Turn up the Tempo (Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series Book 4)
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“Hey, ladies,” Izzy’s cousin, April, called out as she waltzed in and settled herself onto an empty massage table. “My mom said y’all were here, and you wouldn’t mind me joining you for an afternoon of pampering.”
“Of course not. I’d have extended the invitation to you myself, but I wasn’t sure what time your plane was arriving,” Izzy hastened to explain why she’d originally left her annoying cousin out of our plans.
April moaned loudly as the newly added masseur kneaded her skin. “This is a great way to spend the afternoon. I’ll be loose and relaxed for your reception.”
“Glad to hear it,” Izzy replied.
“Need to be limber so I can get my groove on with Brooks. I’m hoping we can pick up where we left off at your parents’ anniversary party, Izzy.” She lifted her head and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “I paid a visit to my salon before I boarded the plane. Got a Brazilian wax just in case.”
I growled under my breath at the thought of April’s flirty ways. “Oww.” I winced when the gentle hands working my muscles tweaked a sore spot.
“You need to relax,” the soft voice reprimanded me. “I can only do so much.”
I took a deep breath and decided to change the subject. “So, Sky, how are your wedding plans going?”
“Ugh. They aren’t. I mean, since I want a simple service, there’s not a lot to plan. But we haven’t settled on a date,” she explained.
“You’ll find the perfect date. Don’t stress. You’ve got time. You said you have to wait until after your sister has her baby, right?” Izzy asked.
“Yeah. The baby buzz is running high in our family. They just found out last week that she’s having a girl. Everyone is so excited. I already bought a ton of cute, little dresses,” Sky gushed.
A few minutes of contented silence filled the room. I peered around the dimly lit space. Everyone looked so much more relaxed than I felt.
“I was kind of surprised Gina didn’t tag along today,” Cleo observed.
Sky scoffed and rolled her eyes but didn’t comment on Maddox’s fiancée.
“I know we all kind of hung out in Vegas with her, but I still haven’t had a chance to really forge a connection with her. She hasn’t been available the couple of times I invited her to do something. I know I’ll have to make more of an effort once we get back from our honeymoon. If she’s going to be part of the band family, I want her to feel welcome,” Izzy said diplomatically.
I happened to be watching Sky as Izzy spoke. She shook her head sadly at the words. There was definitely more to her friendship with Maddox than I’d thought. Or maybe Sky just really disliked Gina. I could see that as a possibility. I hadn’t cared for her when I met her a while back, and she wasn’t engaged to my best friend.
I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe deeply. The stress was going to melt from my body, even if I had to light it on fire myself.
Chapter 2
♪ Tubthumping by Chumbawamba
With bleary eyes, I peered at the clock next to my bed. It was time to get up, even though I had zero desire to.
Damn, my head is pounding. I threw off my covers and stumbled to the kitchen. Thankfully, the apartment was quiet. Reaching up into the cabinet, I grabbed the bottle of Tylenol. The smell of my normal dark roast blend soothed my soul as I inhaled deeply. Thank heaven for automatic coffee makers.
After pouring myself a cup, I added a spoonful of raw sugar and a splash of milk, just enough to turn the deep black a hickory color. Heavily, I sank into the corner of the couch. My thumb popped open the lid on the Tylenol bottle, and I shook out four of them. I tossed them back with a large swallow of steaming hot coffee. “Shit.” I set the offending mug on the coffee table. The soft cushions welcomed my weary body when I flopped backward. My head tipped back, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the silence. There had been too much stress and turmoil in my life lately. I was nearing my breaking point.
“Hey, man,” Wilder said loudly as he came into the living room. The couch dipped with the weight of him joining me. “Thought you came home to write your speech last night?”
I cracked one eye to find him holding up the empty rum bottle I’d left on the floor sometime in the late hours of the night. He nodded at the scattered balls of notebook paper littering the floor near the trashcan.
Shrugging, I said, “Needed something to get the words flowing.” Really, I’d needed something to stop my thoughts. “She in your room? Need me to help you kick her out?” I asked. I halfway hoped he’d say yes, that he brought the random chick home last night, even if it went against our rules. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d broken our agreement.
“Who?” Wilder asked with a frown wrinkling his brow.
I leaned forward, clasping my hands between my knees. “That girl you were chatting up at the bar. The red head.”
A look of understanding dawned on his face. “Nah. I just wasn’t into it last night. But you should’ve stayed. We had a blast before Izzy and Britt left.” Just saying her name caused a huge grin to split his face.
Rage coursed through my veins as I imagined the two of them together. I grunted and bumped his shoulder as I got off the couch and moved to the fridge.
“What’s your problem, dude? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were upset about Dawson getting married. I know you adore Izzy.” He strode into the kitchen behind me, examining my face carefully. “You aren’t mad about him getting married, are you? I mean, I know he’s been your best friend for a long time, but you aren’t losing him. And I’ll be your new wingman.”
I twisted off the top of the water bottle I’d pulled from the fridge. “I’m not upset about the wedding. I’m so happy for them. They deserve this. The two of them went through so much to get here.” I tipped the bottle up to my lips. The cool water soothed my aching throat.
“Then what’s wrong?” Wilder’s face was filled with concern.
“Nothing. Daw will be here any minute to get us for lunch. I’m gonna go shower,” I mumbled, marching to my bathroom and slamming the door behind me.
Scorching water pounded against my tense muscles. My mind swirled like the water going down the drain. I needed to get a grip. I had to support Dawson on his big day. She was going to be there tonight, standing opposite of me. We were going to have to be next to each other in photos. I was going to have to take her in my arms for the bridal party dance. I was going to have to smile and pretend I wasn’t affected by her—because I wasn’t supposed to be. Dawson picked me to be his best man and stand by his side. I could stuff all this down for him.
By the time Dawson was out front, I’d put on a happy face.
After we returned from the groomsmen lunch, Wilder cornered me in the kitchen. “You know if something’s going on, you can talk to me about it, right? I mean, I know Dawson’s your best friend and maybe you haven’t wanted to burden him with all he’s had to deal with lately. But I consider you one of my closest friends. I’m a decent listener.”
“I know you are. And if there was something to talk about, I would. But it’s nothing I can’t handle, I swear.” I squeezed his shoulder. Tugging open the little drawer in the corner of the cabinet, I grabbed a cellophane-wrapped atomic fire ball. With the wrapper pressed against my lips, I popped the hot cinnamon ball of goodness into my mouth. Then I tucked it into my jaw, enjoying the bite of heat as it began to melt in my mouth.
“Well, if you’re sure you’re good, then I’m going to go pick up Cami and hang out with her a little before tonight. She’s only in town for a couple of days,” he said, glancing at me uncertainly.
“Absolutely. Tell her I said hey.” I gave him my best impression of a carefree smile.
“I will. See you later.” He walked away, tapping on his phone.
Before I could wallow in my misery, my phone rang. “Hey, Mom.”
“Brooks, thank goodness I reached you. I couldn’t remember what time you had stuff to do with Dawson today,
” she said in a rush.
“It’s OK, Mom. I had lunch with him a little while ago. I don’t have anything going on for a few hours. What’s wrong?” I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever she was about to say.
“Today’s Tuesday. Your dad hasn’t gotten home from work yet. I’m worried. He’s not answering his cell. I’ve been glued to the scanner to see if there’s been an accident or anything. But so far, there’s been nothing. I’m thinking I need to call the captain or maybe the hospitals.” Mom sounded like she was about to come unhinged.
“Take a deep breath, Mom. Don’t worry. Dad’s fine. Remember, he has to pull a double the last Tuesday and Thursday of the month.” I kept my tone calm and sucked harder on the fire ball.
“Oh my gosh. You’re right. I can’t believe I forgot about that. They say the memory is the first thing to go when you start getting old. I guess I’m getting old, huh?” she said with a relieved laugh.
“Mom, forty-eight is hardly old. I bet you already put up the new calendar since it’s New Year’s Eve. If you’d still had the old one up, you would’ve remembered Dad’s schedule.” I didn’t bother to mention all the other things it seemed she’d forgotten.
“You’re probably right. I feel like such a nitwit.”
“Hey, that’s my mother you’re talking about. Besides worrying about Dad being late, how’s your day been?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
“It’s been great. I went grocery shopping. Then I spent some time with Mrs. McKinley. She’s lonely ever since her husband died last year. She’s going to come over for dinner tonight. That’ll be good so I won’t have to eat alone. Speaking of, I better get to work on the roast I’m fixing. Please let Dawson know how sorry we are that we can’t be there for his big day. And double-check to make sure my gift arrived for them. It’s wrapped in shiny blue paper. OK?” she ordered.
“I’ll check. And don’t worry, Dawson and Izzy know it’s hard for everyone to travel during the week for a wedding. They’re not upset,” I assured her.
“Well, that’s good. I love you, Son.”
“Love you too, Mom. Talk to you soon.”
Chapter 3
“Oh my, Izzy, you look beautiful,” I whispered in awe as Izzy turned toward me, holding her dress up. “It was almost worth fastening all those tiny buttons,” I teased.
“Your torture isn’t quite over yet,” she taunted.
She didn’t know the half of it. My torture was waiting downstairs for me, ready to amplify the moment I took him in. And him.
When I didn’t answer, Izzy cleared her throat. “Remember, you’re supposed to adjust my boobs,” she dropped her voice on the last word.
I threw my head back, laughing. She’d lightened the moment for a second. “You’re right, I completely forgot. Come here.”
Reaching inside the halter of her dress, I did my best friend and maid of honor duty and adjusted her boobs to get the cleavage right. “Now you’re perfect,” I breathed. I took her hands in mine and gave them a squeeze. “I can’t believe you’re getting married.” Tears blurred my vision for a second.
“You know, I’ve imagined marrying Dawson for most of my life. I’m so ready to promise him my forever,” she gushed, smoothing her palms down the skirt.
“Thank you for asking me to stand next to you. I know when we first met, we didn’t hit it off. But you truly are my best friend,” I said, squeezing her hands again.
She threw her arms around me. “I love you, Britt. There’s no one I’d rather have standing with me in support.”
After a few minutes, I pulled back, gently fixing her rainbow-colored locks. “Enough mushy stuff. We don’t want to mess up our makeup.”
Her mom said, “She’s right, honey. I just got done fixing mine.” She dabbed the corner of her eye with a tissue.
“Oh, Mom.” Izzy drew her mother into a hug.
“I hate to cut your moment short, but it’s time for you to be escorted to your seat, Mrs. Clark,” Bianca said from behind us. Gently, she guided Sue out of Izzy’s arms and to the door.
To me, Bianca said, “Everyone’s outside waiting. Go down and wait for me to give you your cue. Izzy, your dad’s waiting in the hallway for you.” Then the spitfire wedding planner disappeared with the mother of the bride.
What felt like only seconds later, Bianca opened the door and signaled the start of the wedding march. When it was my turn, I stepped out into the dark of night. Pachabel’s “Cannon in D” filled the cool air. I walked slowly, just like I’d practiced the night before, counting in my head to keep my pace proper. My heels clicked against the stone walkway as I strode toward the altar.
♪ Dreams Come True by Rebecca Holden
A surreal feeling overcame me as I walked down the aisle to where two men who meant something to me stood waiting. My heart lurched as I peeked at each of them in turn. I forced myself to turn my attention to Dawson, who practically vibrated with anticipation.
Behind me, Marybeth ran, throwing handfuls of flower petals. When she ran out before she got to where Sydney was waiting to hold her hand, the adorable little girl cried out, “Oh no.” She turned and started going back down the aisle to pick up some of the petals she’d already scattered. The crowd chuckled. Mireille quickly scooped her up and carried her to the front row.
Once they were seated, the music changed, and Izzy floated down the aisle on the arm of her father. Seeing him staring down at Izzy made my heart pang. I’d never have that moment with my dad. Not that I ever planned to get married. But if I were to get married, my dad wouldn’t be there to give me away.
I turned my attention to Dawson. The look of absolute adoration on his face as he took in his bride screamed of forever and made me long for something like that one day. A tear slipped down Dawson’s cheek when he took Izzy’s hand in his, and I had to swallow a huge lump myself. I needed to focus on something else, or I’d be bawling my eyes out.
My eyes immediately collided with Brooks’s over Dawson’s shoulder. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were some mixture of raging heat and unfettered anger. Hastily, I shifted my gaze, but that wasn’t any better.
Wilder stood next to Brooks. Wilder’s expression was happy and hopeful. I was torn between the emotions the two men elicited in me. Staring into either of their eyes was the exact opposite of what I needed, so I dropped my gaze to the floor, allowing the shimmery butterflies on Izzy’s dress to hypnotize me.
By the time I’d gotten ahold of all the feelings churning inside me and confusing everything, the minister was presenting Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Anderson to the crowd. I’d missed the whole thing—their personal vows, the songs, their first kiss as husband and wife at the stroke of midnight … everything. I was a terrible friend.
I handed Izzy back her bouquet, which I must have mindlessly taken from her. Then I watched as the crowd stood as one to congratulate the newlyweds. The two of them practically glowed with happiness. Piano and violin music filled the air, and arm-in-arm, the happy couple walked down the aisle, ready to start their new forever.
♪ Speechless by Dan and Shay
And then it was my turn to walk out. With Brooks. He stepped to my side and offered his arm to me. Still torn, I slipped my arm through his, wrapping my fingers around his upper arm. As we strolled down the aisle, he leaned down to whisper, “Are you OK?” A hint of cinnamon wafted in my direction, sending me back to that night so many months ago.
I peered up at him briefly, the former anger in his eyes replaced with concern. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“OK. You just looked so sad, and it was like you disappeared there for a while.” His tone was soft, caring, and it yanked at my heart unwillingly.
Thankfully, we’d made it back inside Greystone Mansion, so I didn’t have to stay attached to him. My arm slid through the loop made by his. I gave his bicep a squeeze before dropping my hand. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine. Now, I need to go make sure Izzy doe
sn’t need me for anything.” I didn’t wait for him to say anything else.
I retreated to where Izzy stood wrapped up in Dawson. I hated to intrude, but I needed something else to focus on besides Brooks. And Wilder. “Hey, you guys. Congratulations,” I gushed, hugging each of them in turn. “Izzy, do you need help with anything? Bathroom break before things start? Need me to fetch something?”
“Nope, I’m good. Lindsey, the photographer, should be ready for us in about five minutes. Just make sure none of the bridal party disappears.” Izzy gave me another squeeze before turning back to Dawson.
I made my way over to where Cleo, Sky and Tansy were huddled together. In no time, the photographer was rounding us up for photos. I posed with Izzy, with the rest of the girls, with the entire bridal party, with Brooks.
After nearly an hour, we were finally ready to join the party. I had to have posed for every possible photo imaginable.
Bianca scurried over to us. “All right, line up, people.” She clapped her hands and arranged us in a line as couples, with me and Brooks right in front of Dawson and Izzy. Bianca threw open the double doors leading to the room where the reception was waiting. The iconic opening notes of “Sexy and I Know It” filled the air.
♪ Sexy and I Know it by LMFAO
The crowd inside cheered as the kids danced their way into the room. In pairs, the bridal party shimmied and shook their way inside. Everyone clapped once we were all in the center of the open space. As quickly as I could, I disentangled myself from the man who confused me so thoroughly and had since day one.