On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 12

by L. A. Marzulli

  L.A.: How did The American Stonehenge come into your family’s possession?

  D. S.: As portrayed in the show, my dad heard about the site on the radio, WBZ Radio Boston, and shortly thereafter at a barbershop waiting to get his hair cut, he picked up a NH Profile magazine with an article about the site. This was in 1955. That weekend playing cards at my aunt and uncle’s, he showed them the magazine and asked if they had ever heard of this place. They not only had heard of it, but they came there in the 1930s on a picnic by bicycle, so the next day they brought my dad to the site and he was hooked from then on.

  L.A.: How old is the site and how was this verified?

  D. S.: The site is approximately 4,000 years old by radio-carbon dating, and the alignments work at that time. Due to the Earth’s tilt slowly changing, the alignments are off by about two-thirds of a degree today.

  L.A.: How large is the site; how many acres does it cover?

  D. S.: The property covers 106 acres. The main site spreads over one acre. The surrounding 20 acres contains the astronomical alignment stones.

  L.A.: Is there any writing or runes that have been found?

  D. S.: Yes, ancient writings include Iberian, Punic (Phoenician), Libyan, and Celtic Ogam.

  L. A.: There may be a sacrificial table or altar on the site. Is this evidence of human sacrifice?

  D. S.: The table is approximately nine feet by six feet, and the rectangular groove on top is approximately four feet by six feet. The table is similar to those found in some European sites that were used for sacrifice.

  L.A.: There are standing stones which mark the solstices and equinoxes. How was this accomplished?

  D. S.: The ancient people, by very careful observation, watched the sun over time and marked its position, then set up the standing stones. The alignments include the seasons, the cross-quarter days, the 18.61-year lunar cycle, and 24-star alignments. The site was surveyed by a professional survey team from 1973-1977. This data was sent to the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA. The results were that if the stones were used for astronomical purposes, it would work at approximately 1800 BC. This agrees with the 4,000-year-old carbon-dating of the main site.

  L.A.: Are there other mathematical features incorporated into the site?

  D. S.: Mathematical features are still being studied. The units of measurement seem to have been based on megalithic units used in old-world sites. Also, there seem to be geometrical patterns when lines are drawn between various standing stones, such as equilateral triangles, etc.

  L. A.: You discovered that the standing stones when lined up with the center of the circle in New Hampshire corresponded with the Stonehenge in England. How did you come by this fascinating discovery?

  D. S.: Kelsey’s research led him to that discovery. Others have looked at some alignments close by us since the 1970s but have not looked at great distances the way Kelsey has. Kelsey has taken this to the next step and continues to do research on the subject.

  L.A.: Where do the lines in Stonehenge converge?

  D. S.: All of our alignments come together at the astronomical center, which originally consisted of two cairns north and south of each other, which is now where our astronomical viewing platform stands.

  L.A.: Is it possible the ancient Phoenicians were responsible for these sites?

  D. S.: Yes, we have found ancient Phoenician writing here, as well as many locations ranging from Maine to Brazil. Remember, Hiram of Tyre sent Hiram Abiff (a stone mason) to build King Solomon’s Temple, according to the Bible.

  L.A.: What conclusions, if any, have you come to?

  D. S.: We feel that the site was built by ancient travelers from the old world because of inscriptions, the style of construction, ancient coins with maps (which was on the show), place-names in New England, and our old-world words with the same meaning. One Phoenician coin was recently found at the mouth of the Merrimac River, which would have been the river highway to our site.

  L.A.: Are there other sites that may link to the American Stonehenge, such as in South America?

  D. S.: There are megalithic-type sites in Columbia, South America, which look very much like some of the 50,000 megalithic sites in Europe, and 800 sites in the Northeast, U.S.

  L.A.: Your final thoughts.

  D. S.: If this is all true, this will re-write history. Certainly, much more work and study is required. We have owned and researched the site for 55 years, with much more research to be done. A new generation of people like Kelsey will help to expand our knowledge of these incredible sites.

  Please take note of the question I asked about the sacrificial table. I will repeat Stone’s answer once again here:

  “The table is approximately nine feet by six feet, and the rectangular groove on top is approximately four feet by six feet. The table is similar to those found in some European sites that were used for sacrifice.”

  Was this table used for human sacrifice? If so, was this sacrifice similar to what the Phoenicians did in the Levant before the conquest of Canaan?

  Was this a continuation of the practices the Nephilim tribes engaged in before they were cleared out of the land?


  American Stonehenge may be proof of an ancient culture, in this case the Phoenicians (the descendants from the Canaanites who were a Nephilim tribe) who visited the Americas centuries before Columbus. They constructed a site that accurately positioned the solstices and equinoxes. They somehow connected this to Stonehenge in England. In my opinion, these ancient peoples were once again attempting to reconstruct the grid that covered the planet in the “days of Noah.” This grid was destroyed in the flood of Noah which was the result of the ongoing cosmic war, which I believe is still going full bore today. (See my book: The Cosmic Chess Match).

  Kelsey Stone’s provocative work only tends to deepen the mystery as the alignments from one site to another can be no accident. How was this accomplished thousands of years ago? The bigger question is, who was responsible for this? Where did this advance knowledge come from? I will delve into this in the following chapters. Visit the site: www.stonehengeusa.com

  Chapter 9

  My Interview with Dr. Aaron Judkins

  Interview between L.A. and Dr. Aaron Judkins

  1. There is no question giant skeletons were pulled out of burial grounds throughout the US. Why does there seem to be a cover-up?

  There is abundant archaeological evidence that confirms the biblical record—one of which is the archaeological discoveries of giants in North America. There is a wide array of empirical evidence of giants which are in direct opposition with the Neo-Darwinian, macro-evolutionary dogma that has been propagated for the last 160 years.

  Yet when archaeological findings and scientific facts are examined, a very different picture emerges. The traces and remains of giants that have come down to the present—from the burial grounds and mounds of Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, New York, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and California—have yielded artifacts such as bones, skulls and tools. These show that in cultural and social terms, humans have had advanced ancient technology and civilizations without discernible periods of evolution.(43)

  This sudden onset of cultures possessing advanced technology 4,000 years ago is consistent with the Bible account after Noah’s Flood, the proliferation of people in Sumeria, and the scattering abroad of them during the Tower of Babel.(44) Omni magazine reported, “The unprecedented explosion of knowledge 5000 years ago, they believe, may have been foreshadowed by an earlier society whose cultural remnants have long since vanished.”(45) But did they vanish all together? Evidence indicates that the Nephilim giants migrated from the Levant. My friend and colleague, Joe Taylor, has documented many of these finds and reports throughout history in his new book, Giants: Against Evolution.(46)

  I have personally researched the Rock Wall phenomena with reported remains of g
iants and associated artifacts from the 1850s.(47) In the spring of 2012, Joe Taylor and I visited Rockwall, Texas, to investigate the phenomenon of an apparent ancient underground rock wall for which Rockwall, Texas, was named. Benjamin Boydstun, Terry Utley Wade and William Clay Stevenson began settling that area and are credited with finding the wall. Since the men could not agree on the town name, the settlers agreed on the name of Rockwall.

  As we began our investigations, it became quickly apparent that none of the locals even knew about the rock wall. They had no idea what was under their feet! Joe and I even went as far as to go to the local police station to try to get some information, but they, too, were at a loss. After several dead ends, we stopped at the local Rockwall museum and inquired about the wall. The museum had some information and we were able to investigate a large, rectangular sandstone rock that looked like it had been cut to size. They informed us that this was indeed one of the stones that came from one of the excavations at the wall. There is also a large section of the rock wall on display downtown located on the courthouse square. (See photo below).

  This rock wall is a rectangular structure approximately 3.5 miles wide by 5.6 miles long, encompassing an area of up to some 20 square miles. It was reported on Friday, May 28, 1886, by the Rockwall Success, Rockwall County’s first newspaper, that giant artifacts were found, although this can no longer be substantiated.

  One of the stones from an excavation of the Rock Wall from Rockwall, Texas.

  Photo by Tannon Judkins. This photo shows a portion of the original rock wall for which the town of Rockwall Texas was named.

  Rockwall Success - May 28, 1886

  The greatest wonder that we have to record this week is the finding of a petrified human skull. While at work last Saturday, Ben Burton unearthed with his plow, a gigantic skull, fully as large as a half bushel. The staring sockets wherein the eyeballs once rolled were as large as a half-gallon cup. Some few of the jaw-teeth still remained; one of them about an inch thick by two inches long. This goes to prove that this county was once inhabited by a race of people that would be wonderful to look at now. Dr. Wiggins thinks it is the skull of some ante-diluvium giant, that would have weighed at least 1000 pounds. Anyone wishing to see this mammoth skull can do so by calling at The Success office, as Mr. Burton says he will leave it there for inspection. –– Sam Slick

  Rockwall Success - June 4, 1886 No. 19

  Wonders will never cease. Immediately after it was generally known that Mr. J. B. Burton had found the gigantic petrified skull, a large crowd collected and set about making an examination of the surrounding ground. Spades, picks, and axes were plentiful and in use. Mr. W. R. Grier might have been seen pounding the ground with a huge hammer, and intently listening after each successive blow, when he was heard to call out, “This way boys!” There was a general rush to his position. “Listen, boys,” said Grier as he brought the hammer down with a heavy thump on a large flat rock.

  Mary Pattie (Wade) Gibson, granddaughter of T.U. Wade (who was one of the founders), gave further historical details regarding what her grandfather and other men did. It is reported that there were cubicles or rooms constructed of stone that you could walk into and reach a corridor that seemed to run in a direction into the hill in which the town square now sits above. She told of an incident in 1906 of two unidentified men digging out the corridor that had apparently been filled with erosion. Their intent was to reach a room full of gold according to Indian legend. The ceiling of the corridor had steep slopes (describing a Gothic-type arched ceiling, much like the Maya built). As the two men excavated further into the corridor, the steeper the slope of the ceiling became and, consequently, the men abandoned the site in fear of structural collapse. Here is the back story of the rock wall according to Mrs. Gibson:

  To the astonishment of all, the hammer slipped from Grier’s hands, and after a short interval, was heard to strike something below that had the clear distinct ring of metal. Now the wildest excitement prevailed. A lantern and rope were quickly brought, and the earth was rapidly cleared away. The hole in the rock, which proved to be slate, was enlarged and the lantern was let down into the murky darkness. At last Messrs Burton, Grier and J. B. Steger volunteered to descend and explore the mystery. The cavity proved to be a chamber about 60×100 feet square, and 40 feet from the floor to the slate roof through which they had affected an entrance. This roof was supported on pillars of black marble, whose polished sides glittered in the lamplight and made one think of the Orient.

  Later, in 1922, men were digging a water well, when at about thirty-five feet down they discovered an almost perfect square opening through the wall, which has been referred to as a “window.” The opening was two feet square, in a two-foot section of the wall. The total depth of the shaft was 42 feet, but they did not find the bottom of the structure.

  Mrs. Gibson also spoke of her grandfather’s investigation of the wall in which he discovered on the outside that the wall went straight down about 40 feet. Additional information was provided by the daughter of the late Mr. Deweese, an early settler of Rockwall, who described a doorway with a diagonal shaped stone in the wall at the Wade residence on Highway 66. This portion of the wall was open to visitors from 1936 until the late 1940s, but was eventually backfilled because of dangerous structural conditions.

  In 1949, a Mr. Sanders of Fort Worth, Texas, did an excavation of the wall. From this excavation four large stones were brought up with the largest weighing approximately two tons. It is claimed that other artifacts, such as a large stone with possible unknown writing and an animal artifact, have been found at the site. These extremely dense stones have been underground; therefore, erosion has not been the cause of the designs on them. Moreover, there are no other stones or portions of the wall with inscriptions or diagrams that have been discovered to date.

  There are other reports of doorways or windows found in the wall through the past 100 years, such as reported in the Dallas Morning News, 5 November 1967, by Frank X. Tolbert. “Back in the 1920s,” T.H. Meredith said, “a well was dug on his farm just east of the town of Rockwall, and Mr. Meredith declared that the digging went along side a masonry wall which seemed to have an arch over a doorway or window.” Could it be that this is a remnant of some ancient, long lost civilization? Geologists generally believe that it is simply a geological feature called a “clastic” sand dike. It is important to understand, however, that no one knows what this feature is exactly or how it was created.

  Amateur archaeologist John Lindsey is about the only one who has continued investigations since 1996, along with a few excavations, so that we may be able to advance our understanding of the phenomenon at Rockwall. His findings show that there is mounting evidence for the rock wall being man-made. It was hoped that the city of Rockwall would approve a city vote to continue the excavations with hopes of attracting tourism to the city. Regretfully, on May 12, 2012, the city of Rockwall voted the measure down. Unfortunately, there have been no further excavations since the year 2000, nor will there be any to come in the foreseeable future.

  What has happened to these artifacts found throughout the years? The Smithsonian has played a key role in covering up most of the evidence of giants. An article in Ancient American Issue #40, titled, “Holocaust of Giants: The Great Smithsonian Cover-up,” tells of reported giant skeletons that were excavated by the Smithsonian but never shown to the public.(48) And most of the associated artifacts found at Rockwall were whisked away by the Smithsonian, never to see the light of day again.

  I personally have heard about such an account with other artifacts, such as the Malachite Man site in Utah. Skeletons of ten perfectly modern humans have been excavated from 58 feet down in the Dakota Sandstone, over an area spanning about 50 by 100 feet. The bones are partially replaced with malachite (a green mineral) and turquoise, thus, appropriately named “Malachite Man.” This formation is a member of the Lower Cretaceous, supposedly 140 million years old and is known for its dinosaurs and is
the same formation found at Dinosaur National Monument in Vernal, Utah! At least four of the ten individuals are female. One is an infant. Some of the bones are articulated. Some are not, appearing to have been washed into place. No obvious tools or artifacts were found associated with the bones. The bulldozer driver who uncovered the first bones in 1971 expresses certainty that there were no tunnels or cracks in the extremely hard overlying layers of rock.

  In 1998, I was with a team that continued excavations at the site. It was told to us by the landowner that discovered at the site in the 1970s was an intact skull that had turned completely turquoise-colored—even the teeth! According to the original landowner, the Smithsonian found out and asked to “borrow” the skull for “scientific studies.” The skull was never returned. Despite repeated requests through the Freedom of Information Act to simply examine and photograph the artifact, the Smithsonian has adamantly refused to comply.


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