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The Bitten

Page 42

by L. A. Banks

  It took everything in her power not to wipe her mouth and spit. But she forced a smile and touched his neck, trailing her fingers up and down it in a lazy stroke. “Why don’t you go down and get some of what Carlos is passing around, and I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes?”

  McGuire shook his head. “And leave you on deck with three other very disappointed masters around? I’m crazy about you, love, but I’m not insane.” He smiled and nuzzled her throat, shuddering as he pressed his erection against her thigh and slowly moved against her.

  She backed away just a bit when she felt his incisor about to score her skin. “Not in the throat. I’m married. Carlos will flip.”

  “My apologies. But you see what you do to me.” His eyes held hers. “Baby, let’s go downstairs to my room.”

  Carlos had told her to do this fast; he hadn’t lied. Damali flipped her hair over her shoulder and weakly smiled at McGuire, then brightened it. She made her voice a mere whisper with a promise embedded in it, and glanced down at her sword as she spoke.

  “The other masters have already taken a hit, and I’m sure it’s kicked in by now . . . they’ve found a female and are very distracted, no doubt. Carlos will give you some, then we can have the time of our lives.”

  She leaned into him, and kissed the bridge of his clammy nose. “Even if I’m a little tired, and not at my best, I’m sure you will be.” She let her gaze smolder and trap his male ego in its blaze. “I’ll be sure to tell all the girls just how much fun I had with you tonight . . . might even tell Carlos to make Sydney a regular vacation stop, if I’m so inspired. Would love to do the Outback with you . . . alone.”

  McGuire glanced around. “Your band . . . your security team. They’ll flank you, if I’m only gone for a minute?”

  “Them, the dogs, and Carlos. He gave you his word. They’ve got enough anti-vamp ammo to stop a small army from Hell, and history proves they can handle that. I’m sure you’ve heard.” She lifted her Isis and leaned into him more closely, allowing the blade handle to brush his stomach while sending her breath into his ear. “I gave you mine. You want this right in the center of your chest, before I cast it away. Just like on stage and we double plunge while I straddle you? That performance was for you, baby. Want a private show?”

  “I’ll be right back,” he said on a thick, hoarse swallow, his hands sliding down her sides with his gaze. “Call your men. Tell them to dust any bastard that gets near you.”

  “Oh, you can count on it,” she said with a sly smile, then let out a breath of relief.

  “This is fucking nuts,” Rider whispered to Mike, as they followed the Aussie leading them to guard his room with Shabazz.

  “You. The one with the dredlocks. You’re on the stairs,” McGuire ordered, splintering Shabazz off from the threesome.

  “Five minutes. Tops,” McGuire said to Rider and Mike. “Bring one of those beasts down here to keep any other master out of here while I’m with ’er—but if you come in if she screams, I’ll kill you.” McGuire paced away. “My men are on the periphery, guarding you, but since you have control of the animal, and have hallowed-earth ammo, I want you in security formation around me. Got it?”

  Big Mike nodded and watched McGuire’s back as he left. “In all my years, Rider, I never woulda thunk it.”

  “How in the hell did we wind up on a vamp Carnal Cruise Lines, our girl about to go in a room—with a master vampire, who we are supposed to be guarding . . . with a Hell-hound . . . and, the very jealous Mr. Rivera, who is supposed to be her husband—down the hall with four of the finest vamp babes I have ever seen in my life . . . but, Damali doesn’t care . . . people are feeding sharks so we cannot just jump off the sides of this supernatural Hell contraption and swim home to the U.S. like we have sense. SOBs are dropping fang like it’s Mardi Gras.” Rider ran his fingers through his hair and lowered his weapon, glancing at the monstrous dog that just stared at him. “Mike, I swear. Either we are high, or we are already dead and in Hell for aaaalllll the stuff we did before we became Guardians. This is my summation, good brother. If we pull this off, this goes in the history books with our picture next to it.”

  “You ain’t said a mumblin’ word.”

  “I know we’re on watch, and I know they’re vamps,” Dan whispered to J.L., “but damn, they’re awesome. I’ve never seen this much T and A in my life, not up close like this. Is this how the other half lives?”

  “Watch Damali’s back and stay focused, dude. This is what Carlos was talking about. These hoes all bite. And just for the record, they don’t live like nothin’, they’re dead.”

  Dan nodded, but his eyes followed a willowy blonde who strolled by topless wearing only a black thong. “Yeah, but, Big Mike made it out of New Orleans . . . after . . . uh, daaayum, there goes another one,” he whispered, eyeing a redhead not far away. When she crooked her finger at him, he almost followed her.

  “Big Mike is six eight, two-seventy-plus, and gave her a reason not to flat-line him, feel me? And Mar almost beat him down with a frying pan when he got better for being so stupid. Stay on post; stay focused,” J.L. warned, holding Dan by the back of the shirt. “You’re gonna fuck around and get nicked—then I’ll have to shoot you.”

  “You all right, D?” Jose said fast and quiet, coming up to her and glancing around. “I saw the Aussie lean in to your throat, honey. If he bit you, I won’t tell Mar, I promise. I just need to know so we can deal with—”

  “He didn’t bite me,” she said quietly, leaning in to him. “But do not ever be that crazy as to not tell Marlene if you know one of us got bit.” She paused and kept her voice a tight whisper. “I made that big mistake, don’t you do it. And, if you think I did get bitten, what the hell is wrong with your survival instinct? I shouldn’t be this close to your throat!”

  “I don’t care,” Jose said, not pulling away, but covering where she’d whispered against his neck with his hand like it had burned him. “Marlene doesn’t always have to know everything. And, if you have something you don’t want her to know, I’m cool with that. I’m cool with all of it.”

  Damali sighed, and nodded toward a few lower-level male vampires who were smiling at them from the distance. The offer was sweet but misguided. If she was bitten, Marlene needed to know—and the other thing was not open for discussion on a vamp ship.

  “They think I’m feeding, they’re watchers for one of the masters. I’m not sure who they work for, though. So, give me your throat, Jose, so we can talk without alerting them.” Her focus divided into splintered fragments. There were so many variables to keep on top of dividing her mind; everything had to work real smooth. “They probably haven’t rushed me because they saw the master standing here first, along with the dog, and know I belong to a councilman. I’m going to play-bite you, then talk to you, but I’m not in flux, so don’t freak. Cool?”

  But Jose’s eyes held something she couldn’t describe as she leaned in to communicate with him and he honored the request. His body tensed hard.

  “I’m not in flux, I swear,” she whispered, trying to get him to relax and trust her. She could literally feel his eyes close . . . but then, yeah, right, of course . . . he had to make it look like a real feed. All right, he was gonna be cool, was in the game. Her fingers stroked his hair as she welded her body to him, bit down and sucked for a few minutes, then pulled away, and spoke into his ear just like a vamp female would have.

  “Now, listen, I’m going downstairs before McGuire gets into his room to position myself, I will dust McGuire, then you and J.L. and Dan . . .” His hands traced her back, and the deep swallow he took stifled a moan she felt through his chest. She pulled back and looked at him. There was no mistake about what she saw in his eyes, or what she felt when her body fit against his. Oh, my God . . .

  He looked away but his hands were still on her, had slid to her hips. “I’m sorry, D. But you’re gonna have to find another way to have this conversation.” His gaze came back to her, but he still ha
dn’t moved. “I’m only human, for real, for real.” Then he let her go.

  “What happened out in the hallway, at the hotel?”

  “This ain’t got nothin’ to do with that,” he murmured, his gaze intense. “I’ve felt like this for a long time . . . but they said you had to choose. I always hoped it would be me.”

  She reached out to touch his cheek, for the first time truly understanding just how deep the wound in his soul must be. But he jerked his head away from her touch, not with anger, just self-preservation.

  “Don’t,” he said quietly. “Like Carlos told you, it only makes the burn worse.”

  She nodded. Wanted to hug him, but couldn’t now. He didn’t want a big-brother platonic hug. He knew she was pregnant by another man, and still loved her, still wanted her. Would even take her if she had fangs. And he was standing on a ship with his life hanging in the balance, an unequal match for four master vampires and Carlos—there for different reasons than all the other Guardians.

  Her hand found her mouth and she turned away from him and walked a few steps in the opposite direction, just so she could get some air. When she turned around, Jose was just staring at her, weapon dangling in his hand, his will openly shattered, and his hope gone. Oh, my God . . . what had she done? What was happening to her team? It was like everything was shifting, was mad-crazy, and there was no way to fix all the breaks in the family dam.

  She went back to him, kissed his cheek quickly, and stepped away. “I love you, Jose. Like a brother, but trust me, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you on this ship. That will break my heart, you hear? Get with Dan and J.L., and watch your back. When we get home—we’ll talk. Just me and you, like old times. Cool?”

  He didn’t say a word to her as he stepped past her, and walked slowly toward the others a few yards away, leaving her guarded but alone until she was ready to go downstairs to McGuire’s room. They both knew that it would never be like old times. A private confession had permanently changed everything. This couldn’t be fixed and there was nothing to say now or later. That was the worst part of all.

  “Mr. Councilman,” McGuire said fast, poking his head into Carlos’s room as a massive security guard opened the door. “Uh . . . a word?”

  Four female vampires glowered at McGuire as they slowly drew back from Carlos. Evelyn nearly hissed when Carlos scooted her off his lap and got up off the red velvet sofa. Lai cut him a nasty gaze and went back to snorting the black powder off the coffee table. Alani stretched out on the bed, and crooked her finger at Kiersten who sauntered over to her and joined her.

  “I’m really busy, man. Now is not a good time.”

  “He truly is indisposed, Harold,” Evelyn crooned. “Go find somewhere else to play.”

  But Carlos went to the door, anyway. McGuire didn’t need to get a contact from the black powder. His own blood wouldn’t affect him, but another male might have a bad reaction. Carlos ushered the Aussie out of the suite and slammed the door behind them.

  “Wha’did you give ’em to make them respond like that?” McGuire asked, sounding impressed. “I know they’re vamp females, and all, but my wife acted like—”

  “Where is my wife?” Carlos said, drawing out each word separately and holding McGuire by the lapels. “She’s suppose to be with you at all times!”

  “No worries,” he said fast. “I left her on deck with one of your monsters and her bodyguards. I also have three of them in place now to guard my door, my men on the periphery.”

  Carlos let go of McGuire’s lapels and gave him the hit he was seeking. “Go get her, then take it, and keep her in your room.”

  Damali picked her way down the stairs, and gave Dan the all-clear as Shabazz flanked her. The three younger Guardians took up a post by the top of the main stairs, waiting for Shabazz.

  “You ready, baby-girl?” Shabazz murmured under his breath as he escorted her to rendezvous with Rider and Mike in front of McGuire’s suite.

  She nodded. “You see Master Amin, yet?”

  Shabazz shook his head. “Haven’t in the last forty-five. So you look alive in there. This joint’s about to blow. I can feel the hair standing up on my neck.”

  “You seen Carlos?”

  For a moment Shabazz didn’t answer. “Nah. Ain’t seen him.”

  “He’s got the wives on lock?”

  “Yeah,” Shabazz murmured, walking with his eyes forward and not looking at her. “Time to rock and roll.”

  She kissed his cheek as she joined Rider and Mike, needing to do that before he went back to his post. “Be safe, ’Bazz. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. But ain’t nothin’ safe ’bout my job.” Shabazz petted her hair and put his hand back on his gun, then glanced at Rider and Big Mike. “The Aussie in there?”

  “Yep,” Rider murmured, “and high as a kite. He stumbled right through the door without opening it, taking off his tie and ripping his shirt while walking. He asked one of us to go ‘fetch’ her. You believe that? The bastard is blitzed.”

  Mike leaned in real close. “Listen, this motherfucker is flip-top high. Full fang, four inches dropped, ’bout ready to howl at the moon for baby-girl. I say we shoulder cannon our way in and get this party started righteous.”

  An agonized wail made them stop talking and stare at each other.

  “Hold the line,” she whispered. “Too many of us are at risk if this doesn’t go right.”

  Before they could argue with her, Damali had slipped through the door.

  Carlos brought his head up from Evelyn’s throat the moment the assassination registered in her system. She covered her hand where he’d left the kiss but no bite.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, her voice so thick she was slurring. “I’m tired of foreplay, take off your clothes. Please.”

  Carlos stood, four females surrounding him, eyes hungry. “Somebody just dusted your master, Evelyn—one of my lieutenants. I felt the current run cold through your system, didn’t you?”

  “What I felt was you,” she said, loping toward him with the others, fondling her breasts as she walked. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Somebody just smoked him,” Carlos said. It was going down. The dominoes were falling.

  “I hope you feel them dust Amin,” Alani murmured, her hands running up his chest as she slid against him. “But right now, the only thing you need to smoke is me, baby. Just do me.”

  Evelyn had run her hands up his back beneath his suit jacket, nipping his shoulder through it as she pressed herself to his spine, sandwiching him between her and Alani.

  “If you kill Xe, can I watch?” Lai whispered through a drug shudder. She was on him in seconds and gyrated against his leg, then climaxed as she nipped his ear and drew blood.

  Kiersten had him by the hand, and began leading him away from the sofa. “Don’t worry about them. We need your total focus, Mr. Councilman. Please come to bed.”

  “Yo,” Carlos said, pulling out of the serpentine knot of flesh surrounding him. “If a master got dusted, on my watch, I need to find out what happened. Take another hit, and I’ll be back,” he said, bolting for the door. Damn.

  He couldn’t even open it to get away they were on him again so fast. His only recourse was to simply walk through it and seal it with a transport block. He knew the black powder was strong, but shit . . . This was a precarious position for a married man. For a second, he glanced at the door, then at the security guard.

  “Keep them in here,” he told the courier, then vanished, materializing in front of the Aussie’s room.

  Rider and Mike drew fast, and Carlos held up his hands.

  “It’s me. It’s me,” he said quickly, knowing it would take a second for their human reflexes to pull weapons back. “She smoked him,” Carlos said quietly, with a nod of his head. “How long she been in there?”

  “Less than two minutes,” Rider said with a smile. “You smell something burning? Our girl is good.”

  Carlos nodded, but he was very
concerned. “She wasn’t in there long enough to do that, no matter how good she is.”

  The Guardians hadn’t even drawn a breath to respond and Carlos was through the door. His eyes scanned the room fast. A pile of ash lay in the center of the bed, still hot, smoldering, next to her blade. Damn . . . maybe she did? But then, where was she?

  Again, he scanned the room for a tracer. Two male scents battled for his attention. The ship rocked and a loud boom cracked the ceiling above. Rider and Mike were in the doorway.

  “Upstairs, all hands on deck. It’s on.” Then Carlos was gone.

  Amin had Tetrosky by the throat and had body slammed him into the bridge deck so hard that the wood gave way. Hell-dogs took flight, flew, and dive-bombed the two combatants, snarling as Amin ducked, and caught one of them square in the jaw, dropping it from the air into the sea. Sharks tore at the hound, eating it alive as it struggled and flapped and bit at its tormentors, tail slashing, heavy claws slashing through the water. The weight of the water pulled at its leathery wings, trapping it too long under the surface as Great Whites disemboweled the yelping creature chunk by chunk.

  An excited crowd had gathered. Tetrosky was back up with lightning speed, pushing Damali behind him. Carlos reached for her, but Tetrosky zapped her to the other side of the battle with a surge of dark current. Big Mike aimed his shoulder cannon at Amin, fired, and missed, as the huge Master ducked and glared at Mike, then blew him across the deck with a thought. A rail bent and immediately broke away from the side of the yacht, filled Tetrosky’s hand, and whizzed past Carlos toward the center of Amin’s chest as he charged. It caught Amin in the shoulder, slowing him down, nearly severing his arm.

  A deep, echoing yell issued from Amin as he extricated the long section of metal with fury. Mike was back up on his feet, reloading. Rider took direct aim with Shabazz, but the ship lurched and made them all fall. An invisible energy burst sent the remaining dog sliding across the deck, its claws pulling up wood as it tried to break the momentum of the slide. A fireball headed directly toward J.L., Jose, and Dan to stop their frenzied shooting, and Carlos deflected it, returning his attention to Damali to try to draw her to him fast. But Amin sent a counter-wave, making both masters struggle for a second to break the magnetic lock they had on each other.


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