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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

Page 4

by L. A. Marzulli

  Charles F. Crowley, professor of chemistry at Creighton Medical College, who is a practical geologist also, declares the implement to be made of flint but of a kind not native in this part of the United States.

  One side of the stone is colored lustrous cobalt blue, while the reverse is white. Held to the light it is of a beautiful translucent rose orange. The chipping is evidently the work of a master in the art and the owner is greatly pleased at such a handsome and valuable addition to the stone implements which have been from time to time found about his summer cottage.

  The projectile point was found lying beside the teeth and larger bones of a bison, the inference being that its thrust had caused the death of the animal.

  An Omaha archaeologist who has examined the implement declares it to be an arrowhead, and he infers that it was probably used by one of the race of giants of which the legends of the Omaha tribe of Indians speak. One of the tribal secret societies which has existed far back in the history of the nation tells of a people who preceded them in this section of the world, the males of which were ten or twelve feet high. Some ancient mounds opened in this vicinity have shown skeletons between eight and ten feet long, and he makes the deduction that if the projectile be an arrowhead its size indicates that the shaft into which it was originally fastened was correspondingly large, and with so large an arrow, a bow with which it must be thrown would be too large for use by a man of ordinary stature. These deductions are conjectural, but the find must be regarded as a valuable one.

  Youngston Vindicator - August 5, 1899, P.5

  New Race of Giants

  Monsters of Humanity in the South Polar Regions

  Some papers are exploiting photographs of a race of giants said to have been discovered by Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who has just returned from an exploring expedition to the south Polar Regions. The existence of such a race has always been denied by scientists, but Dr. Cook, it is said, has not only seen and talked with them, but brings back photographs to prove beyond argument that the biggest race of human beings in the world is to be found in the frozen south. The monstrous forms of both the men and women are clad in furs. The men arm themselves with bows and arrows and wooden clubs. Their strength and endurance are remarkable. The men can outrun any horse on a long stretch. They can cover 50 miles in a few hours. To see a company of these wild men crossing a plain is like watching a herd of antelope skim over the ground. Only their upright position, with their scanty goats’ skins flying in the wind and the flourish of their clubs and bows and arrows, shows that they are men instead of belonging to the lower animals. Dr. Cook is going to write a full scientific account of these people.

  Bisbee Daily Review - June 21, 1908, Sunday Edition, P.6

  Colonist, Vol. XVI, Issue 1726, March 7, 1874, P.4

  King Solomon’s Cave

  Some interesting discoveries have just been made in a cave called “King Solomon’s Cave,” Montana, United States, and an account of them is given by a correspondent of the Deer Lodge Independent who formed one of a party of explorers of the cave in question. After crawling through several narrow passages into “a most magnificent chamber,” the attention of the explorers was attracted by a massive shield made of copper 57 inches in length and 36 inches in width leaning against the wall; about 10 feet beyond the shield, and eight from the floor, was a cavity in the wall.

  One of the party, by aid of some stones, climbed up to the aperture with a light but quickly descended in such a state of alarm that he was for some moments unable to explain that in the niche lay a petrified giant. The other explorers immediately climbed up to the aperture and gazed in. There, sure enough, was the monster man, whose dimensions on measurement were nine feet, seven and a half inches in length, 38 inches across the breast, and two feet deep. A helmet of brass or copper of gigantic proportions was on this head, which “the corrosive elements of time had sealed to his brow.” He seems to have been “a disagreeable customer,” and it is perhaps as well that he is dead and petrified, for near him were two mammoth spearheads, one of them with a socket of silver into which to insert a large pole or handle. There was also a large hook made of bone, apparently manufactured from the tusk of an extinct “leviathan of the land.”

  On the wall were some strange looking letters and pictures of three ships, each having three masts, the middle mast being only two thirds the height of the outward ones. There was also on a flat stone in the wall the picture of a large man with a spear in his hand, and of another ship. On removing this stone, another chamber was discovered, in which were the bones of several more giants, a primitive quartz crusher, and a number of tools made of copper. It is supposed that these poor giants were at work a thousand years ago in the cave when a slide from the mountain above immured them in a living tomb. The search is to be further prosecuted; and in the meantime the explorers are described as “almost wild with the strange and curious things” they have discovered. This beats the “sea serpent” to fits.

  Daily Public Ledger - September 27, 1924, P.1

  A Prehistoric Giant

  ELKHART, IN – A dispatch from Cassopolis, MI, says that on opening a mound near Diamond Lake Wednesday, a giant of prehistoric race was unearthed. The bones of the skeleton are well preserved. The lower jaw is immense. An ordinary jawbone fits inside with ease. By measurement, the distance from the top of the skull to the upper end of the thighbone is five feet five inches. A doctor, who was present, stated that the man must have been at least 11 feet tall. The mound was partially covered by a pine stump three feet six inches in diameter, and the ground showed no signs of ever having been disturbed. An earthen tablet, upon which were various unintelligible characters, and other relics were found.

  Cayuga Chief - April 30, 1898, P.1

  Curious Skeletons Found

  Arm of one Indicates a Man Seven Feet High – the Skull’s Odd Protuberance

  While workmen were excavating for the Toledo and Ottawa Beach railway recently, they unearthed a bed of old pottery and a number of skeletons. The point where the discovery was made is about one and one-third miles from the city limits of Toledo, on the city side of Ottawa creek. The contractors found a ridge or mound on the proposed line of the road and were compelled to dig through it.

  In the solid yellow clay, at a depth of about eight feet, they came across the relics. Three skeletons, undoubtedly of aborigines, were brought to the surface, and an arm, evidently of a giant, was among the bones. It was in a good state of preservation and had belonged to a man fully 7 feet in height. While the workmen were digging out other relics, some farmer picked up the arm and made off with it. A strange feature of the discovery is that none of the skeletons are perfect. Bones are entirely missing from all of them. The skulls are curious. On two of them, just where the edge of the ears would come on either side, are bony protuberances which curl forward, not unlike horns. Several tomahawks have been picked up. ~New York Tribune

  Evening Post, Vol. CXVIII, Issue 34, August 9, 1934, P.13

  Discovery in India

  Giant Human Skeleton Legs Ten Feet Long

  CALCUTTA, Aug. 8 – A discovery of world-wide importance is reported from the village of Paintiha in the Jubbulpore district, where a giant human skeleton was unearthed from the bank of a river. It was 31.5 feet long, with legs 10 feet long.

  Hartford Weekly Times - March 30, 1872, P.2

  Relics of a Past People

  Excavations in Tennessee – the Hidden Mysteries of “Bone Cave”

  From the Manchester, TN, Democrat – Near this city is a cave commonly known as “Bone Cave,” from which have been brought, at various times, by boys and other persons who have tried to explore its hidden recesses, human bones of unusual size. The popular legends of the people are to the effect that it is somewhat connected with the people or race which created the “old Stone Fort,” which stands a short distance to the west of the town.

  A few days since some boys discovered an almost entire human skeleton of mammoth size. The bone
s of the forearm were nearly twenty inches long, while the bone of the lower part of the leg was longer than an ordinary man’s limb, foot and all. The jaw bone of the giant would slip over the face of an ordinary man.

  Stimulated by these discoveries, and laudable desire to learn the secrets of this mysterious cavern, on last Thursday six gentlemen, including the editors of this paper, made the necessary preparations and started out to explore the “bone cave.” After an exhilarating walk of two miles through a clear, bracing air, we reached the entrance of the cave, where divesting ourselves of our overcoats, and lighting our torches, we entered one of the many passages, but after a short scramble we found further advance stopped by large pieces of rock that had fallen and blocked up the passage. Again we started, and this time we were correct.

  Going back about two hundred and fifty feet, we found the passage growing narrower, until we had to go “snake fashion.” At this point we found a sharp descent leading – we knew not where, but rocks detached and sent whirling down reverberated and rebounded until the sound was lost in the distance. After some pounding away of rocks, a passage was made large enough for one man to “squirm” through. A tough, long grape vine was then procured, and turned down, and while the upper end was held by two stalwart men, the senior editor grasped it and sung off determined to find the bottom of that cave, China, or – some other place. At a distance of about 25 feet we struck bottom, but found it was only a shelving platform that sloped and led – no one knew where.

  Soon other members of the party came down, and explorations commenced. We found ourselves in a vaulted chamber about 25 feet wide by 60 long, with passages leading in every direction. Following one, we rambled on for 40 or 50 feet and then there appeared one of the most beautiful lakes we have ever seen; the water was clear and sweet, and the… ceiling over the water, studded with stalactites, reflected back the light of our torches like gems. We had no means of ascertaining the size of the lake, for the banks were perpendicular, and it seemed like a pearl set in a bed of rocks.

  Another passage which was explored by B.F Fleming was found to extend in a direct line toward the “Old Stone Fort.” This passage followed for a distance of nearly two hundred feet, when further progress was stopped by the passage being filled up with debris. This passage looks as if it had been cut from the solid rock by the hand of men, and gives rise to the hypothesis that at some time, far back in the dark ages this cave was used by a race of men – giants if you like – that built this stone fort and the mounds, and that this underground passage led from the fort to the cave, a mile distant. After a good look at this part of the cave, we returned to daylight, having been underground three hours, and traversing over a mile inside the cave.

  Hopkinsville Kentuckian - April 23, 1897, P.8

  The bones of a giant ten feet in height were found near Lewisport.

  Kentucky New Era - January 2, 1951, P.5

  Blond Giant Remains Found

  Discovery Made By Scientists In Mexico

  MEXICO CITY – There were blond giants yesterday in this land of Manana.

  Paxson C. Hayes, an explorer, has dug up a prehistoric civilization in the northern Mexico area of Barranca de Cobre, which appears to prove ancient legends of huge blond Mexican giants.

  “The ancient buildings in the cave,” Hayes said, “were constructed of a cement-like masonry mixed with bamboo. The huts looked much like mosques.”

  Explorer Hayes’ guide, Rafel Garcia, led the way, some 90 miles into the mountains from Alamos, Sonora. About his startling discovery, Hayes said: “Every basket we found contained a body wrapped like a silkworm. There were 34, of which two were women. Nine were mummified and the remainder was skeletons.”

  When the bones of the mummies were laid out properly, the various bodies measured from seven feet six inches in most cases up to the largest skeleton which was a full eight feet!

  Herpetology – the study of snakes – led Explorer Hayes to the Yaqui region in Barranca de Cobre. He had been engaged in snake research when he first heard the Indian tale about the Lost City of Blond Giants in Sonora.

  Having great faith in the Yaqui Indians and in their strange and little known tribal history, Hayes decided to run down the tale of the centuries – buried giants.

  “We dug down to volcanic ash,” Hayes said. “Below that were the burial baskets, made of mats woven from fibre and bound with twisted yucca rope.”

  Hayes says he found his huge mummy at the 7,000-foot height. The question is, how did these huge Mongoloid people get into Mexico?

  The greatest mystery of Hayes’ find, and perhaps the key that may one day solve this riddle of the Mongoloid past, were the saffron-colored burial robes found on the giants. There may be a great historic tale behind the powder-blue designs of latch hooks and pyramids that embellish the robes.

  Hayes thinks that the tiny series of white dots that recur throughout the robes are symbols of the ancient Indian time cycle, and, working on that theory, points out that if this be true… the white dots add up to 25,000 years.

  He took the burial robes to the chiefs of the Seri Indians on Tiburon Island off the Mexican west coast. They were as puzzled as Hayes.

  This possible lost world in northern Mexico may prove to be one of the most provocative pages in the history of our North American continent, if Hayes’ theories are correct.

  I will close this chapter with a quote from Vine Deloria, Native American author and professor of law emeritus, who sums up the situation better than I could ever hope to do:

  It’s probably better that so few of the ruins and remains were tied in with the Smithsonian because they give good reason to believe the ending of the Indiana Jones movie - a great warehouse where the real secrets of earth history are buried.

  Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor. The great interloper of ancient burial grounds, the nineteenth century Smithsonian Institution, created a one-way portal, through which uncounted bones have been spirited. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to any but government officials. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.

  The first hint we had about the possible existence of an actual race of tall, strong, and intellectually sophisticated people, was in researching old township and county records. Many of these were quoting from old diaries and letters that were combined, for posterity, in the 1800s from diaries going back to the 1700s. Says Vine in this understanding:

  Some of these old county and regional history books contain real gems because the people were not subjected to a rigid indoctrination about evolution and were astonished about what they found and honestly reported it.” (Emphasis by the author).

  Author’s Side bar: Expelled

  This will be a quick note, but if you have never seen Ben Stein’s movie, Expelled, I would encourage you to go out and rent it or watch it on NETFLIX.

  Stein goes up against the status quo, and the intellectual elite, exposing the bias against any other form of thought that is antithetical to Darwin’s theory.

  He interviews former teachers and professors who have lost tenure for mentioning intelligent design, which is the theory that the complexity of life had to have some designer behind it because it couldn’t have happened by chance.

  Stein also sits down with Richard Dawkins, one of the premier evolutionists of our day, and challenges him to tell us where life began. Dawkins doesn’t have an answer, but postulates life began elsewhere by a race of beings that had evolved by some sort of Darwinian process and then they created and seeded us here on this planet.

  This sounds like science fiction and yet Dawkins defends this circular reasoning because his answer begs the question: who created the race of aliens who created us?

  Stein makes a very cogent point tha
t any other paradigm or world view that is opposed to Darwinism is met, head on, with intellectual hostility. The movie is revealing in that it clearly demonstrates the prevailing view in both academia and science.

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  Chapter 3

  Robert Mirabal ~ Stilt Walker

  I first became familiar with Robert Mirabal’s work through a clip I saw on YouTube. I’m not sure who sent the link to me, but if the sender is by chance reading this, thanks for sending it my way.

  Mirabal is a Grammy Award-winning composer and a Native American Pueblo. I watched with fascination as the video began and immediately recognized high production values and good camera work.


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