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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

Page 14

by Rebecca Deel

“Tell me what’s wrong, Nic. Did Greta say something to upset you?”

  An understatement. “Yeah, she did. She meant to protect me, not hurt.”

  “What did she say?”

  “It’s not what she said so much as what the town grapevine is saying. The general consensus around town is that Mason and Riva were having an affair, and that’s why he spent so much time at her house.”

  Linc stared. “Do you believe her?”

  “No. If Mason was unhappy with our relationship, he’d tell me straight out. No lying or slinking around for him. That’s not who he is. For that matter, I wouldn’t stay in a relationship where I didn’t feel valued and loved.” Been there, done that, and burned the t-shirt.

  “Tell him before he hears it somewhere else.”

  “Not tonight.”

  A snort from the PSI instructor. “Good luck with that. You can’t lie worth anything. He’ll see right through you.”

  “Smart aleck,” she muttered.

  “Just calling it like I see it.” He unpacked their dinner and opened one container to check out the contents. “Oh, man. One of my favorite meals from Delaney’s. Good choice, Nic.” He dug into the bag again for the pie she had requested. His eyebrows rose. “A cherry pie, too? I’ll have to run a couple extra miles tomorrow.”

  “I figured your friends from Bravo or Durango would help you burn any excess calories you consumed. They seem to have a pretty aggressive PT program going at PSI.”

  “Those boys aren’t joking around. Their PT is more intense than what I went through in the military.” Linc’s phone signaled a text. “Perfect timing. Mason is here. Get your game face on.”


  Mason stared into the yard draped in shadows of night as he sat on the outdoor couch, his arm around Nicole’s shoulders. One look at her face when he walked into the house after work and he’d known something was wrong. Although he pressed her to tell him what was troubling her before the meal, she insisted the conversation wait until after dinner.

  When she remained stubbornly silent, Mason tucked her closer to his side. “Tell me what upset you, Nicole.” Had she decided he wasn’t worth the risk after all? No, he decided. She would have said so rather than draw out the drama. A strong, capable woman, Nicole Copeland said what was on her mind. If she’d concluded she was better off without him in her life, she would have made a quick, clean cut.

  “I spoke to Greta today.”

  He kissed the top of her head, scrambling to remember who she was. “Three chihuahuas, right?”

  “Cutest dogs ever.” She relayed the conversation.

  The more she talked, the more incensed he became. “Do you believe her?”


  The quick, certain response lessened the tension wracking his body. “Good, because it’s not true. I love you. There is no other woman for me. If you broke our engagement, I’d do my best to win back your heart or go through the rest of my life alone. No other woman could take your place.”

  She pressed her fingers against his mouth to still his words. “I feel the same way about you. There is no one else for me, Mason. I adore you. I also trust you to be honest with me. If your attention had wandered to another woman, you would break our engagement, not two-time me.”

  “If you didn’t believe I was guilty of cheating, why were you upset?”

  “Because the accusation and gossip aren’t fair to you. You’ve done nothing wrong, yet people are quick to find fault and point fingers. When will it stop?”

  “With my prison record, some people may never give me a fair shake.”

  “Not learning who the real Mason Kincaid is will be their loss.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “What can we do to quell the wagging tongues in town?”

  “Ignore the gossips. Even if I took out an ad in Megan Kelter’s newspaper to declare my innocence, people wouldn’t believe me.”

  “This is a small town, Mason. Someone must have heard or seen something to help the police discover who killed Riva.”

  Mason glanced down at her. “What are you suggesting?”

  “What could it hurt to ask questions?”

  He scowled. “A lot if the killer finds out you’re poking into Riva’s murder. The police also prefer we not interfere in their investigation.”

  “I’m not going to sit by and do nothing when Riva’s killer is targeting us. Are you?” Her eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute. You’re planning to investigate on your own, aren’t you?”

  Busted. “Maybe.”

  “Definitely. You aren’t investigating Riva’s murder by yourself.”

  “It’s dangerous.”

  “All the more reason why we investigate with backup. What’s our first step?”


  She glared. “Not funny.”

  “I’m serious. We’re both tired. We’ll start tomorrow. In the meantime, think through what happened at Riva’s. See if you remember more information. We’ll figure out a game plan and start asking questions tomorrow.”

  Mason captured her mouth in a heated kiss, enjoying the heat and texture, the sweet taste that was uniquely Nicole’s. When they were both holding on to their control by gossamer strands, he stood and held out his hand. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

  Cade Ramsey, a member of Bravo, glanced over his shoulder as they passed the security room and smiled. Linc would take the watch at 1:00 a.m.

  Outside her room, Mason held Nicole for long minutes. Finally, he forced himself to step back. “See you in the morning.”

  “Sleep well, my love.”

  When she closed her door, he went to his own room, showered, dressed in fresh clothes, and fell onto the bed. Mason sank into a dreamless sleep.

  He woke well before his alarm went off, threw back the covers, and stumbled down the hall, praying the hot spray would wash away the dregs of fatigue still dragging him down.

  Minutes later, he entered the kitchen and poured himself a mug of coffee. The first bracing sip infused much needed caffeine into his system. Maybe after consuming a gallon of the black elixir he’d be able to function. He carried his mug into the security room and sat beside Linc.

  “I’m surprised you’re awake.”

  “Everything quiet overnight?”

  “Unless you count a stray dog and two cats, we didn’t have visitors.”

  “Just the way I like it.” Mason glanced at him, noting the fatigue on his face. “Dawn was okay during the night?” Mason had left his door open overnight in case Nicole needed him. He didn’t have to ask if the Linc had left his door open to respond quickly if Dawn needed him. Something was definitely brewing between the two.

  “Not really.”

  “What happened?”

  “She sees the killer’s masked face every time she closes her eyes.” Anger burned in his eyes. “Dawn won’t improve until she knows who he is and that he’s behind bars. At the moment, every male in Otter Creek except for the two of us are potential suspects.”

  “Nicole feels the same except she lumps Bravo, Durango, Ethan, and the OCPD detectives in with us. You up for a little nosing around?”

  Linc glanced away from the computer screen to stare at him. “You’re going to hunt for the killer?”

  “I have a vested interest in identifying this guy. He’s a threat to Nicole.”

  “You’re also a target.”

  “We have no idea if Riva’s killer is the person coming after me.” He sighed. “We also can’t forget my less-than-savory past and the fallout from it. The Fitzgeralds have long memories, and I don’t blame them.”

  “You paid your debt to society. The Fitzgeralds don’t have the right to demand more. What will you do if you find the killer?”

  “Call Ethan. I won’t confront him myself. I just want him off the streets and away from Nicole.”

  “You telling me you don’t want payback?” Linc shook his head. “I’m not buying it. If some thug came after my woman, I’d want a cou
ple minutes alone with him for putting his hands on her.”

  Mason gave a wry laugh. “Oh, I want to point out the error of his ways so bad I can taste it, but I want to attend my own wedding in two months and three days more.”

  “What if he comes after you again?”

  “I’ll be happy to demonstrate the skills Bravo and Durango drilled into me.”

  Satisfaction gleamed in Linc’s eyes. “If you want help hunting for Riva’s killer, I’m in. I owe him for shoving Dawn to the ground and wreaking havoc in her life.”

  He couldn’t do better than to have a Special Forces soldier for backup. “Thanks.”

  A shrug. “That’s what friends are for, Mason. We have each other’s backs, no matter the circumstances.”

  When a door opened close by, Linc rose and walked to the hallway. His face brightened when he saw Dawn. “You okay?” he murmured, cupping her cheek with the palm of his hand.

  She smiled, humor dancing in her eyes. “I slept great when I sat beside you on the couch, but I only slept in short spurts after you carried me to bed.”

  His expression softened into one of tenderness. “I’m glad I helped you get some rest.”

  Mason cleared his throat. He didn’t want to witness the kiss Linc looked ready to plant on Dawn’s mouth.

  Dawn’s eyes widened. “Good morning, Mason. I didn’t realize anyone else was awake. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

  “I couldn’t sleep, either, so I decided to fuel my caffeine craving.” He looked at Linc. “I’ll take the watch. Enjoy your coffee and the sunrise with Dawn before you have to leave.”

  The other man linked his fingers with Dawn’s. “Thanks, Mase.” He led her toward the kitchen.

  With a grin, Mason settled in front of the computer and sipped his coffee as he watched the screen. Nearing sunrise, the street traffic began to pick up and lights appeared in various windows in nearby houses.

  Linc returned to the security room. “I need to go.” He told Mason the alarm code. “Set the alarm when you leave. Matt will be waiting at Pet Palace to watch over Dawn and Nicole. We have the women covered, Mason. Watch your back today. We’ll stir the pot tonight and see what rises to the top.”

  “I have an idea on that.”

  “Don’t investigate on your own. You need an alibi and backup in case of trouble. As volatile as emotions are in this situation, there will be trouble.”

  “I hear you.”

  A scowl. “You better. So far, you’ve survived the attempts on your life and Nicole’s. If the attacks continue, you won’t be so lucky.”

  “The incidents might be an attempt to separate me from Nicole, not a threat to my life.”

  “Don’t bank on that. Whether he meant it or not, the person who poisoned you could have killed you. Dead is dead, Mason.” Linc’s eyes grew shadowed. “I’ve lost too many friends. I don’t want to lose another one.” After a quick, low-voiced conversation with Dawn at the front door, Linc left.

  As Mason continued to watch the computer screen, he considered what his first move should be. He glanced at his watch. Was it too early to call Zane? From what he’d observed, the Fortress tech wizard was usually up early because of his wife’s schedule and his infant son. This might be the perfect time to catch him before the day’s craziness at Fortress cranked up.

  He grabbed his cell phone and tapped Zane’s name.

  A moment later, Zane answered his call. “How do you feel, Mason?”

  Huh. Guess someone had told the Navy SEAL about the poisoning incident. “Better.”

  “Good. What do you need?”

  He closed his eyes a second. No qualifications or questions. Just acceptance and an offer of help. “If you have time, can you run a check on the Fitzgerald clan to see if they’re still in Liberty?”

  “You have reason to believe they aren’t?”

  “I’m eliminating possibilities. I need to narrow my focus. The Fitzgerald family has the most reason to harm me although I don’t think they’d hurt Nicole. I know Todd Fitzgerald is here. I have a fist-sized bruise on my jaw from our confrontation two nights ago. I need to know if other Fitzgerald family members are here as well.”

  “Copy that. I’ll get back to you when I track them down.” Zane ended the call.

  “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

  Mason shoved back from the computer console. He crossed to Nicole’s side and kissed her. “Good morning, beautiful. You know everything I know. I called Zane at Fortress to request assistance in locating the rest of the Fitzgerald family. They have the most reason to cause me harm. Since we aren’t sure whether the poisoning is connected to Riva’s death, I figured we’d be wise to eliminate the rest of the Fitzgeralds from the suspect pool if we can.”

  Nicole leaned against him, arms wrapped around his waist. “What suspect pool? Right now, we don’t have any suspects aside from Todd Fitzgerald. Even with a broken arm, he could have dumped ketamine in your drink.”

  True. He tightened his hold. “I hope he’s not responsible. His family has suffered enough because of me.”

  “You didn’t do anything to incite him. In fact, you’ve gone out of your way to avoid him and his family by staying away from Liberty, and I know you want to go home to see your father.”

  “He’s been here several times as has Rio’s family.”

  “At some point in the near future, that won’t be enough. Your father is growing older. One day he won’t be able to travel to see you. I want you to have the freedom to go home, Mason. Your father will need you.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Dad and I discussed this. When the time comes, he’ll move to Otter Creek. In fact, he’s talking about moving in the next couple of years.”

  Her eyes widened. “He doesn’t mind leaving the town he’s lived in all his life?”

  “After the way the townspeople turned against us, he feels no loyalty to Liberty. His best friend has incurable second-stage cancer, though. When Roy passes away, Dad will sell the house. He’s already doing repairs and considering remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms.”

  “When did you talk about this?”

  “The night before Riva died. I planned to tell you, but you ended up in the hospital and I forgot about it.”

  She peeked at her watch and grimaced. “I need to leave for work soon. Is Dawn awake?”

  “For a couple of hours. She had coffee with Linc before he left.” He leaned down, nuzzled the side of her neck, and murmured, “I don’t think we need to give those two a nudge to get together. They seem to be making fast progress all on their own.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’ll have to see them for yourself, but I’d say Linc and Dawn are well on their way to becoming a couple.”

  “Yes! Perfect news to start off another day with you.”

  Mason released her. “Get your gear together. We’ll leave in fifteen minutes.”

  After driving Nicole and Dawn to Pet Palace, he headed for the Oakdale construction site. He and Dean were assigned to work on Building 9.

  “Here.” Brian handed over the itemized list. “First thing I want you to do is change out the locks like you did on Building 8. Everything else comes after that job’s done.” His expression was apologetic. “I need the list completed today, Mason. The inspector is coming tomorrow to check this building.”

  He eyed the two-page list and mentally calculated the amount of time each task would take. Unless things went quicker than he anticipated, Mason and Dean would be working until well after dark. The hunt for Riva’s killer would have to wait. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll get started on the list,” Dean said. “When you return, we’ll change the locks, then knock out the rest of the work.”

  On the way back from the hardware supplier, Mason’s cell phone rang. He checked the screen readout on his dashboard and answered the call. “What do you have for me, Zane?”

  “All the members of the Fitzgerald family are in Li
berty except for Todd and one other. I traced the other man’s credit card activity. He’s in Otter Creek, Mase.”

  Ice water ran through his veins. “Who is it?”

  “Gage Fitzgerald.”

  Oh, man. What was the husband of the woman he killed in the accident doing in town?


  Mason’s hands tightened around the steering wheel. Did Gage come to cause him trouble? What was the point? Making him miserable wouldn’t bring his wife and daughter back. If Gage intended to cause trouble, Mason preferred to face it head on rather than be blindsided. “Where’s he staying?”

  “The Otter Creek Bed and Breakfast.”

  Not surprising, he supposed. “When did he check in?”

  “Yesterday afternoon.”

  Plenty of time to hunt down Mason and dump ketamine into his drink. The muscles in his jaw twitched. “He’s a veterinarian.”

  Zane was silent a moment. “He’d have a ready drug supply handy, including ketamine. What will you do?”

  “Have a talk with him if I run into him.”

  A snort. “You’ll find a way to cross paths with him.”

  Smart man. “Otter Creek is a small town.”

  “You might sell that to Blackhawk, but don’t bet on it. Anything else I can help with?”

  “I meant to call you earlier about the security footage and haven’t had a chance. Did you get more information from the recording?”

  “A tattoo on the driver’s left hand. Couldn’t clean up the image enough to really see it, but you can at least be on the lookout for the marking. Sorry I can’t tell you more.”

  How many men in town had tattoos on their hands? He could think of at least eight off hand, including Patton and Fisher. “Pass the information on to Ethan Blackhawk.” The longer Mason delayed seeing the police chief in person, the better his chances of talking to Gage before Ethan warned him to stay away from the man.

  “I’ll take care of it. If I can help further, let me know.”

  Mason ended the call, tossing ideas around in his head. Should he confront Gage and ask him if he’d poisoned Mason’s drink?


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