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Earth Blend

Page 2

by Pescatore, Lori

  “Please… please… I’m pregnant. Don’t hurt my baby!”

  “It’s just another disgusting human.”

  Percone pressed down on her arms as Flute knelt next to her. He raised the woman’s shirt to expose her stomach. She began to thrash her legs. “Now stop that,” Percone whispered to her. He let his lips brush against her cheek. The woman calmed and sighed heavily.

  Flute: Good. Keep her distracted

  Percone stretched out next to her and turned the woman’s face towards his. He kissed her softly until she began to respond. Flute placed his hand on her stomach and sent his essence into the woman. She gasped at the sensation but kept her attention focused on Percone. Her kisses grew more aggressive as Flute set about his task. After a few moments, Flute had finished.

  Flute: It is done.

  Percone rolled away from the woman. She followed him and curled up next to him, resting her head on his chest.

  Percone: What happens next?

  Flute: We monitor the unborn and hope it does not kill her.

  Percone: That’s fine. She is connected to me now. When I call she will come to me.

  Percone placed a hand on her head, “What is your name?”

  She looked up at him, “Regina.”

  “Regina, you’ve awakened the human parts in me. Finish what your started.”

  Regina smiled and began kissing him once again. She trailed the kisses down his body. Percone placed his hands behind his head and grinned devilishly at Flute. The visitor moved back further into the forest.

  Percone: Stay. Watch. See how the humans do it.

  Flute stayed and watched as Percone took control of the situation. The visitor viewed the copulation between Percone and Regina. Afterwards, Percone sent her on her way.

  Percone: She will come to me whenever I call to her.

  Flute: How will the human male respond?

  Percone: Respond to what? We’ve connected. She belongs to me now, to do with as I please.

  Flute: I am not sure I understand connected.

  Percone: I have the ability to bond myself to any human, or Earthling for that matter. A kiss here, a touch there and they will do anything I ask. I don’t use it much on the humans because I despise the vile creatures.

  Flute: I understand. Thank you for your help.

  Percone: Anything else? I need to go report in or Suron will chew my head off.

  Flute: Where should I reside so I can safely monitor Regina?

  Percone: What type of dwelling do you require?

  Flute: All I need is any place that I can rest undisturbed.

  Percone: There are caves located on the side of the mountain. Most are unexplored by humans. You should be able to rest quietly enough there.

  Flute: Thank you, Percone. I appreciate all you have done for me and my people.

  Percone grinned crookedly at Flute then leapt into a nearby tree. He did not tell the creature that he did not do it for their benefit. Anything that could potentially harm a human was perfectly alright with him.

  Percone reported in to Suron on the arrival of the visitor and their attempt to initiate the blending into the human race. Suron did not ask if the female was a willing participant. He knew of Percone’s ability to persuade other life forms into doing exactly as he wanted. The humans were not his concern. He thanked Percone for checking in before breaking the connection.

  3. Eli’s Story

  Earthlings blended into the human society at almost every level. After Eli visited a brother who supplied backgrounds and identification for newly assimilated Earthlings, he was set to begin his new life.

  Eli began classes at a prestigious medical college. He sailed easily through the courses, absorbing all the knowledge contained in the textbooks with a simple touch of his hand. Anything made from nature contained an essence that Eli could easily absorb. He received his degrees in medicine fairly quickly, taking accelerated courses when allowed.

  He began his residency at the University Of Pennsylvania Hospital. Although he kept mostly to himself, he enjoyed interacting with the patients.

  While walking home one morning after working the graveyard shift at the hospital, he was surprised by the woman that stopped in front of him.

  Eli: Crysa? Is everything okay?

  He had not seen her since he left so many years ago. She looked uncomfortable in the clothing she was wearing and seemed out of place in the big city. Crysa looked around nervously then smiled awkwardly.

  Crysa: Everything is fine, Eli. I just wanted to see you. It has been so long.

  Eli: Did you come alone?

  Crysa knew what Eli was asking. He wanted to know if Percone had accompanied her. She faulted herself to this day for allowing the connection with Percone to happen. She had been saddened by the lack of attention Eli had shown her. Percone took advantage of her weak moment. Now, she was bound to him.

  Crysa: He is not with me. I did not tell him I was coming to see you.

  Eli extended his arm to her.

  Eli: Come, walk with me. I dwell in a building up the street.

  Crysa smiled genuinely and looped her arm through his.

  At Eli’s apartment:

  Eli: It is good to see you. I don’t recall how long it has been since I’ve seen another Earthling. I’m glad you are here.

  Eli’s thoughts were genuine. Crysa smiled. She had trouble believing Eli’s reaction to her being there. He actually seemed happy. Crysa moved closer to him.

  Crysa: I’m glad I’m here too. I’ve missed you.

  Crysa placed her arms on Eli’s chest. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him gently. Eli’s hand cupped her cheek as she searched his eyes to see his reaction.

  Eli: I’ve missed you too.

  He lowered his face to her and placed his lips on hers. A small moan escaped her before a voice could be heard by both of them.

  Percone: Well, well… what have we here?

  Crysa and Eli jumped away from each other and turned to face Percone who grinned mischievously at them. He was dressed in blue jeans and a faded t-shirt but his feet were bare.

  Eli: Percone! How did you get in here?

  Percone laughed.

  Percone: Easy as making rain. I just told your landlord I was your brother. I made sure he had no trouble believing me.

  Crysa looked embarrassed and kept her face down.

  Percone: Crysa, my love, did you forget I can see and feel everything you do?

  Eli: Get out… Now!

  Percone: Come now, Eli… Is this any way to welcome a guest into your….

  Percone paused and looked around Eli’s apartment.

  Percone: This… whatever this is? How can you live in this human-made thing? I would go mad not feeling our Earth beneath me. You really have become more human than Earthling. And these clothes….

  Percone squirmed beneath his attire.

  Percone: They feel so unnatural.

  A vibration began to build around them. Dishes clambered loudly in the cabinets as the building swayed.

  Percone smiled as he looked back at Eli who stood glaring angrily at him with his fists clenched.

  Percone: Do it. Rock the ground so hard and bring this atrocity smashing to the Earth. Make sure to destroy all the filthy humans inside with it.

  Crysa looked panic stricken. She moved closer to Eli and touched his arm.

  Crysa: Eli, please.

  The shaking stopped. Eli moved away from her.

  Eli: Both of you leave… Now.

  Percone: Come, Crysa. Let us take leave. We are not wanted here.

  Percone walked over to Crysa and took her hand. She looked at him through her tears before moving quickly to the door. Percone sent a final thought to Eli before following Crysa out the door.

  Percone: Every moment you spend removed from our Earth, the more like them you become.

  Eli took a few moments to calm down. If he never had to see or hear Percone again, it would be a glorious life. He did not let himsel
f think about Crysa. She had made her choice allowing Percone the connection.

  Eli walked over to the window and rested his forehead against the glass. Although the morning sunrise looked beautiful, its shining light on the hard stone and concrete buildings was not as soothing. He ached for the day when he could practice the medicine and healing he had learned in a more rural setting. Eli hated that Percone was right. He had become far removed from the Earth. Turning back to face his apartment, he felt constricted. He knew what he needed to do. Grabbing his car keys, he left the apartment.

  Morning rush hour traffic prevented him from releasing his frustrations in the one luxury he allowed himself, a 1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. Not a materialistic Earthling by nature, he justified his purchase because of the catalytic converter on the car that made it more environmentally friendly. Once he had cleared the city limits, he began to feel better. Steering his car across the bridge to New Jersey, he headed for the Pine Barrens, Forked River Mountain Preserve. It had been too long since he allowed himself to soak in the five hundred and thirty one acres of beauty. Once there, he donned his running shorts, sneakers, and little else. He missed running barefoot but did not want to draw any undue attention to himself as he made his way to the more remote parts of the reserve. The roots of the Mother Tree ran generously through the mountain, making it easy for him to find a way to reconnect with his people. He placed his hands against one of the trees and announced his presence. Shortly thereafter, a familiar figure dropped down from a nearby tree. Eli smiled at his friend.

  Eli: Dragaan, it is good to see you.

  Dragaan: Eli, it has been too long, my friend.

  The two friends joined hands and exchanged images and thoughts about recent events in their lives.

  Dragaan: You have been very busy with the humanized life you have created. What brings you here?

  Eli: I enjoy my life and have learned much, but bricks and stone do not compare to the feel of our Earth.

  Eli silently cringed when he realized he was using Percone’s words. He hated to admit his brother was right.

  Dragaan: I do not believe I could live as you do. I would miss this too much.

  Dragaan gestured to the beautiful landscape surrounding them.

  Eli: I do miss being close to our Mother. However, the field of medicine is fascinating to me.

  Dragaan: But you are healing humans. Do you feel they are worth it?

  Eli: Some, if not most, are, Dragaan. Contrary to popular belief, we have many allies in helping keep our Earth safe.

  Dragaan: I think Percone would beg to differ.

  Eli: Please tell me our brother has not poisoned you against humans.

  Dragaan smiled at Eli.

  Dragaan: I am well aware of his prejudices against them, but his argument is not without merit. Although, even I admit, he occasionally takes his hatred of them too far.

  Eli: There are many things that our brother takes too far.

  Eli stood up. He did not wish to discuss Percone any longer.

  Eli: Come run with me, Dragaan. I need to reconnect.

  Dragaan accepted Eli’s stretched hand and rose to his feet. He smiled and leapt up into a tree.

  Dragaan: Let us take the scenic route.

  Eli smiled and followed after Dragaan. They raced each other through the trees and on the ground. Eli called a time out when they reached the river bank. The two brothers took rest upon the sand.

  Dragaan: Out of practice my friend?

  Eli: Only… slightly.

  Eli playfully pushed Dragaan’s shoulder. It was then they heard giggling nearby. Two young ladies lounged on a blanket just a short distance from them. The brothers had traveled into a more populated area of the reserve. The women smiled in their direction and motioned for the two men to join them. Dragaan looked at Eli, who shook his head from side to side.

  Dragaan: Oh come now, brother. How long has it been since you’ve allowed yourself some human pleasure?

  Eli looked again in the direction of the young women. He liked his solitary living, but seeing Crysa earlier reminded him that there were times when loneliness could filter through the barrier he had erected.

  Eli: You are a bad influence on me, Dragaan.

  Dragaan released a hearty laugh before standing up and pulling Eli with him.

  Dragaan: Come along Eli, and do not embarrass me.

  Dragaan placed a hand on Eli’s shoulder and steered him toward the women. The foursome enjoyed their time together before dividing up into couples for some private time. Eli’s tanned, tall, and blond good looks made up for his lack of social skills. The young lady was far from shy and made her intentions known once they were alone. Sliding her hands up and around his neck, she pulled Eli’s face down to hers, letting her kiss display her intentions. The doctor remained still until he felt his body relax. As his human parts responded to her ministrations, he reached for the woman’s hips and pulled her against him. Eli had forgotten how pleasurable a female’s body could be. The sensations he felt coursing through him had long been denied. He let his female companion take the lead as they sank to the ground. Eli’s body radiated in pleasure as his bare skin touched the Earth. The combination of the female’s touch and his beloved Planet heightened the experience. Eli’s heated pheromones took over as he became the aggressor. The passionate sexual encounter lasted for many hours until both participants were sated. Eli walked the young lady back to her friend before saying a brief goodbye. Dragaan had already departed. Eli sent out this thought to him.

  Eli: It was good seeing you again, brother.

  Dragaan: And you as well. Take care, and visit again soon.

  Eli: I shall.

  Even though Eli meant those words, it would be a long time before he saw Dragaan again.

  After his internship ended in Pennsylvania, Eli traveled around to various mid-western hospitals, setting up residencies at many of them. He moved on when his lack of aging seemed to be attracting attention. His current address landed him back on the east coast in a small town called Marion, Virginia. He purchased an apartment complex there and housed himself in a ground floor apartment. He was able to do some renovating that allowed him to access the roots to the Mother Tree that ran directly beneath the building. He had the best of both worlds. Anytime he felt the loneliness creep in, he would go down to the secret room behind his closet and contact some of his brothers and sisters. His life was comfortable. Little did he know that his life would be turned upside down by the arrival of a young girl named Julie.

  4. The Visitor’s Story

  The Flutara kept himself hidden. He did not want to get caught by the Quintorons. The cargo he carried was too valuable. His mission was to transport himself and the cargo to a planet called Earth. There he would carry out the rest of his orders.

  The moment finally arrived. A small shift developed in an area to his left. The sensation he felt was a numbing feeling that covered his entire body. All known awareness left him as he was transported. The first sense to return was sight. The green of the forest quickly blended into the tall trees before him.

  The Flutara looked at the Earth creature with curiosity. He was smaller in stature compared to his own body. The limbs of the creature appeared thinner and more defined. The creature led him to one of the trees and placed its hands on the rough, dry surface. He followed the creature and duplicated the act. The visitor felt something akin to an electric shock as information filtered into him. After a moment, he was able to communicate with the creature. He was able to think in his native tongue and be understood by the creature, and he thanked him for allowing his people to come to Earth. The creature introduced himself as Percone and gave him the name Flute. The Earthling tried to dissuade him from blending with the humans but Flute knew this was not an option. He had to complete his mission.

  He watched anxiously as Percone went to fetch the human female who was the carrier of the species’ offspring. As the Earthling approached the female, Flute noticed her beginn
ing to shake. He watched as Percone was able to calm her, allowing him to analyze the woman. If his face could show delight it would have at the moment he touched her. The female was already with child. The cargo he carried was the genetic code of his people which would allow him to blend the two species together. After instructing Percone to keep the female calm and distracted, he set about his mission.

  Flute marveled at how easily the essence of his people took to the unborn fetus. He was able to see inside the female as the two species combined into one. Watching for early signs of rejection and seeing none, he pulled his essence out of the female. The procedure had been performed on other planets and species, however, not all had been successful. He would need to monitor the child throughout the duration of its gestation.

  Percone said he could summon the woman at any time because they were connected. Flute did not understand the term. The Earthling had found out the female’s name was Regina. Flute felt a disturbance in the air around them and watched, at Percone’s suggestion, the copulation that replicated how the humans created offspring. He found the act fascinating and was able to tap into the emotions of pleasure that radiated from the two. Afterwards, Percone sent Regina away and explained the connection the two now shared.

  Flute inquired about a safe place to reside. Percone told him about the caves he could rest in undisturbed and still monitor the female.

  Once on his own, flute searched through the knowledge provided by the tree and located a food source that would replenish the energy used in blending. His body was able to adapt to the available resources on the planet.

  With his energy restored, his thoughts traveled back to his home planet. He knew it would be many Earth years before he would be able to return to it. The timing of planet jumping was an intricate science. Flute was unconcerned; he had work to do and blends to create. The passage of calculated time varied from planet to planet. The human gestation period was slightly longer than in other creatures. Flute worried about the length; the more time spent in the human host, the more problems that could develop.

  Percone kept his promise and fetched the woman as often as Flute requested. Flute used his healing ability to heal the minor complications that arose in the female.


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