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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

Page 12

by Rebecca Deel

  Fifteen minutes later, Linc dropped her off at the ER entrance. She rushed after the EMTs and the gurney bearing the unconscious form of the man she loved.

  “Exam 5,” one of the nurses said. She wrinkled her nose and waved a hand in front of her face. “Whew. Smells like he took a bath in whiskey.”

  The EMTs pushed the gurney into the room and were quickly followed by a nurse and a Memorial technician.

  Nicole glared at the nurse standing in front of her. “Where’s the doctor?”

  “With another patient. He’ll be here soon. Are you a family member?”

  Close enough. “Yes.”

  “I have forms for you to fill out since the patient isn’t able to answer questions.”

  “If you bring them to me, I’ll take care of it while I wait for word on Mason’s condition.”

  The nurse walked to the desk and returned with a clipboard and pen. She handed both to Nicole as a man in a white coat walked out of one exam room and headed for Mason’s.

  Nicole took the clipboard and hurried to intercept the doctor. Before she reached him, Rod Kelter jogged into view, his expression grim.

  “I need a blood test completed on the patient just brought in by ambulance,” Rod said. “As fast as you can, Dr. Thomas.”

  “DUI?” the physician asked.

  “No,” Nicole said, hugging the clipboard to her chest. “He smells like someone poured a bottle of booze on him, but Mason hasn’t touched alcohol in years.”

  “Alcoholics can have relapses,” Thomas said, his tone gentle.

  “That’s not the case here.”

  Although he nodded, the doctor obviously wasn’t taking her word in assessing Mason’s current state. He pushed open the door and walked inside.

  Rod glowered at Nicole. “Still convinced Mason is alcohol free?”

  “Yes. You will be as well when that blood work comes back. I know him. He wouldn’t lie to me. If he’d been tempted to drink, he would have told me so we could deal with it together.”

  “No man wants to appear weak in front of his woman, Nicole. Alcoholics lie to everyone, especially themselves.”

  “Stop saying that,” she snapped. “Mason is not an alcoholic. You’re going to eat your words, Kelter.”

  “Believe it or not, I hope I do. I just know that particular habit is a daily battle to kick.”

  Nicole blinked. Rod didn’t sound as though he spouted platitudes. “Personal experience?”

  He gave a short nod. “It’s not a history I’m proud of.” Rod’s lips curved. “That part of my life is over and has been since I married Meg. Let’s just say that my wife won’t look the other way if I slip up and disappoint her.”

  The newspaper editor would have some strong words to say to her husband if he fell off the wagon. Nicole would hate to make that woman mad. She was one tough lady.

  In silence, Nicole worked on the forms and Rod watched the exam room door until Linc and Dawn joined them. “Any news?” Linc asked.

  “The doc is in there with him now,” Rod said. “As soon as he wakes and I’m allowed in, I have to question him.” He glanced at Nicole. “I’ll give you two minutes first, but I have to be in the room.”

  She strode to the desk to return the forms. What did she care if the detective listened to their conversation? What concerned her was the possibility that Mason might not remember what happened if he’d been drugged. Would the detective believe him? If not, Mason might be spending part of the night in jail.

  She clenched her jaw. If he spent one minute in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, she’d have Ethan’s and Rod’s heads on a silver platter. Nicole looked at Linc. “We might need Andrea.”

  “Already contacted her.”

  Rod scowled. “Kincaid is not under arrest.”

  Nicole folded her arms. “I want to keep it that way.”

  Another employee went into the room and exited a few minutes later with vials of blood. He hurried down the hall.

  Soon, Dr. Thomas opened the door and left the room followed by another member of the medical staff. The doctor nodded at Rod in greeting. “He’s coming around, but still groggy and disoriented.”

  Rod straightened. “He’s in good enough shape for me to question him?”

  “I don’t know how much help he’ll be. He’s in and out.”

  “Did he tell you what happened?”

  A frown. “Ask him your questions, Detective.”

  Rod scowled. “Can you at least tell me if he’s intoxicated?”

  “I won’t know for sure until I receive the results of the blood test, but I don’t believe he consumed alcohol.”

  Relief swept through Nicole. Now maybe Mason would have a chance to stay out of jail. “He was drugged, wasn’t he?”

  “I believe so. Again, the blood test results will give us more information.” Thomas looked at Rod. “No more than ten minutes. Mr. Kincaid is still recovering. He’ll be our guest for the night. An orderly will transport him to his room in a few minutes. Ask your questions, then leave him to rest for the night.” With that, he entered the next exam room.

  “You owe me and Mason an apology.” Nicole’s chin tilted up.

  “I’ll hold off until all the facts are in.” Rod motioned for her to precede him into the room.

  “Dawn and I will wait in the hall,” Linc said.

  Dawn squeezed Nicole’s hand in silent support and stationed herself by Linc’s side.

  Anxious to see Mason, Nicole walked into the room with the detective hot on her heels. Mason lay on his back, clothed in a hospital gown, eyes closed and skin pale.

  She wrapped her hand around his. “Mason.”

  A small smile curved his lips. “Nicole.” Beautiful brown eyes looked into hers. “Come here.” He freed his hand and lifted his arms toward her.

  That was enough encouragement for her. She wrapped her arms around him. “I’ve never been so afraid in my life,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” His hold tightened.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay.” After another moment, she eased back. The detective must be growing impatient. “You are all right?”

  “I will be. Having a hard time focusing for long.” He finally noticed the Otter Creek detective. Mason frowned. “Rod, why are you here?”

  “I have questions for you.”

  Nicole threaded her fingers through Mason’s. Maybe they’d get answers. A gnawing worry assailed her. What if he didn’t know anything? Rod wouldn’t accept that explanation.

  “Now?” His lids were drooping again. “Not sure I can hold a conversation that makes sense but I’ll try.”

  “Do you know how you got here?”

  A frown. “No.”

  “Ethan found you passed out on the side of Danbury Road. Do you know why you passed out?”

  A slight head shake. “Can’t remember much.”

  “Tell me what you do remember. Where were you working today?”

  “Oakdale site.”

  Rod slid a notepad and pen from his pocket. “What time did you leave there, Mason?”

  “Late. Seven o’clock.”

  “Why were you working so late?”

  “Changing out locks on a building.”

  “Did anyone work with you this afternoon?”


  Rod glanced up. “Dean Conner?”

  A nod.

  “After you left the site, where did you go?”

  Mason frowned. “To Linc’s. Staying with him tonight to protect Nicole and Dawn.”

  “But you didn’t make it to Linc’s place. Ethan found you on Danbury, passed out behind the wheel. Your truck was still running. I need you to be honest with me, Mason. Did you stop somewhere to buy alcohol?”

  His grip around Nicole’s hand tightened. “No. I don’t drink. Ever.”

  “You plan to tell that to the judge when Ethan testifies that he detected a strong odor of alcohol when he checked you for injuries?”

nbsp; Shock filled Mason’s eyes. “That’s not possible.”

  “How do you explain the alcohol, Mason?”

  “I can’t. I didn’t stop anywhere to have a drink or buy a six-pack of beer. I started feeling funny on the drive to Linc’s so I pulled over. The last thing I remember was hearing Nicole’s voice. Then I woke up here.”

  “You felt funny? Explain that.”

  “Dizzy, sleepy.” He sighed, eyelids closing again. “Couldn’t think. Sluggish.”

  “How do you explain the empty bottle of whiskey Ethan took from your hand?”

  A frown. “What bottle?”

  “Did you drink anything on the way to Linc’s?” Nicole asked him.

  Mason turned his head to look at her, eyes filled with hurt and disappointment.

  She cupped his cheek. “I know you didn’t drink alcohol. However, you usually drink something on the way home. Water, tea, a soft drink. You work outside and in hot buildings all day. What did you drink, Mason?”

  The hurt faded from his eyes as he nuzzled her hand. “Soft drink. Tasted odd.”

  “What do you mean, odd?” Rod paused with his pen hovering over the notepad.

  Mason shrugged. “Just off. The drink was hot. Been sitting in my truck for several hours. Forgot to take it inside with me.”

  A short knock sounded on the door and Linc poked his head inside. “Orderly is here to take Mase to his room.”

  “I’m staying?” Mason blinked and struggled to sit up. “Why?”

  Nicole squeezed his hand. “The doctor wants to keep an eye on you overnight.”

  A scowl. “I’m fine.” He swayed, leaning to one side.

  Rod steadied him with a hand to his shoulder. “I don’t think so.”

  “For my peace of mind, let’s make sure.” She leaned down and brushed her mouth over his. “Do it for me.”

  “I have to work tomorrow.”

  “If you do well overnight, you’ll be released.” Nicole glanced at Linc. “Send the orderly in. Detective Kelter has finished his questions for the moment.” Mason was beginning to fade out again. Whatever he’d ingested was potent.

  Rod scowled at her. “I have more questions.”

  “You heard the doctor. The questions will have to wait until tomorrow. He’s finished for the night.” She glared at him. “Mason will be right here. You don’t have to worry that he’ll skip town to escape justice.”

  Linc whistled softly and left only to return a moment later with a linebacker-sized orderly.

  Nicole grinned at the newcomer. “Carlos, how’s Tinkerbell?”

  A broad smile curved his mouth. “Needing a grooming.”

  “Call the salon and set an appointment. I need some Tinkerbell time.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll call soon.” Carlos positioned a wheelchair close to the side of the bell. “Hey there, Mason. Ready for a ride to your room, buddy?”

  “Slow ride, please. The room’s still spinning.”


  Knowing Mason would be more comfortable without Rod watching him shift from the bed to the wheelchair while wearing a drafty hospital gown, Nicole said, “Come on, Detective. We’ll wait in the hall.” She led the way from the room. Once the door closed behind them, she rounded on Rod. “You aren’t going to ask him anything else tonight. His body’s been through enough trauma today. Whatever you want to know can wait a few hours.”

  “Even if the delay might mean a killer roams free another night?”

  “The only person who matters to me is Mason. The doctor said he needs to rest. Mason will rest even if I have to ban you and any other antagonistic person from his hospital room to be sure he gets it.”

  He gave her a wry grin. “Yeah, I got that. You and Meg are cut from the same cloth, Ms. Copeland.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Oh, trust me, I meant it as one. Just know that I will get my answers, even if I have to drag Mason back into an interrogation room to do it. I’d rather not handle it that way.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Fair warning. The next time he’ll have his lawyer by his side.” And her, too, if she could somehow wheedle her way into the room.

  The detective grimaced. “Great. Just what I wanted. Another session with a legal shark. I’ll catch up with Mason tomorrow, with or without his lawyer.” Rod nodded at Linc and Dawn, then left.

  “He seriously thinks Mason is guilty of drinking and driving?” Dawn asked as she watched the detective walk down the hall.

  “So much for innocent until proven guilty,” Linc muttered.

  “The blood test will exonerate Mason. Even Dr. Thomas thinks something else was the cause of Mason’s behavior.”

  Soon, Carlos pushed the wheelchair bearing Mason into the hallway and led the entourage down the hall to the elevator. Minutes later, Mason was settled into his room on the fourth floor.

  After Carlos left, a nurse came in to change the IV bag. “Mr. Kincaid, if you need anything, push the call button. I’ll be around to check on you in a few minutes.”

  “How do you feel, Mason?” Dawn asked.

  “Like I need a long nap.”

  “Go ahead and sleep,” Linc said. “I’ll be outside the door. No one will get in without being cleared.”

  “You can’t stay awake all night.”

  “I could, but I won’t have to. I have backup coming in a few minutes.” Linc squeezed his shoulder briefly. “I’ve got your back.”

  Mason gave a slight nod as his eyelids sank down. Between one heartbeat and the next, he was sound asleep.

  Linc glanced at Dawn. “Will you stay with Nicole or come with me?”

  “If I can sit and keep watch like an operative, I’m game to go with you. My feet hurt too much to stay on them for much longer.”

  He smiled. “I’ll find chairs for us.”

  “Deal.” She turned to Nicole. “Do you need anything? A soft drink or tea? I’ll be glad to bring you a drink or snack.”

  “I’m fine, but thanks.” All she wanted was to curl up next to Mason and listen to him breathe.

  “If you change your mind, let me know.” Her friend followed Linc into the hall.

  Seeing them together made her smile. Maybe things would work out for them. Nicole turned toward Mason. He slept near the edge of the bed, leaving room for her to settle beside him. Moving carefully so she wouldn’t disturb him, Nicole stretched out on her side and rested her hand on his chest. His steady heartbeat reassured her enough to ease the tension that had wracked her body since his phone call two hours before.

  She settled down to wait for the love of her life to wake.


  Mason woke to a semi-dark room with Nicole sleeping beside him, her hand resting over his heart. He was blessed to have this woman stand by his side, one who loved him with her whole being. He didn’t think he’d have someone as special as Nicole in his life after his release from prison. She was a beautiful gift, one he wouldn’t take for granted.

  Someone shifted in the shadows. “Need anything, Mason?” Ethan approached the bedside.

  “Water,” he croaked out. He felt as though he’d been in the desert for a week. Why was Ethan here? Maybe to make sure he didn’t skip town and escape justice. Mason couldn’t stand up without assistance much less run from the law.

  The police chief grabbed a pitcher and plastic cup from the nearby rolling table along with a straw. He held the cup steady for Mason to drink before setting it aside. “How do you feel?”

  Like a cornered rat watching the trap slowly closing around him. Admitting that to the police chief wasn’t an option. “Wiped out.”

  “You should.”

  Mason blinked. Unexpected. “Why?”

  “You were drugged.”

  Stunned, he stared at Ethan. “How? I don’t remember taking so much as an aspirin yesterday.”

  “Someone dumped ketamine into the soft drink you left in your truck. The drug acts fast and causes the symp
toms you described. You were lucky.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “You stayed conscious long enough to pull to the side of the road and call Nicole. If you passed out while driving a quarter of a mile further down the road, you could have died.”

  Danbury Road followed the outer edge of a mountainside with a steep drop off and no guard rail. Ethan was right. He shuddered to think what might have happened if he’d lost consciousness on that stretch of road. “I’ll give you that one.”

  His gaze dropped to Nicole, fury simmering in his gut. “He endangered Nicole with his vendetta.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She could have been with me when I finished that drink. If we’d been on a dangerous stretch of road and I couldn’t pull over in time, both of us might have died.” Someone would pay for this.

  “Let us do our job, Mason,” Ethan warned. “You don’t want to take the law into your own hands.”

  “Would you stand by if someone targeted you and endangered your wife and son?”

  His expression hardened. “I’m a cop. I can and will arrest anyone who is a threat to me or mine. It’s my job to stand between you and Nicole and danger. You’ve built a good life in Otter Creek, including winning the heart of a beautiful woman of character and courage. Don’t make a misstep now and lose it all, especially the woman you love.”

  “I didn’t start this fight, but if he comes at me or Nicole head on, I’ll finish it.”

  A frown. “Self-defense only to keep yourself out of prison.”

  He didn’t accept the stipulation. He’d do anything necessary to protect Nicole and himself. He had plans and goals. The first challenge was to stay alive and keep his woman safe.


  Nicole’s soft voice drew his gaze to her. “Right here.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and tucked her tighter against his side.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m better and alert enough to know this bed isn’t comfortable.”

  She sent him a sleepy smile. “I agree. Two months and four days, and we’ll be sleeping in our own bed.” Nicole shifted her attention to Ethan and frowned. “Why are you here? Mason isn’t answering questions tonight. I already told Rod he’d have to wait until morning. Same stipulation applies to you.”


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