for Alaska. No doubt Easton played a part in that assignment.”

  Easton must share stuff with him…

  Now it was my turn to frown. “How do you know so much?” I asked. “I mean, is Easton your best friend?”

  “We’ve known each other a very long time. I…understand Easton,” he replied with a shrug.

  “So, what makes you think my ex-boyfriend and I didn’t hook up in April?”

  He shook his head, grinning like a fool. “Darcy, any half-wit could have seen the way you and Easton looked at one another. You pushed his buttons in all the right places and he yours. It was quite obvious there was some high-current chemistry flowing back and forth like lightning bolts between the two of you. It didn’t take me long to figure out that both you and he were—and probably still are—totally, undeniably, and irrevocably in love with one another.”

  I shifted in my seat, not wanting to listen to any more of this because it was pointless. “That’s where you’re wrong, Colin. I admit it. I was in love with the son-of-a-bitch. The feeling wasn’t mutual and he made that perfectly clear when he told me I wasn’t part of his fucking long-term plan.”

  He was immediately on his feet, coming over to where I was sitting and taking the chair next to it. He grasped my hands into his, forcing me to face him.

  “Darcy,” he said, solemnly, “listen to me, please. I know Easton probably better than anyone. I’ve been with him through some tough times, emotionally, that is. I understand he’s a very complicated person—one for the books, I should say. I’m certainly no expert on the male psyche, but I do know him better than most and I have to tell you: this is a first. He loves you more than he ever loved…her. And that’s presuming that he did love her, which I doubt. So much so, that I’d bet a year’s salary that you’re the first woman Easton’s truly loved. It shook him up, sweets. He can’t handle it.”

  I shifted again in my chair. “Well, Colin, he doesn’t have to handle it because it’s been over for several months.”

  “I see,” he said, quietly, gazing over at me. “Then, you’re not going to tell him about…the baby?”

  “No!” I replied, vehemently. “I know his feelings about women and especially about babies…I mean I know all about him forcing Bianca to have an…abortion! And even when she did, he still dumped her. I also know firsthand how he treated Devon! Firing her because something slipped through the cracks when she was out on maternity leave…I’m sorry, but I find that deplorable.”

  I didn’t miss the look of shock on Colin’s face. Was it possible he wasn’t privy to any of this?

  He turned to me, his expression dark and angry. “I’m not sure where you got that information, but it’s totally false. I’m not at liberty to discuss things of a private nature concerning my superior, but I’ll say this: none of that’s true. Easton is, by no means, a perfect individual. However, I’ll give him his due when warranted. As far as Devon’s concerned, I can and will speak to that. Easton didn’t fire her when he went to Leeds. He offered her a flex schedule so that she can spend more time with the baby the first year. She’s only working half days on site, the rest from home.”

  I was stunned when Colin shared that with me. What? Why? Easton had never said a thing about it! I processed all of this recent info, taking several moments.

  Shaking my head in wonder, shrugging in defeat, I replied, “It doesn’t matter, Colin. He still ended it and I have enough pride not to go where I’m clearly not wanted. As for my condition—I will ask that you keep silent about it. As my employer you are bound by HIPPA restrictions of confidentiality…”

  He stood up, turning towards me. “Regardless of U.S law, I can assure you I wouldn’t have discussed this with Easton. It’s clearly not my place. I do think it’s your place to give him a chance to show you he does truly love you…Please know I respect and will, of course, honour your right to privacy, Darcy. But also know this: Easton’s become a better person because of you and I hope somewhere down the road, the both of you wise up and realise what’s so blatantly obvious to everyone else. Now, please let me know if there’s anything you need.”


  chapter 50

  Lindsey and I were seated next to each other in the first class cabin of the 757 bound for JFK.

  “This is so exciting,” Lindsey said enthusiastically. “Spending four days in New York with my bestie totally rocks.”

  I gave her a sidelong glance, trying to figure out why she was all pumped up. It wasn’t like we both hadn’t been there before. It wasn’t like I was exactly thrilled at the prospect of having to face Easton again. It’d been three months. I was five months pregnant and had gained twelve pounds. My baby bump was a bit more pronounced, but still manageable with a loose-fitting dress like the one I’d brought for the wedding with a jacket to go over it. The biggest differences were my hair and boobs. One had more, one had less…you get the picture.

  “You’re just horny for Taz,” I teased, noticing the captain had turned off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, unfastening mine and adjusting my seat back.

  “Am not,” she denied, “We’ve had our share of phone sex over the past couple of weeks, I’m good.” She settled her seat back, a smile playing on her lips. She was probably re-playing their last episode of phone sex in her mind.

  I smiled as I crossed my legs, squeezing my inner thighs together, enjoying the feel of my clit jewelry as it rubbed against my tight boy shorts. Just because I got rid of the-ass-hat-who-shall-not-be-named, doesn’t mean I was ready to part with the jewelry. Let’s get real for a sec, okay? I’m pregnant. And I’m pretty sure my estrogen levels are something that could possibly go down in the Guinness Book of World Records. And, oh yeah, I’m single. So, in case you’re still wondering about why I kept the pier
cing? I love it. My vibrator loves it. The End.

  “So, who’s keeping Harper?”

  “Grandma,” she answered. “Slate’s on the same assignment with Taz, so Mom’s got her hands full with Bryce and Sidney. Grandma was dying to keep her anyway. I mean, she’s such a good baby.”

  I had to agree with Lindsey on that one. Secretly, I hoped my baby would be as laid back as little Harper, although considering the gene pool involved, I knew it was highly unlikely.

  “So,” I said, “we never got to finish our conversation from a couple of weeks ago about the drama with Taz’s family.”

  She peered over at me frowning. “I thought you already knew about it?”

  “Well, yeah,” I replied, “but I didn’t find out from Easton.” I filled her in on how I’d found out.

  “Ohh,” she said, nodding, “then you don’t know the part about Easton’s biological father?”

  I looked over abruptly. “You know who his biological father is?” I asked, surprised.

  “Well, sure,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “I mean when Taz’s dad called a few weeks back asking if he’d spoken to Easton lately, the whole story came out. Easton was furious that Trace Sr. had never told him the truth. He cut off all ties. Taz’s dad is really upset.”

  “Yeah, I guess I can understand that,” I replied, thoughtfully. “But what does he know about Easton’s real father?”

  Lindsey leaned in as if on the verge of conveying top secret info to me. “I guess he was an older guy and from French royalty,” she whispered.


  “Uh huh. Like a Duke or something…Marquis,” she said a bit louder. “That’s his title, Marquis. Anyway, supposedly that makes Easton titled as an Earl. But the thing is that the family’s upset because of what Easton’s mother did in telling him all this crap in the first place. Taz is even upset about it.”

  “Seriously? I didn’t think he cared much for his half-brother.”

  She shrugged. “Taz says siblings fight at times but it doesn’t mean they don’t love one another. He says Trace Sr. was a father to Easton by love, if not blood and he’s his brother by love if not blood.”


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