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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

Page 24

by Jill Shannon

  Sadie jumped out of the fastest shower she had ever taken. She walked into the cabin to find Derek and Skylar talking with Cameron.

  “Good morning, guys, thank you for helping me look presentable.” She kissed each of them in greeting.

  Derek held her chin into the light. “You have a darker shade of purple today, but I think I have just what you need. Sit, lets get started, we don’t have that long.”

  In the span of twenty minutes they had Sadie ready for breakfast. “You guys are truly amazing at what you do. Thank you so much!” Sadie held the mirror, tilting it back and forth, admiring the flawless job Derek had done with her face.

  Skylar had styled her hair in a beautiful French braid, with diamond accented pins strategically placed. Finally, Cameron had picked a simple strapless sundress, with wedge sandals.

  Sadie was ready for breakfast and Derek and Skylar said their congratulations and goodbyes. While they had worked their magic, Cameron had used that time to dress as well. Sadie’s breath hitched when she saw him standing by the closed door.

  He wore a black suit, giving his already sinister looks meaning. All he needed was a Fedora to finish the ensemble. The black jacket covered a blood red high collared shirt, fitting his perfect body. But it was the thin black tie that caught Sadie’s attention. Sitting in the middle of it was a tie tack, but not just any tie tack. It was the angel winged brooch she had left him. Her moist eyes rose to his as the tie tack glittered in the light. His head tilted in understanding.

  She continued her appraisal of him; his slacks were fitted to his hips, while the legs fit loose around his thick thighs straight down to the tips of black shoes.

  Sadie eyes traveled back to Cameron’s face. She saw he had fine-tuned the edges of his mustache and trimmed his thin beard. His hair curled just to his shoulders. The diamonds in his ears, caught Sadie’s attention, and she smiled.

  “Something amusing?” He moved towards her.

  “I was just thinking you probably have more diamonds on you than most women.” Smiling as she fingered the brooch, she added, “I wouldn’t have thought you could ever wear this.” Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up to his chiseled, bruised face.

  “I thought the same thing, but as you can see we were both wrong.” He held her close, inhaling her scent mixed with her perfume and knew he would never get enough of her.

  He reached for her hand with her engagement ring raising it to his lips. “This diamond is a part of the only diamonds that are important to me.” He kissed her fingers and the diamond.

  “Now, let’s go find out what exactly my grandmother has to say for herself. I’m sure this is going to be an interesting story.” He paused at the door. “I also want to let everyone know that they are all invited to our wedding.”

  Sadie stopped in the doorway. “Master, could we bring my collar? I would like to have the ceremony before we leave the ship if that’s all right with you?”

  “Nothing would please me more than for everyone to know that you are truly mine in every way.” He walked back into the cabin to retrieve the jewelry box.


  They were the last to arrive, although Cameron had told Sadie it was a private breakfast, he headed towards the dining room instead. “I thought you said breakfast was in the captain’s cabin?”

  “I did, but news spreads fast on this ship, as you can see.”

  He opened the doors for her, and as Sadie stood in the doorway surveying the full dining room of applauding well wishers, a tear fell down her cheek. Cameron kissed it away. “I asked Caleb and Marco for some help.”

  Marco had set a table where the band would normally play. But today it was set for Sadie, Cameron, Dimitri, Madison, Isabella, and Caleb.

  When Cameron got to the table, he stopped Sadie, turning her to him. He held the jewelry box with the angel collar in his hand. Sadie’s expression was pure surprise, Cameron leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I just made it look like I was collecting your collar, and the truth is I already had it in my pocket.”

  He stood back to his full height. “Sadie Sommers, I know we have been through a lot in the few short days we have been together. The craziness that surrounded us has finally subsided, and I don’t know for how long the peace will last. But what I do know is that whatever craziness happens in the future, I want to be crazy with you.”

  Sadie jumped, she was so wrapped up in what Cameron was saying, she hadn’t notice that Madison and Isabella had come up behind her, one at each shoulder. They then placed a pillow on the floor in front of her. Helping her to kneel before Cameron.

  “Sadie, will you accept my collar, to wear as a symbol of your submission to me? To show everyone who sees it, that you belong to only me. I promise to guide you, and train you to become the submissive you were born to be. I promise I will cherish and honor the trust you give so freely from now until they lay me in the ground. I will provide for and protect you. But above all things, I promise to love you with every breath I take.”

  Sadie turned and looked at Isabella and Madison, her friends, whose faces showed the happiness she was feeling. She wiped the tears that stained her face as she presented herself to her Master.

  Isabella and Madison held her hair away as Cameron locked the collar around her neck. Then he presented the key to Sadie, “I give you this key to hold and protect, as it is a symbol of my love and commitment to you and our lifestyle.”

  Dimitri and Caleb had gathered behind Cameron. “Sadie, Master Cameron has declared his intentions and his love, will you submit to him only for as long as you wear his collar?” Dimitri’s voice carried for the whole room to hear.

  Sadie looked up at Cameron, the makeup Derek had applied was smeared from her wiping at the joyful tears streaming down her face. Sadie told Cameron with all the love she felt in her heart.

  “I will wear your collar proudly. I will wear it as a symbol of my submission to you; I look forward to the training because there is still a lot I need to learn. I will trust you to protect me from danger as well as from myself, as I tend to defend the ones I love without thought to my own well being.” Sadie sniffled, and Madison handed her a tissue.

  “I promise to accept and guard this key, the symbol of your love and commitment. I will cherish and honor your trust as the foundation for our life, but above everything else, I promise to love you for all of our days.”

  Cameron leaned over and pulled Sadie to her feet kissing her fiercely. He couldn’t believe she was finally his.

  The room erupted with applause and cheering. Cameron spun Sadie around, squeezing her tight. “Should we tell them now that we’re getting married too, or would you rather wait?”

  “Oh my word, look at the size of that ring!” Madison exclaimed.

  “I guess we’ll have to tell them now.”

  Cameron tucked Sadie into his side, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “Yes, it’s true, Sadie agreed to become my wife last night. If I didn’t think she deserved the wedding of her dreams, I would have Captain Josh marry us now.”

  “I would be okay with that,” Sadie said excitedly.

  “Oh no you won’t!” Madison shouted, with Isabella backing her up. “Every woman deserves her dream wedding.”

  Dimitri moved over to Madison. “I believe that is Master Cameron’s and Sadie’s decision to make, not yours.”

  “I just thought,” Madison started.

  “Madison, rest easy, I would like Sadie to have her dream wedding also.” Cameron turned to Sadie. “We could have it on the Sapphire, before the launch, and then honeymoon for the whole cruise. That will give you time to plan it, what do you think?”

  Sadie gazed into Cameron’s eyes seeing the love for her shining there. “I think whatever my Master wants is what I will do.”

  “Fine, then it’s settled. You will plan the wedding for the launch. I’m sure Madison and Isabella will be able to help you put it together. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to have a f
ew words with my grandmother before she disappears.”

  Sadie lost sight of Cameron as he walked to his grandmother. A small crowd began gathering around Sadie to see her ring and collar and blocked her vision. So she turned her attention back to the celebration in their honor.


  Cameron approached his grandmother and Harley who stood holding his hand out to congratulate Cameron. “So, it was all worth it in the end, huh?” Looking toward Sadie in the group, he added, “I think the two of you will be very happy together.” Harley pulled Cameron forward by his hand and quietly told Cameron. “Listen, before you say anything.”

  Harley let his hand drop and turned to Constance. “I’ll let you two talk, I’m going to see Emmett. Just tell him what you know that’s all you can do.” He kissed her on the cheek then left.

  Cameron sat in his empty chair. “You really like him?”

  “Yes, I really like him. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “No, I just kinda thought that after grandpa died, you just. Oh, I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about your love life, you’re a grown woman. I just want to know what happened to my mom?”

  Constance sat and told Cameron what he wanted. “I was going to take this to the grave, and you can do what you want after you hear the story, but think before you act, please.”

  Cameron shook his head and she continued, “Lydia met Richard Arcola at a Vegas trade show. She came back home all excited about this new guy she had met, and how different he was.

  “He rented an apartment close to us even though his family business was in New Jersey. We started seeing less and less of her, so I got a hold of her one-day and was going to lay down the law. The next thing I knew she had flown into my arms and was crying and trying to talk at the same time.” Constance got that far away look in her eyes as she remembered what happened.

  Focusing back on Cameron, she continued, “She told me when she first started seeing him, things were new and good. Then he told her he was into the BDSM lifestyle, and he wanted her to become his submissive. Like I said before, she knew about me and your grandfather so she figured it was all right.”

  Constance rubbed her arms trying the shake the chill these memories brought. “He was trying to control her, not share a lifestyle. He knew who she was, and had targeted her. They knew we hid our lifestyle, because back then, it was considered abusive. No one understood it. Only a few select friends knew.

  “He started with little things, and then steadily the abuse progressed under the guise of BDSM. Lydia finally showed me the lash marks on her back. He had opened the skin on a few, and then hadn’t let them heal, and they had scarred. I wanted to kill him myself.” The anger showed on her face.

  “I told her she needed to get away from him, and she agreed with me. She said she would tell him that night. She never came home. When we went to his apartment, it was empty and we had no idea where to look for her.” Cameron grabbed his grandmother’s hands.

  “That’s when Constance came to me,” Emmett said as he came up to stand behind Constance’s chair, placing his hands on her shoulder for comfort.

  “She knew I had connections all across the globe. I owned wineries all over the world, as well as my private business.” He had a smug smile on his face. No one really knew what his “private business” really was, and no one ever asked.

  “When we found her,” Constance began again, “she was drugged and tied to a bed, in a house full of other women in the same situation. Arcola and the rest of his crew were getting ready to sell her to the highest bidder.”

  Emmett spoke up, “We got her out, as well as the other women, and took her home. Arcola wasn’t charged.” Cameron’s face flew between Emmett’s and his grandmother’s.

  “What happened?”

  “They said there was not enough evidence against him. He hired other people to do his dirty work. We found out from Lydia when the drugs wore off and she had had some rest what had happened that night,” Emmett started.

  Constance put her hand over his as she turned her head to look at him, “I’ll tell him this, Emmett.

  “When your mother was awake and rested, she told me that Richard had gone ballistic that she wanted to end things with him. She was terrified. She tried to run from the apartment, but he was too quick. He bound and gagged her, then made some phone calls. The next thing she knew she was being hauled to his car, and he took her to the house we found her in.

  “She didn’t remember much of her time there, but she knew Richard came to her every day.” His grandmother hesitated with the story.

  “So, then she met my father and they fell in love. Why wouldn’t you tell me? I understand that a lot happened to her, and maybe I wasn’t ready to hear all of it, but at least I would have known why that asshole hated us so much.”

  “I’m not finished with my story, and this last part is why I never said anything to you. Your mother was pregnant with his child.”

  Cameron couldn’t breathe, his chest felt like someone had just punched him in the chest. He felt soft hands on his cheeks. “Breathe with me, Master.” Sadie turned his head to look at her; she had come up behind him and had heard Constance’s admission.

  “What happened to the baby?” Cameron whispered.

  “She gave birth to a little boy. We almost lost her, they had done so much damage to her, and the doctor didn’t think she would ever have children again, but then you came along. You were her miracle.” Constance was crying now.

  “What happened to the baby?” Cameron demanded through gritted teeth.

  “I’m right here.”

  Cameron looked up; he began to rise from the chair he sat on. Looking into the face of Xavier Legend. Then looked at his grandmother. “All these years you knew I had a half-brother, and you never told me?”

  Sobbing now, Constance practically yelled, “I wasn’t allowed, it was in the contract your mother signed with Emmett.”

  Cameron swung to Emmett. “Why? Why would you keep us apart?”

  “My wife, Stephanie couldn’t have children. I had told her about Lydia, and she wanted to help. She knew this was the only way she would be able to have a child of her own. She began telling her friends that we were having a baby; she went so far as to buy one of those contraptions that made it look like she really was pregnant. When your mother went into labor, we made it appear like Stephanie was too. When we left the hospital, we held in our arms a beautiful healthy baby boy.” Emmett looked at Xavier.

  “You still haven’t answered my question.” Cameron was also looking at Xavier, only his expression was as if Xavier had two heads.

  “I’m a very wealthy man, she never wanted anyone to know. She never wanted Xavier to know, she knew what a sick bastard Arcola was, and she never wanted her son to be taken away from her. So all records were changed accordingly, with a very large donation to the hospital.”

  “My mother recently passed away, and in her will there was a letter to me. After I read it, I told my father I wanted to meet you. I’m sorry we are meeting under these circumstances,” Xavier said.

  Emmett spoke up, “I figured we would book some cabins on the cruise, and Xavier was going to introduce himself to you, but I’m glad he didn’t.”

  Cameron’s head jerked to Emmett. “Would you have believed him?” Emmett challenged.

  Cameron’s head hung in defeat, “No, you’re probably right, I probably wouldn’t have.”

  Constance held one of Cameron’s hands. “Cameron I would like to introduce you to your half- brother Xavier Legend, Xavier I would like you to meet Cameron.”

  The two men looked at each other for a few moments, and then shook hands; each one of them pulled the other into a brotherly hug.

  “We are going to have to sit down and compare notes on each other’s lives, but right now I’d like you to meet Sadie, my fiancée and submissive.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I hope we will be seeing a lot of each other. I want to get to know my br
other.” Xavier gave Sadie a hug also.

  “I have a question,” Sadie spoke up, pulling out of his arms.

  “If you’re Richard Arcola’s son, why would you come forward and say that, when he is still alive and kicking? Aren’t you worried he’ll do something to you or your dad?” she questioned them.

  “If you look around no one is really paying any attention to us. No one knows what was said here except for us. Emmett Legend is my father, no one else,” Xavier proudly stated.

  Sadie glanced around the room; the only ones paying them any attention were Sadie and Cameron’s friends. “I see your point.”

  Cameron stood from his chair, pulling his grandmother to her feet with him, and then he pulled her into his arms whispering, “I understand why you didn’t tell me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still mad about it.” He kissed her on the cheek and moved to pull Sadie into his arms.

  Xavier was looking at Sadie when he said with a smile, “I see we already have something in common, brother.”

  “What would that be, brother?” Cameron growled, pulling Sadie to his side, his need to show his brother that Sadie was by far nothing they would ever have in common, she was all his.

  “Relax, baby brother,” Xavier slurred. “Although your submissive is beautiful, and talented. I prefer mine to be red heads, and a little more dependent on me.” Leaning in so only Cameron would hear him. “Or if it’s the right person, strong arms and a tight ass.” Xavier was looking over Cameron shoulder at Dimitri with a knowing smile.

  Sadie felt Cameron’s entire body relax against hers. “Yes, she can be head strong, her face paid the price this time. We will talk later on that other comment.” Cameron caught Xavier’s gaze and turned to see Dimitri in his line of sight.

  He turned his attention back to his brother. “I wouldn’t want her any other way, and maybe by the wedding you’ll have found your own sub.”

  “So I’m invited to the wedding?” Xavier asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I’d like the chance to get to know you, but it’s up to you. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing.”


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