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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

Page 19

by T. Saint John

  I walk into the penthouse after a long day at work. The view tonight is spectacular. In front of the skyline, I watch Molly feeding my son. She hasn't noticed me yet. I listen to her humming to him, trying to rock Landon to sleep. As she goes to put the baby to bed, she sees me standing there.

  "Welcome home, Daddy. When did you get here?" That will never get old, hearing her call me daddy. I have had so many new roles in such a short time: lover, boyfriend, husband, and now dad, all because of this amazing woman standing in front of me.

  "Just a few minutes ago. Here let me take him. I'll put him to bed." I feel like I miss out on a lot of things with him, any chance I can get with him, I'll take. He is still so tiny. I find myself looking at him everyday. I can’t believe he is mine. I can’t believe I love someone this much. I will do anything to protect him, to let him know his daddy loves him. He's definitely a mama's boy. Molly gets very little sleep. We tried the bottle, but Landon wasn't having it, only the breast for our little guy. I totally understand though, I would prefer her too.

  "Okay, thanks. I'm going to go put on something more comfortable. I'll be back in a few minutes."

  I get Landon laid down, made sure he stayed asleep, and head back into the living room to get some alone time with my wife. I miss her too. When I get in there, she's already sitting on the couch in her favorite comfy robe. I go flop down beside her.

  "Let's hope this is a good night. We have good two or three hours before he wakes up. Do you want to catch a movie on Netflix or something?"

  She starts giggling and says, "Or something..."

  I look at her completely clueless.

  She smiles. "Really? You really have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

  I'm still just looking at her.

  "Noah, I had my six week check up today." She giggles.

  Holy shit! Even though I knew Landon was six weeks old today, her check up completely slipped my mind. We've both been skating by on barely enough sleep. I can't help the huge grin that covers my face. We've messed around a little over the last few weeks. She's given me a couple of fantastic blowjobs, but I couldn't return the favor. She's had a hard time recovering from the Landon's traumatic birth.

  Molly is climbing on top of my lap. "Dr. Chaney said everything looks good and that whenever I'm ready to start having sex again, then I can. And Noah, I'm ready, now." She starts grinding into my very hard erection. Hell Yes!


  I've been excited and a bit nervous all day. When Dr. Chaney gave me the green light at my appointment, I could hardly wait to tell him. I'm sure he's excited too. I've thought about us, and what I want to do to him most of the day today. I thought about the few times we've messed around these last few weeks. I think my favorite was when I heard him call my name while he was in the shower. I thought he needed something; so when I opened the door and saw Noah stroking himself, imagine my surprise. It was beautiful to watch. I couldn't stop myself from getting in the shower with him and helping him finish what he had started. Noah cumming is the biggest turn on. He had me so wet that only a few touches on my clit brought about my own release. I can't believe he forgot. I mean REALLY forgot! Here I've been thinking like a sex-starved hooker all day and Noah forgot. I climb on top of him and start to open my robe. I decided tonight would be a perfect time for a little naughty. While Noah was putting Landon down, I went to our room and pulled out the corset and garters. I left the panties off. We won't be needing those tonight anyway.


  She opens her robe and I can't even speak. She has on the sexiest piece of lingerie I have ever seen in my life. She has on a black corset with matching garters. I don't see panties. Thank God, because I would have ripped them off. I can't help but growl when I see her pussy. I need to touch her. I can't wait to feel her heat. Immediately, I put my hand over her mound. Jesus help me. I can feel the heat coming off of her. I need to make her cum first because there is no way I'm going to last long tonight. She is already so wet. I can't help but dip my fingers in her, then bring them to my mouth to lick. It feels like it has been forever since I have had her taste in my mouth. “Fuck Molly, I’ve missed your taste on my tongue.”

  I pull down her corset. Her breasts are still full and luscious. A little milk comes out and I can't help but lap it up. She's panting and moaning. Her sounds are filling my ears. She rises up on her knees and starts to unbutton my pants. She can't get them off fast enough.

  "Babe, hurry I can't wait." As soon, as they're down to my hips she grabs my dick and slowly goes down. Feeling her slide down my dick is ecstasy. All I can do is close my eyes. This has to be what heaven feels like. It's perfection. I stop her from moving because I want her to cum too. I push her back a little so I can touch her clit. I know exactly how to touch her to make her cum. She starts moving up and down. Neither one of us can stop what's happening. We're both grunting, breathing hard.

  "You feel so good, baby. That's it Molly, ride me faster! God Molly, I need you to cum for me!" Thank fuck I feel her pussy start contracting around my dick. I let go too. I swear I see a bright light as we orgasm together. Every time we're together, I swear it can't get any better. She's lying on my chest, both of us trying to catch our breath. She looks up at me with a content smile and sighs, "Wow. I need to be naughty more often." FUCK YES she does.

  I carry her to bed. She still feels so perfect in my arms.

  “I love you Molly.”

  “I love you too.”

  “I have the next few days off work. What do you want to do?”

  “We need to make a final decision on a nanny. Two weeks and I go back. I’d like for whoever we get to come a week before so I can really watch how she interacts with Landon.” Shit. I want Molly at home with our son. I trust no one except Molly and my brothers with him.

  “Molly, would you consider staying home with him?”

  “I can’t I have some student loans I need to take care of. I worked very hard for my nursing degree. It is hard to think about leaving him though.”

  “How would you feel about part time? Your student loans aren’t that much. Part-time would cover them. By the end of the year, they should be paid off. If you put everything you make towards them.”

  “That’s a perfect idea. Yes.” She rolls on top of me. With no panties on. Just like that, I’m in heaven again.

  Chapter 32


  Six months later.

  Out of the blue, a week ago, Kerrigan called me and asked me to meet her at the corner deli. I haven't seen or heard from her since my wedding celebration. I had Missy watch Landon. Then decided to call Maddox and let him know what was going on. I knew she was in trouble and Maddox being a cop, I thought he was the best one to call. Maybe he can help her out better than me. I want her to know that she's not alone. She has friends and we care. I've seen the way Maddox has looked at her in the past. I think he cares more than he lets on. Maddox told me he was glad that I called him but he would be late getting there because of work. He'd meet up with us as soon as he could.

  Walking into the deli, I immediately spot Kerrigan. She looks so nervous and scared. She's lost weight. She's got an old bruise under one eye. She doesn't look like the same girl I met when I first moved here. I take a deep breath and calm my nerves.

  "Kerrigan? I’ve missed you so much. Where have you been? Are you alright?"

  She instantly tears up and grabs my hand. "I'm leaving Aaron. I just want someone to know. I've finally had enough."

  "Does anyone else know? Have you talked to Lani? Have you called the cops about Aaron?" I touch her under her eye where the bruise is fading.

  "Are you kidding me? Call the cops. Aaron is a cop and all of his cop friends are bastards too. I don't have anyone to help me, that's why I'm telling you. No one else knows. I was able to borrow a phone when Aaron let me out to go to the grocery store. I immediately thought of you. I want someone to know in case something happens. Aaron has gotten so bad. I don't understand how I l
et it get this bad. What's wrong with me?"

  “What can I do? I knew something was going on. I’ve wanted to do something for months. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to help. Will you talk to me? Why did you stay?”

  “I’ve never been good enough for anyone. Aaron is successful. He was proud to have me on his arm. I stayed at first because I thought he would get help. I kept staying because leaving him meant I’d go back to being alone. Also, because he made sure I’d isolated myself from all my friends and family. I was ashamed to reach out to the friends I’d left behind.” She is near hysterics when she finishes.

  I grab her hand in an attempt to calm her down. "Please don’t feel bad about that. We are here for you. Where will you go?"

  "If I make it, far away from here." She looks down at her watch and stands up, panicking, "Oh God. I'm going to be late. I need to go. He thinks I'm at a doctor appointment."

  "I can help you. I can give you some money. I have a place you can stay. Let me help you get away. He won't find you in Kentucky. My parents will help you, too. Please Kerrigan, let me help you."

  "I'll let you know. Thank you for being such a good friend, even when I haven't been." She says as she gets up.

  I look up and see Maddox standing behind her. I didn't realize he was even there. By the look on his face, he must have heard some of our conversation.

  She turns around to leave and walks straight into Maddox's chest. He grabs her by both arms and I hear him say, "Tell me what the fuck is going on?" Kerrigan flinches and Maddox immediately lets her go.

  "I'm not going to hurt you Kerrigan. I want to help."

  She gets angry. "That's what Aaron said too. ‘ I'm not going to hurt you baby or I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to do that, I just love you so much.' Look at me, Maddox! He hurt me! YOU hurt me! You're just like all the other guys out there. Hurt is hurt no matter how it's delivered. I can't trust you. Goodbye, Maddox."

  "Kerrigan, please stop. I'm sorry for everything. Let me help. Come with me right now. I will fix this."

  "I can't. I'm sure he's watching or has someone watching me. He always knows what I'm doing. If he finds out I was near you, he'll kill me," and with that she runs off.

  Maddox tries to chase her. He comes back a few minutes later to say she'd gotten into a cab. He looks devastated. I'm glad she's getting out. I hope she takes me up on my offer. Kentucky would be the perfect place for her. Aaron won't find her there.

  “Can you do anything now that she admitted that Aaron is abusing her?”

  “Still no, not until she presses charges or files a complaint. Until then, it’s just talk.”

  “I feel bad for why she stayed. Kerrigan is beautiful. When I first met her, I thought she was a confident girl. I had no idea.”

  “Why did she stay?”

  “She said she’d never been good enough for anyone. He was proud to be seen with her.”

  “I’m sorry Molly. I need to go.” I’m not sure, but I think Maddox is about to start crying.

  It's my last day working in the E.R. I hated leaving Landon. Noah suggested I stay home, but I kept telling him no. I have struggled with what to do. I worked so hard to get my nursing degree. I work so hard as a mother. I feel guilty either way. I know it's crazy. I did cut my hours down to part time in the E.R., so that helped. Still I couldn't stand to leave my son. Finally, a few weeks ago I had help making my decision.

  I should have known immediately when I felt unusually tired. Landon had been teething and not sleeping very well, so I chalked it up to that. Then, the morning sickness started. Yep, I had an appointment with Dr. Chaney yesterday. He confirmed it; I'm pregnant. In less than nine months, I will have two babies under the age of two. God help me.

  I'm still going to work a couple of days a week until the baby is born. Of all places, Dr. Chaney was looking for someone to help out in his office for the next few months until his regular nurse comes back. It all works out. He knows my plan to become a stay at home mom when this new baby arrives. It will help put my mind at ease being so close to my doctor as well. I know what happened with Landon couldn't be predicted, but it makes me feel better being near Dr. Chaney.

  I'm going to miss everyone here. I have become friends with most everyone here. Missy is still helping me navigate motherhood. She never laughs at me even when I have feel like my mommy questions are dumb. She's such a great friend. Brayden and I still talk and hang out. He told me he's sad that he won't have his lunch partner anymore. I've tried to assure him even though I won't be working here anymore doesn't mean I will stop eating. I have told him time and time again, we will still hang out. I've even become friends with Katherine. I think she just likes me because Noah is so different at work, more personable, more approachable. Hey, I'll take it though. Sarah and I talk on occasion. I can never thank her enough for saving Landon's life that night. She seems happy. She is dating another doctor. I think he works in orthopedics.

  Avery doesn't work here anymore. Noah told me he talked to Avery and let her know his plans to go to human resources if she didn’t stop her behavior. She put her notice in. Finally. All in all, I have made some great memories here and even greater friends. I will always remember my time here.


  A call came in to let us know we have an unidentified female, multiple injuries, head trauma, and possible sexual assault. I'm standing in the ambulance bay waiting. I hear the sirens in the distance. Molly comes out to wait with me. She smiles at me. I can't help but be a little sad that this is our last day working together. She's a great nurse. She is an incredible mother. It makes me happy knowing Landon will have the best care and more access to his parents. Molly working part-time gives her the best of both worlds. The ambulance pulls up and we meet the medic when he swings open the door.

  "What do we have?"

  "White female, possible domestic violence attack. The neighbors called it in. She took a beating.” I grab my penlight to look at her pupils.

  Molly is on the other side, taking her pulse. Molly looks at the patient's wrist, and then looks at her face and screams, "NO. PLEASE. NO. WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?"

  "Molly, what is it? Do you know who this is?"

  "Noah, it's Kerrigan. This tattoo on her wrist, I saw it once. This is Kerrigan. Aaron must have done this." Shit. This isn't good.

  Molly told me about what happened at the deli. Maddox has had a hard time lately worrying about her. As I start to assess her, I call for Katherine and Brayden.

  "Katherine, I need you to take over for Molly. Brayden, get her out of here. Molly, I'll take care of her. I need you to call Maddox. Can you do that for me? For Kerrigan?”

  Molly is crying, she shakes her head yes and the others do as they're told. My God, Kerrigan is a mess. Her eyes are swollen shut; her jaw looks dislocated. She has cuts and scrapes everywhere. Her nails are broken. It looks like she tried to fight back. There's bruising around her neck and wrists. I cut her clothes off of her and she moans. This is one of the worst beatings I've seen. I have never seen a body with this much bruising. I order blood work, x-rays, scans and a rape kit.


  Brayden got me out of the room. I told him I needed to get some fresh air. I need to call Maddox. It feels like I'm dying inside. What did Aaron do to her? She looks terrible.

  "Hey, my nephew baby momma. What's up?"

  "Oh God, Maddox. Help her."

  "Molly, calm down. Help who?"

  "It's Kerrigan."

  "What about her?"

  "Just get to the E.R now. I will explain later. I want to go back to help."

  "Molly, fucking tell me now."

  "I think Aaron beat the shit out of her. She looks bad. She is unconscious and...." the phone went dead.

  I go back into the hospital. I need to know how she's doing. Noah won't let me in. I understand. It wouldn't be good for me to try to be a nurse for her. I'm too invested. I feel too guilty that I didn't do more. I heard that they are prepping her for the O.R. I decide to
take a breather and head back outside. Guilt is all I can feel. I can't stop the tears from falling.

  "Well, well. Just the person I'm looking for," Aaron slurs.

  "I think the police are looking for you."

  "Tell me something, Molly. Do you know I can hide evidence? It is my job."

  "You can't hide your witness. You can't hide what you did to her! You nearly killed her! You bastard!"

  "Kerrigan? She's not going to say anything. She knows better than that. I only taught her a lesson. She tried to leave me. She was stupid thinking that I would allow that. She should have known better."

  I look past Aaron and notice Maddox approaching. He is in uniform. He's alone. Aaron sees me looking behind him. As Aaron turns around, Maddox punches him in the face, then grabs him and pushes him against the wall. Then he punches him a few times in the kidneys and Aaron drops to his knees. I hear Maddox say, "How's it feel dickhead? Do you think you deserve it?" He handcuffs him.

  "What are you talking about? Deserve what? I didn't lay a hand on the bitch."

  I see a couple more cops coming in behind Maddox.

  "Aaron. We are going to need to take you to the station. We've got some questions."

  Another cop says, “I hope you get what's coming to you. I hope you rot in jail, you sick psychopath!"

  "Feisty. I like that Molly. I've never paid you back for breaking my nose. I'll collect on that later. For now, I'll head down to the station. Don't worry slut, I'll be out before long. I’ve got friends in high places and all. I'll be seeing you soon."


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