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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

Page 10

by L. A. Marzulli

  The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands, Yigael Yadin, 1963. “In addition to the curved or sickle swords, the MBA also produced a series of short straight swords, somewhat like daggers. They were designed no doubt for defense in hand-to-hand combat. Unlike the straight, narrow sword of the EBA, the blades become broader during MBII, taking the shape of a pointed leaf. They were designed primarily for stabbing and the blade was, therefore, strengthened by a central spine or rib.”

  A comparison of weapons from the Levant on the right and Wisconsin on the left shows that both regions were simultaneously making identical “tanged” spearheads and daggers. Note the innovation of the central spine or ridge that was an improvement for “stabbing” in battle.

  This is an implement sequence from the Middle to Late Archaic Periods (5000 - 1500 B.C.) from Archeology of the Northeastern United States, MacNeish, 1952. The tanged and socketed daggers and spearheads shown were made from copper. The transition to bronze was simply not needed, since no opposing forces possessed them. Also, note the sickle swords, “I” and “J”, that one archaeologist proposed were vegetable choppers. How did weapons technology go instantaneously from Stone Age to Bronze Age?

  Unless we are to conclude that Native American weapons technology surpassed that of the Hittite and Egyptian armies, it would seem reasonable to most that this technology was brought here. The socket was not invented until around 1500 B.C., which also gives us a timeline of how late copper was being transported back to the eastern Mediterranean.

  Soon after the date of 1400 B.C. Joshua’s armies would expel the giants from the biblical lands and the Celts would begin their migrations into the British Isles, also dislodging the Nephilim race. Corresponding to these two invasions is the fact that copper was no longer mined from the Kenewaw Peninsula, Upper Michigan, or from Isle St. Royal in Lake Superior after 1500 B.C. Five hundred thousand tons of copper were mined from these regions. Only a small fraction of this vast amount of copper has been discovered as surface finds or in burial mounds, so where did it all go?

  L.A.: Is it possible that the Amorites, which are mentioned in the biblical narrative, found their way to the New World?

  F.Z.: Another compelling piece of evidence of the Amorites in North America are their unique skull types. Archeology and the Bible, 1916: “The Amorites belonged to the Indo-European type, the nose was straight and regular, the forehead high, the cheek bones somewhat prominent. We find that this was precisely the character of the face of the Mentone and Cro-Magnon skulls.”

  Stephen Coons writes in The British Isles, a Resume of Skeletal History, “With or shortly before the introduction of metal, the British Isles were invaded from both sides by fresh settlers. From the west came a triple combination of Boreby brachycephalics, Corded people, and Eastern Mediterranean Dinaric, under the hybrid auspices of the Zoned Beaker Culture.”

  Skeletal remains for the Beaker people are very tall with skull features that are still considered identical to those of the Upper Paleolithic Cro-Magnon. These features include a protruding brow ridge, massive jaws and thick skull walls. The size of the skeletal remains and skull types are sufficient evidence to conclude that they were related to Cro-Magnon; whose skeletal remains have measured consistently over seven foot. According to scientists, Cro-Magnon had no predecessor and just appeared out of nowhere; this theory does not contradict the biblical version of the Nephilim.

  The skulls of the Dinaric are noted for the back of the head appearing “cut away.” Upper Paleolithic or Cro-Magnon features included, facial prognathism or a jutting upper jaw and a protruding brow ridge. One of these types of skulls was found at the Gates of Damascus in Jerusalem that was described as “massive.” On the left is a Dinaric skull from Germany; on the right is a Dinaric skull from Ohio.

  On the left is a Corded Skull from a burial mound in the Ohio Valley and on the right from a barrow in England. The facial profiles are identical. Note the occipital bun on the back of each skull that is classified as an “archaic” skull trait. Corded People are so named because of their unique cord-impressed pottery that is found in the Levant, throughout Europe, and in the Ohio Valley. They have been most closely associated with the Amorites.

  The Corded People influenced the type of mounds constructed in the British Isles that were the archetypes of the mounds that are found in the Ohio Valley. Their preferred burial method was in rectangular pits that were lined with stones with the inclusion of red ocher. Sometimes the burials were arranged like spokes of a wheel within the burial mounds. These “spoked” type of burials within a mound have been documented near Stonehenge and are very prevalent in the Ohio Valley. Their burial mounds also had a circular ditch or earthwork that surrounded the mound. This mound type has been documented in the Levant, the Ukraine, Germany, British Isles and the Ohio Valley, associated with the Beaker People.

  Beaker People (Amorite) mounds from the British Isles were encircled by a ditch or berm along with henges that were used as solar temples. They were the archetypes of the mound and ceremonial centers found in the Ohio Valley.

  The third contingent of people associated with the Beaker Peoples was the Boreby Brachycephalics. On the left is the Boreby skull from Denmark, and the two on the right are from Ohio burial mounds.

  The presentation of evidence of two separated people that shared the traits of large skeletons, with three distinct skull types, who buried their dead in conical earthen mounds, encircled by a ditch and built identical earthen solar and celestial temples, defined as “henges,” would appear to most to be the same people.

  LA: Is it possible the Nephilim giants that we read about during the conquest of Canaan fled the country and migrated north and then to the Ohio Valley?

  F.Z.: The Amorite Empire was on the decline by the time Joshua had moved into their lands. It is also probably that many had already left the Levant, for their less hostile western frontiers. Again, the Book of Enoch provides some cultural clues where we can trace the movements of the Amorites. From the Book of Enoch, we know that one of the Fallen Angels gave the Nephilim-Amorites the art of mathematics.

  Asmoday—a fallen angel, who has knowledge of the future, teaches mathematics and can make men invisible.

  Sacred Geometry, symbolism, advanced mathematics and a numerical codex developed by the Amorites can be found in both the British Isles and the Ohio Valley. There is also an allusion to the Amorite numerology in the Bible and their spreading this knowledge across the world. Genesis 11:1: “Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.” I believe this is in reference to the Amorites’ Sacred Deometry and the numerical codex of Gematria.

  The symbolic expressions of the Sun and Earth deities were universal throughout the Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian Empires. In the Ohio Valley, there are numerous earthworks that combine the circle and the square. Advanced mathematics of pi and square roots of a number were discovered by the Amorite giants in 1950 B.C. We find that nearly all of the earthworks in Ohio were constructed using advanced mathematics and Sacred Geometry.

  The circle is “the one” sun god or heaven and “four” is symbolic of the mother goddess, Ma-a (Maya or May), and numerically the four quarters of the cardinal points.

  The Hopeton Works in Chillicothe, Ohio, combines a circle and a square with equal areas. To formulate this, the builders would have had to possess the knowledge of how to square a circle. The equal areas delineated for the circle, which represents the sun, and the square, which represents the earth, are symbolic of the Sacred Marriage or the Holy Union of Opposites.

  A Sacred Geometry Prime, Graham Gardner: “The combination of the square and circle represents the fusion of heaven and earth, and ‘squaring the circle’ is regarded as the pinnacle of the sacred geometers’ art. This means producing a circle overlaying a square such that either the circumference of the circle equals the perimeter of the square of the area of the circle equals that of the square.”

  The occult values attached to certain numbers
by the Amorites through ideas associated with their mystical use in the ancient religions of the East and amongst the Gnostics, are surviving in some measure in religion to the present day. The numerological influences on the Gnostics within the Bible are blatantly visible, but ignored by the Christian Church. Elementary numbers in the Amorite Gematria Numerical Codex are 660 or 666 as representative of the Sun Father and 1080 to represent the Earth or Lunar Mother. These numbers occur within the measurements of Stonehenge and are also numerous within the measurements of the Ohio Valley earthworks.

  One of two henges at Charleston, West Virginia, was 666 feet in circumference. Is it a coincidence that the Amorite number for the Sun Father was used in solar temples in the Ohio Valley? The number 660 was also used in the construction of sun temples. This is consistent with the Amorites’ use of the duodecimal system (also known as base 12 or dozenal). When you look at a clock, or the twelve-inch foot, or the calendar, you’re looking as Amorite numerology.

  The symbolic number for the Lunar or Earth Mother was signified by the number four and expressed as a square corresponding to the four winds, and the gematria number was 1080. In Chillicothe, Ohio, there are five earthworks containing squares: each with four 1080-foot sides.

  The earthwork at Winchester, Indiana, is representative of the sacred marriage. The east-west walls that are aligned to the summer and winter solstices are 1320 feet or 660 x 2. The north-south walls are each 1080 feet. Another aspect of numerological “holy union” is that 1080 x 2 = 2160. Two hundred and sixteen is an important number in the numerological canon, because it is the sum total of 6 x 6 x 6. Two hundred and sixteen represents the yin yang and the balance of power. In Revelation 14:1, John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion. With him were 144,000 sealed with the Father’s name upon their foreheads. 144,000/666 = 216.216216216216. 144,000.216 = 666.6666666.

  In Lexington, Kentucky, and at Charleston, West Virginia, stood henges that were 555 feet in circumference. Five hundred fifty-five was symbolic of the sacred marriage because multiplied by pi, it equals 1746, or the sum total of 666 + 1080. Also 555 x 12 (inches) = 6660. The number (555.5…) needs to be stretched to achieve the 1746. This numerology codex was adopted by the Masons and explains why the Washington Monument is 555 feet in height. Also note the 33-foot gateway; many of the gateways to the earthworks in Ohio were 33 feet wide. Thirty-three is the square root of 1080. Christ performs 33 miracles and is crucified at age 33, Christ is the gateway. Genesis 11:1, “Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.”

  In the Ohio Valley, mounds in groups of three are the most numerous. At Fort Hill, there are 33 gateways and as the Serpent Mound, the head is facing the confluence of 3 creeks, and the body bends 3 times and the tail coils 3 times and it is 1330 feet in length.

  L.A.: What is the relationship between the henge at Avebury and the henge in Newark, Ohio?

  F.Z.: Both the Avebury and Newark henges were the largest constructed in their prospective lands. They both measured 1250 feet in diameter. This is an impressive similarity, but only tells part of the story of the Newark Henge. Brad Lepper of the Ohio Historical Society said, “Newark was like looking as a Christian Church without any knowledge of the Bible.” Avademia insists on being ignorant to the importance of the ancient symbolic aspects of the Ohio earthworks, and, with this, their mysteries will never be revealed to them.

  The Newark complex was mapped by Squire and Davis in 1848. The circle and octagon were aligned to mark the northern extent of the moon’s 18.6 degree cycle across the sky. The Midwest Epigraphic Society wrote of the Newark Circle and Octagon, “A careful survey of the earthworks at Newark, Ohio, has revealed … a solution to the ancient Old World geometrical riddle of ‘Squaring the Circle’ by use of rope geometry (associated with legends of the Great Pyramid of Egypt).” A square placed within the Octagon is a squared circle. The circle is 1050 feet in diameter or 210 x 5 x pi = 660.

  Photo shows the gateway to the Newark henge that is aligned to the May 1st sunrise; to venerate the Earth Mother and her rejuvenating powers that transforms the landscape from the death of winter to the lushness of spring. She has been celebrated by agricultural peoples throughout history. She was Mad-dur of the ancient Sumerians and the root of our English “mother;” Maia of the Greeks; Mahi and Maya of the Vedas; the goddess Queen May of the ancient Britons; and Maka to the Sioux.

  The most impressive of these henges, in England, besides Stonehenge, is Avebury, sometimes written as Abury. The iconic design of this temple is explained in Here Be Dragons: The Strange Enigma of Serpent Mounds, by Phillip Gardner; In Egyptian hieroglyphs we can see the symbol of the snake going over the solar disc, merging head erect. Overlaid onto Avebury it is the same image! Adding to this, the snake is often depicted with the ancient Egyptian Ankh symbol dangling from its emergent neck—the Ankh being the symbol of new life—the great cycle of Avebury simply has to be the ‘solar disk’ and the pathway of the snake—thus illustrating in a painfully labor-intensive way the ritualistic path of the serpent worshiper’s new life.

  “Of course, even as Ave Burym the Ave reverts back to the root of ‘Eve,’ which we know means ‘female serpent,’ the pathway of Avebury passes through a large circular Temple of the Sun emerging and then winding again and ending with an oddly, not quite circular head—directly in line with the ‘Snakes Head Hill’ (Hackpen). The central circle is symbolic of the Sun, which is the male principal in the creative process and is symbolized elsewhere as a bull or lion. Once the serpent has passed through or around the sun circle, it is recharged for a new life. The archaeology of the area shows that people used to walk outside the pathway of the serpent, leaving the pathway for the priests.”

  It is also important to note that the idea of the sacred via or avenues can be traced back to the Levant as described in Phoenician Origin of the Britons & Scots, 1925: “Rude stone avenues and remains, compared to De Saulcey to Celtic dolmens, still exist among the hills of Moab.” (Dead See, 1835, p. 546).

  Avebury Henge with stone circles and avenues in the form of a serpent, by Stuckeley in 1740. Avebury is Briton’s largest henge with a diameter of 1250 feet. The serpent is a common eastern Mediterranean symbol for the sun, but was also a consort of the Earth Mother. The Amorites adored the animal as a beneficent genius, with superior power and wisdom.

  The earthwork complex at Portsmouth, Ohio, with over 20 miles of sacred vias that extend across the Ohio River into Kentucky. Only in the academic world could you look at Avebury and Portsmouth and see no similarities.

  L.A.: Thor Heyerdahl proves with his Kon Tiki that people could have navigated the oceans. With this in mind, is it possible that tribes of the Nephilim located in Canaan fled via an oceanic route?

  F.Z.: This seems to be a justified argument for academia, yet they have no problem with the fact that somehow Neanderthals found Australia 30,000 years ago?

  L.A.: Native Americans claim there was a race of giants who were here before them. What are your thoughts in that regard?

  F.Z.: The Creeks, Sioux, Iroquois, Cherokee, Choctaw, Maya and Aztecs are just a few of the Indian tribes that had legends of giants. I found an interesting etymological connection between the only Native American “written” history of the Algonquins called the Walam Olum and a letter written by a Hittitie King.

  One of the oldest and most important traditions of this family is that of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians, recorded by Heckwelder, but given more fully in the well-known “Bark Record” or Walam Olum (Olum is also a Hebrew word, meaing “history”). This begins with a creation myth, and then gives an account of their wanderings, the passage over some important stream or water way, their war with the Alligewi.

  Many wonderful things are told of this famous people. They are said to have been remarkably tall and stout, and there is a tradition that there were giants among them, people of a much larger size than the tallest of the Lenape.

  The Allegewi name still survives in the Allegheny Mountains and
River. Further, the Ohio River’s ancient name was Allegewi Sipu or the “River of the Allegewi.” To the Native Americans, the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers were one. Allegewi (Adena) mounds are found within the Ohio River drainage or on the Ohio River itself which supports this connection.


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