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Earth Blend

Page 17

by Pescatore, Lori

  Luke had been talking with Eric and Rafferty when they all heard a sound that directed their attention to the right.

  Rafferty was the first to see something up on the rafters. ���Luke, look!��� He said, pointing to a squatting Anthur.

  ���They are getting in through the roof, son of a������ Luke cursed, pointing the gun up at the intruder. ���I’m going to tell you right now, I never miss. Get down here.��� He shouted up to the Earthling. He watched as the Earthling hung from the rafter and seamlessly dropped to the floor and walked over to the men. Luke saw the way the Earthling stared at the gun. ���You know what I have in here, don’t you?���

  The Earthling didn’t answer.

  Luke sent a radio message out for everyone to come to the receiving docks. ���Get on your knees.��� Luke ordered the tall, blond Earthling. After a brief hesitation, the Earthling complied.

  ���Why the hell is he naked?��� Rafferty whispered to Luke who only chuckled in response.

  Shortly all the other men filed into the loading dock area.

  ���We have a breach.��� He told them looking up. ���More of these things will most likely try and sneak through, be alert. Station yourselves throughout the building.��� The men spread out as told.

  Julie looked at the Earthling. He looked like Percone, but with shorter hair. He locked eyes with her and she felt the ropes that bound her begin to loosen. She wiggled her hands and feet and was able to slacken it even more. She stopped when Luke stepped up and pointed the gun to the Earthling’s head.

  ���Send a message to your boss, Suron. Unless he calls off this endeavor, he will lose even more Earthlings, starting with you.���

  ���Suron orders you to stand before him and receive judgment for the crimes you have committed.���

  ���Here’s my answer.��� Luke said, and pulled the trigger, shooting the Earthling in the head.

  ���No!��� Julie shouted and watched in horror as the Earthling’s body slumped over and begin to wither in pain. Shaking the loosened ropes off of her, she ran over to the Earthling, but Luke caught her before she got to him. She struggled in his arms. She pounded him with her fists, trying to pry off his gloved hands from around her waist. ���Let me go!���

  ���Let her go!��� Austin shouted as he leaped over the stack of boxes from the forklift.

  Julie stopped struggling and watched as Austin landed effortlessly near them.

  ���Well, well. Your boyfriend came to save you, how poetic.��� Luke looked at Austin’s attire; the boy was clad only in a pair of jeans. ���You look like you switched teams.��� Luke said and smiled, pointing the gun at him.

  Two men came up behind Austin and restrained both of his arms.

  Luke released Julie. ���Go ahead, try and save him.��� He let her go to Anthur.

  He stepped back and watched her. He was curious himself to see if she could save him.

  Julie dove inside the Earthling and saw the toxic substance spreading throughout his body. She worked feverishly to stop it, but it kept spreading. She was frustrated because there were no working organs for her to protect. ���Please, please.��� She mumbled as she tried all different ways to help save him, but in the end, there was nothing she could do. Her body grew weary, and she pulled out of him and rest her head on the now lifeless body.

  Eli and the other Earthlings outside were devastated when the thoughts from Anthur ceased. Austin’s thoughts confirmed their fears.

  Suron sent a message to all the Earthlings to enter the building and put an end to Luke’s massacre of their kind. He was nearby but wanted them to not waste any more time. He urged them to be careful but stop at nothing to restrain this man so the Earth may deal him his punishment.

  Eli urged Gregg and Trevor to remain behind as the Earthlings prepared to swarm to building. He knew they would not heed his warning.

  Inside, Luke walked over to Austin, keeping the gun aimed at him. ���So how does that work, exactly? Do you have to take some kind of test to become an Earthling?��� He pointed the gun right up to the boy’s chest.

  ���I’m not afraid of you.��� Austin growled angrily The building began to shake.

  ���Son of a bitch, I thought maybe you were just jealous of your little girl’s love for another Earthling and that you went all ‘wannabe’ to get her back.���

  The building moaned as Austin’s eyes narrowed.

  Loud pounding rain could be heard as the building shook against the assault of wind. Austin even paused to look up. This was not his doing.

  Luke looked at Austin, who grinned as Earthlings entered the building in droves.

  Screams and gunshots could be heard as the invasion began.

  Austin elbowed the two men restraining him and then charged at Luke.

  Julie looked up to see Earthlings everywhere. Most were fighting, hand to hand combat style, as no elements were present. Suddenly Eli was beside her, helping her to her feet. Her Uncle and Dad were right there as well. Her father hugged her tightly.

  ���Let’s get you out of here.��� He said.

  Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion; she turned to look for Austin and saw him struggling for the gun with Luke. It was like the helicopter all over again, only this time, the ending was very different. She watched as Luke pulled the gun down between them and fired. It took her a moment to realize which way the gun was pointed. It was pointed at Austin. She watched him stumble backwards and then fall to his knees. She ran to him, watching, waiting for the bullet to push itself out, but it didn’t. She was on the floor next to him as his face turned white.

  ���It feels… different.��� He said, before falling to his side.

  Julie screamed, ���No!���

  She quickly went inside of him. Uncle Gregg was there with her, also trying to help Austin.

  As in the other Earthling, his organs appeared dormant and the toxin was spreading. ���What can we do?��� She cried, looking to her Uncle for help.

  ���I don’t know.��� He cried, tears rolling down his face.

  ���Do something!��� She screamed. ���Heal damn it.��� She yelled at Austin. ���I love you, please don’t die… please don’t die.���

  She watched her Uncle pull his hands from Austin and hang his head in defeat. ���No, don’t stop, please, we have to fix him… we have to fix him.��� She was crying hysterically now.

  ���I’m sorry….��� Uncle G said, reaching for her.

  ���No,��� she backed up. She looked down at Austin’s lifeless body and her anguish turned to anger. She stood and looked for Luke. He was being restrained by two Earthlings. She felt something change within her, like a switch was turned on. ���You have to die.��� She said and moved quickly over to him. She placed her hands on his face and saw the frightened look in his eyes. ���You… have… to… die.��� She then threw all of her anger into him.

  As his body shook, the two Earthlings released him as their own bodies had felt the shock of Julie. She stayed with him as his body collapsed, never removing her hands as his body jerked and thrashed. ���I hate you… I hate you.��� She cried, still pouring everything she had into him. Finally, when she felt drained, she removed her hands and sat against a nearby wall.

  Trevor wanted to go to her, but Gregg cautioned him. ���She’s still charged.��� He said, motioning to her hands that were glowing.

  She looked down at her hands then at Luke’s body. The charred outline of her hands, all but concealed his face. The glow faded from her hands as she dropped them beside her and looked toward Austin. Tears fell silently from her face, it was then her father came to her and wrapped her in his arms.

  The room’s silence was broken by a loud gasp. Everyone turned in its d
irection. It was Austin, he was sitting up, breathing heavily.

  ���Austin…��� Julie stood up and ran over to him. ���You’re alive… you’re alive.��� She grabbed a hold of him and hugged him, knocking him back down on the floor.

  ���Wha… what happened?���

  Gregg was already inside of him, checking him. ���Your Blend abilities kicked in when your Earthling abilities died. ��� He said and removed his hands, hugging Austin himself. ���We thought you were gone.���

  Austin felt something in his stomach and looked down. The bullet that entered was being expelled by his body. ���He shot me?��� He was finally comprehending what happened. ���Where is he?��� He asked, struggling to stand.

  Everyone looked at the remains of Luke.

  Suron entered the building. He was already fully aware of what transpired.

  The remainder of Luke’s men were reprimanded, but allowed to leave with strict warnings to never do anything to hurt the Earth again. Suron walked over to Julie, Austin, Gregg, and Trevor.

  ���I thank you all for your help. Please join us at the Mother Tree.��� He said, before turning back to his Earthling family. One by one, they began the cleanup of the area, securing the toxic body of Anthur and taking Luke’s body with them.

  ���I missed a lot, didn’t I?��� Austin asked.

  That made everyone smile.

  ���We’ll fill you in. For now, let’s go home.��� Gregg said.

  Walking out to the car, Julie stopped when she saw Eli. She separated from her group and went over to him. She stood on her tiptoes to hug him. He returned the embrace. ���I’m sorry I could not save Anthur.��� Austin told her the Earthling’s name.

  ���You tried.��� Eli whispered, his own emotions getting the better of him.

  She leaned back out of the embrace and looked in his eyes.

  ���Are you okay?��� He asked, pushing her hair back from her face.

  She nodded, ���I will be, I think. I have a lot to tell you.��� She said, then kissed him lightly on the cheek before returning to her group.

  She returned to Austin’s waiting embrace.

  Austin looked to Eli and nodded as they all walked out to the car.

  On the way home, they filled Austin in on what he missed. Julie kept silent as Gregg explained her part in Luke’s death. After they described her Carnage ability, Austin squeezed her tighter. He knew this was going to be a difficult thing for Julie to deal with. ���I’m here.��� he said kissing the top of her head.

  ���You better not ever leave me again.��� She said, looking up at him.

  ���I won’t, I promise.��� He smiled placing a gentle kiss on her lips. ���Uncle Gordi?���


  ���Am I still an Earthling?���

  Gregg smiled, ���As far as I can tell. Your Blend abilities fixed everything.���

  ���Good. I was kinda liking it.��� He said, making everyone laugh.

  17. Judgments

  The next morning, everyone gathered at the Mother Tree, including Austin’s father, Jacob, and his step-mother, Helene. Everyone was told the truth about everyone else. Helene, the only full human of the group, was happy when Austin asked if she could be included.

  Marcus made sure he was able to go as well. ���I was there the first time.��� He reasoned and was happy when permission was granted.

  The bodies of Anthur and Crysa were surrounded by wood and placed on an elevated platform. Luke’s body lay on the ground. Many earthlings were gathered along with the group directly involved. All others listened telepathically.

  Suron spoke aloud as well as in thought for the benefit of the non-Earthlings present.

  ���Today we say goodbye to our brother and sister, Anthur and Crysa. Mother Earth, please cleanse their bodies so they may be returned to the place from which they were created. Honor them in death as they honored you in life.��� Suron raised his hands and brought them down quickly. Lightning struck the wood surrounding the Earthlings’ bodies.

  Everyone focused their attention on Luke’s body.

  ���Mother Earth, this human has committed crimes against you. Although his energy is no longer present, please accept his body with all its nutrients into you, so he may pay restitution for the wrongs he has done.���

  Luke’s body slowly sank into the Earth.

  ���Austin, please come forward.��� Suron summoned.

  Julie reluctantly let go of Austin’s hand as he approached Suron.

  ���Your existence was not from our Mother, but from one of her children. A rule has been broken. Our kind is not allowed to procreate. Your situation is unusual as you are not only part Earthling but part Blend, making you a welcome member of this planet. Our Earth has allowed you to continue on with your life, but not without being made aware of the Earthling rules. Our Mother has already provided you with the history of our kind. Do not forget what should be of utmost priority. Protect the Earth and educate its inhabitants in ways that keep her healthy and safe. Do you accept those terms?���

  ���I do.��� Austin said.

  ���Let it be known to all that Austin is a brother to us and should be treated as such.���

  ���Thank you.��� Austin said and returned to Julie.

  She reached up and hugged him.

  ���I feel like I just got my diploma.��� He said.

  ���I’m so jealous.��� Marcus said, punching his arm.

  His mother and father hugged him as well.

  ���Eli, come forward.��� Suron ordered.���You used the Earth’s forces in a way that is forbidden. Tell me, in what way are the Earth’s powers to be used?���

  ���To help in the protection of the planet.���

  ���Did you break that rule?���


  ���For that you should be severely punished.���

  ���No.��� Julie whispered. She noticed Percone grinning behind Suron.

  ���However, there was an exception. One of the children you were trying to save was part Earthling. Mother feels this should warrant some leniency.���

  ���What? No way!��� Percone shouted coming forward.

  ���You do not have permission to speak.��� Suron yelled at him.

  ���Well, I am speaking, this is favoritism, plain and simple. He did not know the kid was part Earthling when he tried to save him. This will send a bad message to everyone. Chaos will reign. I object.���

  ���Sit down!��� Suron bellowed and the ground shook, knocking Percone to the forest floor. ���Do not speak again until I am finished.��� Suron looked back to Eli. ���Mother believes that you are a loving son who made a mistake. Although you must be punished, she has chosen this for you. You have been assigned as a mentor to Austin. Your task is to educate him in the proper use of his Earthling abilities. You are to be his guide. Do you accept this punishment?���

  Eli looked back to Austin before responding. The boy smiled and nodded. ���I do accept. Thank you, and Mother for her leniency.��� Eli returned to the side.

  ���Percone, come forward.��� Suron ordered.

  ���You mean I can get up now?��� Percone asked, standing.

  ���Percone, you have broken many rules over the years. The punishments you have received were never fully enforced, leaving you to become the Earthling you are today. It ends now. Mother has decided that you have lost the meaning of what it is to be an Earthling and a brother. Your lack of compassion for any life form, including other Earthlings, has saddened her. She has handed down a stiff punishment. One I am sure will prove difficult for you, but you cannot refuse. You must pay restitution by lo
sing your Earthling abilities for a period of one year. During that time you will live as a human. Your human parts will be fully functional. It is her hope that you learn compassion for the humans as well as compassion for all life forms, including your family. During that year, you will be monitored. Your actions will be reported on. If, after the year’s time, you have grown to a better understanding of brotherhood and compassion, you will be restored to your full Earthling status. The time may be extended if you do not make any progress during that year. It is not negotiable.���

  Percone was silent for only a moment. ���You can’t do that!���

  ���What’s done is done.��� Suron said, and clapped his hands.

  Lightning strikes came down in a complete circle around Percone. A bright light flashed before all was quiet once more. When the smoke from the lightning cleared, Percone could be seen lying where he once stood. He slowly sat up.

  Julie looked over to Eli. He looked stunned as well. She went over to him. ���Has this ever happened before?��� She asked.

  ���No, never.���

  ���This gathering has concluded.��� Suron said, and went to attend to the burning bodies of the deceased Earthlings.

  A hushed whisper commenced over the group.

  Marcus came over to Eli and Julie. ���Man, that was intense. So, hey Eli, can you introduce me to some of your sisters?���

  Both Julie and Eli turned to look at Marcus.

  ���Seriously?��� Julie asked him.

  ���Naked chicks are hot.���

  ���Marcus, go away.��� Eli said, before turning back to look at Percone. He walked over and knelt down beside him. ���Percone.��� Eli said gently.

  Percone turned towards him, ���Do not talk to me.���


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