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Earth Blend

Page 13

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���I’d like you to meet him, too.��� Julie smiled. ���I’m sorry Uncle G, please continue.���

  ���I was the first Blend to be born and was saddled with the task of creating more Blends. We did everything we could to save the mothers. I could not let the fact that they did not survive sway the mission I was to accomplish.���

  ���Help me understand this mission. You said there are Blends on other planets, ones that helped rebuild dying races. Humans are not a dying race. Why would you need to come here?���

  ���We needed a planet far enough away from our home planet. We were under siege, we still are. The Quintorons have raided our planet and our resources. They have also found information on just where the other Blends are. They are systematically destroying all other Blends. They want the only Blends to be themselves so they can take over the universe. I know it sounds a bit like a science fiction novel, but this our reality, Julie. Quintorons are killers and will stop at nothing until they are the only surviving race. My mission here is to stop that from happening. I’m building an army, so that we may one day take back what is ours. Our only chance of succeeding is having an army of many with the one ability that is key to success, the Carnage ability; the ability to kill.���

  ���You’re telling me that is the ability I have, that you unlocked.���

  ���Yes. It is an ability that is even more rare than the Numera, of which there are only three on this planet.���

  ���You, Austin, and me. How many have this Carnage ability?���

  ���Just you.���

  ���So an army of one? Me?���

  ���I keep creating more Blends, hoping for that one ability to manifest. I fear we are running out of time.���

  ���What do you mean?���

  ���I’ve lost contact with the home planet. It may be only temporary, it has happened before, but I always fear.���

  ���Fear what?���

  ���Let’s not get into that now. I don’t want to sound the alarm when it could be nothing. I just wanted you to have a better understanding of what we are up against.���

  ���What happens if I don’t want this thing, this ability? Can you lock it again or can I turn it off?���

  ���I want you to learn to control it.���

  ���I don’t want to know how. I never want to use it again.���

  ���Gregg, I know how you feel about this. How passionate you are about the home planet, but you can’t expect us to want to be a part of this. I don’t want her to be in any danger to herself or others. It’s obvious she does not want any part of this, either.��� Trevor defended his daughter.

  Gregg looked angrily at Trevor and shook his head. ���If we had let her train with this ability when she was younger, she would never have had to endure what she went through all those years. You were in charge of keeping her safe, you failed. You do not get a say in this anymore.���

  ���I do get a say.��� Julie said angrily. ���I will not be part of this plan. I will not hurt anyone… ever.���

  ���Would you still feel the same way if the Quintorons found out that we were here on this planet and came to destroy it? Destroy everyone, including Austin and Eli?���

  ���Is that… even a possibility?���

  ���Julie, have you listened to a word I have said?���

  Julie put her face in her hands. ���This is too much to deal with.���

  Trevor placed a hand on his daughter’s back. ���Gregg, take a break, please. This is too much information to absorb all at once.���

  Gregg knelt down in front of Julie. ���I’m sorry. I’m just running out of time and running out of options. I feel it, something’s wrong. Please just give it some thought.���

  ���I’m going to go lie down. I need a break from all of this.��� She said, standing. ���Will… will you come with me?��� She asked her father.

  ���Of course.��� He smiled.

  ���Julie you go on ahead, I need to talk to your father for a moment. I won’t keep him long, I promise.��� Gregg said.

  Julie nodded and headed out the door and down to her apartment.

  She heard Gregg’s apartment door close. and wondered what the two men were talking about. She rested her head on her door when she heard Eli’s door open behind her. She turned to see him locking his door, wearing only a pair of shorts. He seemed startled to see her standing there.

  ���Hi.��� He said, somewhat embarrassed. ���Are you just getting home?���

  ���Yes and no. I was in my Uncle’s apartment…talking for a bit.���

  ���Is everything okay?��� Eli asked, concern etched on his face.

  Julie’s lip began to quiver as her Uncle’s words came rushing back to her. Tears ran down her cheeks.

  ���What’s wrong?��� Eli’s arms instinctively wrapped around her.

  She buried her face in his bare chest and let her emotions go once again. Her body shook against his. ���I’m scared.���

  ���What are you scared of?��� Eli’s voice broke as he felt her strong emotions.

  ���Everything.��� She sobbed and held him tighter.

  ���Um, excuse me.��� A voice behind them said.

  Eli turned, quickly pushing Julie behind him. He then pinned the stranger up against the wall.

  ���Who are you?��� He asked through gritted teeth.

  ���Eli, it’s okay, he’s my father.��� Julie said, grabbing his arm.

  Eli did not release the man but looked at Julie. ���Your father? I thought you said he was killed the night you were taken.���

  ���Apparently Uncle G got to him in time.���

  ���C…can’t b… breathe….���

  ���Oh, sorry.��� Eli said, releasing him from his grip. He still held onto the man to steady him.

  ���P… please t… tell me… are you Eli?��� Trevor asked.

  Julie smiled. ���Dad this is Doctor Eli Elsworth. Eli, my dad, Trevor Landan.���

  Trevor had regained himself enough to stand straight and offered his hand to Eli. ���I want to thank you for all that you have done in helping protect my daughter.���

  Eli grasped the man’s hand and shook it firmly. ���I’d do it again in an instant, Mr. Landan.���

  ���Please call me Trevor.��� He smiled. ���It’s my understanding that you are in trouble with your people. I am more than willing to stand up and defend you. I would like to help.���

  Eli smiled at Julie. ���Now I know where you get it from.��� Turning back to Trevor, he said, ���I appreciate that, but Suron would never allow outside interference in his decision making. It is enough that so many people know about us. I thank you, though.���

  ���I know all about keeping oneself a secret. It was my mistake in trying to provide a normal life for a unique child that cost me my daughter.��� He placed a hand on Julie’s shoulder and squeezed.

  She placed her hand on top of his and gave him a weak smile.

  ���I think you need to rest.���

  ���I think so, too.��� She agreed then looked to Eli. ���Are you going running?��� She asked and looked down at his bare feet.

  ���I was planning on a bit of a stroll.��� He smiled. ���But if there is anything I can help you with, please, let me. I’m here for you.��� He said, reaching out and touching her cheek.

  ���I know.��� She said, feeling her eyes water up again. ���I’d better get some sleep.���

  Eli nodded and watch the two enter Julie’s apartment. He knew there was something going on, if for noth
ing else than the fact that Julie���s father was still alive.

  The love Trevor had for his daughter was very evident to Eli. He took some comfort in that. He hoped that tomorrow he could get some time alone with Julie so she could open up to what else was going on. For now, he intended to go find Percone and demand to know what secrets he was keeping.

  Austin was enjoying time with his friends but there was something different. He felt different. They were not like him. They could never know the secrets about him. He himself was still dealing with all of the revelations. His Uncle tried to call him several times today, but he had not picked up. Dealing with his Uncle or his father was not something he wanted to do today.

  As his mind drifted he found it hard to breathe in the stuffy home with its windows closed and the forced air blowing in on him. He was feeling claustrophobic. He quietly slipped outside and sat down on the back porch, feeling comforted by the fresh air. His eyes were drawn to the two weeping willow trees that took up most of the backyard. The night air was still, but as he focused on the hanging branches of the trees, they began to sway. He felt a tingling inside of himself and slowly increased his concentration on the trees. They began to sway, almost in time to a unsung melody. All movement ceased when his focus was broken by his friend.

  ���I bet I know where your mind is at.��� Neal commented, sitting down on one of the reclining chairs on the porch.

  ���Do you, now?��� Austin smiled. turning to his friend. He hopped up onto the porch railing, feeling comforted by the wooden beam beneath him.

  ���Yep. Five foot four, blonde hair, brown eyes, killer body.���

  ���Hey, watch it now. That’s my girl, be respectful.���

  ���What happened to the Austin I use to know, dude? We use to always critique each other’s girlfriends.���

  Austin laughed, ���When did you have a girlfriend? Did I miss something?���

  ���Alright, alright, but there were girls I liked and we use to kid each other about it. We don’t do that anymore.���

  ���A lot of things have changed.��� Austin said, looking out once again to the trees.

  ���Yep, you get a steady piece and you abandon your best friend, that’s what happened.���

  Austin’s anger rose to the boiling point in an instant. He moved quickly over to Neal and lifted him with one hand into the air by his shirt and pinned him against the back of the house. ���What did I just say about being respectful?��� He shouted in Neal’s face. His words were drowned out by the wind that began howling. His head started to throb and he let go of Neal and moaned in pain.

  ���What the hell, dude?��� Neal shouted at him.

  Austin did not hear his friend’s words as he fought to stop the pain in his head. He focused on his healing abilities to fight the pain. Within a few seconds the pain stopped and the wind calmed. He looked around. ���I did it.��� He smiled. ���I stopped it myself.��� He laughed and looked at Neal, who was looking at him wide-eyed. ���Look man, I’m sorry. I just get defensive about her. I love her.��� He said and then paused. He had finally said the words out loud. ���I love her.��� He said and looked at Neal.

  ���Fine, you love her, but what the hell was that? Did you join a gym or something, cause I’m bigger than you. You lifted me as if I weighed nothing. How did you get so strong? And what was up with that wind?���

  ���Wacky Marion weather.��� Austin smiled. He felt euphoric. ���Listen, I gotta go. Tell ya what, Saturday. Saturday will be an Austin and Neal day, I promise. Tell everyone I said I’ll talk with them again soon.��� He said and hopped over the railing onto the ground.

  ���Wait, where are you going? I can drive you.���

  ���I’m good, I want to walk in this beautiful night!��� He shouted as he made his way farther from the house.

  Neal shook his head and went back inside. ���Wackadoodle.���

  Austin had a destination in mind. He was heading to Hungry Mother Park. He was going to test out some of his abilities. He had no idea his destination would lead him straight into the path of another Earthling.

  14. Spillage of Secrets

  Julie gave her dad a quick tour of her apartment before the two sat down on the couch in the living room.

  ���Pumpkin, I’m okay if you want to lie down.���

  ���I really want to talk with you. Just me and you.���

  ���I’m here, I’m never going to let you go ever again. I bet you will get sick of me.��� He smiled warmly.

  ���I highly doubt that.��� She returned his smile. ���I… um have to ask you something. I want an honest answer, okay?���

  Trevor grabbed her hands. ���I promise you will only get honesty from me, always.���

  ���Thank you.��� She said, squeezing his hands. ���My first question… I think I already know the answer, but, did you know about the Carnage ability in me?���

  ���Yes, I did. I asked your Uncle to lock the ability away. I didn’t think it was fair for you to have to deal with that ability being so young. There were… a few things that happened when you were just a baby that helped me come to that decision.���

  ���What happened?��� She had a horrified look on her face.

  ���Keep in mind, you were the only Blend who was born with this ability, we had nothing to base it on. You were an infant, crying for some nourishment, as most babies do. I must have taken a little longer to get your bottle ready. I picked you up and sat down in a chair preparing to feed you when you grabbed one of my fingers. The pain I felt was excruciating. It took everything I had not to drop you. Once you began feeding, the pain stopped. It took me a good fifteen minutes to feel normal again. It was after that I ask Gregg to lock the ability. I didn’t want you to have to deal with that and…��� Trevor paused.

  ���And what?���

  ���I didn’t want to be afraid to touch you, hold you.���

  ���Oh… God.��� She said, pulling her hands from him.

  Trevor quickly reached for her hands again. ���I don’t feel that way now. It was only because you were a baby and unable to control your emotions. When you are angry and upset, as you were with Uncle G this afternoon, that is when it unleashes itself. I know there are ways to control it, but that is something for you to decide.���

  ���I don’t want this. I want it locked up forever.��� Julie sobbed.

  Trevor pulled his daughter close and let her take comfort in his arms.

  After Julie regained her composure, still in her father’s arms, she asked her next question. ���What would you do? What would you do if you had this ability and Uncle G wanted you to use it?���

  Trevor closed his eyes and was thankful she could not see the tears forming in them. He promised her he would always be honest. ���Although your Uncle and I do not see eye to eye on many things… if it were me, I would do as he asked, to protect our people.��� He felt her shudder against him. His tears fell as she looked up into his face. ���I’m not you, baby girl. If I could take this from you, I would. Just know, whatever you decide, I’m behind you.���

  She rest her head back against him. ���I’m scared.���

  ���Me too.��� He said, hugging her tighter, and father and daughter drifted off to sleep.

  Austin made his way to Hungry Mother Park. He was anxious to do some practicing to test the control of his abilities. Once nestled deep inside the park, he removed his shoes and shirt. He loved the feeling of the dirt between his toes. He breathed in deeply, letting the night air expand his lungs fully. He felt drawn to one of the trees and walked over to it. He placed his hand upon it’s rough bark. Instantly, images and sounds were flowing through him.

was scared yet fascinated as what he later came to know as the history of the Earthlings was shown to him. When the images stopped he pulled his hand away from the tree. His body felt differently. He clenched his fist and looked at his chest and arms, as if seeing them for the first time. His jeans felt restrictive on him. He quickly stripped them off and kicked them to the side. He stood only in his boxer shorts.

  ���You should strip those off, too. It feels so much better to be completely naked.��� Percone dropped down from a nearby tree.

  ���Who the hell are you?��� Austin asked, but inside he knew, this was another Earthling.

  ���I guess you could say I’m your brother, well, half-brother really, since you’re only half Earthling. Half Earthling, half Blend… You’re an Earth Blend.��� Percone laughed at his own cleverness.

  ���How do you know what I am?���

  ���Let’s just say your mother and I are like this.��� Percone crossed his middle finger with his index finger.

  ���You know my mother?���

  ���I know her very well. We’re best buds.��� Percone said, whispering in his ear.

  ���Can you take me to her?���

  ���Aw, little baby Earth Blend wants his mommy, how cute.���

  ���Stop teasing me. Take me to her.��� Austin demanded and the ground around the two shook.

  ���Testing out our newfound abilities, are we?��� Percone took a step back from Austin and raised his hands.

  A vine snaked down a nearby tree and wrapped around Austin’s leg before it pulled upward and left him suspended in midair. He was now hanging upside down by one leg.

  Percone walked up so his face was inches from Austin. ���Listen up, little boy, do not mess with things you know nothing about.��� He then laughed in his face before leaning back against a tree.

  ���Put me down.��� Austin growled, making the ground shake again.

  ���Try and get down yourself.��� Percone baited.

  Austin took a deep breath and concentrated on the vine that held him aloft. He kept trying to make it move and release him, but it held firmly.


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