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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

Page 17

by L. A. Marzulli

  Photo by author.

  That’s researcher Ron Morehead near the megalithic site!

  I’ll get right to the point as a picture will speak more eloquently than I ever could. The large boulder you see behind Ron, who is holding his iPad, weighs approximately 120 tons. It was quarried roughly 50 miles away and set here. Look at the other stones around it. All of them have polygonal shapes and weigh thousands of pounds.

  Here is a close-up so you can see the joinery.

  Irene touching “the wall.”

  Near the site of Sacsayhuaman we came to an outcropping of indigenous rock and saw this: a throne! Photo by the author.

  Sr. Brien “Sadistico” Foerster on the “throne.” Photo by the author.

  How was this done? What machine cut into this rock and for what purpose? In my opinion, this carving out of the stone was done by something other than men with copper chisels. Are these “thrones” Brien is sitting on, or is someone practicing with some machine that has the ability to carve rock? At the joints of the interior of the “seats,” the area is rounded, which further adds to the mystery. It’s almost like a giant router was responsible for the work.

  Whatever and whoever carved the stones was able to do so with ease, as the pattern is repeated over and over again on the site.

  In a roped off area overlooking Sacsayhuaman was a strange dais-like structure. It was an arched stonework and its surface was polished. There were steps leading to a small platform. Was this a throne or dais overlooking the stone formations below? Who sat there and why? Notice how the stone has been shaped and cut into the present form.

  Here is a close up of the Sacsayhuaman stone structure. It is composed of andesite quarried 50 miles away and set here. Notice the polygonal shapes. It is almost as if the stones were poured in place, but how does rock become liquid? Were the stones somehow made weightless, and then softened to a marshmallow-like consistency and then pushed into shape? I wonder if there have been core samples taken of the rock?

  I believe it would take a computer to create this, because the stones are shaped not only in front but all through to the other end. In other words, the stones have cuts that we see straight on, but they continue to the other side of the stone.

  There is not one glyph or signature of any kind found on this site and that presents another mystery, as it appears the site itself may be the signature. Whoever built Sacsayhuaman had a technology that has been lost to us today. They were able to cut, transport and shape megalithic stones, some weighing more than 125 tons, and set them in place where they have stood for millennia.

  The dais that overlooks the site is an important feature as well. Here’s some food for thought: was the dais created for the “sky gods” to land on? I want to make it clear I’m not talking about aliens, but Fallen Angels coming down from the sky.

  Megalithic Gateway. Photo by the author.

  A Theory

  Fallen Angels are supernatural beings that I believe were responsible for creating these megalithic sites as well as the genetic manipulation we may be seeing in the case of the elongated skulls.

  Some of you have a preconceived idea of what angels are, so I first need to repair that image. We need to understand that angels are not some Rubenesque, cherubic, romantic representation floating on puffy clouds with harps and halos.

  The word “angel” comes from the Greek word angelos, which means messenger. In the Bible, or what I prefer to call “The Guidebook to the Supernatural,” we see angels appearing out of nowhere. They are capable of killing thousands of men in an instant; for example, the first born of Egypt being slain.

  They can destroy cities. They can manipulate matter, time and energy in ways that defy our physics, as with Peter’s encounter in the jail cell. They can make a person mute for a period of time, and they can also heal. They relay messages and give information to men and women. They can protect people and act as guardians.

  Most often angels appear as men, and as Paul the Apostle tells us, they can disguise themselves so that people entertain them unawares. When they show up, most people wind up on the ground, collapsing in their presence. I call it being short-circuited!

  Here is an excerpt from The Alien Interviews book. It deals with an encounter that Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, had.

  There seems to be a dynamic that we know nothing about and yet are very real when one encounters entities from that realm.

  Here is another story that amplifies my point. This happened almost 2000 years ago and has been handed down to us in the form of an ancient letter. According to the letter, a man named Peter is imprisoned and in chains. An angel appears and suddenly the chains just fall off Peter. Peter, in recalling the event, feels as if he’s dreaming, that what is transpiring cannot be real. Does that echo what we sometimes hear, when people are abducted by aliens? A sense of other worldliness? Is it because of the inherent power of this angelic visitor that somehow affects Peter’s cognitive abilities? Peter is having a supernatural encounter that is beyond the scope of his paradigm. He watches as the jail cell opens of its own accord and he and the angel walk through it. Next, the prison gate swings open and Peter and the angel pass out of the prison. Then the angel disappears.

  Once again, we see objects move without touching them, locks open without keys, doors swing open without assistance and then the angel slips back into another dimension and is gone in an instant. What is at work here? There seems to be a power that is available to those whose natural place is in that realm, but the use of that power seems miraculous to us. In other words, what to us may seem miraculous is in fact normal to these angelic entities from that realm. It would seem that this might dovetail into the concept that there are both good and evil angelic beings. Is there a link between what we see in the UFO/abduction phenomena and these so-called angelic beings? Are we looking at the Fallen Angels interacting with us, in our space-time continuum and, if so, what does it mean for us? Remember just as humans are imbued with five senses and the ability to think abstractly, so these beings from this other dimension have been imbued with attributes, which to us may seem miraculous but are standard operating procedure to them. In other words, these messengers, because that in fact is what they are—the word angel is derived from angelos, which means messenger—have power that is beyond what we can imagine. If there is a war between the opposing factions, as I will demonstrate in the following paragraphs, that doesn’t negate the inherent power of both good and evil entities.

  This is from The Cosmic Chess Match and I’m including it here as it expresses my stance on what is happening:

  I believe that there has been a cosmic war raging in another dimension for millennia and this war is for the souls of men and women. It is beginning to manifest in overt ways here on earth as this unmitigated lawlessness is being driven by an unseen, dark power, the Fallen One, who has been at work for thousands of years.

  However, there is another power that is far greater than this one of lawlessness and it, too, is manifesting. It is the same benevolent power that filled a dark tomb 2000 years ago and raised the only son of the Most High God from the grave.

  These powers, unequally matched as they are, have nevertheless been in a cosmic war. That war will cease when the endgame is set into motion, as the Fallen One, the Serpent, the Dragon, is cast to earth and then gathers the kings of the earth to fight the rider on the white horse, whose name is Faithful and True, who comes with the armies of heaven to end the system of death and destruction that has plagued the human race ever since the fall in the garden, for truly the gates of hell will not prevail…

  So the theory is this: as I mentioned in the earlier portion of this book, we know from Genesis 6 that the Fallen Angels came to Earth and had sexual relations with the women of earth who produced the Nephilim.

  We also know they had technology and that technology was traded for access to the women.

  We also surmise that the Nephilim giants left the Levant before or shortly after
the conquest of Canaan began. They fled to the Americas and perhaps South America, specifically Peru, as well.

  So here’s the “what-if”:

  What if a group of Fallen Angels continued to manipulate the genome in order to create man in his image? What if Fallen Angels set up “shop,” as it were, in certain locations? If that is the case they would have been worshipped as gods.

  Here’s the rub: these Fallen Ones have the same abilities as the good angels, which I refer to above. So that being established, why is it so far-fetched to believe Fallen Angels had the ability to shape and create massive megalithic stone structures, which are not the temples the tour guides and mainstream archeologists would have us believe, but perhaps a communication grid that I believe was used to enslave the human race. This was the reason why the flood of Noah happened and it was a global event.

  I believe this grid existed before the flood and that the Fallen Ones tried to reestablish it after the Flood like they did in Babel and perhaps the Ohio Valley and other sites. We see from the information we received from Kesley Stone of America’s Stonehenge that the henge in New Hampshire was created to link to the Stonehenge in England. This is another reason why this is only volume one of what may be a series, because more research must be done to either confirm this theory or adjust it to the evidence that we find.

  Assuming this theory is correct, and it is just an assumption, we see there was what appears to be genetic experimentation happening everywhere, as in the case in Paracas and also thousands of miles away in the Ohio Valley.

  These megalithic structures were in my opinion created by superintelligent, highly technical Fallen Angels and may have been used to communicate, or perhaps control weather, energy and even cause earthquakes. While this may sound fantastic, we are told in The Guide Book to the Supernatural, i.e., The Bible: “When the son of man returns it will be like the days of Noah.” (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26)

  I have written about this prophecy in all of my books but address it again here because there may be so much more in this verse than any of us have realized until now. If these angels created a grid the first time that was destroyed in the flood of Noah, then are we seeing a “grid” now?

  The answer, unfortunately, is yes! The worldwide grid known as the Internet has now connected the human race in a way that we haven’t seen since the days of Noah. Added to this is the telecommunications and the hundreds of satellites that orbit the earth. We now have the ability to alter the weather and perhaps cause earthquakes, a subject we covered with Brooks Agnew in Watchers 5!

  I believe this current technology will be used to enslave the human race, just like prophecy tells us will happen under the Antichrist, or the one who is instead of Christ. What is coming is truly unprecedented and, as Jesus warns us, men will faint from fear from what is coming on the earth.

  And again, when He admonishes us: unless those days were shortened, no flesh would survive.

  Chapter 12


  We left Cusco, piled into a van and headed into the Sacred Valley with our destination being Ollantaytambo. On the way, Brien led us to a very remote, out-of-the-way museum. The curator, Sr. Renato Davila Riquelme, who is an anthropologist, has in his possession the remains of what may be further evidence of genetic engineering between Fallen Angels and the women of earth. This skeleton was found in a graveyard that had been raided by the juacarros. It was thrown to the side of the grave and looked upon as of no value. This is when Sr. Renato discovered it and his training as an anthropologist kicked in as he realized he was looking at something out of the ordinary. Here are some shots of the skull I took at the museum where Sr. Renato allowed us to remove the plexiglass case to have a better view and a photographic opportunity.

  It is a strange being 50cm tall, deformed head, the fontanelle, or the baby’s soft spot, is still open; however, it has molars. The orbits of the eyes are very large and have the lower jaw with two bumps. (It’s) not a dwarf because its bones are thin and small.

  Photo by the author.

  Photo by R. Shaw.

  Photo by the author.

  Photo by the author.

  Photo by the author.

  I showed this photo to a doctor who informed me that I was looking at a deformed skull due to hydrocephalus. He may be right, but I think he’s jumped to conclusions because the deformity from hydrocephalus is usually a misshapen skull. This creature seems to have a uniformity. Also the eye sockets are very large and there are the two depressions on the mandible—the lower jaw—that shouldn’t be there.

  In order to authenticate the skull, DNA testing must be done. However, as of this writing, this has not been done, so I can’t say at this time what this is. I realize by putting the pictures here I may have erred on the side of the sensationalistic, but if this is not the result of hydrocephalus or some other disease then we have a right to know what it is. As I have stated earlier, the Darwinian paradigm is closely guarded by the “gate-keepers of information,” and any paradigm that might challenge it in any way is immediately disparaged.

  On a closing note, this mummy was found in a necropolis in which other elongated skulls were also found similar to what we find in Paracas. Here’s another example:

  Mandible is NOT part of the original. The skull you see here has only one parietal plate instead of the normal two that a human has. Photo by the author.

  Here are two other skulls that appear anomalous because there are two frontal plates instead of the one that “normal” humans have. It is apparent that the sutures run down the middle of the frontal plate, which to my understanding should not be there.


  What are we looking at here? Are these skulls and mummies medical aberrations or the product of genetic manipulation? If the latter is the case, then is this the result of the Fallen Angels “playing” with the genome? Are they trying to create a hybrid that will have the appearance of humans and yet be somehow “demonically” endowed? Are these skulls another example of Nephilim? Perhaps when and if the DNA testing is done we will have some answers. However, as in the case with the recent Bigfoot DNA testing by Melba Ketchum we see ridicule and dismissal of her findings, and yet they show that the sample did not match any known primate.(65) In my opinion, this once again shows the entrenchment of the Darwinian paradigm that must be upheld at all cost despite recent findings. If Ketchum has the smoking gun, the DNA results that prove there is a large hominid unknown to science—why is it being ignored? Can you imagine if the Wayqui skull turns out not to be fully human? What will the Darwinists say then?

  Chapter 13


  Photo by the author.

  Ollantaytambo sits in the Sacred Valley about a 3-hour drive from Cusco. It is another site like Sacsayhuaman that boggles the mind, as giant megalithic stones—like the ones pictured above—are used to form what I now believe are not temples but are part of the remains of a worldwide grid. This site, which is called The Temple of the Sun, sits atop a mountain overlooking the valley, and, in order to reach it, we hiked up hundreds of stairs.

  I surmise the Inca came afterward and used the ancient site, building upon the remains of the previous structures. It becomes evident when we examine the stonework and see the older stones laid with precision, no mortar and perfect joinery, that the Inca, which is always built on top of the original work, is inferior in every way. This shot is from the site and it shows the stonework the Inca used to create a retaining wall below the original stonework above it. We can clearly see the difference, because the stones above are cut and laid perfectly without mortar. It’s the same building technique we saw in Sacsayhuaman.

  Ollantaytambo Inca retaining wall below the original stones.Photo by the author.

  As I mentioned in the previous chapter, something cataclysmic happened thousands of years ago resulting in the megaliths being thrown down from the site to the valley floor below. Here is another shot showing the ruins of the site:

antaytambo - Temple of the Sun with stones strewn about with Brien Foerster. Photo by the author.

  Some of these blocks of stone weigh as much as 40 tons and were moved from the quarry that is on the other side of the valley. The builders then had to somehow move them another 2000 feet uphill to the site. Here’s a close-up of all that is left of one of the walls on the site. How were the builders able to carve this? Photo by the author.


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