On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 11

by L. A. Marzulli

  A letter written by a Hittite king refers to an Amorite King, named Tawagalawas. Is it possible that this is the origin of the Allegewi name? The Amorites had been subjugated by the Hittites prior to the Egyptian invasion and may have been one of the reasons for them leaving the Mediterranean for destinations in North Africa, Britain or North America. A letter from the Hittite King, Mursilis, written about 1300 B.C. to the king of the Achaeans, Ahijawa, complained about one of the Amorite residents, who agreed to be a vassal of the Hittite King, only to wage war on him. The name of this Amorite King was Tawagalawas. King Mursilis was angered that he could not locate Tawagalawas, and presumed he and his people had left by sea.

  Etymologically the two names are very similar. The root word of “Og” is associated with many of the tribes that were giants. In the Bibler there are the Magog, which is also the name of the mound builders who pushed in the British Isles and were known for their great height. If we drop the prefix “Taw,” we have Og-al-awa, and with the Algonquin name we have Al-og-awa. “Awa” was a Hittite suffix denoting people. “Og” is of course in reference to giants and “Al” is a high place. Both names could be translated as “The high place of Og.” Coincidence?

  L.A.: Who do you think built the structures that we see at Newark and Cahokia? Is this the work of Native Americans or did someone else construct these?

  F.Z.: The Sioux, most notable the Osage, were in the Ohio Valley at the time of Newark’s construction. The Sioux were the descendants of the Maritime Archaic. Their shell mounds were once numerous along the Ohio River. The Cherokee and Iroquois also have their origins with the Maritime Archaic. All three also share a history of burying their dead in earthen mounds. As their population swelled they absorbed most of the Allegewi or Adena traits and population into their own. This is known as the Hopewellian Era in the Ohio Valley.

  David Keys discovered and documented in his book, Catastrophe, that in 535 A.D. the island of Krakatoa exploded with a force equivalent to two billion Hiroshima nuclear bombs. The subsequent calamity, he believes, affected human civilization from Rome to Teotihuacan, whose civilizations crumbled soon after this data, 535 A.D. This date also corresponds to the end of the Hopewellian mound-building era in the Ohio Valley.

  Monks Mound was constructed by the Sioux about 1000 A.D. At the start of what archaeologists call the Mississippian Era of mound construction. Genetically, we can tie Cahokia to the Amorites by Haplogroup X, which is also one of the five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples.

  L.A.: Why is this ignored in mainstream archeology?

  F.Z.: Mainstream archaeologists are entrenched in the Berengia Theory that states that all of the Americas were populated by several waves of landlubbers who walked across the Berengia land bridge that connected Alaska with Asia at the end of the last Ice Age. Any evidence that contradicts this theory is dismissed. Any archaeologist that presents evidence to contradict this theory is censored. In the university world of “publish or perish” this is a death sentence to a professor. It is much like Europe in the Dark Ages, where scientists like Galileo and Copernicus were advocating the Earth revolving around the Sun. The penalty for contradicting the church was usually death.

  A more nefarious reason for this is the atheist universities’ disdain and utter hatred of the church. The disclosure of an ancient giant race would affirm what was written in the Bible as true.

  L.A.: Do you believe the Smithsonian Institute is covering up information, and, if so, why?

  F.Z.: The suppression of diffusionist evidence began in the late 1800s with John Wesley Powell, the director of the Bureau of Ethnology, who was sympathetic to the Native Americans. Despite other members of the Smithsonian who believed in a separate mound-building race, Powell opted to adhere to the school of isolationism. It was at this time that all archaeological evidence that would support diffusionism was sought out by the Smithsonian. A literal army of Smithsonian agents were sent out across the country following up on historic and newspaper reports where giant skeletons were found. These giant remains were gathered up and sent back to Washington, where they were to disappear forever. There have been reports that many of these giant skeletal remains were dumped into the ocean.

  L.A.: The remains of a giant race for what may or may not be entirely human have been unearthed throughout the Americas. Why is this ignored?

  F.Z.: An archaeologist is going to ask for the tangible evidence of a giant skeleton that they will dismiss as gigantisms or they can now use the powers of The Native American Graves Protection Act, to eliminate the possibility of any controversial skeletal remains. NAGPRA is the perfect Catch-22 for the archaeologists. If you believe in isolationism then that would infer that all burial mounds are Native American, yet archaeologists have destroyed thousands of them. Yet, if a controversial skeleton like Spirit Lake or Kennewick Man that has Caucasian features appears, they will contact the local Indian group to have it reburied. In the case of Kennewick it was buried under ten feet of concrete. Another Catch-22 associated with NAGPRA is that the archeologists put in a clause that it was only a crime to dig into “known” Indian tribe’s burials. Thus, we have the Adena Culture, named after the Adena Estate of Thomas Worthingon, former governor of Ohio, and the Hopewell Culture that was named for an earthwork of the Mordecai Hopewell farm in Chillicothe, Ohio. It is your tax dollars that are funding the destruction and disinformation of Ancient America.

  Author’s Side Bar: What is a Henge

  Henges are found in different locations in the world. The basic shape of a henge is an outer circle with a moat or water way on the inside of it. They were used for religious and ceremonial purposes.

  There is a henge in Avebury, England that has a diameter of 1,250 ft. Coincidentally, the Great Circle Mound in Ohio is 1,250 ft. in diameter. Zimmerman believes there may be a connection between the constructions of the two circles (27). Both are henges and both were constructed more than 3000 years ago.

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  Author’s Side Bar: Rumor about the Bones

  In the course of this ongoing investigation I have heard all sorts of stories, many of which are impossible to vet. In that light I will offer one such story. This came through a friend who heard it from another friend who in turn heard it from who knows who, so it’s hearsay at best.

  I’ve been down these “whisper-down-the-lane” scenarios and know they lead nowhere. With that in mind I will repeat what I was told here with the caveat that we can’t vet this.

  Here goes:

  What I was told by a man who supposedly worked at the Smithsonian and was now a disgruntled ex-employee was that crates and crates of skeletal remains—no doubt this may have included giant bones—were secreted out of the building and put on a barge and then dumped at sea.

  This is the stuff of conspiracy tales and I admit it’s a great yarn and belongs on the “X-Files” rather than in this book. However, I include it here because nothing at this point would surprise me and here’s why:

  We have the accounts discovered in the archives, and brought to light by Fritz Zimmerman as well as in the research of Vine Deloria, Steve Quayle, Ross Hamilton, Vincent Gaddis and others, all of whom maintain that there were giant skeletons found and, after they were given to the Smithsonian, they mysteriously vanished. I’ve reprinted some of these articles, and in my opinion they are the smoking gun and proof the Smithsonian did collect the bones and that they were never seen again, at least by researchers and the general public.

  Here is the scenario I was told by someone on the “inside” who wishes to remain anonymous.

  The leaders of the Smithsonian are ardently Darwinist in their world view, and they also hold to the position that Native Americans built the mounds and there was no other race that predated them, period.

  There is no room for any other position, and, thus, the giant skeletons, because they don’t fit the paradigm, lose their position as true artifacts. Therefore, t=with that in mind, the Smithsonian got rid of the evid
ence as they loaded up the artifacts and skeletons and dumped them at sea. In other words, if there’s nothing to see, then there are no giants!

  Here is a quote found in Vincent Gaddis’ book, American Indian Myths and Mysteries.

  A little backstory is needed here. It seems in 1924 Roman crosses were discovered near Tucson, Arizona. Charles Mariner and a relative were climbing a steep road embankment to examine the ruins of an old brick kiln, when suddenly they noticed something metallic protruding from the soil near the top of the bank.

  It turned out to be a large religious cross made of lead and heavily encrusted with tough caliche (30).

  To cut to the chase, writing was found on the cross and later discovered to be Latin, as well as some words in Hebrew. The site was excavated and a variety of objects unearthed, many of which bore Latin-Hebraic inscriptions. This find was met with ridicule by the skeptics who thought it was a clever hoax.

  Gaddis continues his account by quoting from a paper which states:

  Dr. Cummings, whose integrity could not be challenged and whose position in archeological circles was most secure, called a press conference to answer his critics. All of the relics, he said, had been found encased in a solid, undisturbed strata of tough caliche, some as much as six feet below the surface of the ground. This alone precluded any possibility of a hoax, unless it had been concocted prior to the arrival of Columbus (31).

  Now here’s what is important. In 1964, Thomas Bent invested his money and time trying to further a scientific investigation of the relics found in 1924. He published a 400-page monograph covering all the then known facts about the artifacts. Copies were hopefully sent to institutions and individuals, but there was no response. As one writer puts it, the matter has been relegated to that special limbo reserved for such disturbing finds. (emphasis added) (32)

  Summing this up, we find a deliberate anti-scientific mindset in those who should have had the keenest interest in precisely such a discovery as this. Why it is the truth is ignored and “relegated to a special limbo”? I find this type of attitude far from scientific and, in fact, I would go so far as to label it intellectual fascism. Finding artifacts that create a sol-called, “disturbing find,” should be looked at with an open mind, not relegated to a special limbo.

  Like the notorious Piltdown Man that turned out to be a hoax (33), this was a deliberate obfuscation by “the leaders of science” of the day to prove Darwinism. There have been other incidents like the fiasco with Global Warming in which we see the data thrown out because it didn’t fit the result the scientists were looking for (34).

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  Chapter 8

  America’s Stonehenge!

  There is a site located in New Hampshire which may be 4000 years old. Here is a description of it:

  Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places, America’s Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States (over 4000 years old).

  Like Stonehenge in England, America’s Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. It has been determined that the site is an accurate astronomical calendar. It was, and still can be used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year.

  Various inscriptions have been found throughout the site including Ogham, Phoenician, and Iberian Punic Script. Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard University did extensive work on the inscriptions found at the site. They are detailed in his book, America B.C. (39)

  The site is called the American Stonehenge because, like its English counterpart, it reflects the precise position of the Spring and Fall equinoxes as well as the Summer and Winter equinoxes.

  The site is owned by the Stone family and has been kept in their possession since their grandfather acquired the land. I believe this site is important, as it may prove the paradigm of diffusionism, which is the paradigm that ancient people arrived in the New World centuries before Columbus.

  Here is what the Stone family tells us about the site:

  It has been determined that America’s Stonehenge is an accurate astronomically aligned calendar. It was and still can be used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year. Archaeoastronomy is the study of the role of astronomy in ancient cultures. This includes knowing who was responsible for building astronomical observatories and how they were used to effect or influence their lives. (40)

  Kelsey Stone appeared recently on the History Channel’s “America Unearthed” show. He dropped a bombshell and here’s why: Kelsey drew a line on Google Maps from the center of the site out to the standing stone which shows the sun rising on the summer equinox, the longest day of the year.

  Kelsey Stone’s directional line from “American Stonehenge” during summer equinox.

  Stone’s line continues from New Hampshire across the Atlantic.

  Stone’s line crosses Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England.

  The line precisely bisects the standing stones of Stonehenge’s monument.

  Stone then continued his line eastward.

  Stone found the line led to Beirut, Lebanon. Here’s where it gets interesting for me.

  This image shows America’s Stonehenge line extended around the globe, from New Hampshire USA, to Wiltshire England, to Beirut Lebanon.

  Is there a connection to all of these sites? Are these sites Nephilim architecture?

  What is astonishing is how this was accomplished. How does one extend a line that bisects the standing stones at Stonehenge from New Hampshire?

  I called a local surveyor and discussed Kelsey’s work. He was fascinated by the concept and said he would try to duplicate it. He called back a few minutes later and told me he was successful in duplicating Kelsey’s work. He also explained to me that if you were off an inch, from the point of origin to the standing stone you were sighting, you would be off by hundreds of miles at your final destination!

  I then asked if there was a way to do this centuries ago?

  He replied that the technology didn’t exist then, and the only way you could do this would be from the air.

  In my opinion, this could not have been accomplished unless someone had an aerial view of the globe.

  I would remind you that these sites are best appreciated from the air. Why is this so? Who is the Prince of the Power of the Air and is there a connection to him with these sites?

  How was it possible to line these sites up with one another when only in modernity can we accomplish this?

  According to Stone and others who have examined the site, there is evidence that the Phoenicians might have been responsible for the construction of the New Hampshire site. So this begs the question, who were the Phoenicians?

  The Phoenicians of the Iron Age (first millennium B.C.) descended from the original Canaanites who dwelt in the region during the earlier Bronze Age (3000 - 1200 H.C.), despite classical tradition to the contrary. There is archaeological evidence for a continuous cultural tradition from the Bronze to the Iron Age (1200 - 333 B.C.) at the cities of Tyre and Zaraphath. In the Amarna age (14th Century B.C.) many letters to Egypt emanated from King Rib-Addi of Byblos, King Abi-Milki of Tyre, and King Zimrida of Sidon, and in other New Kingdom Egyptian texts there are references to the cities of Beirut Sidon, Zaraphath, Ushu, Tyre, and Byblos. Additionally, there is a 13th Century B.C. letter from the king of Tyre to Ugarit, and a Ugaritic inscription has turned up at Zaraphath. Despite these facts showing that the coastal cities were occupied without interruption or change in population, the term “Phoenician” is now normally applied to them in the Iron Age (beginning about the 12th Century B.C.) onward when the traits that characterize Phoenician culture evolved: long-distance seafaring, trade and colonization, and distinctive elements of their material culture, language, and script.(41)

  Notice what the above refers to: the Phoenicians were the descendants of the Canaanites who were one of the tribes we see sin
gled out for destruction during the conquest of Canaan. They are one of the Nephilim tribes listed in the Bible and I believe they engaged in human child sacrifice.

  Child sacrifice: Molech was a Canaanite underworld deity represented as an upright, bullheaded idol with a human body in whose belly a fire was stoked and in whose outstretched arms a child was placed that would be burned to death. The victims were not only infants; children as old as four were sacrificed. Kleitarchos reported that “as the flame burning the child surrounded the body, the limbs would shrivel up and the mouth would appear to grin as if laughing, until it was shrunk enough to slip into the cauldron.” (42)

  I contacted the Stones and asked them a few questions. Here’s the transcript from the written interview answered by Dennis Stone:


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