Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 4

by Jill Shannon

  His eyes retraced her body to arrive back looking in her eyes, then he grinned at her with a smile. This man could make her come just looking at her.

  Sadie felt warmth flow through her body leaving a wetness between her legs, a feeling she had only felt one other time in her life. She remembered a night she was singing at the bar. She had looked out at the audience and her eyes had made contact with a man sitting by the bar and she had felt the same warmth.

  Feeling self-conscious, Sadie looked away, breaking eye contact. Leaning forward over the bar; she heard a groan from the man at the bar. She turned her head from the position she was in and asked, “Have you seen the bartender?”

  “Yes,” he said, raising his glass with a shake. “I sent him on an errand. I wanted to speak with you alone. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you.” He stood to his full six foot four height; his wide shoulders moved with his hips as he stood from the bar stool walking towards Sadie.

  When he was standing right in front of her, he extended his hand, “Cameron Alexander, a pleasure to finally meet you, Sadie.” His deep voice hummed right through her.

  Sadie turned away from the bar looking up. So drawn to him, she put her hand in his and it swallowed hers up. He turned it and kissed the inside of her wrist. Sadie could not look away from him. He reluctantly released her hand.

  Sadie found her voice, “Nice to meet you also, but have we met before?”

  “No, we have never met before, but I have heard you sing. I did try to meet you that night. I waited for you after you were done with your set, but you never came into the bar like the bartender said you normally did.”

  The breath left Sadie. It had to be him. Kenny, the bartender, had let her know that there was a guy at the bar asking a lot of questions about her. He had told her that he didn’t get a good vibe from him, and that had been good enough for Sadie to duck out the back door that night. She wondered how long he had waited for her, but he looked so different from the guy in the bar.

  “I went back to the bar for a week after that, but you were never there. I asked for you and was told you were only needed if their regular singer couldn’t make it. After listening to her, I couldn’t understand why you weren’t their regular.”

  Sadie smiled at the compliment he had just paid her. “Thank you I think, I wanted to also say thank you for giving me this opportunity.” Pointing at the piano.

  “You earned it. Gabe would not have recommended you for the positions you received if he didn’t feel you were right for them. I, however, am extremely happy that you will be singing here. I will be able to listen to you whenever I want.” He stroked the side of her face. His body moving forward to touch hers.

  “I would like to get to know you better,” he leaned forward, whispering in her ear.

  A chill ran like electricity through her body. Sadie closed her eyes leaning her head to the side as he ran his nose down her throat. “I like your scent.”

  With that, he moved a step away, and Sadie almost fell forward, but she caught herself. Looking up at him, she said, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. You are my boss, Sir.”

  Cameron’s body tightened with her words, he had known that him being her employer was going to be a conflict, but he’d always loved a challenge.

  With that, Dominic, the bartender came in from the back room. He looked at Cameron, then Sadie, walking behind the bar towards them with a huge smile. “Sadie, you working the piano in here?”

  Sadie turned, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this beautiful man standing in front of her was her boss. She smiled at Dominic. “Yup, I take it you’re working the bar?” Trying to compose herself.

  “Yeah, bartending got me through a lot of missed auditions.” Dominic turned to Cameron who hadn’t moved. “Cameron, Dimitri says he’ll be in the Sports Bar if you need him.”

  Cameron had wanted more time with Sadie, but knew that now was not the time. He took her hand, leading her to the piano in the corner. “Before, I have to leave, I’d like to hear you sing for me.”

  Sadie sat at the piano, placing her hands on the smooth keys, looking up into those dark eyes. “What would you like to hear?”

  “You pick.” He stood by the piano watching her intently.

  Sadie had always loved Carole King, and began playing Tapestry. As she played, she lost herself in the song, and when she was finished, the room erupted with applause.

  She hadn’t realized while she was playing that guests had come in, but when she looked for Cameron he was nowhere to be found. Dominic walked over with a glass of water for her. “Man, I knew you could sing, but that was great.”

  “Where did Cameron go, and where did these people come from?” she whispered to him.

  “They heard you, came in and sat down, and Cameron said he’d see you later.” With that, he walked back to the bar.

  Sadie looked around the room accepting their applause, but really didn’t feel it. She wondered why Cameron hadn’t stayed? She had wanted to please him with her song, but he hadn’t stayed. The self-doubt tried to rear its head again, but she was not going to go there again. That was the old Sadie. He was the president of the company; what the hell was she thinking?

  Still, there was just something about Cameron Alexander that drew Sadie to him; she felt it deep in her soul. She wanted to feel those lips all over her body. No, what was she thinking? He was her boss. She needed to put any thoughts of Cameron Alexander out of her mind. How could she continue to work here if things didn’t work out? Well, she wasn’t going to take any chances; she would just have to avoid him as much as possible.

  It was a pretty good size ship so it shouldn’t be too hard. With that plan in mind, Sadie got back to work. She played songs she liked and requests (if she knew them) from the audience. Sadie lost herself in her singing and before she knew it, the afternoon had flown by.

  She finished her last set before the bar closed until later in the evening. She walked over to sit and have a drink before leaving. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but felt it couldn’t hurt. In a few hours she’d be in front of the whole ship, putting herself out there hoping that someone would bid on her. A glass of wine might help settle the butterflies in her stomach.

  “Are you sure you want that now?” Dominic asked her.

  “Why not, I’m finished and the show doesn’t start till 8:00 pm., I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay, let me have your card,” he said, extending his hand.

  “Why do you need my card? I thought drinks were a perk for employees?” she asked, handing her card to him.

  “They are, but there is a three drink maximum on this ship per day. It’s in every contract. Dimitri and Cameron want to make sure that everyone has a good time, but not too good a time. People can get hurt real bad, that’s why they put it in.” Sadie’s stomach dropped when he said that.

  “For the safety of all passengers and crewmembers, there is a three drink maximum per day with alcohol in them.” Dominic quoted the contract.

  “So anytime you have a drink, even though it doesn’t cost you, we have to run the card through the computer system.”

  “I must have missed that in the contract, thanks for letting me know. Can I take this with me?” She stood waiting for her glass.

  “Sure, just stay away from the pool area with it; no glass is allowed in that area.” He placed her glass of wine in front of her, and returned her card. “I’ll see you later, and I’m really looking forward to working with you. Especially after hearing you all afternoon. You really have a beautiful voice.”

  Sadie retrieved her card and drink, and started walking towards the door. When she got there, she turned to Dominic. “Thank you, I wasn’t sure how this was going to work out. I was really apprehensive to accept this position, but I have to say, so far so good. I’ll see you later.” Smiling as she left, she headed back to her cabin to rest up before her performance tonight.

  Sadie was walking down the flight of stai
rs to the Harem Deck, which would get her to her cabin. She was thinking of what she needed to do when she got there.

  With her hand still on the railing Sadie took the last step. Her thoughts cleared by the sights and sounds in front of her. While she had been entertaining, the guests had begun making use of all the equipment in the dungeon arena.

  Almost every piece was in use as if going to the gym. You had to wait your turn. She could see both women and men stood to the side observing. Sadie walked to the railing that fenced the dungeon equipment. The arena was designed for this open format.

  In front of her was a woman strapped to spanking bench, with a man by her head, and another behind her holding a riding crop.

  The woman’s ass was a bright red indicating they had been at this awhile. The man behind her grabbed something from the table and proceeded to put lube on it as the man by her head was moving her blonde damp hair from her face. Sadie looked at the ecstasy on the woman’s face, her eyes held a pleading look as she focused on the man by her head. She knew the woman had reached her sub-space.

  Sadie watched as he stroked her face while the man behind her spread her ass cheeks and inserted a butt plug. She was held in place by the restraints as she pulled on them. When the plug was fully seated in her, she turned her head, opening her mouth for the cock being rubbed on her cheek. He held the back of her head and shoved his hard cock to the back of her throat. At the same time, the guy behind her began to fuck her.

  Sadie’s hand gripped the railing feeling the wetness between her legs. She could see the woman’s face, and knew she was close to coming. Both men knew as well, the cock was pulled from her mouth, and she whimpered at its loss. “May I come please, Masters?” The men looked at each other with a nod, and then one said to her, “You have been a very good girl, Rayna, taking your punishment, and you have begged for it. We will allow you to come.” He put his cock back in her mouth and began pumping into her as the guy behind her started pounding into her.

  Sadie stood transfixed watching the scene in front of her. She felt like she was going to come just like the woman on the bench. She had never witnessed a public scene. She watched their faces and knew they were all close.

  The man fucking her mouth came first, pushing his cock to the back of her throat yelling his release. He removed his cock from her mouth, as the woman screamed her release. Finally, the man behind her pumped himself into her two more times, then his body tightened with the strain of his release.

  Sadie watched as both men. One began removing her restraints rubbing the numbness from her limbs while the man from behind her, gently removed the butt plug, cleaning her ass with the wipes provided. One held a warm blanket open to cradle her; she was carefully placed in it like a porcelain doll. Sadie could feel the love between them, as they each tenderly placed kisses to her temple smiling at her, while the applause ramped up for them. They turned and left the arena.

  Sadie released the breath she had been holding not even realizing she held it, as well as the handrail that turned her knuckles white. She turned away and headed to her cabin. Now on top of having first night jitters, she was sexually frustrated.

  Sadie wanted what that woman had, well maybe not two men but she wanted to feel that special. What she had just witnessed was explosive and exciting, but it was also tender. Who knew maybe she could find something like that with whoever she was auctioned off to. Until then, she was going to her cabin to get on the computer, and then some rest and who knows maybe rub one out if she had time.

  Chapter Four

  Although, Sadie had not seen him, Cameron had stayed to hear her finish the song. He knew it would calm the storm that was raging through him.

  He had always had to take care of himself, even before his parents had been killed when he was eighteen. He had always been big for his age and, after he had had his ass handed to him in a four against one fight after school one day, he decided he was going to learn to protect himself. He learned how to box, as well as martial arts. It was the last fight he ever lost.

  His Grandmother Constance had understood his rage. Her daughter, Cameron’s mother, and his father had been killed in that car accident. Which was anything but an accident, but Constance and Cameron couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  His parents had run the family construction company; the main office was in their hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts. They had four more locations across the US.

  His grandmother had hired a private investigator after the accident, and he had found that the accident was anything but. They were told that a private group looking to invest in the business had approached his father, and that those investors were not the type of people you wanted to do business with. It hadn’t been more than three weeks after his parents refused their offer, that they had been coming home from dinner when the accident had occurred. The brake line had been cut while they were at dinner. That’s what pissed Cameron off the most, those people were just cowards.

  His grandmother had taken up the reins of running the business, because what these assholes didn’t know was that it had been Cameron’s grandparents who had started the company. They should have done their homework.

  Although his grandmother had retired, she knew the business inside and out, and there was no way anyone was taking one more thing from her. She knew that if she didn’t go back, there would be no company for Cameron. His grandmother was one of a kind, and she would do anything to help put her daughter to rest.

  Recently, accidents had flared up at multiple sites. No lives had been lost, thank God, but at one of the sites, it was a close call for the foreman. He was laid up in the hospital for a week with broken ribs and his leg in traction. One site had tools stolen from it, while another had been destroyed by fire. Cameron knew right away who was doing the damage.

  He had never wanted to run Alexander Construction, even though he had studied construction engineering in college. He had a brilliant mind for business. Sitting behind a desk, or going to corporate meetings, was not what he really wanted to do.

  Grandma Constance had backed him 100 percent when he had gone to her for advice on the cruise line, but he had also noticed how the light didn’t really reach her eyes. By him being involved with the cruise line it just meant more time she would have to stay on. He knew with the recent accidents, his time was limited before he would have to bite the bullet and take over. He just needed seven days on this cruise to make things right, then he would take over the reins, and send his grandmother on a well needed vacation.

  He also knew he had to tell Dimitri that this would be his last voyage until they launched the San Diego ship. Until then, he would have to be content on land. He hoped the information he had received was accurate, because he had some unfinished business to attend to before he could bring Sadie home with him. When they reached Georgetown, he would put an end to any threat to his family and friends.

  Cameron had finally come up with a plan that was going to end the motherfuckers who were putting people’s lives in dangers as well as taking his parents from them.

  He focused his attention back on Sadie, as he stood by the doors of the kitchen He looked at the people who had come in and sat down just to hear her sing. She seemed to have to the same effect on them as she did on him. He began to relax as her voice hushed the rage that ran through him every time he thought about his parents. The time had come for Cameron to set right a heartbreaking wrong.

  Sadie was finishing the song, and Cameron knew that if he didn’t leave now, he would stand there all afternoon and he had plans to finish before tonight. His cock hardened with just the thought of what he had planned for her. He had waited long enough for tonight and nothing would stand in his way.

  As the applause rose at the completion of the song, Cameron turned and walked through the kitchen, thinking to himself, “Til tonight, angel.”


  Cameron and Dimitri had handpicked the guest list for this cruise, however a few passengers were permi
tted to bring guests outside of their BDSM circle. When the news broke that Midnight Cruise was accepting applications and reservations, both had begun flowing in rapidly

  They did a thorough screening of all crewmembers and guests. Each had particular contracts, crewmembers for their positions, length of time, salary, expectations, and security requirements.

  The guests’ contract was a little different; because of the caliber of people Cameron and Dimitri had chosen for this cruise, they needed the contracts to reflect that too. Every guest had paid an enormous amount of money, most held prominent positions, and Cameron and Dimitri knew they had to secure their anonymity.

  However, Cameron and Dimitri did have some similar requirements for both crew and guests: A.) It is required that if someone sees anything that they do not feel is right, anything that would put someone at risk, or anything life threatening they are to report it to security. B.) Anyone could refuse to participate by safe wording out, while anyone wearing a red wristband was off limit. C.) There is a three-drink maximum per day, and D.) Formal Wear was required in the dinning room. Whether you were a guest or part of the crew, both men agreed that they needed at least one thing similar to a regular cruise.

  Cameron thought about these things as he made his way down to the sports bar to talk with Dimitri. He needed to be upfront with his friend; Dimitri was the only person beside Cameron’s grandmother and the private investigator who knew the whole story of what happened to his parents.

  Dimitri had wanted to go after the assholes as soon as he had found out, but Cameron had craved so much more. He wanted them ruined. He knew what he needed to do, and he also knew he would need help doing it. He knew that he could count on Dimitri, and they had all waited a long time for retribution.

  Cameron found Dimitri sitting in a booth on the far left side of the bar. Televisions covered the entire wall to the right of the bar, with more behind it. On every one of them, there was a different sporting event. The Sahara colored counter-top high tables and chairs were in front of a wall of televisions, the bar itself matching. The other side had booths with wine and gray colored seating, with lower tables right in front of the bar.


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