Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 5

by Jill Shannon

  Dimitri looked up smiling from the paperwork he had spread out in front of him, “I still can’t believe that I’m really sitting here on a moving ship, that we own. I’ll check with Elaine later to see if she has any insight as to which way the reporters will go. We’ll find out tomorrow after the reviews come out, but having a full ship our first time out, I think that says we did it!”

  Cameron couldn’t agree more. He hated to bring Dimitri down, so he shelved the original conversation he had initially intended to have. Cameron slid into the booth. “I know, I just passed the dungeon ring on my way here and I saw Senator Morgan getting worked over by his Mistress and Unicorn. The man looked wrecked. They had him strapped upside down on the inversion table. One on his face, one sucking his cock, it’s amazing what the human body can tolerate. I also caught a look at Judge Martoni and Mason, I don’t know what Rayna did but I doubt she’ll be sitting at dinner comfortably tonight.”

  “Yeah, I heard the way that Martoni handles a ‘Dragon Tail’ is above reproach. Have you checked in with Nicolas? He wanted to go over tonight’s schedule with you.” Dimitri stated.

  “No, I was headed there after I checked in with you. Have you checked with Marco? Has everything been worked out with the seating?”

  “When I saw him, the head count hadn’t been completed yet. There were still a few passengers who hadn’t responded to the dinner request.” Although the passengers could do any number of activities on board, Cameron and Dimitri had requested via the computer when they signed on, that every guest attend tonight’s dinner. There were only seventy-five passengers, so the dining room would be set according to the responses. No one was required to attend, but they knew that most would be there.

  “Okay, I’ll check with Nicolas first, then head down to the dining room and check on Marco, make sure he’s got everything under control,” Cameron said, sliding from his seat.

  Dimitri looked up at Cameron. “Has she entered yet?”

  Cameron knew Dimitri was talking about Sadie and the charity auction. International water had no bearing on the legalities of such an auction. “When I see Nick, I’ll find out then.” He grabbed his phone and direct connected to Nicolas. “Hey, Nick, where are you?”

  A deep voice came back, “Up, on the bridge with the captain, what’s up?”

  “Stay there, I need to talk with both of you. See you in a few.”

  “We’ll be here.”

  Cameron put his phone back. “See you tonight. Any prospects for the charity auction?” he asked, walking towards the exit.

  “I’ve had my eye on Madison since the first day she came to my office. I wanted her so bad that day, but after hearing what she had been through, I knew I needed to give her time, but times up!” Dimitri’s voice growled, “And I would love to kill the son-of-bitch who abused her.”

  “You never know; they say karma is a bitch right?” he said, as a loud cheer rose up from the other side of the bar.

  Cameron was greeted with handshakes and well wishes from passengers as he made his way to the bridge. Nicholas, Captain Joshua, and Logan, the ship’s first mate, and long time friend of the captain were going over charts when Cameron arrived. “Nick, do we have a head count on dinner tonight?” Nicolas handled all the security around the ship.

  “Do you know if Caleb will have the final count by 4:00 pm? That should give Marco more than enough time to have everything in place. He already has responses from more than half of the passengers. We have also stressed to Marco that Senator Morgan’s party and Max’s should not be seated at the same table. Edward still hasn’t gotten over the fact that Rayna left him for Max.”

  “That’s what happens when you invite a Unicorn into the mix without letting your partner know,” Captain Joshua said. “I don’t think I have ever seen Rayna that hurt, or that pissed. They were together with Mistress Mandy for a while right?”

  Cameron answered the captain, “Yeah, the last time I saw her, she and Max had just started talking with each other. Glad it worked out for them, but they can not all be together in the same proximity.” Looking at Nick, he added, “Do you have a few minutes? I need to talk with you.”

  Nicholas turned to Captain Joshua. “We all good? I think the course you chose should be smooth sailing. That storm should stay to the east of us.”

  “Yes, we’re good. I need to go over a few more things with Logan before meeting up for dinner. I’ll see you there.”

  Nick and Cameron left the bridge and stood watching the water as the ship sliced through it. “Do we need to say anything about the storm?”

  “Not at this time; the captain and I charted us so we should miss it, but you know how the weather is a fickle bitch. We will be keeping a close eye on it. If anything should change with its pattern, I’ll let you know right away.”

  “If I didn’t say it before I’ll say it now, you are everything Josh and Dimitri jacked you up to be. I’ve never seen anyone fit a job so well.”

  “Are you kidding me? This was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up, plus Payton is going to show me how appreciative she is tonight. She’s been looking forward to this since the first day I came home with the news.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, let me know how it works out.” Cameron smiled at him. Nicolas and Payton had been together for just about a year now. He had given her his collar about six months ago. There was no one like Payton to Nick. She kept his demons away. Nick was planning to propose on the ship. “Has Caleb positively identified that it is Richard Arcola on the Island?”

  “From all the intel we’ve collected, everything points to him being holed up in a little town called Rum Point. When are you going to let me know what this asshole did so I can help take him out?”

  “I have a plan, but I think it’s best not to involve too many people, right now. I have it under control. Tell Caleb I owe him.”

  Nick looked at Cameron. “You know you’re like a brother to me. I still have no idea why this guy is so important to you. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

  “Trust me, I’ll tell you when I have everything in place. I’ve waited too long to have something go wrong now.”

  “You got it, boss, I’ll have Caleb leave the information in your cabin. We’ll be ready when you need us.” Nicolas held his hand out to Cameron.

  Cameron shook his hand, “Let Dimitri know about the storm, he’ll need updates, and good luck with Payton tonight.” Cameron turned and headed towards the elevators. He needed to check in with Marco, and then get to his cabin. Once he confirmed that it was that son-of-bitch Arcola, he could put the finishing touches to his plan.

  Chapter Five

  Sadie stood at the entrance to the dining room. She had seen the room earlier when she had explored the ship, but it had been totally transformed. Sitting on top of a raised dais, in the middle of the room, was the Captain’s table. A blue tablecloth with silver etchings covered the rectangle table. There were two artfully designed raised centerpieces at each end. The chairs were cloth-covered. The place setting was fine porcelain china, with sterling silver flatware, and crystal stem wear.

  Hanging above the table was a crystal chandelier, bathing the table in a soft light. Above the chandelier, cloth in blues, whites and silvers, draped to the adjacent walls. Round tables surrounded the dais, with similar colors and centerpieces on them.

  Sadie looked straight head and saw the band getting ready to play as the guests began to arrive. The blue LED lighting behind the band, as well as around the room, gave a royal feel to the room.

  Several guests had already been seated when she entered. Sadie moved to the podium off to the left of the entrance where Marco the maître d’ was standing, “Marco, this place looks beautiful, so different from what it looked like earlier,” Sadie said, smiling at him.

  “I’m so glad someone appreciates my hard work.” He came around the podium, put his hands on both of Sadie’s shoulders then leaned in and kissed her on each check. “Now, I can’t wait f
or the meal to be over so I can go back to my cabin, run a bath, and de-stress before the auction tonight. I have my eye on a certain football player, and I know I’ll need my strength,” he said fanning himself.

  Sadie laughed with Marco, “Can you tell me where I’m suppose to sit? The invitation only said when to arrive.”

  Not even looking at his chart, he said, “Follow me, I will take you to your seat.” He walked towards the Captain’s table with Sadie following behind. When he got to her chair, he pulled the chair out for her indicating she should sit.

  “I don’t think this is right; isn’t this the Captain’s table?”

  “Yes, it is and no there is no mistake, this is your seat. You are the first to arrive; the others should be here momentarily. I’ll send your waiter over for your drink order.” Sadie hesitantly sat in the chair Marco held for her. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Honey, you look smoking in that dress. Who you looking to impress?” He stood up with a sly smile on his handsome face.

  Sadie felt the blush run down her body, and straightened in her chair. “I have my eye on someone,” she said over her shoulder. “Just not sure I can do it,” she said under her breath.

  “Well, baby, I hope he appreciates you! I have to get back to my post, but I’ll see you later.” Marco sent an air kiss towards her, turned and sashayed back to the podium to greet more guests.

  Sadie sat in the chair feeling like everyone was looking at her, and her self-confidence started to take another hit. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  She felt confident in what she had on. It was a black satin floor length gown, a halter-top showing off her ample breast, with a slit up her left leg. She knew she could always dress the part. Most shallow people never saw past the looks. Slap a smile on your face and no one knew how lonely you really were.

  She wore her hair pulled away from her face, leaving little wisps, giving her features a younger look. She normally didn’t need makeup, but she always felt better with some on. She’d finished her ensemble with a serpent chain necklace that landed in her cleavage, and five-inch black fuck me pumps.

  Sadie had learned the hard way if she didn’t come off with a confident air about herself, people were going to walk all over her. That’s also the reason why most people thought she was a bitch, and always alone. No one saw the vulnerability part.

  The pressure was slowly building in her. She looked at the table where she was sitting and thought to herself, “I don’t belong here. It’s one thing to dress the part, but will I be able to even converse with these people? I need to get a grip.” She knew if someone didn’t show up soon to the table, she was going to have to go the ladies’ room. She could not afford to have a panic attack in the middle of the dining room.

  She was beginning to rise from her chair when she felt a hand brush her back reaching for her chair. It was nothing more then a graze of her skin, but she knew right away that it was Cameron helping her rise.

  She rose and turned her face right into his chest, the Tuxedo he was wearing showed off his incredible body. She went to step back and bumped the table, pushing her forward right into Cameron. She put her hands on his chest to catch herself at the same time he grabbed her around the waist pulling her to him. “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  Not raising her face, she said into his chest, “Yes, you can remove your hands now, Sir.”

  He stepped back and said to her, “Sadie look at me.” She raised her eyes but not her head. He put his fingers under her chin raising it. “Are you all right?” Sadie nodded her head yes. “When I ask you a question, I want an answer. Where are you going?”

  “To the ladies’ room. I’m sorry for bumping into you, Sir.” She waited for him to comment on her clumsiness.

  He didn’t say anything, but he moved his hand to cup her face. Leaning down, his voice humming across her skin, he said, “You look stunning tonight.”

  Sadie was starting to lean into Cameron, but the arrival of Dimitri and Captain Joshua put a stop to that. “Sadie, who knew you cleaned up so well?” Dimitri teased, giving her an appreciative look. He looked at Cameron over her with a knowing nod.

  “Thank you, but if you will excuse me, I’ll be right back.” She grabbed her clutch, and left the dining room.

  All three men watched her leave. Dimitri asked Cameron, “Was it something I said?”

  “No, she was leaving as you arrived.” Cameron was still watching Sadie as he said, “I’ll be back.”

  She made it to the ladies’ room, and into the stall before she allowed herself to relax. Sadie leaned her head on the door trying to control her racing heartbeat. Why did she accept the invitation? She should have just said no. She was supposed to be sitting with other crewmembers, not at the Captain’s table. Now, she would have to sit at the table with Cameron for an entire meal. How was she going to breathe?

  While Sadie was in the stall trying to relax and getting her breathing under control, two women came into the ladies’ room talking, “She must think she’ll be his next sub, did you see that dress? Wal-Mart must have been having a sale,” one woman sneered. “She is so beneath him. An actress! Oh sorry, singer; really! The man has more money then some small countries; what could he possible see in her?”

  “I couldn’t see him with the entertainment unless, that was part of her contract, she gets to sing and then gets to suck,” the other woman laughed.

  “She’s not totally lacking, and I heard he’s looking for a new sub. I just don’t see it. The other subs he’s had were like super models.”

  Sadie glanced through the slit in the stall door. She saw a blonde haired woman wearing a purple and white strapless gown, applying lip-gloss to her lips, while the red head wearing a peach colored corset dress, fixed her hair.

  The red haired woman turned to the blonde. “I just need some time for him to see how much I’ve changed for him. I need him to realize we belong together.” Queenie turned to the mirror a malevolent look on her face, and through gritted teeth, she continued, “I’ve been waiting for him for too long, and I refuse to let some wannabe Mariah Carey get in my way.” Queenie was like a chameleon; she changed with her circumstances, with Yvonne she dominated. With Cameron she would play the submissive.

  Yvonne looked at her like she didn’t know her; she had never seen this side of Queenie. “Be careful, Queenie, you know how possessive Cameron can get, and if you hurt his new toy, he has so many connections he could make your life a living hell.”

  “You know me, Yvonne, she’ll never see it coming, and no one would suspect me if she just happened to go missing over the side of the ship,” Queenie said, fluffing her hair a smile back on her face. “Let’s get back, I’m looking forward to hearing whose fantasy they will be playing out tonight.” With that said, they left the ladies’ room.

  The tears silently slid down Sadie’s face as she listened to the women speak about her; she hadn’t done anything to them. She wasn’t asking for the attention they thought Cameron was hurling her way. In fact, she had already decided to stay away from Cameron. So, why couldn’t people just leave her alone? That, she was used to.

  She opened the door to the stall and walked to the sink, ran some cold water on a cloth and pressed it to her eyes and nose. She put some lipstick on, blew her nose and headed for the door. There was no way she was going back to the dining room. She would head over to the Onyx Theater, and start getting ready for the show.

  Cameron watched as Sadie left the ladies’ room and headed in the opposite direction from the dining room. He caught up to her as she got to the doors of the theater. “Where are you going?” His voice sounded like a growl.

  Sadie stopped reaching for the door handle. She stood with her back towards Cameron. “I need to get ready for the show tonight, Sir”

  “Turn around and don’t lie to me, Sadie. You knew we were having dinner, and you have more than enough time to get ready for the show after dinner. Now, where are you going?”

  When Sadie turned, Cameron saw the lingering effects from Sadie’s tears. She kept her eyes down when she said, “I didn’t know we were having dinner. I thought when I answered the invitation, I would be sitting with other crewmembers, not at the Captain’s table. Besides I don’t have much of an appetite. I’m having first night jitters, and felt my place was here, so I came here.”

  Cameron looked at the people who began to loiter around them. He took Sadie by the elbow and escorted her out onto the deck, and walking over to the railing he caged her between his arms. “What happened, Sadie? When you left the dining room, you were surprised, I could see that, but something else has happened. I want to know what, and I want to know now.”

  Sadie looked up at Cameron, the tattoo poking out above his shirt collar could almost make Sadie believe they came from the same upbringing, but the air of Dominance that showed in how he carried himself, proved something totally different.

  Sadie knew those women were right, although her dress didn’t come from Wal-Mart, but it didn’t come from Giorgio Armani either. She didn’t belong in his world. She also knew she couldn’t say anything about the ladies’ room incident. So, Sadie told him, “I’m fine. I think you’re making way too much of me not returning to dinner.” Sadie spread her arms indicating them standing outside.

  Cameron tilted his head to the right, just like he did earlier, crossing his arms over his chest. “You forget who you’re talking to. You will address me as Sir or Master. Sadie, I understand you’re new to the BDSM lifestyle, but my first rule is trust. Now, why did you leave the dining room?”

  Sadie didn’t tell him the real reason, because most people didn’t get it, so she told him part of it. “I was feeling like the center of attention, like I was on display, and it made me uncomfortable. I know it sounds stupid considering I sing for a living, but while I sat there, I didn’t feel the welcome I get from an audience. So, I left. I thought about going back, but my seat would still be the same, Master.”


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