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Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set)

Page 82

by Claire Adams

  Hunter laughed. “You can’t object too much, Bailey. Sorry to say, but Kylie’s a tough contender when it comes to cooking.” He looked at me with admiring eyes, expressing his great love for my cooking.

  Bailey gave a shrug, admitting her defeat. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  I snorted. “Brother.”

  “This girl’s the next Master Chef.” Hunter smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my face.

  I looked at the two of them as their conversation carried on. Hunter was at ease chatting with Bailey about anything. He showed interest in the things she opened up about. Watching them was entertaining. It was like they had known each other for a long time, which was comforting. She was my closest friend. If she didn’t like the man I saw in my future, I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  As the magician pulled out his last trick, I walked over to Vince to give him a glass of water. He was enjoying the magic show with Cat, who was seated beside him. The two seemed to get along together really well.

  “Wait up; I’ll get a to-go place for you guys to take some food home with you. Stay where you are,” Bailey said.

  Bailey returned from the kitchen carrying a large paper bag in her hands. “In case Hunter needed some cupcakes.” She smirked, teasing me. “I’m kidding with you. I’d never steal Hunter from you. I’m teasing. Seriously.”

  I started to respond, but the kids ran up, grabbing my attention. I wasn’t worried about Bailey stealing anything from me. Hunter would fall in love with me, or he wouldn’t. I couldn’t do much more than I was already doing.

  “Alright, Little Miss.” I bent down and kissed Cat’s cheek. “Happy Birthday again, and I love you very much.”

  “Me too!” She bounced around before pulling a stunned Vince into a tight hug. “Love you too, Vince.”

  He blushed, and we all laughed as I pulled him close to me and took his hand. “You’re so sweet, little guy. All the girls are going to love you.”

  “We better get going. It’s getting late. Thanks again for this, Bailey. It was nice to meet you.” Hunter waved as the three of us left.

  The sun was setting as we drove home. The three of us rode in Hunter’s car, eager to go home and relax for the rest of the day. As soon as we had driven down the road a bit, Vince started talking about his day and the friends that he made. “Cat loved the gift we bought for her. Those cat ear headbands were totally cute, just like her.”

  “How about mine? Did she like my gift?”

  I turned my head to look at him from the back seat. “Yeah! That necklace was the best gift ever. Her mother even kept it in her pocket, just to make sure it would not get lost.”

  I leaned back with a smile on my face. The best feeling was when someone appreciated the little things you did for them. I looked at Hunter, wondering if he felt the same.

  Did he appreciate me? Because I appreciated him.

  Vince carried on with his story about his day. He did not stop talking about the kids he had just met and the friends he had just made. The sparkle in his eyes was evidence of him having a great time. I loved it.

  After quite some time, Vince ceased telling his tales and fell asleep. He laid peacefully on the back seat, drowsy from both exhaustion and happiness. He was smiling while his eyes were closed.

  “Look, little man is sound asleep,” I told Hunter as he drove along the highway.

  He glanced over at the rearview mirror and chuckled, although his eyes were still on the road. “I’m so happy I came along with you and Vince. I had a great time.” He was smiling beautifully.

  Despite the fact that only half of his face was available for me to look at, he was unbelievably handsome. Even though people would ask me several times about how I felt about Hunter, my answer would never change.

  “Yeah, I can see that. You seemed to get along with Bailey well.” I tried to keep my tone steady but failed miserably. Maybe I wasn’t okay with her and him getting along so well.

  “Are you jealous?” He asked the most dreadful question.

  I glared at Hunter, my voice faltering as I felt the need to defend myself. “Of course not!” I claimed. I looked away at the window, watching the world rush by us.

  I heard him laughing, but I did not bother to look at him. Thank goodness it was getting dark. My cheeks were burning red, ashamed of my own silly concerns. I shouldn’t have asked him.

  “Don’t worry about it, Kylie. I’m into you, baby. You know that.”

  Just when I was about to turn to him to make sure he was serious and not teasing me, he took my hand gently, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles slowly. It left me feeling secured, protected, loved. It was heartfelt and sincere.

  There was no need for any other words. For the first time, I felt Hunter express his true feelings. I looked at him, almost expecting him to say something. Anything. All I got in response was a sweet smile on his face as he squeezed my hand tighter.

  It was a new found feeling. I couldn’t fully comprehend it, but maybe I didn’t need to. It felt too damn good to overanalyze and possibly destroy.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  We all passed out pretty quickly after getting back from Bailey’s place, and where I wanted to make love to Kylie that night, I was too tired. Good thing she was too. Surely she wasn’t upset about Bailey. How in the world could any man choose someone besides her? Long blond hair, big boobs, a sweetheart, and gentle spirit? No way. I was all in with her.

  The next morning, I got up and got busy getting things together. I took an extra set of clothes and towels from Vince’s dresser and placed them in his backpack. He woke up and watched me pack up his stuff before we left to visit Kylie at the convenience store. Mrs. Tomms was dying to see Vince again. Kylie vowed to her mother that we would come by over the weekend to help around and visit their store.

  After double checking Vince’s backpack and his medicine kit, I came out of his room to meet him in the living room. He was sitting on the couch, watching his favorite cartoon.

  I gave him a pat on the shoulder. “All right, buddy. Let’s get going.”

  “Yes! I can’t wait to see Nana again.” He grabbed his stuff and ran out to the car.

  I chuckled and followed him, getting in and making sure he was buckled. “I’m sure she’s excited to see you too.”

  “I hope Nana lets me help in the pastry section today. I love putting up the donuts and stuff. So many colors and treats to see.”

  I laughed. “You’re definitely Mrs. Tomms’ best employee. She will hire you again in a heartbeat when you’re old enough.” I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t call the older woman Nana like Vince did, but it didn’t matter. It was his special name to use with Kylie’s mom. Not mine.

  As soon as we arrived at the store, Vince got out of the car and ran inside. Taking the day off was worth it. Spending my weekend with my son and the people who felt like family was the most important thing in my life right now.

  I followed Vince inside.

  Mrs. Tomms glanced up. “Hunter. How are you today?”

  “Great, Mrs. Tomms. Thanks for letting Vince help you. I swear he thinks he’s going to work for you when he gets old enough.” I glanced around to find Vince standing beside Kylie, checking a customer out at the register. Seeing her in the light blue blouse she had on left my stomach tightening. She was stunning. Way too beautiful for an asshole like me.

  I turned my attention back to Mrs. Tomms and checked the pastries for the day. “Everything looks delicious. I guess this is the second set of pastries for the day.”

  She smiled at me warmly. “Actually, it’s the third set. The people loved today’s menu.” I looked again through the glass display, picking some pastries to purchase and take home for later. The vast range of choices made it hard for me to choose.

  “Why not try the red velvet cake? It’s one of the best ones I make.” She took it out of the glass display, packing it in the box without waiting for my reply.
r />   “Sounds delicious.” I trusted her anyway. When she decided on something, she was certain about it. Also, her suggestions were most of the time the best ones. She was a bright woman, and I had no doubt that she was where Kylie got her strength from.

  “Here it is.” She extended the box, which was embellished with a golden ribbon on top.

  “Excellent. I can’t wait to try it.” I took it and reached for my wallet. I took out some bills to pay her, but when I went to pay, she rejected me politely.

  “Come on. Is that how stingy you think I am? I’m giving it to you for free!” I hesitated about it being a freebie, but she persisted that I keep my money. “Just don’t tell anybody. It’s the first time I’ve ever given something for free since establishing this store, but you sure do feel like family.”

  “Well, thanks. That means a lot to me.” I turned and found Kylie watching us, smiling from ear to ear, listening the entire time. It had been more than a month since I established this good relationship with Mrs. Tomms. It felt like we had been a part of a family for years.

  “Hey, Hunter,” Mrs. Tomms said, waking me up from my daydream of loving on her daughter for forever. “I was thinking, maybe Vince could come home with me tonight so you and Kylie could have some alone time. Anyway, I wanted to give him some of Kylie’s old books and thought we could watch a movie or something.”

  I looked at Kylie, thinking of the things I could do with her alone. Trying my best to keep my thoughts pure, I turned my attention back to Mrs. Tomms. I nodded, determined to take her up on her offer. It was my chance to express my feelings toward Kylie in private, to tell her what she really meant to me.

  “I would love that.” I nodded, looking like the fool I felt like.

  Mrs. Tomms patted my shoulder, laughed, and moved around me as Kylie walked up. “Mom, what are you doing?”

  “Just trying to give you guys some time alone, and honestly, I want to spend time with Vince. Is it a crime?” She snorted and walked toward the counter where Vince was packing a customer’s purchase. “Vince?”

  “Yes, Nana?” He glanced up, his little voice sounding deeper than I remembered.

  “You want to come home with me, and we’ll watch some movies, eat popcorn, and read some new books?” Mrs. Tomms knelt before my son.

  “Oh, yeah. I would love that.” He turned and gave me a hopeful look. “Dad? Please?”

  I exhaled audibly, looking at Mrs. Tomms and Kylie before I answered. “Okay, just promise you won’t forget your insulin. Plus, go to bed early.”

  “Of course, Dad. She knows how to do all of that stuff, and if she forgets, we have me to remind her.” He beamed, causing all of us to laugh. The boy was too much.


  Having the evening freed up, I couldn’t stop thinking that I should take my girl out, treat her to something special. I mulled it over as we walked to the car from the store, trying to figure out my next steps. Fuck it. We were going. Period. It would be a bit of a rush, but calling for a restaurant reservation would be the right move. Kylie deserved the best, and I wanted her to feel special, the way she made me feel all the time.

  After telling her about tonight’s date, we hurried home to get changed. I went directly to the bathroom and took a shower. My head drifted to all the things I wanted to do to my pretty girl. I ran my hand down my stomach and stroked my cock, glancing down and shaking my head. How in the world could such a small woman fit this monster inside of her?

  Pleasure shot through me, and I forced myself to hurry up. I wasn’t wasting a moment of ecstasy when she wasn’t involved in it. I was saving everything for later that night.

  I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes I picked out beforehand. I wanted to wear something nice, but not too formal; I hated dressing up. I chose a white button down, black slacks, and a sports coat.

  After, I trimmed my beard and sprayed some cologne on before going downstairs to wait for my lovely date. I sat on the couch and kept my eyes on the stairs.

  Soon enough, Kylie came down to the living room. She wore a beautiful yet simple dress that fitted her curvy frame. Her pretty face was almost untouched with makeup, just a little shimmer on her lips, which I loved. She was smiling sweetly at me, her clear blue eyes sparkling bright. She was the perfect picture of innocence, and I stood, knowing that by the end of the night, that façade would be gone and she’d be screaming my name—loudly.

  I stood up; my lips parted a little in surprise. She looked stunning amidst her simplicity. “Shall we?” I offered her my arm, which she took and blushed.

  “I’m so excited.” She glanced up at me. “Thank you for doing this, Hunter. It’s so sweet of you.”

  “Anything for you.” We walked out of the house and drove to the restaurant where our romantic dinner would be held, not saying too much. I think we were both a little nervous, which seemed silly.

  As we walked in, people glanced over and smiled, most of them looking at my girl. No doubt, Kylie was the prettiest woman in the crowd.

  “This way, please.” The host pulled out Kylie’s chair, and we sat down and smiled at each other. “Enjoy your dinner.”

  “I haven’t been here in a long time.” I licked my lips and picked up the menu. “You?”

  “No, never.” She picked up her menu too and glanced up to find me staring at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It was so much more than lust. It was the beginning of a beautiful love story. One I wanted to last forever.

  Our waiter approached our table. He was a young man who was wearing a suit and bow tie.

  Kylie scrutinized the menu, being the great cook she always had been. Her taste would be difficult to satisfy. I wondered if the restaurant’s chef could live up to her expectations.

  “Are you ready to order, sir?” the waiter asked before leaving us.

  “Yeah. Kylie, what do you want, baby?” I gave her my attention.

  “The salmon would be good.” She smiled up at the guy as he jotted something down on a pad of paper in his hand.

  “Let’s make it easy. We’ll just do two of those.” I turned my attention back to her, finding her eyes locked on me.

  Her chin was cupped in her right palm. It was as if she was ready to compete in a stand-off, but I would always be defeated. My muscles shivered as I gazed into her blue, crystal clear eyes.

  Her long, blonde hair was tied in a messy bun again. She looked like a princess or a goddess. Someone with high royalty, majestic ways, or supreme charm. I could not help but smile upon seeing this wonderful woman’s sweet face.

  “So, how many girls have you taken out on a date?” Kylie posed the question, teasing me about tonight’s dinner date. Pretending to count using my fingers, I answered her with a joke.

  “Sorry, but I lost track of them all.” It was a weird question, but something told me she was still a little off because of Bailey teasing her over stealing me. It was trivial, but it was obviously still bothering my girl.

  She rolled her eyes, knowing that I was fabricating things. She leaned closer and looked at me with keen eyes. She asked again, hoping for a factual answer. “No kidding.”

  There was no need to count. I knew perfectly well how many women I took out on a date. “You’re the second lucky girl.”

  She grimaced, giving me a skeptic glare. Just in time, the waiter delivered our salads. As we carried on with our food, she brought up the topic again, curious about my dating experiences. “No way there have just been two of us.”

  “Yes, way. The first one was Vince’s mother. I loved her very much, but I guess the lesson I learned from our separation was that love wasn’t enough.” I picked up my beer that I’d ordered and drank deeply from it, hating that the conversation was headed here, but it needed to. For us to start getting serious about us, I needed to open up and share myself with her. “I wasn’t enough.” Reminiscing about the past was a bad idea, but necessary. It hurt to even think about it.

  “I’m sorry, Hunter, but I’ll tell yo
u one thing. You’re more than enough.” She reached across the table and ran her fingers over mine. “Would you hate me if I asked to hear the story? I just want to know what happened. If you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t have to. Seriously.” She leaned closer, the emotion in her eyes moving from skeptic to sympathetic.

  “Linda was her name. She was my college sweetheart. Ever since we met, we knew there was a spark between us, that we were going to spend our lives together. We had been together for five years when she left, and I’d never imagined my life without her. We planned out the future together. We believed that there was not a thing that could separate as. That, surprisingly, was a single-sided view looking back. Those were all the things I thought, but obviously, she had a different idea.”

  Her eyes were sad by merely listening to my story. She nodded, telling me to carry on. “What happened?”

  “So, on our fourth anniversary, she gave me the best gift ever: Vince. She said she was pregnant, carrying my little one inside of her. Hearing her say that, I cried and knelt down before her. I did not plan anything about it. It was just a random thought. I proposed to her, and she said yes. It was the best day of my life, or so I thought.” I took another drink of the beer, realizing that no one knew this story but me.

  Kylie looked down, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “You don’t have to keep going.”

  I reached out and took her hand. “I want to.” I continued my story. “Life had never been better than when I was living with Linda. My dreams were coming true. Things were tough, but with her and Vince with me, I felt I could do anything. I worked hard to support our little family, starting everything from scratch.”

  “What happened to her?” she asked, her eyes avoiding me. Had I upset her somehow? I bristled at the thought. She’d brought it up, and I was simply trying to be fully open with her.

  I answered her question anyway. “Back then, we lived in my father’s house. He’d passed away years before, so the house was unoccupied. Everything was tough for us. My business had failed many times, and most of the time, my pockets were empty. I leaned into my father’s pension for support for a while, which was hard as hell. Linda was understanding in some ways, and not in others. But everything changed when she gave birth to Vince.” I looked at her as I was about to tell the most painful part of my life.


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